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Everything posted by Mr.Love

  1. Hello guys!


    I am looking for a new administrator to manage the forum and pay the monthly webhost. If somebody is interested please contact me or reply here!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ghost Warrior

      Ghost Warrior

      Saluut, mai este valabil anuntul?

    3. Mr.Love


      Salut @Ghost Warrior,

      Din pacate nu. Accesul i-a fost oferit lui @BMW e63. Vorbeste cu el, poate are nevoie de ajutor. O seara faina!


    4. 么 ANGRRY

      么 ANGRRY

      I want to talk to you about TS3

  2. Anyone good in design? Reply here please!

  3. Capture.PNG



    1. TheDemon.
    2. 么 ANGRRY

      么 ANGRRY

      I remember the days when I went to do my national service and was interested in TeamSpeak, and you wouldn't let me go. Those were the good days.

  4. Good morning, friends!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Profesoruツ


      Good Morning Bro 

    3. -HuNTeR-


      Good Morning  My older brother



      Good Morning

  5. Football kit 😄 



    WhatsApp Image 2023-02-01 at 18.56.35.jpg

  6. Click for details!


  7. Where can I see the solution @Amaterasu イタチ ? You just closed the topic with the message "resolved"
  8. We dressed in Christmas clothes! 

    More details in the below link ⬇️



  9. DH1 is better, even I like also indian music. Good luck both!
  10. More MOODS added: angelic, angry, angry, anime and many others. Check it!

    1. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-


      Gangster mood also put please 😈

  11. DH2 - Wonder Women is my second love 😍
  12. I just updated the MOODS. Do you like them?

    To add more?



    1. Zombie™
    2. walker™


      Sad and broken mood missing there

  13. I'm thinking to play CS:GO again...




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr.Love


      Your english is sucks Vini....xD

    3. Vinicius™


      Sorry Sir 😄

    4. Reus


      Wont be a bad idea =D

  14. Recent status testing

    1. FazzNoth


      Everything seems to have been resolved about viewing statuses in member profiles.

    2. M A N I A C

      M A N I A C

      Yes as FazzNoth said, everything seems fixed because earlier I was not able to see anyone's status but now no issues

  15. Good Night!

    Tired Good Night GIF by Disney

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noticias ALEJANDRO

      Noticias ALEJANDRO

      Good night

      well it's worth domri 🛌

    3. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-
    4. FazzNoth


      @Paul Daniel It means sleep in Spanish but he spelled it wrong.

  16. Hello guys!


    Status updates will be back as soon as possible!

    We updated the forum on IPBoard 4.7 even was in BETA version....so that's the reason.

    Hope you understand!

    1. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      Finally 💪🏻

  17. Do you like bees? These are mine 😄 WhatsApp Video 2022-05-18 at 17.10.21.mp4
  18. Due to the recently conflict from the Ukraine, a lot of payment options in Russia were restricted by the Europeean Union.


    Tv Show News GIF by CBBC

    1. JOYBOY


      Taking Notes GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY point to be noted sir xd

    2. Sxynix


      Be Carefaul next time 



    Happy Birthday GIF by Mickey Mouse



    1. Lynch


      Happy Birthday to CSBD 🎂

      And Congratulations @Mr.Love and other Admins for managing this community ❤️

  21. Ten years ago today, CsBlackDevil Community was founded and within months we joined the top. Little did we know, this would be the start of a remarkable journey spanning one decade. Ten years is a long time and we've continued to adapt with the ever-changing needs of servers managers. I can't express how proud I am of what we've built together. From those humble beginnings working until 2am to growing a creative and talented team around our passion for community. I'm still as excited today as I was back in 2012. We have a few surprises to celebrate our tenth anniversary. We can't wait to share them! I'd love to hear your memories of CsBlackDevil Community! When you visit it first time and for what reason? Please let me know in the comments below. =============================================================================== Acum zece de ani, a fost fondată Comunitatea CsBlackDevil și în câteva luni ne-am alăturat topului. Nu știam că acesta va fi începutul unei călătorii remarcabile, care se va întinde pe un deceniu. Zece ani sunt mult timp, insa noi am continuat să ne adaptăm nevoilor în continuă schimbare ale managerilor de servere. Nu pot exprima cât de mândru sunt de ceea ce am construit împreună. De la acele începuturi umile de lucru până la 2 dimineața, până la creșterea unei echipe creative și talentate în jurul pasiunii noastre pentru comunitate. Sunt încă la fel de entuziasmat astăzi ca și în 2012. Avem câteva surprize pentru a sărbători cea de-a zecea aniversare. Abia așteptăm să le împărtășim! Mi-ar plăcea să aud amintirile tale din comunitatea CsBlackDevil! Când ai vizitat prima dată forumul nostru și din ce motiv? Vă rog să-mi spuneți în comentariile de mai jos. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  22. 1 zombie player mode online?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rainstorm.


      Nu mai este ce a fost Cs-ul Adi, s-a dus vremea cand se juca vara non stop cum o faceam si eu, dormeam 3 ore pe zi, 32/32 zi si noapte, atunci era super, acum trebuie sa investesti o gramada de bani in servere.

    3. Mr.Love


      Ai imbatranit

    4. Rainstorm.


      Vremuri frumoase sa stii

  23. Good morning! Which are you plans for today?

    Buna dimineata! Care sunt planurile voastre pentru astazi?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TreY


      eat fast work sleep

    3. Mr.Bada


      Sport 🌪️🌪️

    4. Mr.Bada


      + Today i teach some words Romania like chiar acum = just now & 1 zile = 1 days ect....

  24. Accepted! I read the reply of @Love Pulse. I hope I will not receive any reports in this way. TC


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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