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Joc: Counter-strike 1.6
Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra): ZE.csblackdevil.com
Numar de sloturi: 32
Mod de joc: ZM
Contact proprietar, administrator ( Skype / Steam): PM.

Caut niste persoane dornice de a ajuta acest proiect. 

f5ebT79.png Caut 2 co-owneri (straini), care pot ajuta server-ul prin activitate server/forum, si prin luarea unor decizii la nivel de staff.  
f5ebT79.png 1 owner, care poate sa ajute si financiar cu o suma de bani
f5ebT79.png 20 de admine gratis. 
f5ebT79.png Pentru domnisoare vip-ul se acorda gratis

Model cerere admin:

f5ebT79.png Nick:
f5ebT79.png Varsta:
f5ebT79.png Experienta:
f5ebT79.png Motiv:
f5ebT79.png Grad:
f5ebT79.png Poti ajuta financiar cu o suma de bani? (da/nu)

Pentru mai multe informatii suplimentare legate de server, nu ezitati sa ne contactati: @Roselina ✾, @#porto.XD


Game: Counter-Strike 1.6
Wished name (in case if the server stays in the community): ZE.csblackdevil.com
Number of slots: 32
Game mode: ZM
Contact owner, administrator (Skype / Steam): PM.

I search people willing to help this project.

f5ebT79.png Searching 2 co-owners (foreign), which can help the server by doing activity on server & forum and taking decisions at staff level.
f5ebT79.png Searching 1 owner which can help monetary
f5ebT79.png Searching 20 admins(free)
f5ebT79.png Free V.I.P. for the ladies.

Model admin request:

f5ebT79.png Nick:
f5ebT79.png Age:
f5ebT79.png Experience:
f5ebT79.png Reason:
f5ebT79.png Degree
f5ebT79.png You may it helps financial with a amount of money (yes/no)

For suplimentary informations about the server, don't hesitate to contact us: @Roselina ✾, @#porto.XD

  • I love it 10

f5ebT79.png Nick: D4rK1nGz
f5ebT79.png Age: 23
f5ebT79.png Experience: 10 Years in Cs 1.6, 8 In AmxMod (Scripting)
f5ebT79.png Reason: I want to help the server in the field of editing, I concentrate on amxmod and save systems, in addition to possessing computer knowledge in php
f5ebT79.png Degree: AmxMod, Php, saved system (mysql, sqlite, sqlite, adv_vault)
f5ebT79.png You may it helps financial with a amount of money (yes/no): from time to time, but for now I can not since I'm a bit busy for school reasons (YES-but I do not assure anything)


15 hours ago, D4rK1nGz said:

f5ebT79.png Nick: D4rK1nGz
f5ebT79.png Age: 23
f5ebT79.png Experience: 10 Years in Cs 1.6, 8 In AmxMod (Scripting)
f5ebT79.png Reason: I want to help the server in the field of editing, I concentrate on amxmod and save systems, in addition to possessing computer knowledge in php
f5ebT79.png Degree: AmxMod, Php, saved system (mysql, sqlite, sqlite, adv_vault)
f5ebT79.png You may it helps financial with a amount of money (yes/no): from time to time, but for now I can not since I'm a bit busy for school reasons (YES-but I do not assure anything)


Being 23 years old means you have a way of living, i can't really belive 10-20 euros are a ton of money. Not to say having deep knowledge in Scripting implies you have taken some responsabilities from time to time by learning the game and investing(time and some money) in it. Consider that joining us won't ensure your full acces(to the server) in order to use your knowledge(you can't really obtain everything for free from the start).

Even tho, i am looking forward for a collaboration with you, if Roselin accepts your request. As said, take in consideration we will try to be a strong server.

  • I love it 3
  • 2 weeks later...
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