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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2014 in all areas
Officer in the army of occupation, holds a press conference after finding Shoe and 5 bullets for resistance ) P.S: here for good tidings from idf, and only videos, picture funny3 points
3 points
Data can not be saved in config or userconfig, because with this protection you can't receive commands amx_destroy or automatically connect to an sv with autoconnet. But, If you want to edit your config It's very simple, you must to change the attributes "read-only" on off, afther the changes you can chech again the option "read-only" for protection your CS. How to edit the config? Click right on the config from Cstrike folder and click Properties and unchech the option "read-only". About skins, default skins are better for a good fps. P.s: I like your opinion.3 points
guys guys you talk about palestine and you forgot syrie,to now 2.5 milion has die destroyed the entire city before some month i saw the syrians in moroco, asking for money to live god bless palestine and syrie3 points
Al-Qassam Brigades: since this morning the militants killed 19 Israeli soldiers and wounding scores of people and bringing the death toll of Israeli soldiers in direct clashes since the start of the ground battle to the 110 except for the soldiers who were killed in the targeting mechanisms and the enemy who reticent them.2 points
2 points
CS1.6 CSBD v1.1 because of Palestine Oh yeahhh..... and this =]]]]]]]]]]2 points
2 points
We might not be able to point guns towards israel but we can make a voice against israel , "GOD" always listens to his people..Israel thinks no one can judge them , they forgot that someone above them is watching everything they do.... Israel will face what they deserve sooner than we know... Just keep on Supporting Palastine #FREEPALASTINE!2 points
This child, what guilt, you find all this normal ?? CENSURED!!!! I ask you, if you live in the same place you will feel what they feel, Feel your a brother he die, your a mother dies, your a father he dead I want to feel what happens down the You shall not have no mother or father of your brothers your reaction ?? When men cry, know that the war has surpassed the mountains! Had a beautiful house in the bombed occupation and emigrated to school, stared in tears to know the weight of the pain.. Children lost their mothers and their fathers were brothers CENSURED!!!!!! Gaza , Hospitals are targeted by barbaric Israeli airstrikes Have faith in god because everyone has what he has was intended .. Fate will things .. Who should be, will be found. Which must be found, will be found. And must leave, to leave.2 points
Hey everyone, Here in this topic will be exposed your ideas with votes about the most cs version you liked in CsBlackDevil! I hope this topic may help "Loading" and all CSBD's staff with new ideas for the coming CS1.6 CSBD v1.2! Best & hot claps - Loading ! Regards - HyDRo1 point
Name of the oponent: Fr0z3n* Theme of work: http://postimg.org/image/tt54rxmuh/ Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Avatar Size: 150x260 Text: Epic Battle Watermark: CsBlackDevil1 point
Descriere a problemei: Uneori cand fac o lucrare in Adobe Photoshop CS6 , imi apare o eroare si se inchide ps-ul Poze: Alte detalii:1 point
Fiecare dintre noi socializa prin intermediul internetul, dar intrebarea mea este prin ce fel de program socializati mai mult?Va rog sa folositi urmatorul model. Program: Motiv:1 point
Edit : Am incercat cateva dar tot imi apare ...si apoi mi se inchide photoshop-ul1 point
Yea i see Loading, That's why i made this topic just for you! I'll give you my ideas : V1.0 : I loved it most, Because it had a really cool new skins, But it have some bugs, like when i add a map in favorites & i leave cs, next time i can't find it, And HD quality isn't so high like v1.1, But i like this verrsion most! V1.1 : really cool performance and grafical views are awesome, but it gots also a problem, the data doesn't being saved, i mean when i type my name & i setinfos, Next time they're gone! So both still have some problems that needs to be solved, so my opnion for the coming CS1.6 CSBD v1.2, try to make a fusion between v1.0's Skins, & v1.1's High Definitions, And all will be great! And you can add more skins, cuz skins are most to attract players to the cs version! PS : Don't forget to use one of "Two steps from hell"'s Songs ! Anyways, GreaT JOB LOADING! Regards -1 point
In my opinion i think the version 1.1 is the best because has corrected some bugs.1 point
1 point
v 1.1 the skins in 1.0 mad the fps down a bit plus it had a couple of bugs1 point
I want to hear many ideas about next version CSBD v1.2, opinions, advices, and more examples. P.s: About this topic, I vote CSBD v1.1 55% and v1.0 45%.1 point
1 point
Also My Favorite Football Team Suport Gaza ( Raja Casablanca ) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF82QZ7MnPo , They say بالروح بالدم نفديك يا غزة , Also you can see Flags Of Palestine Terrorry , This Supported Was Maded Yesterday Vs Espagnol De Barcelona : 26/07/20141 point
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Because innocent people die daily, plus that children don't have a normal childhood. Need to be with those from Gaza because that territory became an inferno, plus it is not normal in a civilized world, where theoretically should be peace and silence.1 point
My name is fares and surly iam with gaza )) And best support for them with remenbing themwith our prays so pray for gaza )1 point
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1 point
Temperatura dupa parea mea este cea mai mare problema la calculatoare si aceasta poate sa sara destul de repede peste 60 de grade pe procesor. De cele mai multe ori aceasta problema este data de lipsa constiintei utilizatorului fata de obiectul muncii sau de distractie. Ca orice lucru electric si electronic fiind electrostatic atrage praful mult mai repede decat orice obiect deoarece acesta are si ventilatoare de racire insa acestea de cele mai multe ori in decursul a catorva luni de zile se vor umple de praf. Cum se poate curata de praf un calculator am mai explicat pe aici, iar ideea de baza cu suflatul “nu cu aspiratul” inca o mentin. Probabil ca o sa va intrebati de ce inca un articol legat de curatarea calculatorului. Pai sincer sa fiu, cred ca de data aceasta fac un articol cu dedicatie pentru mine, pentru ca eu sunt lenesul care da sfaturi, iar ca si cismarul umblu cu “pantofii rupti in picioare” – 6 condensatori umflati si calculator necuratat de praf pe care il mai tin si pe jos. De ce am temperatura mare pe procesor? Aceasta a fost intrebarea care m-a fascinat vreo cateva luni de zile, insa in ultimele 2 saptamani am inceput sa disper deoarece nici pe Youtube nu mai puteam sa ma mai uit decat la filmulete care aveau rezolutia pana in 480p altfel riscam sa mi se stinga de tot calculatorul din cauza temperaturii ridicate care de cele mai multe ori ajungea rapid la 80 de grade celsius. Avand in vedere ca radiatorul de la procesor il curatasem de praf cu o pensula acu vreo 3 zile misterul temperaturii ridicate pe procesor sporea si mai tare pana cand azi m-am decis sa dau jos radiatorul ca poate o avea ceva ghemotoace de praf adunate si nu le vad eu. Dupa ce am dat radiatorul de pe procesor jos (trecand peste lenea imensa de care dau dovada cand e vorba de asa ceva), ce credeti ca am gasit? O lipsa aproape totala de pasta termica sau pasta termo-conductoare cum de altfel i se mai zice. Dupa ce am pus miraculoasa pasta terminca ia ghiciti cat aveam temperatura pe procesor in timpul vizionarii unui filmulet cu rezolutie 1080p (inimaginabil inainte de a pune pasta). Nici mai mult, nici mai putin de 58 de grade celsius, in cazul in care eu fataiam fereastra cu filmuletul pe tot ecranul doar doar o crapa sau o ajunge la o temperatura mai mare, ca doar eram in teste si vroiam sa fiu sigur ca pasta termica mi-a rezolvat problema. Ce e de retinut la problema incalzirii anormale a procesorului: curatati cat mai des unitatea de praf cand observati o temperatura anormala si stiti ca nu a-ti mai schimbat pasta pe procesor de cel putin 1 sau chiar 2 ani ganditiva ca va trebuie sa va faceti timp pentru a o inlocui ori sa chemati pe cineva care se pricepe si a mai facut acest lucru, deoarece nu e chiar asa usor pe cum pare. Pentru cei care isi doresc sa invete ei sa-si schimbe pasta termo-conductoare iata si un filmulet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aU2_uP9S9Gg#t=0 Ps: Pentru cei cu procesoare Intel aveti grija la piciorusele de la radiator ce vin infipte pe placa de baza. Pentru cei cu AMD va trebuie putina forta ca sa apasati pe lamela ce tine radiatorul lipit de procesor. In ambele cazuri va trebuie cel putin: o surubelnita in stea (pentru suruburile carcasei) + una dreapta pentru radiator atat la Intel cat si AMD pasta termo conductoare vreo 10 lei daca nu ma insel rabdare si atentie sporita daca faceti acest lucru pentru prima data pentru cei incepatori aveti grija cum si ce desfaceti ca sa stiti cum vin puse inapoi – e de preferat sa luati notite cum au fost puse, iar aici cred ca fiecare are stilul lui de notatie si intelegere.1 point
So I see a few people who have tried to support a wrong opinion of Hex, so they was punished severely and Hex has been removed from the group Journalist.On the future,if I'll see someone who try to come with such topic,they will be banned ! Ps:If you think that you have been wronged,you must come from one of Administrators !1 point
1 point
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vDn-M7FvZA I am Sorry its Diff language . It is a Love Theme. Indian Traditional Song in a (Tamil language) Movie..1 point
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