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Master_Kill last won the day on January 12 2022

Master_Kill had the most liked content!

About Master_Kill

  • Birthday 11/24/2002


  • [Banned by Diavol] insults - 100 euro tax


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  • Zorro
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Master_Kill's Achievements

Community Regular

Community Regular (8/14)

  • Well Followed Rare
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  1. +votat
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  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  4. +1 Vot
  5. +1 Vot
  6. +1 Vot
  7. V2 brighter, more beautiful, + the text. Nice work.
  8. @Inmortal™ Asked to be removed (click), admins who were higher ranks when they return, if they log in, they will start from Helper.
  9. Welcome have fun.
  10. Promoted @-Sn!PeR- to Co-owner. Promoted @Inmortal™ to Owner.
  11. bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 1" // Nightvision bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 2" // Explosion Nade bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 3" // Napalm Nade bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 4" // Frost Nade bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 5" // Killing Nade bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 6" // AWP Magnum Sniper bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 7" // M249 Para Machinegun bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // Survivor bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // Sniper bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" // Nemesis bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Assassin [ADMIN BINDS] bind "KEY" "say @Add server to favorite" bind "KEY" "say @[Zombie's Go Attack Or 3x Slap -> 1x Freeze -> 1x Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Shoot Other Player's LM Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Ask For Ammo/Mod/Jetpack/Points Or Gag (6 Minutes!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Block Other Player's Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Zombie's Go Out Of Water Or Direct Freeze!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Go On The Top Of The Map Or 3x Slap -> 1x Slay!]"
  12. +1 Vote
  13. Vrei să fii VIP - Pe ZModschool? Beneficii * Daune mai mari + Mai Mult Ammo * +300+ Sănătate în Spawn * +300 de armură în spawn * +4 Salturi în Spawn * Model alb VIP Player | Model Alb De Vip. * Etichetă VIP pe tabloul de bord | VIP Tag In Tabla De Scoruri. Prețuri și perioade * 1x VIP lunar = 7€ * 2x VIP lunar = 14€ * 3x VIP lunar = 21€ * VIP permanent = 50€ Contact și metode de plată @Master_Kill = WhatsApp: +40761128893 Metoda: PayPal [PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/MasterkillZM ] / IBAN - RO14 RZBR 0000 0600 2240 1612 [EN] VIP benefits * Higher Damage + More Ammo * +300+ Health In Spawn * +300 Armor In Spawn * +4 Jumps In Spawn * White VIP Player Model | Model Alb De Vip. * VIP Tag On Scoreboard | VIP Tag In Tabla De Scoruri. Prices * 1x VIP lunar = 7€ * 2x VIP lunar = 14€ * 3x VIP lunar = 21€ * VIP permanent = 50€ @Master_Kill = WhatsApp: +40761128893 Metoda: PayPal [PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/MasterkillZM ] / IBAN - RO14 RZBR 0000 0600 2240 1612
  14. Welcome, have fun.


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