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bro srsly, you are funny and pathetic. Frankly, I pity you. You use cut the screenshoots and incomplete and incomplete evidence, and then you talk to the managers in the server as if you are the owner of the server and the managers, and you threaten the manager. I don’t know, do you consider yourself the manager here and we are your slaves? You act as if you are the king and we are slaves and we must obey your command, and if you do not like the map we must change it. Were you really fully conscious when you made this report? And when I became me survival I was afk then dead and I said I was late :v and you said from fear You are mocking us as if you are the owner of the server The second time, Mad Bot warned you, and Ninja also warned you to be polite and not to be impolite, but you did not do so. you still insist on being impolite and behaving as if you were the owner of the server. And @WHAT IS GOING ON warned you before and I know you remember that very well, Last time, you threatened me, saying, “You are a failed boxer,” and mocking me in discord and @Storm Razor kicked you because your bad behavior Your argument is weak, there is no clear evidence from you, and the pictures are cropped and not complete.3 points
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Nick: 7aMoDi Real name: Mohammed How old are you?: 23 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): CS 1.6, BO3 and Minecraft. Where are you from?(country and city): Iraq - Baghdad. Describe yourself(at least 50 words): I am a rational and calm person who searches for peace. I am ambitious and like responsibilities in life and here as well. I am serious in most important cases. I like to play in my free time and I like helping people and members. Note some of your qualities: Generous, calm, peace-loving, sometimes patient. Tell us some of your defects: Sometimes I get angry, but I get satisfied and forget easily. Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): ex admin in NewLifeZM because I wasn't interested in the CSBD community just playing in NewLifeZM On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): ( Devil Harmony and Journalists ), Available a lot, posting everyday in my free time always and NewLifeZM managing the server every day is like ( providing evidence and voting ). Which category/project you want to care off?: ( Devil Harmony and Journalists ) and maybe another interest of projects later. How well you speak english?(and other languages): English / Arabic. Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: No. For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): Months. Contact methods: Discord / Forum. Last request: My first request.2 points
¤ Your Name: Necro ¤ Accused Admin: Bale & Vollmer ¤ Time And Date: Recently ¤ Reason Of The Report: 1st; They reject an unban requirement at first knowing that I am right 2nd; Second; IP spoofing so they give me the wrong unban. 3rd; Vollmer mani[CENSORED]tes the unban requirement by rejecting me and banning me permanently, putting me in destroy and black-listing (WHICH HAS NOT UPLOADED PROOF OF MY BAN IN THEIR BANLIST) 4th; Bale gives me gag for saying "come on" "im nigga" because Storm gave me Sonic and then I got the black character, and from there I dropped the comment. 5th; Bale gives away bans for bugs when the rules do not say anything about bans for bugs 6th; They create their "own" rules, they threaten to ban me and the funniest thing is that they break their "own" rules in my face 7th; Vollmer forces him to call out other gay players and threatens to ban them 8th; Vollmer has fun abusing commands and giving amx_slap to several players ¤ Proof: *Before you start reading the report, I kindly ask you to play this music in the background... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nafgjey_pLo I recommended that you play this song in the background since the report is long and will give it a special touch ;)* First; They reject an unban requirement at first knowing that I am right (I literally used the administrator's own tests to get me unban) Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185916108390289408/IMG_20231217_130247.jpg?ex=65915971&is=657ee471&hm=da46c1403e84a85e7b9e2942cfe4fd3c4d59f9e70de01ed8d29c8a321564ca2d&=&format=webp&width=829&height=622 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185916107656278146/IMG_20231217_130223.jpg?ex=65915971&is=657ee471&hm=33d023e408603e02d33c5746a98489709425a1d35b93c26700b294fe06b6d8ca&=&format=webp&width=466&height=622 I contacted @El Máster Edwinto tell him about the problem since @VollmeRhimself rejected it "without realizing it" MasterEdwin opened the case and they solved it, coincidentally Vollmer accepted the report. Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185922213942136945/IMG_20231217_133106.jpg?ex=65915f21&is=657eea21&hm=89b7c21962a9d741b9d3b7231b958c4f90e54544fba0e146f6cbdd3f645cac31&=&format=webp&width=1440&height=511 Second; IP spoofing so they give me the wrong unban. As you can see, Bale knew that the report would be accepted, so when he uploaded the banlist he casually put another IP, and when I contacted him again privately to unban me it didn't work. Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185922599167996004/IMG20231217133234.jpg?ex=65915f7d&is=657eea7d&hm=92089e92a9f5e37dca971f048b05f1643f2df128b3da78d56878bd520f8ecdd6&=&format=webp&width=466&height=622 I used the IP where I was in Vollmer's last wrong ban in his Banlist and another IP came out, and when I used that to unban myself I casually unbanned myself. Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185918344881242203/IMG_20231217_131547.jpg I don't know if it is allowed or not, but falsifying the IP so that the ban is not removed is disrespectful, and even more disrespectful is that this administrator (Bale) has banned more people on "sgs or strafe " seeing clearly that his ban is meaningless. Proof´s; https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/442768-banlist-killedby_xbale/?do=findComment&comment=2216921 https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/442768-banlist-killedby_xbale/?do=findComment&comment=2216184 I really keep wondering, where the hell do you see that what they are or am doing is SGS or Strafe. What you think is strafe 🤓; https://youtu.be/IgLV36x0gpQ What it really is 😏; https://youtube.com/shorts/AcgffCxZTfk?si=bT4xevjVRN02sz83 I really don't understand if the bans they put in are for fun or to screw up the server at the player level. Third; Vollmer mani[CENSORED]tes the unban requirement by rejecting me and banning me permanently, putting me in destroy and black-listing (WHICH HAS NOT UPLOADED PROOF OF MY BAN IN THEIR BANLIST, I really wonder, these administrators do whatever they want because why? Do they have a high position? Why do they keep saying constantly that since they are administrators of the highest rank and that they can do what they want, what they don't know is that the server is from Ballantines and anything they do only screws up server Ballantines (screws up the entire server at the level of fame on Gametracker and expectations of the server to new players) Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185916108964905020/IMG_20231217_130639.jpg? ex=65915971&is=657ee471&hm=0933680c3ea5d29c131cb1c4b61637ecf8fe1a80124c229b4d15461e6442e916&=&format=webp&width=466&height=622 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185927090047029269/IMG_20231217_135031.jpg?ex=659163ab&is=657eeeab&hm=a6465fcc5ce7e98e834e6ba425e049267c78d00df10052917f16a0a59c5b7414&=&format=webp&width=466&height=622 https://imgur.com/e3qxqD5 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185931541193424946/IMG_20231217_140822.jpg? Once I was unbanned, I joined the server to play because I came from WORK (I don't know if these people know this word), and once inside the server, I asked Vollmer why he closed my unban request without first done asking to his team... He denied it to me and he made excuses that a moderator closed it. Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185916107656278146/IMG_20231217_130223.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185916108390289408/IMG_20231217_130247.jpg? The difference here is that I had proof and he didn't, and I clarified it for him. He told me, give me the evidence or I will ban you, I told him no as a joke and I automatically passed him the tests in csbd, however he took it seriously and when I entered the game I found myself banned But there it was late because he abused his commands as a daddy boss, destroying me, permanently banning me and putting me on the blacklist. I spoke to the private person showing him this evidence; Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185916107656278146/IMG_20231217_130223.jpg? https://imgur.com/JcKeG8J https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/459869-acceptedreport-admin/ And in private he literally went through my evidence of how he closed my report and how another report is currently still open. There, it's strange that a moderator closed it, right, Vollmer? Finally I asked him the reason why he gave me the permanent ban, destroy and black-list, and he answered me; You disrespected me. I was like... wtf? I gave him proof and everything and then he told me, "I'm a daddy boss." Finally I showed him this rule that he did not comply with from the administrators to the players; Proof; Insulting or disrespectful remarks eg. Noob, idiot, or any word that is offensive or disrespectful (6 min). I did not disrespect him at any time, I clarified it and he told me, "I will use these images as an excuse if you make me a report" Vollmer's "tests"; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185936687650570330/XxI4Ww2.png? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185936687919022170/RtWhOcM.png? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185937542009331712/IMG_20231217_143215.jpg? Did you see what they answered me? I mean, you don't have to think about it but that answer he gave me was with a lot of ego and demonstrating his power as the boss daddy. And I answered him; You don't show more from up because you don't want to, right? I mean Ballantines has access to the video game console, he can see what it says above, sadly I don't have a demo or tests because the truth is I didn't expect him to abuse me in this way Vollmer And getting to the point, don't disrespect him or anything like that, Vollmer just looked for excuses to fill the hole he caused with shit Furthermore, Vollmer has mani[CENSORED]ted the Christmas contest by DELETING my Christmas doll which was the one that had more than 7 reactions (WHAT IS GOING ON, Storm, Ballantines, 7amodi had reacted with laughter to my drawing). Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185927363746332733/IMG20231217135150.jpg?ex=659163ec&is=657eeeec&hm=de3b35528d07ca73b48539b2a8a4024cc6051be3623c7c2a2313fa932828b167&=&format=webp&width=466&height=622 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1184543221892796447/Sin_titulo-1_copia.jpg?ex=658c5ad7&is=6579e5d7&hm=4beb3507afc7c9204fbb2c6f17bab2bc6c725d1374da34a726ab8aa5a3c676a2&=&format=webp&width=829&height=622 My drawing was the most supported, and he took it away from me because he is "daddy boss", I also want to clarify that the contest is not yours, Ballantines has given you permission and you are in charge of making and giving the winners, not of remove and mani[CENSORED]te whatever you want, because the VIPS and points that are given away "do not come free" Is it really necessary to say what these administrators do, or is it already clear what they do? Four; Bale gives me gag for saying "come on" "im nigga" because Storm gave me Sonic and then I got the black character, and from there I dropped the comment Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185646256249380914/WhatsApp_Image_2023-12-16_at_19.13.47.jpeg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185646257021141122/WhatsApp_Image_2023-12-16_at_19.13.46_1.jpeg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185646257486696580/WhatsApp_Image_2023-12-16_at_19.13.46.jpeg? He was literally direct and didn't even worry, however his superiors made it clear to him that I didn't say anything bad or insult anyone. After what happened? He gave me ungag and didn't even say sorry. (Imagine if it were a new player and he came out of nowhere like that and gave me a gag because he felt like it, do you think that person would touch the server again?) But the funniest thing 😂 It's just that he says in the public chat "shut up" "u gay" and no one says anything to him 🤣🤣 Is this a joke or what? Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185646255569899580/WhatsApp_Image_2023-12-16_at_19.13.47_1.jpeg? After the ungag Vollmer asked me what happened. And I told him EVERYTHING, Bale has been keeping an eye on me for several days trying to find a way to ban me (And he managed to ban me, but lying 😉 also in his own tests it is seen that the ban is wrong) And after telling him all this, Bale answered me Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185943127522017391/IMG_20231217_145416.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185943127975018627/IMG_20231217_145400.jpg? He gives me a gag without verifying what is happening, he takes it away from me because his superiors force it on him and he also tells me with a lot of ego "be happy that I ungaged you" Look @xBale36, I want to clarify that if you had not removed the gag, the report would have fallen on you anyway 😛 Finally explaining all that to him, things started to get heated because what I was doing was defending myself and explaining to Vollmer what was happening. There came a time when Vollmer got heated saying that I was to blame and that the administrator did nothing wrong 🤣 I mean, how big balls you must have to defend your friend even if you're at fault (And wait until now it's time to talk about Vollmer) Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185944580860944394/IMG_20231217_150005.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185944580386979840/IMG_20231217_145945.jpg? Even a player in the chat defended me, however the "superiors" are always right 😄 True @VollmeR & @xBale36? Fifth; Bale gives away bans for bugs when the rules do not say anything about bans for bugs There came a time when Bale started threatening everyone with banning them if they used the zm_foda map bug. But wtf, is this guy crazy? Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185945329443537047/IMG_20231217_150310.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185946172943253605/IMG_20231217_150632.jpg? And tell me where it says that the amx_ban is created to ban people who use "bugs" The amx_slay has always been used, I'll tell you and clarify in case you go crazy on the server with a new player Sixth; They create their "own" rules, they threaten to ban me and the funniest thing is that they break their "own" rules in my face After all this I spoke to Vollmer peacefully and asked him, if I can't use the word nigga then can I use Black? Guys, let's be honest, they are two different words but with the same meaning, and tell me where it says in the rules that I can't refer to myself as saying to myself Nigga. It's nonsense like the various ones you're going to see below, because this really looks like a cinema. Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185947014308044941/IMG20231217113053.jpg? After Vollmer's statement, logically, like any human, I reacted by saying "My goodness" "it's crazy" The strange thing would be not to freak out. Then Vollmer answered me telling me to speak English. I mean, now why does he want to force me to speak in English just because 😄 Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185947409512144896/IMG_20231217_151128.jpg? I then asked him if he was forcing me to speak English. And he told me to stop the discussion. I didn't say anything bad, previously I simply said "My God" "I'm freaking out." And Bale gets into this situation, threatening to give me a 12-minute gag, along with Vollmer saying that I'm making the situation worse. I read a previous comment from Drugs saying "They tell you off like they're police officers without badges." And damn, I am right with that phrase, because they make the situation worse and blame me for defending myself. Proofs; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185948243272663091/IMG20231217113108.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185948243801153567/IMG20231217113151.jpg? Afterwards Vollmer told me that he was arguing with a Manager and Daddy Boss. Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185949861628100648/IMG20231217113204.jpg? And I ask you, what the hell do I care who I'm arguing with, I have the truth I'm making it clear and you take me for the Joker (The wrong villain) Then I answered both of them asking them if they are prohibiting me from speaking Spanish. Bale answered me: Yes So since they invent the rules, I invented them too and I told them both; "You need to talk RO, so the server comes from romania, right?" Then they realized that the police officers without badges were passing by and Vollmer automatically threatened to ban me for 60 minutes. (By the way, Bale ignored my question and i said publicly again "so I can speak Spanish, right?" and Bale replied "no") Proofs; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185949863125471375/IMG20231217113236.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185949862462763099/IMG20231217113228.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185949863834300488/IMG20231217113249.jpg? And I confirmed to them that if the server came from an RO then they would have to speak Romanian. And Bale is so smart that he tells me "It's International" Well then, why the hell do they tell me that I can't speak Spanish if they themselves have told me that I can speak Spanish, wtf? Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185950762229043200/IMG_20231217_152448.jpg? I want to clarify that lies are denied, and this self-humiliation that this administrator has just committed has been brutal and funny 🤣🤣🤣 Vollmer had been threatening to ban me for 60 minutes for speaking Spanish for a while, and I finally told him that he can't ban me for speaking Spanish. The funniest thing is that later a player called "Pennywise" connected and do you know what happened? That these two characters (Bale & Vollmer) put on 2 maps in a row speaking in German WHILE IN FRONT OF ME. But where the hell do they get the rules from and why do they break their own rules, this is already a [CENSORED] joke. I'm serious and if new players join the server and encounter these types of administrators, the only thing they will do is scare them away. Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185951950278246511/IMG20231217113630.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185951951041601556/IMG20231217113652.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185951951792377856/IMG20231217113740.jpg? The funny thing is that in the third image he said DRUGS, that we are going to be prostitutes in German and guess what 🙂 Neither of them gave him a gag Seventh; And then he threatens players saying to tell players "schwul" (Gay in German) or they will be banned. Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185953770593591396/IMG20231217120905.jpg? Eight; Finally use the amx_slap command to slap his friends and finally make him drop the comment of; "i like to slap" "eae xd" Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185954109891809360/IMG_20231217_153736.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185954110189617242/IMG_20231217_153749.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185953772778815558/IMG20231217121037.jpg? This is a f*cking joke. I WANT MY UNBAN RIGHT NOW PLEASE @Ballantines @El Máster Edwin @Storm Razor @WHAT IS GOING ON @Mad Bot2 points
REQUEST #REJECTED Half of your proofs don’t show the real and the others show that they was helpful with you T/C2 points
So you should first learn how to behave and talk to people, after I unbanned you and explained to you that we didn't close the topic (you would have seen our name) you told me I was a liar and should tell the truth, which I did, however. Then you came to me with your childish behavior that I had already gotten to know in the past. "I contacted @El Máster Edwinto tell him about the problem since @VollmeRhimself rejected it "without realizing it" MasterEdwin opened the case and they solved it, coincidentally Vollmer accepted the report." That's a lie, my name would have been seen if I did that, you'd better tell the truth. - "IP spoofing so they give me the wrong unban. As you can see, Bale knew that the report would be accepted, so when he uploaded the banlist he casually put another IP, and when I contacted him again privately to unban me it didn't work." Bale used amx_showip to get your IP, and he did not changed the IP because i have unbanned you with that IP. - "He told me, give me the evidence or I will ban you, I told him no as a joke and I automatically passed him the tests in csbd, however he took it seriously and when I entered the game I found myself banned" You contradict yourself, you refused to send them to me and wanted to play. - "Seventh; And then he threatens players saying to tell players "schwul" (Gay in German) or they will be banned. Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185953770593591396/IMG20231217120905.jpg? Eight; Finally use the amx_slap command to slap his friends and finally make him drop the comment of; "i like to slap" "eae xd" Proof´s; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185954109891809360/IMG_20231217_153736.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185954110189617242/IMG_20231217_153749.jpg? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185953772778815558/IMG20231217121037.jpg?" I'm sorry you don't have any friends on the server to fool around with. - "Vollmer had been threatening to ban me for 60 minutes for speaking Spanish for a while," I said i will ban you because you can not stop arguing with Persons, like you show here too, stop lying. I really feel sorry for you, you must be pretty bitter in life to post such a big thread full of lies. By me you will not play here anymore, you are on the Blacklist because of your Behavior and more that you showed. Best regards Daddy Boss VollmeR.2 points
Also, I would like to add one thing. It is not the first time that he abuses his commands and his high rank @VollmeR Proof´s; I understand that they will look for the excuse that he changed, but in my report you can see everything he did in practically 2-3 days. Proof; https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155119797600800858/1185969197671522314/IMG20231217110709.jpg?ex=65918ae2&is=657f15e2&hm=9d1e268f62cb7a78be2805726725c9c4800b108224e961df6f1ae248560bcbd7&=&format=webp&width=466&height=622 NO PERSON HAS ACCESS TO SPEAK IN THIS REPORT UNLESS THEY ARE THE PEOPLE MENTIONED OR THE SERVER MANAGERS2 points
2 points
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Admin @7aMoDi did everything Right and worked by the Rules. @mohammad-clay I suggest you to read our Rules (¤ [Player - Rules] ¤), to improve your Behavior and to act like a Player, not an Admin. Behavior like this will not be tolerated here! This Report is now: #rejected. Best regards Daddy Boss VollmeR.1 point
Unfortunately, I did not screenshoot your misbehavior with me last time, but thank God the managers were with me in the server like Ninja, Madbot, GOING.1 point
1st he gagged you for playing like admin and this ss are less put full conversation 2nd the rest of conversation show that you provoked him i was there and saw everything @7aMoDi1 point
You can check this site up. Idk maybe u can use ur country . I don´t need that. https://www.neue-freunde-finden.com/ You can search there friends there because i feel so sry for u have no friends and taking everything seriously. I can say gay to my friends for joke but what kinda is that now for an proof? eaaaaaaaaaaaa gay Bro u have of course problems i can see it on u1 point
Don't worry, because the server creator or the managers will answer for you. And if necessary I would have to use the old reliable one https://imgur.com/4JBoWOy https://imgur.com/Fm6KPHX More than 30 minutes of video and more than 99 captures 😄 Obviously you remember what happened on the zm_foda map on December 13th around 00:00/00:45 Am. If necessary I will remind you, just like on the other map. I have more information than you have, so taking this report as a nonsense response won't save your ass. EDITED: Both of them, every word they say is more lies than saying that I know how to fly. Stop screwing with others and stop screwing me with the little fun I have after finishing my work.1 point
I'm not even interested in your report. I hope I don't have to reply here anymore.1 point
So first of all. Who do you actually think you are? How hard must you have fallen that you first made a report and then sank so low and said: Before you start reading the report, I kindly ask you to play this music in the background... I hardly take you seriously and I haven't even read your report completely because it's all nonsense from the start anyway. you're babbling and full of some stupid evidence, but now at 80% I hardly see any evidence as if they were just screens for memories from "back then" I hardly make any effort for you either. You're just a joke in my eyes and I haven't laughed as hard as I did today when I read your report in a long time, thanks for making me laugh. Your lies are getting on everyone's nerves, so behave humanely and figure out what you write and say and act. I really hope you stay permanently banned. If only you weren't so "childish" and would have just had a few days break from my spell and not written to a daddy boss / discussed that it has now reached this point. @VollmeR I acted correctly in my options and did everything right. I agree with him because he is above me and knows what he is doing / I often use him as an example because he does the right thing 90% of the time So Bale is out Best Regards: Bale1 point
"That's a lie, my name would have been seen if I did that, you'd better tell the truth" The only difference that is close to the truth is that I have proof and you don't 🤷♂️ I think you didn't see it well, now that the image is bigger it looks better. And if what I was saying was a lie, you would never have blacklisted me, because if you're telling the truth, why would you want any more trouble? (Black-List and Ban) You say more times a day, Daddy Boss, than Hello to your friends. "You are blacklisted, that´s the reason" It's just that you do what you want because you can and you have a daddy boss. But if you didn't have a daddy boss you wouldn't be so cool and dominating. Look, call me kid and whatever you want because it doesn't offend me nor does it affect me. Here men are not born by age, but by mentality. Bale used amx_showip to get your IP, and he did not changed the IP because i have unbanned you with that IP (You shouldn't even answer this complaint directly to Bale, because he should be defending himself, not you. And don't make the excuse that "I'm a daddy boss", if that section of the report goes towards him, let him respond) It's that even in your own lies you fall, how cool that I didn't leave the conversation so sad that you provoked me last night "You contradict yourself, you refused to send them to me and wanted to play" Are you sure?; https://imgur.com/JMmyT4b "I'm sorry you don't have any friends on the server to fool around with" If you banned Pennywise, do you think he would still be your friend? I don't know your social status, but don't use your friends as an excuse for the clear abuse of commands and power I demonstrated the proof, now it's your turn. We can all talk and talk, but I want you to know that a picture is worth a thousand words. That's why you have no excuses in this report, because I have something valuable that you don't have. They are called Tests. One last thing, stop linking this report with your friends, because it really seems sad to me to use your own friends to save yourself from the hole you caused with your shit (those are not friends) Best Regards "Player Necro"1 point
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اسلام صبحى و عبدالرحمن مسعد ما انصحك اخي تسمع لهم لان قرائتهم خاطئة وفيها تغني وهذا لا يجوز مع كتاب الله, ويستخدمون فلتر الاوتو تيون في القران الكريم وهذا يعمل صدى مبالغ يعمل مثل الغناء وهذا لا يجوز. فكرة القران الكريم ليس فقط بالصوت الجميل, إنما بالتلاوة والخشوع واحكام التجويد الصحيحة واخر شي الصوت. انا لا أتكلم عبثاً, انا درست القران الكريم واحكام القراءة والتجويد ولله الحمد وحبيت انصحك اخي الكريم وهذول بعض القراء الكبار يمكنك الاستماع لهم ذوي القراءات الصحيحة والصوت العذب الذي يحببك بالقران وايضاً يمكنك حفظ القران على نهجهم وكل التوفيق ❤️ 1- الشيخ محمد أيوب رحمه الله 2- الشيخ محمود الحصري رحمه الله 3- محمد اللحيدان 4- ياسر الدوسري حالياً وليس سابقاً لانه كان يستعمل الترعيد في القراءة وهذا لا يجوز لكنه تاب عنه في الفترة الأخيرة 5- الشيخ محمد صديق المشناوي رحمه الله 6- الشيخ محمود صديق المنشاوي شقيق محمد المنشاوي وهو مازال حي 7- علي جابر رحمه الله 8- مشاري العفاسي 9- هيثم الجدعاني رحمه الله 10 - ناصر القطامي 11 - ماهر المعيقلي 12 - احمد العجمي وفقك الله ووفقنا ❤️1 point
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Luxury safari outfitter African Travel Inc. (ATI) has announced the launch of its new 2024 brochure offering authentic wildlife and cultural encounters across 16 destinations in Africa, including new destination Morocco “We are thrilled to unveil our new 2024 brochure and we are excited to introduce the enchanting realm of Morocco as our newest destination with its ancient traditions and stunning landscapes,” says Sherwin Banda, President of African Travel, Inc.“We will also support our Moroccan MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® EXPERIENCES to help protect those traditions and cultural interactions in a meaningful way for our guests, local partners and the local communities we visit.”Also offered by The Travel Corporation’s touring brands, ‘MAKE TRAVEL MATTER EXPERIENCES’ are excursions that benefit wildlife conservation or local communities. There are 90 of these contained within the new African Travel Inc. brochure.Each conscious travel experience is carefully chosen for the positive social or environmental impact they have for the communities ATI explores as well as for their guests who experience them. These experiences are designed to directly advance the Sustainability Development Goals set by the United Nations. Guests are invited to discover Morocco’s cultural treasures, centuries-old traditions and culinary delights on the new 10-day Discover Morocco and 12-day Flavors of Morocco. In Marrakech, both itineraries offer an interactive cooking class, conducted by talented local chefs. Guests will follow the chef’s demonstration and prepare their own savoury meal using traditional cooking tools with aromatic herbs and spices. Also in Morocco, travellers will enjoy a meaningful MAKE TRAVEL MATTER EXPERIENCE with a visit to the Marjana Argan Co-operative in the southwest region of the country, owned by more than 80 local women. Clients will learn more about the life of these Berber women who use only traditional methods of making argan oil. They will have the opportunity to purchase the women’s quality products and make a positive economic impact. Adventure seekers will discover extraordinary wildlife experiences on ATI”s new 10-day Delta, Rivers and Falls safari through the heart of Botswana’s and Zambia’s beautiful landscapes. They will witness a stunning aerial view of the Okavango Delta as they arrive at their sustainable luxury lodge, Atzaro Okavango, via a scenic helicopter flight. The camp’s knowledgeable guides offer guests memorable sightings of leopards, cheetahs, lions, elephants, hippos, gazelles, and buffalo. Clients will enjoy staying at camps which support conservation, education of local children and community empowerment. In Livingstone, they will have an opportunity to tour the Maunga clinic, visit a school and participate in a lunch program serving local kids. This MAKE TRAVEL MATTER Experience includes a donation to support the local community. https://www.travelpulse.ca/news/tour-operators/morocco-a-new-destination-as-african-travel-inc-launches-2024-brochure1 point
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I will be back soooon... 😄 Untill then, wish you Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! 😉❤️1 point
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For those who are wondering, I will close this request, because this member has other accounts where he is active and where he is already a mod in one of those accounts, I have warned him to only use his account where he is a MOD, but apparently he does not understand. ...I'll see what I do with it1 point
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