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Everything posted by rusu--

  1. Salut! Daca avem printre noi jucatori de pubg , da-ti-mi add , ma gasiti cu nick-ul: rusu-- Hi! If you are a pubg player , add me to your friendlist, my nickname is: rusu--
  2. Ehee baieti, dupa mult timp am intrat si eu pe forum, lucru pe care obisnuiam sa il fac zilnic , acum cativa ani. Ma bucur sa revad prieteni vechi si sa imi aduc aminte de momentele care m.au tinut alaturi de csbd in tot acest timp petrecut in echipa comunitatii. S.au intamplat lucruri, crestem si avem din ce in ce mai putin timp pt hoby.urile noastre, insa nu uitam locul in care ne distram si pierdeam noptile. Tot inainte , CSBD!
  3. My soul`s name is CHRISTIAN

  4. A SM don`t need to lock a complaint on StreetZM , StreetZM have it`s owners , who can manage the forum. I see this topic as an offence heading to CSBD`s staff. I will give you a verbal warn today , but , next time when you will act like this , you will be banned.
  5. CSBD is [CENSORED]in` awsome

  6. Steaua Bucuresti , dar acea sigla si numele "FCSB" nu reprezinta Steaua. Chindia Targoviste , joaca in aceleasi culori pure , rosu si albastru si are in staff doar jucatori si antrenori din zona locala.
  7. Not a reason to open a topic at presentations ( where , only the new members open a topic where they present there selfs )
  8. Salut , am un steam cu cs 1.6 , fara probleme. Astept un PM de la tine sau verifica-mi profilul si vezi adresele unde ma poti gasii. A cumparat de la mine , fara probleme.
  9. Welcome to CSBD , enjoy your stay.
  10. La multi ani Pulse , sa fi sanatos si la punga gros.
  11. Dumnezeu sa ii ierte si sa aiva grija de familiile tuturor victimelor.
  12. Hitler and Antonescu politics was good. Hitler was insane , but was great.
  13. Welcome. You are member from 2014 , it`s a little bit late to make an introduction.
  14. If you want to leave gaming , do it quietly. I saw few " retirement " in the last time made for own advertise. We receive with joy and did not require every member to stay with force on CSBD. Remember , gaming is an hoby , not a duty. If you leave , your account will be available and you can come back whenever you want. On [CENSORED]ure , if someone don`t have time for gaming , don`t create unusefull topics , you will me punished by rules. With all my respect , rusu-- !
  15. [RO] Azi , 14.10 , ESTE ZIUA A LUI ECLIPSE , ) , care de azi are voie la: -Bere -Tarie , orice altceva cu alcool -Fete ) -Filme... porno -Pacanele - etc... , le descoperi pe traseu Eu iti doresc... sanatate si virtute... sa ai bani , sa ai de toate Lasand gluma la o parte , CSBD iti ureaza LA MULTI ANI , toate cele bune si cat mai multe realizari in echipa noastra. [EN] Today, 14.10, IS ECLIPSE`S BIRTHDAY , ) , starting today you are allowed to: -Drink Beer -Any other alchoholic drinks -Girls -Porn -Slot machines -etc... , you`ll discover all on the way of life. I wish you health and happiness. CSBD wishes you Happy Birthday , Long Life , all the good and as many accomplishments with our team.
  16. Merrssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiii BOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSS Va multumesc tuturor celor ce veti lasa reply.
  17. Realy , come on , Israel was saved anyway , like allways , they was in God`s hands.
  18. Salut si bine ai venit.
  19. Am baut si eu "suc de portocale" , ruginesti frate dupa o saptamana. Fara cola.. , viata e pustiu ). Lasand gluma la o parte , cola sau celelalte "sucuri: sunt foarte daunatoare sanatatii , eu incerc sa beau cat mai putina cola , dar mai scap cate o sticla.. Cat despre treaba cu " cola satanizata sau no mohamed & no mecca " , =)) , teoria conspiratiei is alive.
  20. True , most people have a bad lifestile , with unhealthy food , without making sport. If you make sport , one hour every day you will live long and healthy
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