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Everything posted by Mr.Love

  1. Hello Baku, Thank for your request. Unfortunetly you need to increase the activity on our forum and maybe next time your request will be accepted. TC
  2. Request accepted! Congratulations! /TC
  3. Message Alexandru Diaconescu

    Note - VIP 1 lună de zile.


    5,00 EUR


    Daca vezi mesajul, scrie-mi sa iti adaug VIP altfel nu am de unde sti ce cont iti apartine.

    1. Mindsphere.


      😘 Aici, prezent, la datorie. 😄

  4. Applications for the moderator are now open

    Try your chance here:


  5. Servers running  Zombie Plague 6.2 official community addons will be promoted with orange color in the servers list.

    Also same servers will be promoted in the Forums Menu!


    Best server of our community will be promoted with yellow, regardless of addons.


    1. Mr.Bada


      Nice i liked this colour 🧡🧡

    2. FazzNoth


      Nice detail boss 👍

    3. M A N I A C

      M A N I A C

      shouldn't it be like before, like best servers from all different types, like one yellow from all zm types, one from respawn, one from classic..........



    Marching World War 2 GIF by US National Archives

  7. Nu ma inteleg bine cu discordul, din pacate.
  8. I perfectly understand you, but the question is: how these users from recruitment project (Ukraine, Russian, Brasil, Poland etc) help us? They dont visit the forum. They dont visit our cs16 server. They are not donators. Advertisement to bring these users, give us enemies. They are online in ts3, that's all. Was a good point when Mr.Love had that relish for ts3 competition. But now...not.
  9. Hello guys, As you know March come to us with some bills. One of them is the TS3-License bill. Last year we paid a bill for 256 slots, but as you can see the statistics history of our server are not the best. So I am sure that we dont need anymore 256 slots, but wee need to choose between 64 and 128 slots. What you say?
  10. Thank you! Tonight I will finish it! /TC
  11. Hello guys, As you know we lost the GOG category with thousands of topics. Let's rebuild it! If you have printscreens with name of categories, please reply here. Thanks - Adi [ak Mr.Love] - administrator of CsBlackDevil Community
  12. Let's pray for Ukraine!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FazzNoth


      Let us hope Ukraine and its citizens are safe and always with them ❤

    3. Mr.Bada


      all support with Ukraine 🙏😔❤️

    4. B O O G Y M A N

      B O O G Y M A N

      more then 500k got killed in 6 years in syria, more then 100k died in yemen in 3 years 

      Everyone pray's for Ukraine, but why this world doesn't pray for palastine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon...
      Even prayer became a "political purposes"....

      let's pray for everyone who got murdered with no reason 🙏🤲 ❤️ sorry for my aggression 💘


  13. <22:03:17> "Blackfire": Do you can announce it in his profile like? Small gift from black fire to talha
    <22:03:26> "Blackfire": )
    <22:03:27> "Mr.Love": yes



    30 days VIP :)))))

    1. Mr.Talha


      OOhh @Blackfire .

      Thank you my Real and Loyal Friend. 

      <11:58:17> "Blackfire": I gonna gift you something.

      literally i never thought for this VIP GIFT.

      If you need something i am here and whatsapp. 

      and Thank you @Mr.Love  💞

    2. Blackfire


      You are a loyal friend In difficult times, people likes you are very rare in this world, enjoy it ❤️💎

  14. Name: HighLifeZm.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague 6.2] Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Browse: Counter Strike 1.6 Servers Address: Port: 27015 Server Ip: OVH France Addons: ZP 6.2 ( CSBD ) We can deal the price!
  15. In acest caz vorbeste cu ownerul serverului sa iti ofere managercs16 cu acces full pe categorie. Este cea mai simpla optiune. Este contrar regulamentului ca Moderator / global moderator / administrator sa intervii (sa moderezi) pe categoria unui server fara a fi MACAR MANAGER. ( manager, proprietar, co-proprietar etc.) Un moderator / global / administrator poate aplica regulamentul pe categoria unui server doar in cazul in care primeste report de la unul din managerii serverului sau in fine de alt membru in diverse situatii (injurii etc). Trebuie sa intelegem corect responsabilitatile fiecarui grad in parte.
  16. I read all replies from this request. I am totally against of toursim: come -leave - come- leave So, let's see the future!
  17. Rejected! Seems to be no more interest
  18. 4 january https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/37848-axelxcapo/content/page/5/?all_activity=1 => spamm in games https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/37848-axelxcapo/content/page/4/?all_activity=1 => spamm in games https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/37848-axelxcapo/content/page/3/?all_activity=1 => spamm in games https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/37848-axelxcapo/content/page/2/?all_activity=1 => spamm in games From 4 january 2022 at least half from your activity was in GAMES category ( spamm ) Happy to see you, Dexter and others in forum again but let's be serious.
  19. Ok...you came back in 19 january and started with a good activity. You should know that my opinion about old administrators who want to come back as new staff is not so good. They come back for 1-2 months and after that they become inactive. I will give you a chance, the last one. Why I say the last one? So, my eyes are on you!
  20. Hello Dexter, Happy to see you back in the forum. I just checked your activity here an 2 february seems to be the date when you started to create some content. Also in september last years you tried the same thing. I want to see that you are 100% ready for a new staff rank. Also my questions is: if you started to make some content in 2 febarury 2022, why should I see this: They forced you to sing something? Sorry, rejected for the moment and let;s see the future! /TC
  21. https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/1146-akrapovic/ Check your activity and tell me your opinion? Also I want your opinion about your activity in design.
  22. Salutare Masterkill, Ma bucur ca arati interes in a face parte din staff-ul nostru. Insa un rol in acesta presupune cu mult mai mult. A fi activ doar pe categoria serverului tau nu este de ajuns. https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/74474-master_kill/content/page/2/?type=forums_topic O verificare a propriei activitati ai fi putut-o face chiar singur inainte de a posta. Oricum daca ai alte idei prin care ne poti ajuta, scrie-mi in privat si sunt doar ochi si urechi. TC
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