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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2015 in all areas

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. 5 points
  3. Va multumesc din suflet pentru urarile de bine !
    4 points
  4. happy Birthday Dear Calin enjoy your good days in your life
    3 points
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  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  10. Astazi avem onoarea de a celebra aniversarea dragului nostru moderator Călin™, care implineste astazi minunata varsta de 18 ani. El este cu noi de foarte mult timp, de mai mult de doi ani, facand de asemenea parte din Staff-ul comunitatii pentru o lunga perioada de timp, fiind mereu dornic sa ajute membrii la nevoie si venind intotdeauna cu idei inovative si originale. De asemenea, pot spune ca a fost si imi este un foarte bun prieten, mereu fiind o placere sa vorbim, chiar daca el este mai rusinos si nu vrea sa isi prezinte "glasciorul" . Tin sa conchid prin a ii ura un mare: LA MULTI ANI, sa ai parte de tot ceea ce iti doresti, sa reusesti in tot si in toate, sa iei permisul din prima (sa ne plimbi si pe noi ) si sa iei la simulare la BAC 10 la ambele si la fel si la examen la anu'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ7B9x027uc Sorry for the long post, here is an anniversary potato
    2 points
  11. ø Modalitate de contact (Y!m / Skype / Steam): love_csblackdevil [steam] ø Produs(e) scoase la vânzare: Gifturi CS:GO ø Preţul produsului(elor): 6 euro / 30 Ron ø Poze produs(e): - ø Metodă de plată: Skrill / Paysafecard / bancar ø Alte specificaţii: Curaj !
    2 points
  12. Hello I recommend you to play this games Zombie Army Trilogy Resident Evil 6 Far Cry 3 Enjoy Playing.
    2 points
  13. Hello guys , im going to show you how to fix your windows 8 problems follow this method. Windows 8 includes a recovery feature called Automatic Repair that attempts to automatically diagnose and fix common issues that may cause Windows 8 to not start properly. Automatic Repair will start automatically when Windows is unable to start properly. Once started, it will scan various settings, configuration options, and system files for corrupt files and settings. If it detects anything, it will automatically attempt to fix them for you. To access Automatic Repair in the Windows Recovery Environment you need to go to the Windows 8 Start Screen and type Advanced. When the search results appear click on the Settings category as shown below. Now click on the option labeled Advanced startup options and you will be brought to the General PC Settings screen. Scroll down to the bottom until you see an option labeled Advanced startup. Click on the Restart now button and Windows 8 will restart your computer and go directly into the Advanced Startup options menu. Now click on the Troubleshoot button and then the Advanced options button. When the advanced options screen opens, click on the Automatic Repair option. Your computer will now reboot and you will then be shown a screen where Windows states it is preparing Automatic Repair. When it is done, you will be shown a screen where you need to select an Administrator account that you wish to login with. Please click on the account you wish to use. If your account has a password on it, you will be required to enter it and then click on the Continue button to continue with the automatic repair. Automatic will now start and attempt to diagnose the problem with your computer. At this point, if your computer is still unable to start up, you should you click on the Advanced options button, followed by Troubleshoot, and finally Advanced options. On this screen you can select other tools to use to diagnose your problem. For a failed automatic repair, the best step to try next is to use System Restore, which has a guide listed below. Hope you'll fix problem . Have a nice day.
    2 points
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  15. Happy Birthday dear calin, hope you will enjoy your day.
    2 points
  16. Sniper Got Lag ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.Com
    2 points
  17. Descriere a problemei: Uneori cand fac o lucrare in Adobe Photoshop CS6 , imi apare o eroare si se inchide ps-ul Poze: Alte detalii:
    2 points
  18. Edit : Am incercat cateva dar tot imi apare ...si apoi mi se inchide photoshop-ul
    2 points
  19. Selfie with the SnowMan in the NewLifeZm.CsBlackDevil.Com I want to see in this topic many selfie in CS1.6, the best selfie than this selfie. So are you ready guys to take a selfie ?
    1 point
  20. Name of the oponent: Destiny , Madwolf Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) Avatar Size: 150 x 250 *Text: - Watermark: Csbd Working time: 24 H
    1 point
  21. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  22. Happy Birthday G**ln ( you know what i mean ) Enjoy your day ugly !
    1 point
  23. The games with * are masterpiece. Mount and Blade:Warband Knights of the Old Republic 1&2* The Elder Scrolls:Oblivion* Call of Duty Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty:Modern Warfare Rome:Total War Sid Meier's Civilization IV* Just Cause Call of Juarez GTA San Andreas Crysis Titan Quest Overlord Warcraft 3-Frozen Throne* Total Overdose Fable The Lost Chapter* Dark Messiah of Might And Magic Armies of Exigo Mafia 1.* The Godfather . Infernal Reservoir Dogs The Chronicles of Riddick-Escape of Butcher Bay The Hulk Company of Heroes Warhammer 40k Dawn of War* Prince of Persia 1,2,3. Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood Star Wars Republic Commando Eragon Portal Stubbs the Zombie(That's a hell of a game,so funny) Spellforce 2 Gun Iron Man Wall-E And more,but i can't remember them.
    1 point
  24. La multi ani draga Caline! Ne stim de atata timp desi nu prea vorbim iti urez bafta la bac, sigur il iei! La mai multe gagicute pe capu' tau!
    1 point
  25. La multi ani Mister Calin . Iti doresc un an scolar plin de performante , sa iei bac-ul cu brio !
    1 point
  26. La multi ani Călin™ sa fi sanatos si sa ai parte de tot ce iti doresti tu!
    1 point
  27. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  28. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  29. In my best Ron Paul impression, all I can say is “It’s happening!” Google today announced its Project Fi wireless service, which has been the subject of much speculation over the past few months. However, Google has confirmed much of that speculation now that the full details of the service have been revealed. First and foremost, Project Fi — yes, that is its official name — is limited only to the Nexus 6 smartphone for the time being. That will severely limit the service’s reach at launch, but it does allow for Google to initially tailor the service for a hardware/software platform that it completely controls. If you can past that bit of disappointing news, Project Fi actually has a lot to offer. As previously reported, Google has partnered with Sprint and T-Mobile to provide mobile voice and data service across the country. Project Fi will always connect your Nexus 6 dynamically to the fastest available network be it Wi-Fi, Sprint, or T-Mobile. You will also be able to automatically connect to over one million Google-verified, open Wi-Fi hotspots around the country. Before you start clinching your stomach over the prospects of automatically connecting to an open Wi-Fi hotspot, Google explains that all of your transmitted data will be encrypted. “Wherever you're connected to Wi-Fi—whether that's at home, your favorite coffee shop or your Batcave—you can talk and text like you normally do,” said Nick Fox, Google VP of Communications Products. “If you leave an area of Wi-Fi coverage, your call will seamlessly transition from Wi-Fi to cell networks so your conversation doesn’t skip a beat.” In addition, your phone number is not tied to one physical device — it “lives in the cloud” according to Fox; similar to Google Voice. “You can talk and text with your number on just about any phone, tablet or laptop. So the next time you misplace your phone, you can stay connected using another screen.” Now for the really juicy stuff: pricing. Google will charge you a flat $20 a month for a “Fi Basics” package that includes unlimited talk/text, Wi-Fi tethering, and international calling to over 120 counties. You can then pay $10 for each gigabyte of cellular data that you want to add to your plan. So if you want 2GB of data, you’ll pay a total $40 per month. If you want 6GB of data, you’ll fork over $80 a month. But that’s not where Google’s fresh wireless endeavor ends — you will be refunded for data that you don’t use (more details can be found here). “Since it's hard to predict your data usage, you'll get credit for the full value of your unused data,” adds Fox. “Let's say you go with 3GB for $30 and only use 1.4GB one month. You'll get $16 back, so you only pay for what you use.” Nexus 6 owners that won’t to sign up for Project Fi (and who wouldn’t?) can request an invite to the Early Access Program right here.
    1 point
  30. It's been a mere day since we last talked about an SSL-related vulnerability in iOS, and we couldn't even make it beyond hump day before another popped-up. This one is quite interesting, though, and not to mention quite severe. Researchers at Skycure have discovered that by generating a specifically-crafted SSL certificate, iOS will try to render it and go wonky. In simple cases, an app will crash, while in more aggressive situations, the entire phone will crash. Where it can get severe is if someone is exploiting this vulnerability hard, it could mean that an iPhone will get stuck in a reboot loop until it's outside the range of wherever this SSL certificate is being broadcast. Skycure calls this "No iOS Zone", because if someone understands how the vulnerability can be exploited, they could build a tool that that basically renders all iPhones near to the broadcast useless. This is kind of like the TV-B-Gone of the smartphone world. The research firm has contacted Apple with information on this flaw, but it hasn't been noted that a fix is en route quite yet. However, Skycure is deliberately keeping all of the important details mum for the time-being, as some serious ruckus could be caused if they got loose. If you manage to experience this issue before it gets patched, your best course-of-action is to move far from your current location until you can regain access to the phone, and then disable Wi-Fi. Skycure notes that the latest iOS version may also include some important updates, so it'd recommend wasting no time in becoming up-to-date.
    1 point
  31. I Think This Selfi Is The BesT In Cs 1.6
    1 point
  32. Nemesis train: Hello sir, we just wanna sell you some coockies unchi Pedro's with papa Loading =))))))
    1 point
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