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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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Everything posted by Yuujirou

  1. "You’are the closest to heaven, that I'll ever be"

    • Small blessing by the devil 
    1. LeenaXD


      It felt like heaven,

      to flirt with hell.



      by the angel herself.

  2. Wejad ro7k ay jat Tournament ?

    1. Crimson!


      zaraghom domage rani sans GPU

  3. V1 , Text & Effect
  4. Congrats Journalists ? 

    1. #Em i[N]O'

      #Em i[N]O'

      3aych 5ouya mohamed 

  5. Welcome
  6. Welcome
  7. Welcome ?
  8. Nice name ❤️ ? 

    1. Lexman.


      I still think it's a woman's name hh

  9. Nick: Mohamed Crazy! Real name: Mohamed How old are you?: 17 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): League of Legends ( from1== 4 Hours) / Counter Strike ( From 1 == 2Hours) Where are you from?(country and city): Algeria (Blida) Describe yourself(at least 50 words): I do not like fighting with anyone as a Muslim, and I love helping a lot, whether my friend or my enemy, I want to find medicine for this nightmare (Corona Virus) Note some of your qualities: I am honest and loyal person and i don't like liars Tell us some of your defects: Sometimes angry, and I hate losing On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): Overwatch - Topic Off Which category/project you want to care off?(choose from THIS LIST): Overwatch (Especially Battle 1v1... and all section) How well you speak english?(and other languages): as i live in algeria , i say 70% Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: Yes sure Contact methods: Facebook Last request: The First one
  10. Have Fun
  11. i Like your music , give the name please!

    1. Yuujirou


      ahahahaha btw , Thank you ❤️ @Meh Rez vM ! ♫

  12. you brooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what happend ?

  13. bro pw for 1 min...

  14. STAFF (Profile Emblem) Administrator of the Year ➤ @Ares Global Moderator of the Year ➤ @NANO Moderator of the Year ➤ @portocalo!xD PROJECT NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 1500 CSBD Points) GFX Designer of the Year ➤ @W A L K E R ™ GFX Helper of the Year ➤ @Nexy Gambler of the Year ➤ - Uploader of the Year ➤ @Tyga ♛♛ Overwatcher of the Year ➤ @Hardwell™ Journalist of the Year ➤ @Afrodita. MANAGERS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem + 2000 CSBD Points) Manager CS 1.6 of the Year ➤ @Hardwell™ Manager CS:GO of the Year ➤ SPECIAL GROUPS NOMINATIONS (Profile Emblem+ 2500 CSBD Points) The oldest Ex-Staff ➤ @#Ace Best V.I.P. ➤ @CreTzu TEAMSPEAK 3 NOMINATIONS (Special TS3 Icon + 50.000 TS3 Coins) TS3 Helper of the Year ➤ The most active TS3 user ➤ The user who asked the most for rank ➤ The best TS3 DJ ➤ The most AFK user ➤ SERVERS NOMINATIONS (Special Signature with the server's name) Server of the Year ➤ ZMDARKNIGHT The most active (32/32) server ➤ THUNDERZM The best Zombie server ➤ NEWLIFEZM The best Classic server ➤ CLASIC-CLASIc The best Respawn server ➤ MEMBERS NOMINATIONS (2000 CSBD Points) The most active membru CsBlackDevil (+1000 CSBD Points) ➤ Banned of the year ➤ Loser of the year ➤ The member who dreams about ranks ➤ Spammer of the Year ➤ The most social member ➤ The most beautiful member ➤ The most appreciated member ➤ The most annoying member ➤ The most beloved member ➤ The richest member ➤ The member who helped the most ➤ The member with the best topics/posts ➤ The friendliest member ➤
  15. Yuujirou


    ¤ Your nickname (as in the forum): Mohamed ¤ Your Skype address, facebook: Fb: Mohamed Kahal (fb) ¤ Age: 22 ¤ Languages you can speak: English ¤ Your location: Algeria / Blida ¤ Experience as an administrator (last GT server link): 2 Years And my best Grad is "ELDER" ¤ You can remain a spectator or play between these hours (24:00 - 12:00 PM): yes sure why not and iam an active memeber in the night ¤ Hours link you played on the server (click here you need to enter your nickname) 39+ ¤ The reason for which you want to be an administrator: to help new players and Do the rules . that all
  16. Hiii bro . iam Mohamed you remember me . how can i be admin here . Thank you ?

  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password


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