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Pedro's Klinefelter

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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by Pedro's Klinefelter

  1. ¤ Model Battle ¤ Name of the oponent: 5lood, Blaster N´Kevincinho Theme of work: http://i.imgur.com/SpeBuz1.png Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) Signature Size: 500x250 *Text: Welcome to the league of Draven Watermark: csbd, csblackdevil, whatever Working time: Before december 24
  2. au versiuni portabile http://www.mediafire.com/download/mv1wsl8sd9wv8cv/PS+CS6+Portable+-+Paaingood.rar http://www.4shared.com/rar/9xXpnu49ce/PScs6_Portable_by_TMI.html
  3. Happy birthday boss of bosses ! I hope you to get health, happiness, love, and the ecenssial, Money Take care, don't drink a lot, work so much and respect to be respected! Don't get in down worlds and avoid the temptation of bad actions. Best wishes! God bless you! - Pedro's
  4. v1: has no effects v2: the text is not visible v3: the text is good but i don't like the blur and the texture v4: nice effects + text vote: 4
  5. 9 . Germany or USA But I hope to see my whole countries, Canada or Venezuela in
  6. I hate when somebody [CENSORED] ignore me!

  7. Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Under The Bridge

  8. A existat o regula numit "GFX Helpers", membru care au fost responsabile pentru a raspunde cererile... dar aceasta regula a fost prea egoist și nimeni nu-mi place deloc. zvonurile erau adevarate, dar din aceasta cauza, a fost eliminat. daca doriti sa raspunda la o cerere, puteti face acest lucru in mod liber, nu va faceti griji..
  9. Ignorance is the worst way

    1. ShKoDrA


      Yea bro you are right ! But when someone call you arrogant and ignorant when you are just doing what you have to do that is even worst !

    2. Pedro's Klinefelter

      Pedro's Klinefelter

      It happened to me like 10 times x_x

  10. all awesome, but v2 (I.M.O) has better work :xx
  11. v2, of course.. Nice effects, textures etc..
  12. v1: text e urat :l v2 - imi plac efectele v2.
  13. If I told you it doesn't work, is because it doesn't work.. u know what happen when I open it? my antivirus detect a malware and goes on, then says the file was moved or the page isn't active now, use zyppyshare please!
  14. The download link doesn't work, repair.


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