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Everything posted by NINJAAAA

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  2. اولا السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 🌙Secondly, thank you for your efforts, my brother Mohammad🌙 🌙I would like to say Ramadan Kareem to all Muslims🌙 🌙واريد ان اقول شيئا لاخواني المسلمين استغلوا هذا الشهر الفضيل للعبادة ولطاعة الله ولا تجعلوه لارتكاب المعاصي 🌙 🌙 و آمل ان يكون هذا الشهر خيرا علينا ويفك هذا الحصار عن اهل غزة🌙 🌙 واتمنى لكم التوفيق 🌙 ❤️
  3. Sorry but #Contra From me bad activity no respect the rules Good luck Regards : NINJAAAA
  4. PRO! Respect the rules Good activity Good Behavior Good luck Best Regards : NINJAAAA
  5. PRO! Respect the rules Good activity Nice behavior Good luck 🙂 Best regards : NINJAAAA
  6. Contra! If you want to become an Admin, 1- you must respect the rules 2- and be active on the server.
  7. PRO! Respect the rules (But read it again) friendly with the players Good activity I'll give you a chance Good luck🙂 Best regards : NINJAAAA
  8. PRO! Respect the rules (But read it again) friendly with the players Good activity Good luck 🙂 Best regards : NINJAAAA
  9. Sorry but #Contra from me 1- Don't attack in mods 2-No respect the roles We are not saying this because we do not like you. We are here to build a respectable and experienced staff Regards : NINJAAAA
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
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