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Nickname: PRODEXOR
Age: 19
Link with your forum profile: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/76534-prodexor/
How much time do you spend on our channel ts every day?: im there 15 hours
Where do you want to moderate? Check this topic: Movies / free time
ScreenShot as you have over 30 hours on CSBD TS3 Server (type ''!info'' in CSBD Guard) : https://www.zinguard.net/user/5efb9fb589e893391c8574ab/info
Link with your last request to join in our Team: this first
Last 5 topics that you made on our section:



You have very little activity in ts3 and also in our project. You should get more involved.
I propose to put you on pending a few days to see if your activity in the project improves.

PRO for Pending

Posted (edited)

Contra ! 
I don't like your attitude also you are spammer & a big liar, And the proof of what im talking about is on your own reqeust.
1)  You always make requests with diffrent nicknames which it means that you are spammer
-These are some of your reqeusts Req 1 ,  Req 2 , Req 3 
2) You always put in your request that this is the 1st request in our section which it means that you are a liar 
-I don't need to put a proof about this point because you know and everyone knows that

Best Regrads.

Edited by !#Apex?
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