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القوانين الخاصة باللاعبين السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهُ أخواني اللاعبين العرب Gag - كتم اللاعب من الشات اللاعبون الذين يستمرون في نشر البريد العشوائي ( اسكات لمدة 6 دقائق ). اللاعبون الذين يهينون / يسيئون ( اسكات لمدة 12 دقيقة ) اللاعبون الذين يسيئون باللغة الانجليزية او اي لغة أخرى ( أسكات لمدة 12 دقيقة ) ( اسكات لمدة 6 دقائق ) كلام مهين وغير محترم واستهزاء مثل كلمة Noob - idiot نوب , غبي او اي كلمة مهينة وغير محترمة. ممنوع التكلم بالسياسة ومناقشة الأمور السياسية وسب بعض الدول الأخرى الذي يعطل اسلوب اللعب العام أو الذي يشعر بعض اللاعبين بالانزعاج منه على السيرفر. Slap - صفع اللاعب او تحريكه اللاعبون الذين يكونون تحت الخريطة او فوق الخريطة في مكان لا يستطيع الزومبي \ البشر الوصول اليه ( الحد الأقصى 3 صفعات ثم قتل ). ( الزومبي الذين يخيمون او يختبئون ويكونون سبب في إطالة الجولة ( تحذير 3 صفعات ثم قتل. Slay - قتل اللاعب او ذبحه إذا اشترى لاعب ما مود , يجب عليك الانتظار جولتين لشراء المود الخاص بك، اذا اشتريت مود ولم تنتظر 2 جوالات تاخذ قتل. اللاعبين الذين يمنعون اللاعبين الاخرين من التحرك او زومبي يقوم بتخييم ياخذ قتل. Nemesis .إذا اشترى شخص ما مود زومبي وقتل الجميع وقام بحماية العدو ياخذ قتل اعطاء القتل المجاني في ( راوند الهرمجدون - Armageddon Round ) في مود زومبي Nemesis ممنوع واذا فعلته تاخذ قتل. اللاعب الذي يطلق النار ويضرب الليزر ماين او يكسرها ياخذ قتل ( /lm ). أستخدام الليزر ماين على اللاعبين الأفك ممنوع واذا تم استخدامه يأخذ قتل (Laser Mine) on Afk Zombies مسموح فقط في المود البشري سرفايفل ( Survivor ). أثناء مود ( راوند الهرمجدون - Armageddon Round ) اي لاعب يستخدم مود الزومبي ( Nemesis ) ورتبته اقل من رتبه Co-Owner , سوف يقتل بالذبح. Freeze - تجميد اللاعب الزومبي الي ما يهجم في هذه المودات (Plague, Nightmare, Sniper, Survivor, Swarm) يحصل على تجميد ثم يقتل بالذبح. الزومبي الذي يعمل كامب بالماء يعني يبقى بالماء ولا يخرج سيحصل على تجميد بالبداية ثم ذبح بالثواني الأخيرة. Ban - الباند ( 60 دقيقة , ساعة ) اللاعب الي يعمل اعادة دخول للسيرفر بعد حظره من الشات يأخذ باند rr.gag. اللاعب وهو زومبي او مود زومبي يلي يستخدم وضع المشاهدة السبكتيتر بالضغط بالكيبورد على M6 سيحصل على باند ( 60 دقيقة , ساعة ). ( 60 دقيقة , ساعة ) اللاعب الي يعمل اعادة دخول للسيرفر وهو زومبي لكي يرجع بشر او لا يموت لانه زومبي rr.zm. اللاعب الذي يستعمل الهكر \ السكربت ( 5000 دقيقة , ثم مؤبد ). اللاعب الذي يقوم بعمل أعلانات لسيرفرات أخرى ( مؤبد ). اللاعبون الذين يقومون بتغيير النموذج من وحدة التحكم ( 60 دقيقة - 120 دقيقة - ثم مؤبد ). اللاعب الذي يسب الله عز وجل او الدين او احد من أفراد العائلة او اي إهانات متطرفة أخرى ( 3000 دقيقة ) اللاعب يلي يعمل ستريف او اس جي اس او بني هوب ( 5000 دقيقة ). Destroy - التدمير اللاعب الذي يسب الله عز وجل او يسب الدين او يسب اي احد من العائلة او اي اهانة أخرى. اللاعبون المدرجون في القائمة السوداء \ المحظورون لاستخدامهم الهاكر او السكربت او يعمل دخول بعد الباند. اللاعب الذي يستعمل الهكر او السكربت. Notes - الملاحظات والنصائح ¤ ممنوع أستخدام اي نوع من الهاكر او السكربت. ¤ ممنوع تستخدم مود بشري قناص او سرفايفل ماب بعد ماب , لازم تستخدم مود بشري ماب بعد ماب ثاني ليس ماب بعد ماب مباشرتاً يعني على سبيل المثال: إذا اشتريت مود بشري قناص يمكنك شراء مود زومبي بالماب القادم ويمكنك شراء مود بشري القناص او اي مود بشري بعد الماب الذي اشتريت فيه مود الزومبي, وبعدها ستستطيع شراء مود بشري. ¤ أيضاً ممنوع أن تشتري 2 مود في نفس الماب, وأذا اخذت مود من الادمن او من السيرفر نفسه, ممنوع ان تشتري مود ثاني والا سيتم قتلك\ذبحك. ¤ تستطيع شراء مود الزومبي ماب تلو الآخر. ¤ الإختفاء او الإختباء إالزامي فقط في مود السرفايفل البشري, اما مود القناص البشري او أي مود بشري ليس ضروري. ¤ ممنوع منعاً باتاً الإهانات والكلمات غير المحترمة, أي أدمن يتم القبض عليه وهو يهين او يسب أي شخص سيتم تعليقه أو إزالته حسب نوع السب والكلام. وسوف يحصل اللاعبون على حظر من الشات. ¤ سيتم طرد أي لاعب/أدمن بدرجة أقل من رتبة الكو اونر بعد البقاء في وضع الأفك لأكثر من ساعة واحدة دون هجوم تلقائي يعني الأفك التلقائي. ¤ ممنوع شراء 2 من المود البشري في الماب والذي بعده يجب ان تنتظر ماب بعده ماب ثم بالماب التالي الثالث تستطيع ان تشتري مود بشري. ( اللاعبيين /الأدمنز سيتم تحذير /قتل / تعليق / إزالة أي شخص تم القبض عليه ). ¤ إذا اعطاك السيرفر مود أياً كان ممنوع تشتري مود ثاني لانه خلص اخذت مود ما يصير تاخذ 2 مود في نفس الماب واللاعب الي يعمل هكذا يتم قتله او ذبحه, واذا اشتريت مود واعطاك السيرفر مود فهذا يعني حظك جيد, ولن يتم قتلك او ذبحك. ¤ ممنوع للاعبين او الادمنز شراء مود في اول ثلاث راوندات من بداية الماب. والي يشتري مود في اول ثلاث راوندات ياخذ قتل او ذبح. ¤ مسموح لك ان تغير اسمك مرة واحدة في الماب. ¤ اسمك يجب ان يحتوي على أحرف انجليزية عادية وليس الكثير من الحروف من اللغات المختلفة لانها غير واضحة مثل لغتنا العربية , او اللغة الصينية وغيرها. تمت كتابته بواسطة : @7aMoDi بتاريخ: 01/08/2024 1445/6/26 (جمادى الآخرة) سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ ، وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ ، وَلا إِلَهَ إِلا اللَّهُ ، وَاللَّهُ أَكْبَر @NINJAAAA : تم التعديل من قبل بتاريخ: 5/26/20244 points
Like @7aMoDi said: You are #Unbanned! The next time be respecteful + respect the rules for avoid bans! Enjoy! T/C.3 points
¤ Numele tău:zDxmon ¤ IP-ul dvs. - Adresa: | STEAM_0:1:556337366 | Romania | Draganesti-Olt ¤ Dvs. Steam - ID: ¤ Motivul pentru care ați fost interzis:strafe ¤ Administratorul care v-a interzis:7aMoDi ¤ Momentul la care ați fost interzis:you said 2 times i make strafe even ur teammates said i make strafe is the exact same problem like necro if u have wood pc dont told other people do strafe if i use my a and d slowly and get speed not my problem make a command to dont let u do strafe on server or put fps max on server not my problem and this amodi have a problem with me i see ur banlist only ban for strafe and sgs man u banned a guy who made a duck and said he make sgs u seriosly if i do a little a d dosent mean i do strafe man i cant just stay like a bot or to run from zombie i just keep parachute and a and i get speed dont ban for strafe anymore if u dont know what that is if its like that you wolud ban all server for strafe 😄 happy new year ¤ Dovezi - (Captură de ecran/Demo):he post it when im doing "strafe" 🙂2 points
@Blexfraptor Added to group of Moderators + Project Leader. @Mr.Daniel Added to group of Moderators + Project Leader. Reminder: If you want to upgrade to the next Global Moderator rank, you must enter 2 more project.2 points
2 points
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1 point
1 point
1 point
Theme: Text: AOTW Don't forget to put the watermark Vectors: - Effects: - Registration time: until 14/01/20241 point
1 point
Experienced and old school designers if they return will be returned to the rank co-leader and will have a trial for 1-2 weeks, depending on the activity. Leaders will be those who have been with us for a long time with experience and confidence, as a guarantee of their work they will receive a Moderator in the forum as a reward for their effort and their work as a designer in the community. If the leader and the moderator have inactivity for 3-4 days, they will be removed directly. It will not be necessary if you have another project, design activity will be enough for your future Moderator. Idea: That the community is very active in requesting avatars and that they learn to be professional community designers. Authorized by the owner of the community @S e u o n g.1 point
Unbanned, I will give you a chance but please don't do strafe again and read the rules very good to avoid the mistakes. thank you, Enjoy.1 point
If I say something they take me straight to jail :v1 point
I told you to stop using Necro's name as an excuse because Necro was strafe and he stopped.1 point
1 point
and about that im actualy trying to not doing and sorry what means strafe1 point
Necro doesn't do this, stop defending yourself using Necro's name. Because this will not benefit you or make the managers pity you.1 point
even necro do the same why u dont ban him a lot of people do the same u dont ban them why u ban me ?1 point
The survivors-like genre is perfect for mobile considering the simplicity of the gameplay. The latest addition to this party is Pickle Pete from Frojo Apps. The game is a 2D survival affair about a mutated pickle. Each world comes with a series of levels made up of small contained arenas. You start off with just one weapon and whatever gear you've equipped to fight the hordes as they emerge from the ground. Things get hectic pretty fast so you'll need to make sure you always have a way out of a tight spot, otherwise you'll find yourself in a pickle. It's quite common to name a piece of media after the character, and sometimes that's all you need. Pickle Pete keeps things simple and you can fill in the gaps easily. You are Pickle Pete, a mutated pickle that may or may not be the size of the average human. He has been altered to be able to wield a variety of weapons effectively. This is because he seems to be the only line of defense against waves of undead and mutant monsters rising from the earth. Pickle Pete will need to stay on the move as he grows as many arms as possible to get a full 360-degree attack range. It may seem that there's not a lot to a survivors-like game, but the trick is to make it entertaining. Pickle Pete does this in a variety of ways. The most notable is the art style. It has the charm of a flash game while still feeling modern. The most amusing part is how the titular character will continuously grow additional arms as he gets more weapons and each one has a distinct animation. The enemies are another point in its favour, with each managing to avoid overlapping and giving you a headache. Then there's the sheer variety, which is another aspect of a good survivors-like. Pickle Pete has an appealing look, but you can customise him however you want. Playing through levels will unlock additional clothing items and weapons to add to your loadout. In addition to each piece having a different style, they also come with their own perks which only improve as you level up. The game is also quite generous with the number of rewards you can earn without playing feeling like a grind. Pickles are a common food, but not everyone likes the taste and not everyone will like the design of Pickle Pete. An issue that quickly becomes apparent is the size of the arenas. Each level is the same (based on the world's theme) with the only change being the type and number of enemies that appear. Though they start off slow, it's not long before things get crowded. Best survival games for iPhone and iPad This is to be expected in survivors-like titles, but here it can pose a problem. Not only is the space limited, reducing your options, but Pickle Pete himself is not the most manoeuvrable guy. He's a bit slow and will have a lot of trouble weaving through the hordes as time goes on. The fact that he also has a sizable hitbox makes him a pretty big target to take lots of hits in a matter of seconds. Pickle Pete is a 2D survivors-like affair about a mutant pickle with enough arms as weapons fighting against mutant undead forces. It works well for mobile with an amusing graphics style and lots of customisation options. It has issues that come from the combination of a restricted playing space and a big slow protagonist. But, if you find yourself in a market full of zombies, you should grab a jar of Pickle Pete. https://www.pocketgamer.com/pickle-pete/review/1 point
After sharp-eyed Magic: The Gathering fans cried foul over a recent promotional image's seeming use of generative AI, Wizards of the Coast initially asserted that it was fully human-made. However, just two days on Wizards has deleted the offending marketing post and acknowledged that generative tools were used in the image. The picture in question situated five new MTG cards (with their human-made bona fides, at least, not in question) on a desk in a steampunk-flavored apothecary-come-bookstore. All well and good, but minute details in the image showed telltale signs of it having been made with AI tools, namely the filaments in the lightbulbs, some of the wiring on the desk, and ticks on the pressure gauge. It's all in line with image generation tools' consistent failure to render fine detail like fingers, teeth, and text. That'd be a bummer on its own, but this comes after Wizards of the Coast swore off AI art entirely following its controversial use by a longtime freelancer in a Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook. Wizards initially denied that the MTG promotional image was made using generative AI tools, stating: "We understand confusion by fans given the style being different than card art, but we stand by our previous statement. This art was created by humans and not AI."Magic fans were not convinced though, and even some artists who work with Wizards of the Coast expressed alarm and dismay. Illustrator Jason Rainville stated that he was considering alternate sources for commissions if Wizards would be pursuing this tech despite its prior statements, though the artist has since retracted that criticism following Wizards' admission and promise to do better. Artist Dave Rapoza, on the other hand, declared he was done working with Wizards of the Coast entirely: "You can't say you stand against this then blatantly use AI to promote your products, emails sent, goodbye you all!" On Twitter, Wizards of the Coast stated that the image background was sourced from a third-party vendor, and claimed that "It looks like some AI components that are now popping up in industry standard tools like Photoshop crept into our marketing creative, even if a human did the work to create the overall image." Wizards elaborated further in a statement on its website: "We already made clear that we require artists, writers, and creatives contributing to the Magic TCG to refrain from using AI generative tools to create final Magic products. What’s now apparent is that we need to update the way we work with vendors on creative beyond our products—like marketing images we use on social media—to make sure that we’re supporting the amazing human ingenuity that is so important to Magic. "Along with so many others, we also want to get better at understanding whether and how AI is used in the creative process. We believe everyone benefits from more transparency and better disclosure. We can’t promise to be perfect in such a fast-evolving space, especially with generative AI becoming standard in tools such as Photoshop, but our aim is to always come down on the side of human made art and artists." The issue of a third party artist or vendor using AI tools without disclosing such definitely seems like a tricky one for companies like Wizards of the Coast—it was, after all, the reaction against artist Ilya Shkipin's use of the tools in the Glory of the Giants sourcebook that prompted Wizards to take firm stand on the issue in the first place. Wizards of the Coast has a real incentive to get this right. As important as its rules, systems, and worldbuilding are, one of the main things it's selling with Magic cards and tabletop sourcebooks is art—if the art Wizards sells becomes devalued by shoddy AI work while the company's relationship with illustrators is poisoned in the process, that's a huge problem. The company's initial firm denial is upsetting, but that aside, I think Wizards has made the right call by retracting the art, admitting that it was created with generative AI, and outlining how it will avoid mistakes like this in the future. The flood of low-quality AI art on the internet seems to be creeping into commercial use, and it feels like we've all been deputized to try and suss out what's real or fake, not unlike how we've all become accustomed to having unprecedented media literacy when it comes to discerning misinformation out there on the world wide web. Sometimes that can lead to false positives, like with another piece of D&D art that was accused of being AI generated before getting exonerated last month. And we're just getting started: some commenters online have accused Apex Legends of using AI generation for key art in a recent trailer for its Final Fantasy Rebirth crossover event, while tablet manufacturer Wacom pulled a promotional Twitter post that was accused of having used AI art. We are one week into 2024, but the burgeoning "AI revolution" has me thinking we're in for a long year indeed. https://www.pcgamer.com/wizards-of-the-coast-reverses-course-admits-to-using-ai-in-promotional-image-well-we-made-a-mistake-earlier/1 point
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Rejected! The proofs are clear, teaming up or give free in Armageddon is not allowed. T/C.1 point
Binds Para Artículos Con ammo Primera Página: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 1" // Vision Nocturna bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 2" // Granada De Explosión bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 3" // Granada de fuego bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 4" // Granada Helada bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 5" // Granada asesina bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 6" // Francotirador AWP Magnum bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 7" // M249 Para Machinegun Segunda Pagina: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // Francotirador Automático SG550 bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // Francotirador Automático G3SG1 bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" // Jetpack + Bazuca bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Clip Ilimitado bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" // 100 - Armadura bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" // 200 - Armadura bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 7" // Multisalto +1 Tercera Página: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // Tryder bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // Murciélago bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" / /Ballesta bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Balrog bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" // Escopeta Recortada bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" // XM1014 (Oro) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 7" // M4A1 (Oro) Cuarta Página bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // AK-47 (Oro) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // Águila Del Desierto (Oro) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" // Survivor bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Sniper bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" // Nemesis bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" // Assassin Binds para artículos con puntos Primera Página: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 1" // Doble Daño bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 2" // Ranura Del Servidor (Deshabilitada) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 3" // Habilidades de Sonic bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 4" // 100 Ammo bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 5" // 200 Ammo bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 6" // 300 Ammo bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 7" // Modo Dios Segunda Pagina: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // Ronda Armageddon bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // Bombardier bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" // Hybrid bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Terminator bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" // Samurai bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" // AK-47 (Diamante) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 7" // Reaparecer Binds Para Zombies bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 1" // Antídoto bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 2" // Locura Zombi bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 3" // Bomba De Infección bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 4" // Parpadeo Del Cuchillo Binds para Vips bind "KEY" "say /vm;menuselect 1" // M4A1 Glaciar bind "KEY" "say /vm;menuselect 2" // Reptile bind "KEY" "say /vm;menuselect 3" // Magnum Maestro Si Estás Muerto Y Un Zombi, Todavía Puedes Comprar Estos Artículos bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 1" // Ranura Del Servidor (Deshabilitada) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 2" // 100 Municiones - Paquetes bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 3" // 200 Munición - Paquetes bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 4" // 300 Munición - Paquetes bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 5" // Reaparecer Enlace Para LM bind "KEY" "say /lm" bind "KEY" "plant_mine" bind "KEY" "take_mine" Binds Para Administradores bind "KEY" "say @[Zombie's Go Attack Or 3x Slap -> 1x Freeze -> 1x Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Shoot Other Player's LM Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Place LM On AFK Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Ask For Ammo/Mod/Jetpack/Points Or Gag (6 - 12) Minutes!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Buy Any Mod Before The 4TH Round Has Started!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Block Other Player's Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Zombie's Go Out Of Water Or Direct Freeze!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Go On The Top Of The Map Or 3x Slap -> 1x Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say [You Want To Have A Tag Or Admin? Join Discord! = https://discord.gg/K6Xs7xQMej]" Hola queridos administradores y jugadores de NewLifeZM. Recientemente, recibimos muchos jugadores y personal nuevos, miembros y con esa cantidad de AFK, eso puede llevar a que el servidor sea prohibido, así que lo que te pido que hagas es un enlace simple que te permita atacar y moverte automáticamente, habilítalo cuando Te vas a AFK y puedes desactivarlo cuando quieras volver a jugar. Binds para estar AFK Habilitar el enlace: bind "/" ";+attack ;+forward ;+left" Deshabilitar el enlace: bind "." ";-attack ;-forward ;-left" Información Nota para los jugadores: Cualquier persona que permanezca AFK demasiado tiempo sin usar esos enlaces será expulsado del servidor. Nota para administradores: es obligatorio utilizar Bind, de lo contrario podría provocar su eliminación.1 point
Reglas para usuarios: ¤ ¡El uso de / lm (Mina láser) en zombis afk está prohibido y dará lugar a una matanza!. ¤Está prohibido abusar o congelar nades en mods de asesino, ¡cualquiera que sea atrapado será asesinado directamente ¤ Los jugadores que insulten a Dios / Religión / Cualquier parte de la familia recibirán una prohibición (3000 Minutos). ¤ Está prohibido usar (zp_jetpack) más de 2 veces por mapa (degradado / eliminado). ¤ Los jugadores que cambien de modelo desde la consola recibirán una prohibición (60min - 120min - permanentemente). ¤ ¡Está prohibido el juego entre jugadores y administradores con malas palabras o insultos !. Ejemplo: (Noob. Idiota, cualquier palabra que sea ofensiva o irrespetuosa para otro.) Quien la rompa será castigado con mordaza / prohibición en caso de ser jugador y para los administradores ¡Suspender / Eliminar!. ¤ ¡Esconderse en el Modo Sniper no es obligatorio!. Introducción a las reglas de los jugadores del servidor 1 = Mordaza (Gag) Los jugadores que continuamente envíen spam recibirán una mordaza (6 min). Los jugadores que sigan pidiendo munición / Mods / Jetpack recibirán (Advertencia antes) Mordaza (6 min). Los jugadores que insulten deben recibir una mordaza (12 min). Los jugadores que abusen en inglés o en cualquier otro idioma deben recibir una mordaza (12 min). Comentarios insultantes o irrespetuosos, por ejemplo. Noob, idiota o cualquier palabra que sea ofensiva o irrespetuosa (6 min) El contenido político que interrumpe el juego general o que algunos jugadores se sienten perturbados por él no se tolera en el servidor. 2 = Bofetada (Slap) Jugadores que están debajo del mapa (Máximo 3 bofetadas). Zombis que están acampando para extender la ronda (Advertencia 3 bofetada siguiente matanza). jugadores que no ataquen en mod humano (survivor, sniper, samurai, terminator, Magnum Maestro) (3 slaps) 3 = Matar (Slay) Jugadores que bloquean o zombis que campamento recibirán Slay. Después de que un jugador haya comprado un Mod, debes esperar 2 rondas para comprar tu Mod; si compraste un Mod y no esperaste 2 rondas, recibirás un Slay. Si alguien compra a Némesis y mata a todos, pero protégé a un enemigo, recibe Slay. Dar gratis en la ronda de Armagedón con Némesis no está permitido y será seguido por Slay. También se da a quienes disparan e incluso destruyen las /lm (Mina láser) de otras personas recibirán Slay. El uso de /lm (Mina láser) en Afk Zombies está prohibido y dará lugar a un Slay. Solo permitido durante el modo Survivor. Durante Armageddon, cualquier némesis con un grado inferior a Copropietario que no utilice el ataque automático recibira Slay. jugadores que no atquen en mod humano (survivor, sniper, samurai, terminator, crosser) 4 = Congelar (Freeze) Si los zombis no atacan en Mods (peste, pesadilla, francotirador, superviviente, enjambre). Si los zombis acampan en el agua, reciben congelación. Si los zombis Campean en el agua reciben congelación, ¡Se dara slay a el/los ultimos zombies congelados en los ultimos segundos! jugadores que no atquen o campeen en mod humano (survivor, sniper, samurai, terminator, crosser) 5 = Prohibición (Ban) Jugadores que hagan retry después de haber sido amordazados obtiene prohibición (60 minutos). jugadores que usan m6 cuando son zombis obtienen prohibición (60 minutos). Jugadores que hacen retry siendo el ultimo zombi obtienen prohibición (60 minutos). jugadores que usan hacks / scrips recibirán la prohibición (5000 minutos). Los jugadores que se anuncian para otros servidores obtienen la prohibición (Permanente). Jugadores que cambian de modelo desde consola (60min-120min-Permanentemente) Jugadores que insultan a Dios/ Religión/ Cualquier parte de la Familia/ Cualquier otro insulto extremo (3000 Minutos). Jugadores que usan bhop o sgs (5000 minutos). 6 = Destruir (Destroy) Jugadores que insultan a Dios / Religión / Cualquier parte de la familia. Jugadores que están en la lista negra / prohibidos por usar hacks / reconectarse después de la prohibición temporal. Jugadores que están usando hacks Jugadores que cambien de ip/steam id despues de un ban Notas: ¤ Está prohibido utilizar cualquier tipo de hacks / scripts. ¤ Sólo los fundadores - Jefes puede permanecer como espectador en el servidor, otros pueden permanecer alejados. ¤No puedes usar zp_nemesis, assassin si un jugador tiene 120 ammo o más. ¤ Está prohibido comprar un mod humano mapa tras mapa. Los mods humanos solo se pueden comprar cada segundo mapa. p.ej. si compró en un mapa mod sniper, solo puede comprar un mod zombie en el siguiente mapa, y podrá comprar un mod humano nuevamente en el mapa posterior. ¤ También está prohibido comprar/recibir 2 mods en el mismo mapa. Si recibe mod de un administrador o del servidor, no puede volver a comprar mod en ese mapa usando ammo/puntos. en caso de hacerlo recibira slay ¤ Los mods Zombie se pueden comprar mapa tras mapa ¤ Esconderse solo es obligatorio durante el mod de sobreviviente. Durante el mod de francotirador, no es obligatorio esconderse. ¤ Los insultos y comentarios irrespetuosos están estrictamente prohibidos. Cualquier administrador que insulte a alguien será suspendido o eliminado según la gravedad. Los jugadores recibirán una mordaza ¤ Cualquier jugador/administrador con un rango inferior a Co-owner será expulsado después de permanecer inactivo durante más de 1 hora sin autoataque. ¤Si el servidor o un administrador te da un mod, está prohibido comprar otro en el mismo mapa (recibirás slay), si compras un mod y luego el servidor te da un mod, es suerte, por lo que no te daran slay ¤ Se permite el cambio de nombre 1 VEZ por mapa ¤ El nombre debe contener caracteres normales y NO demasiados especiales (árabes, chinos o símbolos) Nuevas reglas: ¤ Cuando un Gerente ya ha publicado un informe, solo ese Gerente tiene derecho a publicar y/ o tomar la decisión final a menos que amerite que intervenga un Daddy Boss. ¤ Aquellos Némesis en el "Mod Armageddon" que no usen (Auto Attack) y tengan el rango más bajo del Copropietario, recibirán matanza directa. [ Todo lo que pueda suceder y no esté en las reglas, lo decidirá la Gerencia ] Actualizado por @Hawk™ 30/12/20231 point
Player Rules Gag > Players who continuously Spam the Chat (6 Minutes). > Players who do Insult (12 Minutes). > Players who Abuse in English or any other Language (12 Minutes). > Insulting or Disrespectful Remarks like (Noob, Idiot) or any other Word that is Offensive or Disrespectful (6 Minutes). > Political Content that disrupts the General Gameplay or that some Players feel Disturbed by it is not Tolerated on the Server. Slap > Players who are under Map or above the Limit where the Zombies/Humans can't reach! (Maximum 3x Slaps then a Slay!). > Zombies who are Camping to Extend the Round (3x Slap -> Slay). Slay > After a Player has bought a Mod, you need to wait 2 Rounds to buy your Mod, if you bought a Mod and you did not waited 2 Rounds you will receive a Slay. > Players who Block or Zombies which Camp will receive Slay. > If someone buys Nemesis and kills Everyone but protects an enemy will receive a Slay. > Giving Free in Armageddon Round with Nemesis is not Allowed and will be followed by Slay. > Those who Shoot or Destroy other Players LM will receive a Slay. > Who buys any mod before the 4th round started receive a Slay. > Using LM (Laser Mine) on AFK Zombies is forbidden, and will Lead to a Slay (It is only allowed during the Survivor Mod). > During Armageddon, Any Nemesis with a Grade Lower than Co-Owner not using Auto - Attack will receive a Slay. > Do not Buy more than 4x Multi Jumps! (VIP - Members Included). > Players who do (SGS / Strafe / BHOP) will be Slayed every round they do this ( Max of 3 times ) and then it will be followed by a 1000 minute BAN - Exception: Magnum Maestro Mod & Massacre Round (Both Humans and Zombies are allowed to do Strafe in these 2x Mods). Freeze > If Zombies Do Not Attack in Mods (Plague, Nightmare, Sniper, Survivor, Swarm) then they will receive a Slay. > If Zombies Camp in Water they receive a Freeze then a Slay if they are the last Zombies in the last Seconds! Ban > Players who Retry after Gag (60 Minutes). > Players who are using M6 when they are Zombie (60 Minutes). > Players who Retry as the Last Zombie (60 Minutes). > Players who are using Hacks/Scrips (5000 Minutes/Permanent). > Players who Advertise other Servers (Permanent). > Players who change the Model from the Console (60 Minutes / 120 Minutes / Permanent). > Players who do (SGS / Strafe / BHOP) will be Slayed every round they do this ( Max of 3 times ) and then it will be followed by a 1000 minute BAN - Exception: Magnum Maestro Mod & Massacre Round (Both Humans and Zombies are allowed to do Strafe in these 2x Mods). > Players who Insult a Religion or God / Any Part of the Family / Any other Extreme Insults (5000 Minutes / Permanently). Destroy > Players who Insult God / Religion / Any Part of the Family / Any other Extreme Insults. > Players who are in the Blacklist/Banned for using Hacks/Reconnect after temporary Ban. > Players who are using Hacks. Notes > It is forbidden to use any Kind of Scripts/Hacks. > It's forbidden to take Human Mod Map after Map. Human mods can only be bought every second Map. That means if you bought Sniper on one Map, you can only Buy a Zombie Mod on the Next Map, you are allowed to buy a Human Mod on the Map after. > it is forbidden to Buy/Receive 2x Mods in the same Map, if you receive a Mod from an Admin or from the Server you cannot Buy a Mod again that Map using Ammos/Points., if you still do it you will receive a Slay. > Zombie Mods can be bought map after map > Hiding is only compulsory during Survivor Mod. During Sniper Mod, it is not compulsory to hide. > Insults and Disrespectful Remarks are Strictly forbidden. Any Admin caught Insulting anyone will be Suspended or Removed depending on the Severity, Players will receive a Gag for this Behavior. > Any Player/Admin with a Grade lower than Co-Owner will be kicked after staying AFK for more than 1 Hour without Auto Attack. > Buying Human Mod 2 Maps in a Row is forbidden (Players/Admins - Anyone caught will be (Warned/Slayed/Suspended/Removed) > If the Server or Admin gives you a Mod its forbidden to Buy again a Mod in the same Map (you will receive a slay), if you buy a Mod and then the Server gives you a Mod it is Luck, so you will not be Slayed. > Players and Admins can not buy any Mod in the first Three Rounds of the Map, Who still buys a Mod will receive a Slay. > You can only change your Name 1x per Map in the Server. > Your Name must contain Normal Characters and Special Characters like the Arabic, Chinese Language or Symbols are not allowed. If you don't understand anything, feel free to Contact any Manager via Discord / Forum. Edit By: @Cyberpsycho + @7aMoDi1 point