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  10. - Everyone Here ways to claim free points! Way ---> 1 - Claim points from join the discord server! - Join discord server and talk some manager to claim your 2000 free points! Click here to join and get it Way ---> 2 - Just request tag and claim points! - Go to request tag and talk to manager who set your tag and claim from him free 500 points! Click here to request Way ---> 3 - Just playing on the server and claim free points! (I fevorite this way) ☺️ - If you played from now on your time played 》》》 1 - +30 Hours = 1500 points. 2 - +50 Hours = 3000 points. 3 - +100 Hours = 7000 points. Way ---> 4 - Just play every day and claim points! - Play for 1 hour and claim 100 free points every day! (Maximum is once and 100 points per day). - (Notes): 1 - For the first way >> - If you joined the discord server with a lot of accounts or with one account you will get a 2000 points. 2 - For the second way >> - You must got accepted on your tag request for claim the 500 free points. - The gift on the request the tag not on the request change tag. 3 - For the third way >> - Take Screenshot to your hours played befor a playing and after it in gametracker.rs/gametracker.com. - If you want to play +50 hours on your time and get the 3000 points example or play +100 hours on your time and get the 7000 points youll not get the 1500 points on +30 hours in the first case. and in the second case youll not get the 3000 points on +50 hours or 1500 points on +30 hours. 4 - For the fourth way >> - Maximum of the time can be afk in this hour per day is 30 min. - (Important): Gametracker link: Click Here - If you didn't followed the notes you will not get any points. - If you followed the notes and want to claim some points talk with: @Abo 3Nater. (Except the tag request & the daily points). - In daily gift you can claim your points from manager who in the server, if dont there some manager talk @Abo 3Nater. - And in the tag request gift, you must claim the 500 points from the manager who gave you the tag. - My Discord: abo3nater_30066
    3 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Accepted. Your English skills aren't as good as it should be, but I'll accept you since we are in need of admins. I will decide if I should keep you in our staff or not in the next 48 hours, you said you can be active up to 15 hours, I wanna see if that's true. Send me your info via PM or discord: saad.tebba
    2 points
  13. Administrators and managers must enter this here when they enter the server.
    1 point
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  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. The 2024 Tesla Cybertruck is more aerodynamic than it looks, and it's roll-top tonneau cover plays an essential role. We tested the Cybertruck with the top open and closed; the latter position provided a 10 percent improvement in consumption during our 75-mph steady state test. Our tests show the Cybertruck's real-world range drops from 250 to 225 miles with the top open; driven at 65 mph with the top closed, we predict a range of 295 miles. The Tesla Cybertruck is more friendly to the air than you might imagine. The front end was always going to be a challenge, but the prototype’s flat nose was changed to a subtly curved front panel that helps the air bend around the forward flanks. What’s more, the front flares have been carefully shaped to create a small, deliberate vortex that helps to further encourage the flow to bend smoothly around those abnormally sharp front corners. The prominent wiper acts like a fence that directs air over the top instead of allowing it to swirl down onto the driver’s window, so wind noise isn’t as turbulent as you might guess—for the driver, at least. Underneath, the Cybertruck's belly is much smoother than any ladder-framed truck could ever hope to be, with minimal openings and fairings to smooth the flow over the suspension’s lower control arms. Arguably the most surprising aspect about the Cybertruck's aerodynamics is how naturally well-suited the angular-looking aft end actually is. The rearmost flanks taper gently like some kind of raindrop, which is the most naturally aerodynamic shape. Thing is, the abrupt truncation at the tailgate is actually quite good aero-wise. Wunibald Kamm (of Kammback fame) once demonstrated that such an abrupt cut-off would essentially trick the majority of the air flowing over such a body into continuing on a laminar path, thereby reducing drag more than a smoothly rounded design might achieve. Of course, the Cybertruck's roll-top tonneau cover is essential to all of this, so we conducted 75-mph steady state tests with the tonneau closed, open, and with the tonneau and tailgate open together to presumably create an exit for the air “captured” by the exposed bed. We also wondered about the effect of the wheel caps, so we repeated our tonneau-closed runs with them off. We tested the Cybertruck's 834-hp tri-motor Beast model on 35-inch all-terrain tires, and ran it in the configurations mentioned above around a 6.6-mile oval track so we could eliminate any wind effects, which would have been significant for straight-line testing because it was a very breezy day, and we reset and recorded the truck’s internal cumulative consumption meter as we passed by a fixed marker on the track. The meter outputs real-time consumption in watt-hours per mile to three digits, and we recast this number in kilowatt-hours per 100 miles, which is a more standard format of this consumption unit. The result? Consumption averaged 58.3 kilowatt-hours per 100 miles with the tonneau closed versus 64.2 kWh/100 mi with it open. This 10 percent increase in consumption suggests our 250-mile range test result would have been 225 miles with the tonneau open. Opening the tailgate at this point didn’t represent a meaningful change, as that measured 64.0 kWh/100 mi. Meanwhile, running with the wheel covers removed and the tonneau closed amounted to a tiny loss of just 1.7 percent: 59.3 kWh/100 mi instead of 58.3 kWh/100 mi. Aerodynamic drag obviously changes drastically with speed, so we repeated some of our runs at 65 mph. Consumption dropped from 58.3 kWh/100 miles to 49.3 with the tonneau closed. That's a 15.4 percent reduction in consumption that suggests a 65-mph range of some 295 miles. Velocity-related aero benefits are consistent across a range of configurations, so it’s no surprise that our 65-mph bed-exposed run improved by a similar 15.6 percent, consuming just 54.2 kWh/100 miles at 65 mph instead of 64.2 at 75 mph. Moral of the story: run with the tonneau closed. It’s more efficient, and the visibility “benefit” of the inside rear-view mirror isn’t all it’s cracked up to be because the view is way too pinched and slot-like. The camera system does a better job, as it turns out. And if you can run a few mph slower, do that too if you want to further boost your available range. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a60200909/2024-tesla-cybertruck-aerodynamics-affect-range-tests/
    1 point
  20. Nick movie: FOREST FIGHTER | Jason Statham USA Hollywood Full English Action Movie | Hollywood English Movie Time: 1 hour and 40 Netflix / Amazon / HBO: N\A Duration of the movie: Zombie Movie Trailer:
    1 point
  21. Artist: Omar Kamal Real Name: Omar Birth Date /Place: 30 September 1985 Age: 38 Social status (Single / Married): Married Artist Picture: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia0035.elcinema.com%2Fuploads%2F_315x420_b04cc1e4cc74a8ff7280bbb18ecee7bd18118a02f0fcc9631118cd756f106bbe.jpg&tbnid=NZQ1kMYJRD2DMM&vet=12ahUKEwi5nqzJgPuEAxUujycCHY78B7sQMygAegQIARBL..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Felcinema.com%2Fen%2Fperson%2F2183302%2F&docid=mjRzJx0FKtLfxM&w=315&h=420&q=omar kamal&ved=2ahUKEwi5nqzJgPuEAxUujycCHY78B7sQMygAegQIARBL Musical Genres: N\A Awards: N\A Top 3 Songs (Names): يلا نعمل لغباطيطا \ حاسبي يا قلبي\ انت معلمه Other Information: Good Singer
    1 point
  22. Nickname: Old Grade New Grade: Reason: Proof (optional): NOTES: Only GlobalZM Managers have the right to post in this topic. This topic is specified for upgrades only.
    1 point
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  24. See you .... Good Luck you have good activity , keep up
    1 point
  25. Keep being active and you will go far as a moderator, respect the community rules and respect the rules of each project, good luck!
    1 point
  26. مبروك ليك انشاء الله تبقا موديراتور
    1 point
  27. Hello, You are doing a great job with your activity, i admire that. Just make sure to develop your skills in way of posting topics, and make sure in case you got accepted to maintain the same level of energy as it is now.
    1 point
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  31. happy bday love <33 allah y3tik floss w sa7a :* be good brother
    1 point
  32. You have dirty mouth mate, we don't need members like you here, All your accounts banned RIP racist
    1 point
  33. Hello everyone Here you can vote for our server to support it: https://topg.org/cs-servers/server-662897 https://thegamestracker.com/vote/49 Please everyone who can vote on both links can do so once every 12 hours. Just solve the captcha, and press the vote button Don't forget to share your vote with us!! ❤️
    1 point
  34. Admin Commands zp_points zp_bombardier zp_reptile zp_hybrid zp_samurai zp_terminator zp_maestro zp_sonic zp_biohazard zp_massacre zp_gift amx_immuneoff amx_immuneon zp_eclipse zp_sniper zp_survivor zp_assassin zp_nemesis zp_giveap zp_allammo zp_jetpack zp_jettoall amx_addfake amx_map amx_reloadadmins amx_reloadvips amx_eliminate amx_blacklist zp_plague zp_lnj zp_nightmare amx_destroy zp_swarm zp_avs zp_multi zp_human zp_respawn zp_zombie same as Administrator amx_kick amx_gag amx_ungag amx_addban amx_banip amx_freeze amx_unfreeze amx_psay amx_votemap amx_last amx_showip amx_t amx_ct amx_spec amx_slap amx_slay amx_nick amx_unban y@ Edited By @7aMoDi
    1 point
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