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Bandolero -

Manager CS 1.6
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    North Macedonia

Everything posted by Bandolero -

  1. zm_2day zm_3rooms zm_cross zm_csdevils zm_deko2 zm_five zm_foda zm_foda_v2 zm_fox zm_fox_v2 zm_ice_attack3 zm_ice_vk zm_snow_mix zm_clinic_emergency_v2 zm_snowbase5 zm_snowbase4_zp ZM_STRIKE_2k18 zm_franqeeto_final zm_vendetta zm_x1 zm_long_night_v2 zm_sahara zm_ez2 zm_ice_attack24 zm_cold_attack zm_x2 zm_2010 ; zm_block_attack zm_ark_ice_defense_v1 zm_fox_v5 zm_foda_remake_v3 zm_deko24 zm_base_invernal zm_gg zm_snow_vk4 zm_snow_vk5 zm_snow_vk6 zm_rita zm_pharaoh zm_ice_devil2 zm_clinic_emergency zm_oasis zm_cb_1 zm_spacex zm_barrage_v1 zpl_cartoons_final zm_long_night_v2 zm_monstro_snow zm_snow_attack_dd zm_snow2012 zm_snowbase zm_talvisota zm_egypt_v3 zm_tonga zm_trakinax_tubo zm_canabys_snow zm_gbox5 zm_fortuna zm_glass_attack6 zm_glass_vk zm_defence zm_dust_world zm_evil_dustnight zm_gold_dust_vipee zm_dark_mini zm_gbox5 zm_gbox zm_biohazard_base_mx zm_madafakus zm_deko2_zg_v2 zm_dusts zm_big_vk zm_ice_csd zm_crazy zm_ice_attack5 zm_decay zm_long_glass zm_ng_lights zm_anthrax_v2_fix zm_dustlight zm_restart_v3 zm_rita zm_ice_world_v2 zm_gbox3 zm_killdust2 zm_epr zm_dust2_2k15 zm_iceworld_humans zm_foda_remake_v3 zm_mkdust2
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  2. xplay zm searching for admins 

    check our section and apply now !

    Zombie - XPLAYZM - CSBD Community

  3. Before Requesting for Tag there are some terms you need to read : You should have minimum 30hours in our server in order to request for Tag Sexual/vurgular language Tag isn't allowed . You have to respect & use the model when requesting for Tag
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  4. Is the server all good ? Should we add/remove something ? Reply down and we can discuss hear oppinions and think
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  5. Nickname: Administrator Grade : Reason :
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  6. Every donation including strangers , server players ,admins , managers . Will be posted here as we wanna be Thankful to those who contribute and appreciate our Server .
  7. Howdy , Everyone is allowed to present his/her idea including our Server as long as you follow and you agree to our terms & rules To not complicate this , i'll write the rules/infos you will be needing to respect in order to approve your suggestion. Rules : Make sure to use the model when you are suggesting something to our Server ( ignorance of using the model will result to topic delete.) You are allowed to suggest 1x per week ( because we are serious and we take every suggestion into our consideration we dont rush things and wanna work the highest proffessional Server Management) Using verbal language & pornoghapic words , scenes will result on topic delete + blacklist Informations : We do not joke with any suggestion , we appreciate every word you put and whatever you express as long as you agree to our terms. Always try to provide as much info about the suggestion so we understand better and we give fast answer. Take in mind every suggestion , will be well proccesed and this may take some time because we wanna be sure what we implement on sv.
  8. In-Game Nickname : Your idea & suggestion : What you think the suggestion will help us wiith :
  9. Howdy , Any update on our server , the leak will be posted here so no one dont miss what comes in and what goes out . This topic will remain locked and be used only by Server Managers when we have any update to share .
      • 3
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  10. eyyyyyyyy ugly

    1. x-games ___!@#

      x-games ___!@#

      my uglyyyyyyyyyyyyy xD <3333 how are u King^

    2. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      good bro u ? nice to see u again , send me a private message please wanna talk too u 

  11. u playing cs stiill ?

    1. XZoro


      He doesn't have time to shake his head, and u asking if he still playing 😄😄 .

    2. Bandolero -
    3. MehrezVM


      Lol hey ma g glad to see you again , no i don't play the game anymore it's been years.  

  12. the forum where we grew up

  13. Send me a pm yoo

  14. Aje igatshem per cs 1.6 zm sv per admin 

    1. aRbi~


      per qef isha hi amo admin jo :V 

    2. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      Shkrum ta qoj ip se smuj ktu

  15. Clean ur inbox i wanna send u pm 

  16. Ugly need an urgent talk with u 

  17. thank me later ❤️ 


    1. HICHEM


      sharmota hahahahhaahhahaha

  18. its good to be back 

    1. Noticias ALEJANDRO
    2. MehrezVM


      To see your account again give me flashbacks , so nostalgic .

      The Leaders VGame Reviewers back when it was worth something...

      Welcome back .

    3. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      ayy my g words cant describe how much ive missed you and the vgame reviewers staff im so happy to see you i hope youre doing good my old friend  

      those times were GOLD ASF



  19. deserves to listen till the end ❤️ 

    enjoy a lovely song

    1. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-


      Soo Sweet  and Sad 

  20. Hello jayden , i will give you an solution which may could help you to fix your problem ! follow my steps please . 1. press window key+r then type regedit and enter there . 2. you will see something above like "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" and a cube & a minus ( - ) press on the cube+minuse and there will appear something like this : Appevents,console etc . 3. go to Software>Valve>Half Life>Settings 4. tbh,sometimes deleting half life folder works,so give it a try . 5. EngineDLL - now change the value of : EngineDll=hw.dll EngineD3D=1 ScreenBPP ( bit ) = 32 6. open CS if it doesn't work i have another solution for you my friend , 1. right click "Computer" +Properties 2. Advanced system settings 3.above you will see some commands ( go to "Advanced" ) 4. first line when you see with "Seetings" ( press on seetings ) 5. something will appear press "x" - only that . 6. Data Execution Prevention 7. Press below when you see an command "Add" - and add cs from from your desktop here . 8. Apply+OK I hope your problem will be fixed , if the problem still appears please leave me a Private Message ( PM ) whenever & wherever you want . Thank You -
  21. ah more vlla ? shpresoj te kthehesh prap ? 

    #legendneverdie ❤️ 


  22. kafa leyla ❤️ 

    1. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      Spot is made in tunisia but the song is in deutschland & turkish,tunisian


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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