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Legend-™ last won the day on July 30 2014

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About Legend-™

  • Birthday 02/20/1996


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  1. Nari mt9olch liya rje3ti t9ser 😮

  2. It's obvious that everyone will defend his server, personally I tried all zm servers they're just the same I don't even find a difference, it's just about where you feel more comfortable and where you get more friends. I voted for thunderzm (old newlifezm) for the reason that they survived after 2 years of problems and hard conditions.
  3. ok then, do you mean that if someone slaughtered your family,kicked you from your house,burned it, and built his own there you will let it go and you'll forgive him just like that?when people will understand that if Hamas retreated, Gaza won't exist on the map then,when will you understand that a war is a conflict between 2 sides while Israel coward soldiers are attacking from distance weaponless civilians, believe me if this happened to another country you will sing all around the world against the aggression, and fight against it whatever it costs, but just because of our different religion you won't, from now on even if i'll see children from other countries dying I won't feel sorry for them, I already lost my emotions toward the others after seeing what happened in gaza.
  4. v.1; smudge effect and c4d well done, shining effect down gave a nice look, except that the text could be better. Good luck.
  5. I would recommend to play Planetside 2 instead of Battlfield 4. Many people ignore this game, it's really an exciting MMO game for free, even TitanFall seems good but people are bored from playing the same games; battlfield, battlfield, COD... note: planetside 2 can be found on steam, it's for free.
  6. Come in Teamspeak man :)

  7. That was 1 month that I wanted to leave the community for studies but I failed, I realized that I'm really addicted. I hope this community will develop, "best gaming community". Happy birthday CsBlackDevil community !
  8. It is normal that every new composition the background will be black , to change your background go into your composition and right-click > New > Solid or Layer > New > Solid and change the solid color to the one you want.
  9. Reject, im busy these days..
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