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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2024 in all areas

  1. Adding @GreenBoys to the team. Welcome! Adding @protaa to the team. Welcome! Removing @Planet Problems from the team. If you would like to get back to the team, start posting correctly and respect the rules.
    2 points
  2. Nickname : Horror_Professional Tag your opponent :@MehrezVM Music genre : Song Number of votes ( max 10 ) : 10 Tag one leader to post your songs(only leaders of project): @Dark
    1 point
  3. Hello, from now on if you you'll keep posting in World of games area, either you will do it correctly or you'll start getting warning points for spamming!
    1 point
  4. removed 5 managers looking for the same amount!! if you can be active and help us bring server up you qualify!! Join our discord !! STREETZM POWER !
    1 point
  5. Please add me discord: -Dark#9895
    1 point
  6. Hello everyone, for the admins that keep asking me about upgrades here will be the guide to get Fast Upgrade: 1) you have to do your daily activity (each grade has specific amount of activity) 2) stay on server in night and early morning times (this will make your upgrade faster) 3) Help players in server and be active in our forum section WORLDZM (don't ask for upgrade, managers know the right time to do it) Here is amount of activity for grades: Founder: 900 Minutes Daily. Owner: 800 Minutes Daily. Co-Owner: 700 Minutes Daily. Pre - Manager: 600 Minutes Daily. Elder: 500 Minutes Daily. Semi-Elder: 400 Minutes Daily. Moderator: 300 Minutes Daily. Administrator: 200 Minutes Daily. note :This is for admins who want to increase their rank with gaming activity etc, It is strictly forbidden to be an admin on another server.
    1 point
  7. Adding @Planet Problems to the team. Welcome! Adding @SHinCHaN to the team. Welcome!
    1 point
  8. Removing @Mr.Shehbaz from the team. Adding back @GL HERO SHIMA to the team. Welcome back! Adding back @Dean Ambrose™ to the team. Welcome back! Adding @HorrorProfessional to the team. Welcome!
    1 point
  9. Adding @Mr.Shehbaz as a VGR member. Welcome to the team!
    1 point
  10. Removing @Noticias ALEJANDRO from the team. Thank you for your efforts!
    1 point
  11. Adding @Shyloo as a VGR member. Welcome. Removing @RAIDEN ™ from the team. Retirement.
    1 point
  12. Removing @JELANI from the team. Retirement. Thank you for your efforts!
    1 point
  13. @RAIDEN ™ Has been added to our team. welcome...
    1 point
  14. Adding @7aMoDi as a VGR member. Warmly welcoming you to our team! Removing @King_of_dark from the team. Thank you for the work you've done!
    1 point
  15. Opponent's Nickname : @MehrezVM @Mr.Daniel Place an imagehttps://www.pexels.com/photo/scenic-view-of-waterfalls-1598073/ Type of work : Scenry Text : Free Dimensions:2921x1948 How many total votes ?: 10 Work time: 30 hrs
    1 point
  16. Since Mehrez isn't participating, and the other use's last seen was about 4 months ago, this battle is canceled. @Horror_Professional If you wanna start a battle, start it between yourself and an opponent, do not mention people and make them battle. Also, mention active users who have a knowledge about design, not random people. Canceled. T/C.
    1 point
  17. A battle is supposed to be competitive which in this case is not + i am not participating until there is rules about voting . Rejected.
    1 point
  18. Removing @MF™Maviea for his lack of activity / interest. Downgrading @King_of_dark for his lack of activity for a co-leader & skipping his daily tasks!
    1 point
  19. Adding @MehrezVM as a VGR member. Welcome back to the team. Removing @Scarleth from the team. Retirement. Removing @Osiris from the team..
    1 point
  20. Promoting @TheWild ™ to Co-Leader, well deserved upgrade! Keep up the good work.
    1 point
  21. Removing @GL HERO SHIMA from the team, reason: 0 activity.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Promoting @Noticias ALEJANDRO to Co-Leader. Congratulations and keep the good work up!
    1 point
  24. Do Not Vote These Maps In The Night Or When The Server Has Fewer Than 22 Players! Vote It Only During Daytime And When The Server Has 22+ Players. zm_af_infinit zm_aztec_infinity zm_battleground_foda zm_csdark_cinder zm_dark_mini zm_defense zm_deko2 zm_deko_csf zm_dust_winter zm_dust_world zm_dusty_camp zm_evil_dustnight zm_effect_evil zm_gold_dust_vipee zm_houses zm_ibero zm_ice_attack zm_ice_attack2 zm_ice_attack_vip zm_iceworld_humans zm_inferno_small_fix zm_killdust2 zm_long_night_v2 zm_mkdust2 zm_queens_d2 zm_restart_v3 zm_skin zm_snow zm_snowbase zm_snow_mix zm_snowbase_bnzk zm_snowbase2 zm_snowbase3 zm_snowbase4_zp zm_snowbase5 zm_snow_s1h zm_tonga zm_toxic_house_vk zm_ugc zm_ugc2 zm_ugc3 zm_ugc_virus zm_vendetta zm_vip_gray zm_winterdust_mini zm_xopom_town zm_zhell zm_zombice zm_zombust Only Vote These Maps When The Server Is In Nighttime ( Jordan - Time ) Or When The Players Are Lower Than 22. Also You Can Vote These Maps In The Daytime / Or When The Server Is 32/32 zm_2010 zm_2day zm_3rooms zm_adytzasfantu zm_antidote zm_aztec_defense zm_big_vk zm_canabys_glass2 zm_canabys_snow zm_clinic zm_cross zm_csdevils zm_csbd zm_dust2_2k15 zm_dusts zm_dusts_winter zm_egypt_v3 zm_extend zm_farra zm_foda_v2 zm_foda_remake_v3 zm_fortuna zm_fortuna_rmx zm_fox zm_fox_v2 zm_fox_v3 zm_fox_v5 zm_franqeeto_final zm_five zm_killer zm_gbox zm_gbox3 zm_gbox5 zm_gbox6 zm_gbox7 zm_glass_attack6 zm_glass_vk zm_good_kamp_v2 zm_ice_attack3 zm_ice_attack5 zm_ice_devil2 zm_ice_vk zm_long_glass zm_profesoru zm_sand zm_sand_brick zm_snow_vk zm_snow_vk3 zm_snow_vk4 zm_snow_vk6 zm_snow_volta zm_stz zm_trakinax_tubo zm_uzzy zm_walkingdead zm_x1 zm_303 zm_colormadness zm_laf zm_minecraft zm_talvisota zm_ez2 zm_snow_attack_dd zm_dev_colours
    1 point
  25. @-J3SUS- @AZ3ARR (Developerd) @-Maviea™ @dark professional (SaMuRaI) @Devil.Killa @GL HERO SHIMA @Oktyper @MyStIC @Planet Problems @ZA3TAR
    1 point
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