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Multe se spun despre legendarul domn Love… că la naștere ar fi recitat trei strofe din Baudelaire și ar fi protestat vehement împotriva alimentației lipsite de diversitate, că la cinci ani ar fi făcut prima declarație de dragoste și că la aproape nouă i s-ar fi propus să joace pentru Real Madrid, echipa mică.
HERE I AMTeamSpeak3 Server: ts.csblackdevil.com - Love's Desk (channel)
E-mail address: ady_csbd@yahoo.com / csbdcommunity@gmail.com
Skype: love_cs16
Forum profile: http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/profile/11-mrlove/
FRIENDS LISTI'm the enemy of private profiles
I'm a sociable guy and more open than the gates of heaven
CSBLACKDEVIL COMMUNITY - FROM MAY 1, 2012The CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world with a very high potential, where those who join us will become legends. The CsBlackDevil Community has over 50.000 members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world. For this reason we consider ourselves, an international community where members have the opportunity to know and interact with each other.
To our community belong different Counter Strike 1.6 servers, official and affiliated also listed in gametracker. We offer a wide range of CS 1.6 servers and modes such as: classic, respawn, zombies and fury. We are always looking for servers to join us as affiliate servers but also those who search of buying a new server from us - hosted by KROND SOLUTIONS[ csblackdevil.com], considered official, will receive the necessary support from us.
We also provide a forum section in our community where you have full moderation rights. Our administrator team will be available in case of any emergency and you will always receive the needed help. A modern forum for discussing various topics about games, lifestyle, media, technology, fashion not missing of course championships between players and the best and the latest innovative communication through TeamSpeak3 - http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ .
Also, the servers who belong to our community are always in top 10 on gametracker, considered the best among all Counter Strike servers in the world.
Being part of a community means to belong to a group where the server that you have will become known sooner than if you choose not to collaborate with anyone.Copy from My steam Info Box
Link http://steamcommunity.com/id/love_csblackdevil/
+REP ?