Everything posted by Harith
That's true my friend, and not only admins, exist 1 owner who is worst then them .
¤ Your name: Harith ¤ Claimed Admin name: S.ParDik! ¤ Date and time: 12/07/2020 , 14:09 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/qq3Z7zy , https://we.tl/t-ZT3iETANip ¤ Reason of complaint: First of all i want to respond for this topic @NE0- or @The GodFather not Ezel,and i have reason for why i say this. In picture u cans see that i got banned for reason i say for a kid , "kid", but kid is not an insult in any language , and pardik clearly is a f*cking kid , with his 13 years. And when he didn't consider himself a kid why was this reaction? Only kids react in this way . I'm done with this type of asslickers , he want to make everything like in rules? Owners can remove him bcz he is 12 and the rule says admin older then 13 what means 14,15,16.... and continue. In demo u can see that kid how destroy others lm to help ezel to kill . So who is that one who brake rules? I break a rule when i say to a kid that he is a kid? Or playing with my second account is a rule break? bcz that was the second reason why i got ban. That kid says that im playing with bots. No, im just only not use my Harith name . Where in rules is writed that i can;t join/play with another name ? I play with any name i want because i can, i dont break rules with this. Clear the server from retards. Thanks Cheers!
I Support this , admins under 18 years old need to be removed, but when i see, some "adults" are same....i dont give names ,but the bigger part knows what i mean. I know drenk from long time ago, and he never do anything wrong, and he got banned for no reason . It's very sad what happen in this server but i recommand that @NE0- think about the staff , bcz we gonna fly in death with the server if we continue in this way. Cheers.
¤ Your Nickname: Harith ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/LegendsNeverDieLPForever/ ¤ Age (You must have or higher than 13 years): 20 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: hungarian,romanian,englis, little bit arabic from server:)) ¤ Your Location: Romania ¤ Experience As Admin: Semi - elder in this server ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM): every time i stayed ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server ( Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname): https://www.gametracker.com/player/Harith/ ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: To help the server, i caught a lot of cheaters ¤ Other Information For Your Request: I don't want new admin , just my admin back , i was a lot of time inactive because i was banned from all tni servers for a reason that noone knows , my ip of internet was banned exactly , then i reinstall windows,and now its working , and i try to make 7-8 hours/day , @NE0- and @Y[0]SSeF can support this , i'm very active player in general , everyone in the server know me that im friendly soo...can i get my admin back? ? Cheers!
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I tried 3 type of cs,but not working.
Your nick: Harith Your ip ( http://www.iptest.ro) : Your STEAMID: 484 STEAM_1:1:122640046 The reason you have been banned: i really don't know what happened The admin who banned you: i think i was not banned The time: 14:04 23/06/2020 Your proofs (screenshot of your console): "Hello @Harith,you are probably destroyed/banned on that server.To solve that issue contact one of server managers or post a unban_request ." I get this on my post in F.A.Q is it possible that someone destroy me? I can't join the server ,reason "server not responding" but the server is working, i really don't know what happened. The game crashed this morning , and at that momment i can't join the server
Hi guys! i need some help, for some reason i can't join the server, in F.A.Q i asked about this, but i hope also can someone help here , when i want to join says "server not responding" and the server is active and a lot of players play on. I try to reinstall cs , to turn off/back the pc but nothing. Thanks! Cheers!
Your Nickname: Harith Your Problem:Hi guys, i have a little problem. I play on thuglifezm and this morning the game crashed ,and from this time i can't join the server,every other server working only this shows that "server not responding",and a lot of people play on the server. If you have a recommendation,tell me pls . Thanks . Cheers! Screenshot: https://imgur.com/uKQD1YH
I Support, i was there and saw all this actions. I think even if someone block for him,a bot or a player ,(what doesn't happened exactly like this,because someone going attack and in the middle of the way stop,is not the attacked mans foult) Ayoub make a big mistake,insulting a family member,noone can make this mistake. It's not allowed to insult anybody's family,doesn't matter is a player or admin, but here admin swear admin ,who is higher at rang . Cheers! #giverespect #recieverespect
P.S. Some poeple still using xfake,what is absolutely wrong,as i know
¤ Your name: Harith ¤ Claimed Admin name: S.Pardik! , -Vandam- ¤ Date and time: 25.05.2020, 11:56 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/NyyEKz8, https://we.tl/t-xezprBvtyk ¤ Reason of complaint: Hi guys, i'm very sad about what's happening here, you can see with your eyes then day to day we lose many players , and this have a reason:abusing admins Why you think they can't join to play? We need to play with bots all the time , the server is full of bots because we dont have players . I have here 2 demos and 2 photos what clearly show the source of problem,and this happen in every day . My recommandation is to make a big cleaning, first of all to give admin who is older then 18,we have kids in staff who doesn't know how to behave . To all owners: if we continue like this , u will lose a lot of people , this server is going to be dead, let's make it beautiful again,bcz the server is very great but empty,you also lost a part of staff, u know to who i reffer...and everything has a reason If theese proofs it's not enough to escape from abusers...i don't know what to do more, i want to help this server not to destroy it/ I really want ,and i really hope if owners could do something about this probems. Thank you , Cheers!
https://imgur.com/a/609qEXV Vandam was that kid who banned me, here the proof , he can't ban me bcz he don't have prince/co-/owner so big mistake ,and first of all , i didn't make any mistake
¤ Your name: Harith ¤ Claimed Admin name: S.Pardik! or -Vandam- one of these 2 kids ¤ Date and time: 24.05.2020 , 19:25 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/wJvmaG9 ¤ Reason of complaint: Banning me reason rr.kpd , and here the power was cutting off, i dont left bcz i want lefting , i left bcz of storm in this region was the energy off,i joined back with laptop and mobile internet hotspot,not with pc ,it's not my fault if the power was cutted off, i joined back after 10 minutes so clearly this was not rr.kpd , i want remove who banned me , these two kids anyway abusing always, no one of these 2 noobs have acces to ban another admin,as i know noone of these 2 are co -owner so....big breaking rule here Thanks for watching! Cheers!
¤ Your name: Harith ¤ Claimed Admin name: S.Pardik! ¤ Date and time: 24.05.2020 , 16:45 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://we.tl/t-LxTZNu3FO2 ¤ Reason of complaint: In that demo u can see 2 of admins who brake rules , teaming up in mod , not attacking while admin ingame . Thanks for watching! Cheers!
Heyhoo guys! First of all i think child is not an insult,everyone who is under 18 is child,can be annoying this word but it's true... I think that the gag and ban not was correctly applied,i don't know that Azrail it's admin or not,even if he is ,we all can't use command between admins,that's the rule ,but i know very well *-*-* ,and i hope he can repair his mistake and never do this again ? "Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble"
Nicknameul tău: Harith Problema ta: Hi guys, im admin on thuglifezm , and this morning when i wake up,and try to join te server, it say it am banned,i tried to install another cs, admins/staff try unban me ,but the problem still remain , at night i disconnect but at morning i was banned for no reason ,and noone can unban me , what can i do? I can't join the server,reason : banned,i have a picture here Screenshot: https://imgur.com/iXk0rjc
idk it deppends that i reinstall my windows,and with this cs to, but idk if this can be effect
Your nick: Harith Your ip ( http://www.iptest.ro? Your STEAMID: STEAM_1:1:122640046 The reason you have been banned: idk,when i try to join i can't,it says im banned The admin who banned you: idk i not was online The time: 9:13 , 19.05.2020 Your proofs (screenshot of your console): https://imgur.com/6QEe9UR
That's what i said , this people ruin the server, he ask me to not kill him, i kill him and he start insult 12:48
¤ Your name: Harith ¤ Claimed Admin name: Az{3}r_xD ¤ Date and time:03.05.2020 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): i sent the demo to Godfather ¤ Reason of complaint: Guys! It's saddening what happen here with the server. Day to day we lose players, when sv is full 70% of these is bot's, we dont have enough normal players. And the reason? Simple.Exist this type of admin who abuses , teaming up ,don't kill each other ,and when you say something about this they start insulting. This is very irritating about 2 motives. 1 it's annoying to wait that 3 minutes bcz they want to team up and fun. 2 it's very difficult to a player to confront them ,to evolve . Guys, just think about it,everyone want at least once /day to buy a mod , and he can;t because they go teaming and don't let other players, by the way buying same mods in 3-4 consecutive maps. In that demo what i registred is a big teaming up between Azer and Lamanda. Yesterday i reported SAED for this but he still be admin, no remove, no suspend. Let's do something for the server don't let others to ruin it. Thanks ! Cheers!
¤ Your name: Harith ¤ Claimed Admin name: SAED ¤ Date and time: 01.05.2020 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/NorwMJT ¤ Reason of complaint: Hi guys! All of this has started today morning at 9AM. I was on server and also was SAED and Lamanda. They keep play like team , in every mod/round ,don't kill each other moreover keep safe each other. The situation was like this: it was plague mod ,SAED was nemesis ,lamanda normal zm , and lamanda hide with saed in front to keep him safe,they don't attack . This is first map. Second map lamanda bought survivor and i slayed him,for reason he was survivor at previsious map,2 in a row. He start to insult me ,and my family together with SAED. i dont care about he start insult me,but when they insult my family i become very mad .When all this happen i write to Godfather ,because i can't do anything alone , i can't gag an admin . He can support me with screenshot with an exact date/clock. He said to me to tke pictures about these actions. Okey . I stay all of day spec to inspect him . In the link what i attached is the result. All day he gone to ask ammo, all day he ask everyone to not kill him in modes, actually i have demo about this if you want i can upload. ( And here big #respect to Jetrox , because he was in mod and SAED all the time ask him to not kill, and he killed, saying : "This is the rule" , i like these man's ) Now i was nemesis and he ask me to not kill,but i killed him,he started to insult..(okey here im not sure is an insult ,because i can't understand this language but "noob admin" i understand it ) and after this all he started to spam the admin chat to give him ammo. Well, i dont think this is a good comportament of an admin. Thank you for reading , and stole 5 minutes of your day ? ! Cheers
Hey-yoooo guys! I come with an another suggestion for the server to make it interestig. I was thinking about in every round,at final 10 seconds or after final to introduce a part of different song. In real life exist's a lot of songs what can be put there . If zombie's win : The Cranberries - Zombie (1:35-1:45) If in any mod of these:Assassin,Nemesis,Survivor,Sniper is dieing : Vicetone & Tony Igy - Astronomia (u need to know this song , lot of meme was created xd ),and when they win : Queen - We are the champions If human wins : Rag'n'Bone Man - Human (1:16-1:24) If noone win: Two Feet - Go F*ck Yourself Sorry for i making a lot of topics ,but i consider myself a creative man , and i want to be admin on the best server in the world ,already i am but you know how i say ?. Hope you like, Cheers!
¤ Your name: Harith ¤ Claimed Admin name: Top ¤ Date and time:23/04/2020 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): i can't have anything bcz i dont have original cs and snapshot doesnt save the images but can confirm a lot of admins (Jetrox,Levy33,Stefan,Mr.Rayan,Illidan) ¤ Reason of complaint: Hello guys! There's a little problem . I dont have anything with enyone , i don't want to be bad with anyone , but this admin named Top doesn't know how to manage the server. First of all he asked in every round in every minute for ammo in public chat . There is a rule breaking Secondly if i or other admins or other players say him something about this he start to insult "shut up" "fak you""noob admin" (sorry for use this language but this is the truth) and i can't gag him because he is an admin and admins can't use command on other admins,but he still use , he gaged a lot of admins,slay and slap. There's 2 rule breakings. He doesn't respectful with other players , if him doesnt like something he slay the player ,just because that player killed him. What i said , i don't want to be bad with someone ,but i think he will riun this beautiful server. Thanks for reading! Cheers!
Hello everybody! I'll come with a new sugestion what i think it can e good on the server . I think we can introduce new sound in game to make it more interesting like "M-M-M-Monsterkill" "Savage" , u know what i mean :)))). Or new skin models for zm and survivors , i mean zm had ,but survivor still standard. Thank you for reading! Cheers!
Hello boys and girls , CS lovers , i want to suggest something for the server. In real life i really love to gamble,so i was thinking how can be here a gambling zm server. For exemple ,after die, the players can bet on a team. bet t (sum of packs ) (t meaning zm) bet ct (sum of packs ) (ct meaning survivors) bet x ( sum of packs ) (x meaning no one won round) The winners who guessed correctly won double pack what he bet it,and those who lose ,lose their packs what they bet it. I really hope you like this idea. Cheers!