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[F.A.Q] Problem with openGL in counter strike

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  • Your Nickname: Rei
  • Your Problem: when i open cs it says:The game will now run in software mode I changed many times in cs from software mode to openGL but when i open it again it doesnt work and i dont know why.I searched some solutions in you tube but they didnt help me
  • Screenshot:
  • 118653819_1191413097884096_532090055370437100_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=b96e70&_nc_ohc=_FeNcZ7lcsEAX9An7MN&_nc_ht=scontent.ftia2-1.fna&oh=762b3ddcb7367377b8927df931dd9d6f&oe=5F721FD4


What the problem tells you is that your PC does not support the graphic quality you are using, that is, OpenGL, so it changes to the other quality (which is worse), Software Mode, but the fact that it does not allow you to play with that quality and no other game means that you have a problem with the video driver, whether it is outdated or you need to install it.

Assuming that it is only the driver and that it is not the video card, you will have to download it, simply put in google the brand and model of your video card and the manufacturer's page will appear, in order to download it (es the first page normally), you install it and you should be able to play in peace.

Bro change your compatibility to windows xp and run as administrator, install the drivers well <- is this doesnt work try with other point


Remember to check your video card and compatibility.


if you already had data downloaded from before :


then It seems to me that you already have data installed on the computer that you don't uninstall when you uninstall the game, and also the place where you download it from is not good.

Do the following (I would do this for you):

Download the game from this link (it has no virus, it was downloaded from there more than 7 million times):

http: //www.clanco.com.ar/counterstrike/download/1 / ...
In the installation options you will see 3 options with an unknown letter, put the one in the middle.

And do not install the game in the Valve folder, because there are the things that you cannot uninstall, try installing the game in a new folder called valve2 for example.

It is understood?

If this dont work try this: all you have to do is click the "run in window" option at the video options screen. then change to d3d or whatever you want. then uncheck the runinwindow box.

Remember check ur video card and compatibility !! is important.



Just install your latest video drivers for opengl
If that dos not fix it install your chipset drivers.

You have a problem?

  • How do I install latest video drivers?
  1. Download them from the website or tell us what you have.
  2. Or steam>update video
  3. The account folder is not needed anymore all in the common folder.

Somtimes means drivers outdated.
Chipset drivers mainly if you have and old amd CPU.

Try dowload a program to updated ur drivers 


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