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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2015 in all areas

  1. Description of the problem: I cant add this image as my avatar for profile Photos: Other details: When i add this image as my avatar it loses its motion and effect
    2 points
  2. Welcome To CsBlackDevil Enjoy Your Stay Have Fun
    2 points
  3. Welcome To CsBlackDevil Enjoy Your Stay Have Fun
    2 points
  4. A dozen APUs are planned for this summer A Chinese-language website has posted what it claims is a legitimate roadmap of AMD's forthcoming "Godavari" APUs. You can think of Godavari as a Kaveri refresh, as the new parts will feature the same Steamroller architecture for both the CPU and GPU portions. If the leaked roadmap proves accurate, AMD is planning to release a dozen Godavari APUs this summer, culminating in the A10-8850K. That unlocked part will feature four cores (and a four thread design) clocked at 3.7GHz base and 4.1GHz boost. It will also have a Radeon R7 graphics core based on AMD's Sea Islands GCN architecture with 512 streaming scores and 856Mhz clockspeed. Other bits include 4MB of L2 cache, DDR3 memory support up to 2,133MHz, and a 95W TDP. According to wccftech, pricing will close to the current generation A10-7850K APU at about $149. Most of the 12 new chips will be branded as AMD's A-8000 series and will remain compatible with current boards based on the FM2+ platform via BIOS updates. It's not yet known what internal optimizations AMD might be making with Godavari, though from the roadmap, the new chips will feature faster clockspeeds without bumping up TDPs. Performance should improve anywhere from 5 percent to 15 percent. Two of the new chips will be branded as Athlon parts. They include the Athlon X4 870K, a quad-core part clocked at 3.5GHz base and 3.7GHz boost with 4MB of L2 cache and a 95W TDP, and the Athlon X4 850K, also a quad-core chip but clocked at 2.9GHz base and 3.2GHz boost and with a 65W TDP.
    2 points
  5. Join the mile high VR club Imagine that you're 40,000 feet above the ground, but instead of peering out a small oval window and looking at clouds (or darkness), you turn your head and see a dingo wandering about. Don't worry, it's not on the plane's wing feasting on wires and electronics, he's in your Gear VR headset. This is what Australian airline Qantas is working towards. Along with Samsung, Qantas has launched a new trial entertainment service that gives fliers a Gear VR headset during their flight. At the outset, the initiative is being tested in Sydney and Melbourne International First Lounges, along with first class cabins on select A380 services. The trial will last for three months, after which Qantas will assess customer feedback, presumably so it can decide whether to expand the program or nix it. Qantas sees multiple possibilities here. From a marketing standpoint, the company can partner with third-parties to provide 3D content that might inspire tourism to a particular attraction or region. In fact, Qantas is already working with Tourism NT, which will provide a special 3D experience from Kakadu National Park. Whether or not they'll include dingoes in that experience isn't known, but there's plenty to experiment with there. For live-action content, Qantas has partnered with Jaunt -- it's not clear exactly what the company has in store, though it will include "destination footage." "From an inflight entertainment perspective, it’s an industry first," said Olivia Wirth, Qantas Group Executive, Brand, Marketing & Corporate Affairs. "Qantas is committed to being at the forefront of innovation to give our passengers the very best and latest in-flight experiences, like accessing the virtual worlds of their favorite Hollywood blockbusters from the comfort of their seat 40,000 feet above the ground." The initiative will kick off in mid-February in the First Class Lounge in Sydney and Melbourne, and in mid-March on select A380 flights between Australia and Los Angeles for first class fliers.
    2 points
  6. Here put your best Score of ZombiePlague: Nick: Name Of Server: Picture Of Score:
    1 point
  7. Name of the oponent:Kevin , kwabs , Kraken , Hunk.- Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) Size:150x250 , 150x270 , 150x280 *Text:Your Choise. Watermark:CSBD , CSBLACKDEVIL Working time:15h
    1 point
  8. Hello I want to know that . How to give Line in center word Like in Center there is CsBlackDevil in [Right & Left] side there is line. How to give this line Can any tell me
    1 point
  9. Hi Ali-KhaN. 1- Mark a line on the site you want. 2- Select Single Row Marquee Tool. 3- Use the single row marquee tool on the line. 4- Press Right click and select Stock option, then press "OK". 5- Then select Eraser Tool. 6- And delete the ends of the line.
    1 point
  10. Name: Life is Strange Production: Square Enix Development: Dontnod Entertainment Distribution: PlayStation Network Players: 1 Format: Download On-line: no Platform: ps4, ( also in: ps3, xbox one, xbox360, PC) Strange Life if for PS4 is an episodic adventure style games Telltale Games, made by the creators of Remember Me. In it we control Max, a girl who returns to his hometown after several years studying abroad. Max has the power to rewind time, so you can use it to know what has changed in his absence and solve some mysteries. Requirements for pc Minimum requirements: Windows Vista. CPU dual core 2GHz. 2 GB of RAM. Graphics card compatible with DirectX 9 and 512 MB of VRAM. 3 GB HDD. Recommended requirements: Windows 7. CPU dual core 3 GHz. 2 GB of RAM. GeForce GTX 260 or Radeon HD 4890
    1 point
  11. Maximum of avatar size can be 150x280 to have his original look, and there u putet an avatar with a bigger size and image lost the mouvement effect and quality, thats will be everytime if u will put an avatar with size more than *150x280*. And upload images here http://i.i.mugr.com dont directly from your desktop(animated images)
    1 point
  12. Hello, 1. The size of this picture is to big This is the size of Avatar: 100x100 px; 150x150 px; 150x180 px; 150x250/260/270/280/300 px. 2. The picture is also bigger then 150 KB. 3. Contact any Administrators or SuperModerators they will put it for you Good Luck
    1 point
  13. Joc:CS 1.6 Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra):Jb.CSBD.Ro Numar de sloturi:20 Mod de joc:JailBreak Contact proprietar, administrator ( Y!M / Skype):id skype Gabriel.Saracut! Messinger: gabitza_boy_9@yahoo.com Caut:Caut 3 co-owner care sa fie dispusi sa doneze pana in 8 euro odata la 3 luni!
    1 point
  14. Platformă software: Windows Phone Se spune că o imagine valorează cât o mie de cuvinte, însă unele persoane au luat prea în serios această sintagmă iar Internetul trebuie să suporte zilnic o maree de nu mai puţin de 1,8 miliarde de imagini. Imaginile sunt publicate uneori într-o formă brută, alteori sunt trecute prin câteva filtre de procesare, iar în cazurile în care un watermark informativ ar aduce un plus de utilitate, o aplicaţie precum Phototag este un instrument simplu şi eficient. Ideea inserării unor informaţii adiţionale despre dată, loc sau vreme în cadrul fotografiilor nu este nouă, pe piaţă existând destule produse software care oferă aşa ceva iar unii producători de telefoane implementând aceste opţiuni direct în aplicaţia camerei foto. Phototag se remarcă însă prin simplitate şi prin calitatea şabloanelor grafice, aplicaţia oferind şi o gamă de opţiuni suficient de bună pentru un utilizator fără mari pretenţii. Opţiunile de captură oferite de aplicaţie sunt reduse la strictul necesar, Phototag oferind doar un caroiaj opţional care vă va ajuta să respectaţi mai bine regula treimilor, un buton pentru controlul bliţului, unul pentru comutarea între camerele foto şi declanşarea tactilă a capturii. Dacă nu este o aplicaţie complexă pentru captura efectivă, Phototag se remarcă atunci când vine de şabloane. Aplicaţia oferă patru moduri de lucru generice, acestea permiţând inserarea datei şi orei, a localizării (cu tot cu dată şi oră), a stării meteo (cu tot cu localizare, dată şi oră) şi a unui vitezometru. Pe lângă acestea, aplicaţia mai oferă două moduri de captură dedicate persoanelor care obişnuiesc să-si fotografieze consumaţia prin restaurante sau baruri, respectiv unul dedicat părinţilor care permite specificarea sexului, vârstei şi numelui copilului fotografiat. Fiecare dintre aceste şase moduri de lucru include la rândul lui câte şase şabloane care machetează diferit informaţiile afişate pe ecran. În unele cazuri, Phototag permite introducerea manuală a unora dintre datele informative care vor fi afişate, iar în cazul imaginilor capturare anterior, aplicaţia va citi ora, data şi coordonatele geografice din EXIF. Imaginile imortalizate au un raport de aspect 1:1, Phototag preluând astfel ideea Instagram de a folosi formatul specific Instamatic sau Polaroid. După captură, utilizatorul va putea roti imaginea, va putea deplasa conţinutul 4:3 sau 16:9 în cadrul şablonului pătrat final şi va putea face ultimele modificări ale informaţiilor afişate în watermark. După această etapă, utilizatorul va putea aplica unul din cele 21 de filtre disponibile şi va putea partaja online imaginea. Imaginile finale vor putea fi salvate local în Camera Roll sau vor putea fi partajate online, Phototag incluzând suport pentru Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter şi VKontakte. Fără a oferi prea multe opţiuni, Phototag este o aplicaţie utilă în cazul în care trebuie să inseraţi în cadrul imaginilor câteva detalii suplimentare despre locul în care vă aflaţi. Cu excepţia unor momente rare în care aplicaţia a răspuns mai greu la comenzi, acestea manifestându-se în special în modul de lucru Speedometer, Phototag s-a dovedit a fi un produs fiabil. Aplicaţia Phototag este disponibilă în Windows Phone Store la un preţ de 0,99 euro.
    1 point
  15. ¤ Nume în joc: pulsegb- ¤ Vârsta: 17 ¤ Nume: Gabi ¤ Oraș: Bucuresti ¤ Țară: Romania ¤ Jocuri preferate: CSGO, CS 1.6, Assassin's Creed 3, Left 4 Dead 2, COD BO 2 ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Posesiv, amabil, matur ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: Pai sunt foarte vechi dar celalalt cont nu-l mai am, am vreo 3 ani aici cu tot cu pauze ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): NewLifeZM imi placea cel mai mult, inainte ¤ O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja una și vrei să o postezi): - Bine v-am gasit iar, dragi prieteni!
    1 point
  16. [RO] ¤ Nume în joc: serpentModoma ¤ Vârsta: 17 ¤ Nume: Albert ¤ Oraș: Bucuresti ¤ Județ: Bucuresti ¤ Țară: Romania ¤ Jocuri preferate: Counter-Strike,Fifa. ( metin de plictiseala ) ¤ O scurtă descriere despre tine: Foarte sociabil si prietenos, nu pot sa sufar persoanele care se cred superioare fata de restul.. ¤ De unde ai aflat de CsBlackDevil: Stiu de mult de voi, dar m-am mutat pe serverul de Superhero cu tot cu comunitate:)) ¤ Server preferat (server doar din comunitate!): SuperHero( ar trebui sa il incercati toti. ¤ O poză cu tine (în cazul în care ai deja una și vrei să o postezi): sunt pe telefon:)) Bine v-am gasit. Buna seara
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Bine ai venit printre noi !
    1 point
  19. Welcome To CsBlackDevil Enjoy Your Stay Have Fun
    1 point
  20. Bine Ai Venit / Welcome !
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Umfrage Soll der Islam in der Schweiz offiziell als Religionsgemeinschaft anerkannt werden? Ja. Nein. Nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen. Weiss nicht. Translate Survey Should Islam be officially recognized in Switzerland as a religious community? Yes. No. Only under certain conditions. Do Not know. Vote Here PLEASE Thank's ----> http://www.20min.ch/schweiz/news/story/21918085
    1 point
  23. Nabawi Mubarak generator on all Islamic nation <3.. مولد نبوي مبارك على جميع الامة الإسلامية
    1 point
  24. It's obvious that everyone will defend his server, personally I tried all zm servers they're just the same I don't even find a difference, it's just about where you feel more comfortable and where you get more friends. I voted for thunderzm (old newlifezm) for the reason that they survived after 2 years of problems and hard conditions.
    1 point
  25. among the best server and the best Zombie Plague Addons it's greatly ZmOldSchool.CsblackDevil.Com we know that the other server they are using the same addons and Same Plague Like ( WalkingDead , NewLifeZM , ThunderZM , StreetZM ,ect.) - I tested all servers of the Community But ZmOldSchool Stay always the best Plague Addons configured on world must be clear and tell the truth.
    1 point
  26. Hello CSBD, after you read this title you'll understand that I need help with our FB page. Recently I started again to take care of our fb page. What is our FB page ? This is (CSBD page): https://www.facebook.com/pages/CsBlackDevil-Real-Black-Ideas/1396697160571389?ref=hl I need very much 'shares' and more 'likes' for promotion. I need to share this page and this video: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1502611779979926&set=vb.1396697160571389&type=2&theater&notif_t=like Thank you very much!
    1 point
  27. Nick: NPK Name Of Server: ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.com Picture Of Score:
    1 point
  28. Nick: NPK Name Of Server: ZmOldSchool.CsblackDevil.com Picture Of Score:
    1 point
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