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Everything posted by Ayane.

  1. Welcome to CSBD.Enjoy ur stay!
  2. Salut si Bun Venit.Sper sa iti placa aici!
  3. Welcome.Enjoy ur stay!
  4. Welcome!Enjoy ur stay!
  5. Salut si Bun Venit!Have Fun!
  6. Salut.Bun venit pe comunitatea CSBD.Distreaza-te!
  7. v.2-Blur & Text & Border!
  8. La Multi Ani Loading.I-ti doresc o viata cat mai placuta! Un mic toast!La Multi Ani! ![Cheer's]!
  9. Atunci cred ca e mai bine spus "Bine ai revenit"!
  10. Cum a spus si d3v incearca Minecraft pentru inceput.Daca ai o placa video nasoala iti trebuie un mod numit "Opti-Fine".Am si eu un laptop mai low dar cu acel mod merge.Nu conteaza,mereu mi-au placut episoadele mai lungi.Ca sa ajungi departe cu YouTube-ul trebuie sa ai rebdare si sa fi original.La Minecraft am auzit ca oameni sau plictisit.Toti fac bani din asta.Am sa urmaresc si eu progresul tau.Noroc!
  11. Welcome to CsBlackDevil.Hope u will enjoy here!
  12. v.1-Blur & Text
  13. v.2-Text & Blur
  14. v.2-Text & Blur
  15. Saci like PULSE said some game's can't be finished.CS 1.6 CS:GO and H1Z1 are online game's.These game's don't have story line or walktrough.I will tell u to play these game's made by TellTale game's: 1.TheWalkingDead[season 1-2] 2.Tales from the Borderlands 3.Game Of Thrones These 3 game's have the best story line's ever!
  16. Daca este sa inceapa un rezboi noi suntem deja antrenati.De atata counter-strike d-am un headshot fara luneta! .Suntem in prezent ar trebui sa fim civilizati nu barbari.Nu se va intimpla nimic dupa parerea mea..
  17. Salut si bun venit!Sper sa-ti placa aici!
  18. Welc0me to CSBD.Hope u will stay here! [Have Fun!]
  19. Welc0me to CSBD.Have fun with us!
  20. Welcome to CSBD.Hope u will stay here!
  21. Salut.Bun venit pe CSBD!


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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