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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2015 in all areas
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¤ Name in game:Princes ¤ Age :17 ¤ Name :Sara ¤ City :Casablanca ¤ Country :Morocco ¤ Favorite Games :Cs 1.6/League of legends ¤ A short description about you :i hate who don't respect me and i love to be happy ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil :i was playing in a serveur and i saw visit csBlackDevil ¤ Server preferred ( server only from community ! ) :Zmoldschool ¤ A picture of you ( if you already have one and want to post ):3 points
Hello, You told him that you will give you a account with CS:GO, and he told you that his account is VAC Banned, you scammed him. ( http://postimg.org/image/bzjw7b1rn/ ) If you give his account back you will be deleted from the blacklist. TOPIC CLOSED!3 points
Name of the oponent: Verox Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Avatar Size: 150x250 Text: BaBe Watermark: CSBD / CsBlackDevil Working time: 3H2 points
Numele oponentului: Global * C!P Tema de lucru: Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece): Avatar Marime: 150x250 *Text: Battle Watermark: CSBD Community Timp de lucru: 1h2 points
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Tipic romanului, cand cineva are ceva ce altu n-are, baga minciuni si arunca vorbe in stanga si-n dreapta de ciuda. Pariu ca esti un valver care se joaca de pe un steam fake si sufera pe aici in topicurile altora. Daca iti dau 2 steam-uri iti vinzi serverul si stergi windowsul? Daca spargi pc-ul iti dau 5 conturi. Te-au ars baietii din Arabia si plangi aici la mine. Anuntul valabil in continuare, nu mai vreau copii de 14 ani gen XxamaxX in topicul meu. EDIT: Pentru cultura ta generala de valver, ca daca aveai steam iti dadeai seama, nu poti fura steam-uri pentru ca toate detin Steam Guard. Ceea ce e imposibil de vizualizat mailul pe care e inregistrat, dar fiind ca esti valver nu stii treaba asta, daca aveai steam stiai cum sta treaba. Succes cu serverul anonim, anonimule !2 points
[RO] Ce iti place la CsBlackDevil? Am facut acest topic pentru a vedea ce va place la acest forum, ce parere aveti despre el, nu despre staff pentru ca avem deja un topic. Deci, tie ce iti place? Cateva reguli: 1.Post-hunt/Off-topic nu este permis. 2.Fara cuvinte porcoase. 3.Daca aveti de gand sa scrieti ce NU va place, recititi titlul topicului. [EN] What do you like at CsBlackDevil? I've made this topic to see what you like about this forum, what do you think about it, not about our staff because we already have a topic. So, what do you like? Some rules: 1.Post-hunt/Off-topic is not allowed. 2.Without dirty words. 3.If you are going to write what you DON'T like it, read again the title.1 point
Numele oponentului: IL PADRINO Tema de lucru: Tipul lucrari : Avatar Marime: 150x250 *Text: Change the world Watermark: CSBD / CSBLACKDEVIL Timp de lucru: 24h1 point
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Numele oponentului: IL PADRINO Tema de lucru: Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece): Avatar Marime: 150 x 250 *Text: Battle Watermark: CSBD / Csblackdevil Timp de lucru: 3h1 point
Stop vote! V1 - Elsa ( 8 voturi) V2 - IL PADRINO ( 6 voturi) Winner Elsa.1 point
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Life is too short to stress yourself for people who doesn't even deserve to be a problem in your life.1 point
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Name of the oponent: RenzO , Hellwalks Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) Signature Size: 500/300 *Text: whatever u want / without text Watermark: CsblackDevil / Csbd Working time: when finish1 point
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Frequently Ask Questions about CSBD Community Account Issues/Questions → Why I can't add 2 images in my signature? → How can I put an avatar? → How can I put my SteamID in my forum profil? → How can I put a image in my signature? → How can I put a video in my profil? → How can I change my name in forum? → Delete Inbox messages → Profile Customization → Edit my about me page → Ignore Preferences → Private message / notifications → Previous name / About Me / all posts → How can I send support ticket? Forum Issues/Questions → About the CsBlackDevil community/Despre Comunitatea CsBlackDevil → Warning system? → About request ranks on forum → How can I be GFX Designer? → How can I be Premium? → How can I put a image in an post? → Prefix Tag Option → How can I add a url in a word → Search tool → Email Adress → Report User / Post options / Insert image → Add pool → Follow a forum → About BBCode → How can report an user? → Ignore signatures → How can I add my server in CSBD Clan GT.COM? → How can I claim my server in GT.COM? → How can install, configuration, join onTeamSpeak3 server? → Where can I sell somethings? → Why is CSBD banned in GT.RS? Technicial Issues/Questions → → → Purchase Issues/Questions → → → CSBD Servers Issues/Questions → Our Official servers → Our Affiliate servers → ADD my server: → to officials (just purchased from CSBD) → to affiliate (just hosted by Krond.org or 0ping) → Needs admins on our servers! → How can announce the opening of my server? → Auction servers → Sell addons: → Zombie Plague 6.0 / 6.2 → CSDM (death match) → Classic → Our GameTracker Clan → Our War servers → Our TeamSpeak3 server CSBD Hosting Issues/Questions → Our Host offer (powered by Krond.org) → Krond Site → Features: → 32 slots → 1000 FPS → price 23€ → Payment method: → via PayPal → via bank transfer Game Issues/Questions → Setting Game Launch Options for STEAM → How to activate CS:GO console → The crosshair from CS:GO same as CS1.6 → Connection to server time out. → Problems with FPS in CS → Optimization your pc fo gaming → You don't like the chat style from your cs? → Laser Mine binds? → CD-Key Counter-Strike CSBD v1.0/v1.1 → How can I do a demo in cs? → Cannot edit the config from CSBD v1.1? → Where can I find CS CSBD v1.0 ? → Where can I find CS CSBD v1.1 ? Get help from the Community Find more help from the CSBD Community in the Support.1 point
Oferim spre vanzare serverul Va fi oferit viitorilor proprietari in momentul achitarii platii hostului in valoare de 23 euro / 100 Ron, tranzactie realizata prin Banca Transilvania, BRD, Western Union sau Money Gram. Asteptam oferte si oameni seriosi care sa il preia. Serverul va primii 2 boosturi zilnice gratuite + o reducere de 5 euro la boostul saptamanal Cu stima, Staff-ul CSBD~!1 point
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About Us
CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 65k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.
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