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Everything posted by BMW e63

  1. I opened already a classic server and i will change it in CSGO REMAKE IFNU WANT TO HELP THe server is pgl
  2. Hello guys i decided after many thought to maybe open another server but that is just if i found 3 Founders who can help with activity and boost ! I got the addons, thr addons it is very unic and would be very po[CENSORED]r quickly Game: cs1.6 Name requested (if the server will be added in our community):FURIEN Slots number:32 Game mode: FURIEN Contact address ( Skype / Steam): pm dont message me if you cant help with activity and boost !! Or 20 euro monthly, i will bring the server top 100 in short time, i guarantee, post in here if u interested.
  3. I do remember now i have faced this problem long ago, you need to change the addons some plugins which you got are made for servers with host at KGB, So my advice is that you either change the addons or you are looking for the plugins made by KGB [IGGI@GTRS] AND REPLACE THEM !
  4. It is saying clearly In ur photo to contact IGOR from GTRS
  5. BMW e63

    probleme cs

    That is not true, that happens when u got an dynamic ip, so your ip is changing every time you restart your wifi/pc the first reply from that guy should help you!
  6. I told you better give ticket for change the host country. Then to sort out this problem.
  7. Try to install the servers from gamepanel, also you made a big mistake the 89 and 93 ip classes from krond doesnt have protection no more. So if u actually pissed of even a kid with the lowest flood setup he will give a shut down to your servers. My advice change the ip class to france or Germany you can do that throu a support ticket on your client account.
  8. BMW e63

    I want server

    You need to actually look after the model, download it and add in the cs 1.6 version which you have. on the next folder Cstrike/Models ad add that model in there.
  9. Congrats guys!! Keep doing it you reach already a very good rank!!
  10. You dont need to give me this informations brother, i know everything.
  11. Game:Cs 1.6 Name requested (if the server will be added in our community): ZmOldSchool.CsBlacKDevil.Com Slots number:32 Game mode: Zombie Plague Contact address ( Skype / Steam): PM via forum other information: If anyone serious and would like to be partner contact via pm or reply here ! PS : if u cant help with money then dont reply, please!
  12. Game:cs 1.6 Name requested (if the server will be added in our community):CsDM.Csblackdevil.com Slots number:32 Game mode:respawn Contact address ( Skype / Steam):pm pe forum sau ts3 sectiunea highlifezm Caut 1/2 fondatori vom pune o suma egala de bani pentru a plati serverul si restul EN Game:cs 1.6 Name requested (if the server will be added in our community):CsDM.Csblackdevil.com Slots number:32 Game mode:respawn Contact address ( Skype / Steam):pm on forum or TS3 highlifezm chanel Looking for 1-2 founder which can pay monthly with me the bills for server.
  13. Guys ? Are even listen to me ? Thank u ...
  14. Its not today its in 3rd of february , do u even listen to me when i am speaking with u?
  15. Man this isn't for addons man... this is how to fix ur steam stuff:|
  16. ø Method of contact (Y!m / Skype):forum /ts3 / steam ø Item(s) on sale: steam Account (Cs:Go - knife skin (falcion knife FADE )+ deagle + hand canon + AWP (Elite build )+Dragon Ball xenoverse +payday2 + rank 11 + many other games check the steam ø Price of the product(s): 200 euro ø Product photo(s): https://imgur.com/a/aHDnf (there is 3 pictures on the link http://steamcommunity.com/id/muad1998 ø Payment method: paypal / western union /moneygram ø Other specifications:rank is mg2 . I can make some discount .
  17. Am eu addonsul lui Lotrul daca esti interesat
  18. Am incercat sa dau de tine in nenumarate randuri poti sa ma cauti te rog??
  19. Cauta-ma sunt o cunostinta veche de alui caludiu
  20. Hi guys , want to put banner from NewSchoolZM and HighlifeZM and when i want to save it , it's apear something about guildlines Somebody can help me ?
  21. Joc: cs 1.6 Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra): STAR / LUPTA / HELLZONE / CSTRIKE ne vom hotari Numar de sloturi:32 Mod de joc: Clasic Contact proprietar, administrator ( Y!M / Skype): aici pm sau steam zebra_9 Caut: Sunt in cautare de inca un partener care poate pune laolalta 20 de euro lunar cu mine ! Vom incerca prin boost si diverse modalitati de al po[CENSORED] !! / I'm looking for a partnerwich can help me with 20 euro per month we will try with boost and other thinks like xredirect from street !! PS : Va astept numai pe cei interesati si care pot contribui cu bani ! / transfer bancare catre sethh sau money gram/western union / Im waiting for people who are interesting and can help with money !
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