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Everything posted by [MC]Ronin[MC]

  1. Never forget to fix your bed! It's more important than it looks Do you realize how quickly we get involved in our daily challenges? And only a few minutes after the last alarm sound. We are in a hurry to get into the rhythm of the world around us. We tend to neglect small household obligations because "it is not so important". Many health experts advise starting the day with a glass of lemon water and exercise. Today, however, we want to pay attention to something that does not take so much time and effort but has hidden psychological benefits. Get your bed right! This is an important part of the morning ritual, just like the first coffee of the day and face wash. This action sends a signal to your body that it is time to wake up and prepare for a positive productive day. And the best part is that you choose what efforts you make to the habit. Some will just throw away the top and gently smooth the covers, while others will spend much of their time decorating with decorative pillows. You have all the freedom within your home. Take the first step! Because no one will feel good in a tidy home. Do you think we're exaggerating? Oh, on the contrary. People who tend to miss small household tasks very rarely do it once. And this neglect grows into a daily chain reaction. Just think: your bed is not fixed, the laundry basket is full for a few days, the Christmas decoration is still there ... Do we need to continue? We call you again: fix your bed! It will take you a few minutes, but your day will be transformed. Because you will prove to yourself that you have the power to do something when you have the least desire for it. If you're having a bad day and feeling depressed, just say, "At least I woke up this morning on time and got my bed right!" Sometimes our life doesn't go according to plan. But there are some small but very important things that depend solely on us. And sometimes that is enough to make us feel happy and satisfied. This morning, we got our bed straight, did you?
  2. You will not believe what people have with a coronavirus The Turks buy cologne, the French condoms, what do Bulgarians spend? Answer given by Ali Gulen in material for Turkish newspaper Sozju The coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan in the Hubei province of China and became a global epidemic in a very short time, has revealed the habits and priorities of many countries. Once the coronavirus crisis has accelerated, it became clear which products are most sought after by the citizens of different countries. The Turkish people, who stockpiled flour, bulgur, legumes, olive oil and sugar in times of coronavirus, in the war of coronation and epidemic, rushed to traditional cologne (called a colony in Turkey and used primarily for hand disinfection, ed.). The results from other countries are quite different, Ali Gulen writes in a piece for the Turkish newspaper Sozju. Five of the most po[CENSORED]r purchases in Russia with the advent of Kovid-19 Here is the country consumption of the coronavirus Germany - toilet paper German citizens, who, thanks to timely measures against the coronavirus, are in a much better position than other European countries, as the epidemic increased, they rushed to buy toilet paper and hygiene products. Supermarkets in the country, hygienic shops and pharmacies have become the most visited places. Demand was so high that the price of a toilet paper package jumped to 20 euros a while ago in online trading sites. Is there speculation, are food prices jumping? USA - a weapon In the US, as with any crisis, many things remain the same in this crisis. In addition to stocking up on food and beverages, Americans also stormed gun sales. In many gun shops, the products were depleted and not only weapons were sold, but a huge amount of ammunition was sold. Italy - pasta and wine In Italy, the hardest hit by the coronavirus country, the highest sales of pasta were made. In this country, where more than 10,000 people lost their lives, toilets in combination with bidets, like Turkey, are po[CENSORED]r, so there is little demand for toilet paper. Instead, pasta and wine were sold. Spain - pasta and wine In Spain, where 5982 people died (7340 according to the most recent data, ed.) And over 73 thousand (already over 85 thousand, ed.) Fell ill, the greatest interest is in pasta and pasta. and wine. There is no excessive demand for toilet paper. Coronavirus pandemic - why toilet paper Netherlands - drugs The country in which light drugs are allowed in a certain amount before the places of sale and consumption of these products are closed, the young people stocked up with marijuana for personal consumption. The buckets, which will remain closed until April 6, have long queues in front of buckets. Turkey - cologne The eau de toilette, which we call a colony, the original of which comes from Cologne and is known as "cologne 4711", has led our search during the coronavirus crisis. Cologne, which is used as a disinfectant because of its high alcohol content, has led the way in Turkey's top-selling products. France - wine and condoms France, which has more than 31,000 infected (according to recent data, 45,000), has opted for a different product from the other countries. In the days of the coronavirus crisis in France, condoms and wine sales soared. Tails in front of shops in Sofia, people are hoarding Scandinavian countries - painkillers Coronavirus sales in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland differ significantly from those in other countries. In the Scandinavian countries, there was a high demand for painkillers, temperature-lowering medicines and insulin. This is what has been looking for pharmacies in the area lately. Bulgaria - citrus fruits Neighboring Bulgaria has turned to citrus fruits. Bulgarians buy large quantities of lemons, oranges, etc. Switzerland - Frozen Foods In Switzerland, however, where there is a high per capita prevalence of coronavirus, mostly frozen food, vegetables and - like Germany - toilet paper are sold.
  3. UPDATE 29: The End of the Beginning Hello Miners! It’s time for another update as we’re ramping up for full release! The main focus for this update has been on improving the first experience new Greenbeards will encounter, but we also have a lot of goodies for veteran players, such as Armors finally being able to get new Paintjobs, and an all-new Miner’s Manual to name a few! Cheers, The Ghost Ship Crew --- PATCH NOTES --- PICKAXE CUSTOMIZATION ---------------------------- Every miner needs a pickaxe, but no two pickaxes need to look the same! Find and unlock new parts to customize each of the six different sections of your pickaxe, not to mention a handful of brand new Paintjobs for it as well. Crack those rocks in style! LOST PACK ENCOUNTER ---------------------------- If you see some lost gear scattered around the place, try to find a blinking helmet. Use that to download the location of the lost dwarf’s backpack and track it down using your Terrain Scanner. They are always full of pickaxe parts and precious minerals. DROP POD OVERHAUL ---------------------------- Let’s be blunt… the Drop Pod has been in need of a facelift for a while. That has now happened - including Fuzzy Dice! NEW DWARF SHOUTS ---------------------------- BISMOR, BISMOR, BISMOR! A good bunch of new shouts have been added, including some notorious missing Laser Pointer shouts! SPACERIG EXTERIOR ---------------------------- Did you know that the Launch Bay is only a small part of the Spacerig infrastructure? MINER’S MANUAL ---------------------------- Missions, Crafting Resources, Damage Types, Weapon Mods... There are so many systems in DRG! It can be overwhelming at first. We collected as much information as we could and created a ton of new infographics to make a guide. Hopefully this will help during the first few hours of the game. There might even be some details veteran miners didn’t know. It’s the intention that the Miner’s Manual will continue to expand with new entries and chapters in future updates. IMPROVED TUTORIAL ---------------------------- Mining is way more fun once you know the basics. There is now a brand-new and more streamlined Tutorial with clear instructions and tasks. Let’s get the Greenbeards up to speed as soon as possible, Management wants to see that ore flowing! ESCAPE-MENU OVERHAUL ---------------------------- With the inclusion of the Miner’s Manual, we decided to redo the whole Escape menu. The main tab is the Status, where you can read all the information about your current Mission, Loadout, and Team. Many of the items link directly to the Miner’s Manual, so you can learn more about, for instance, the current Mission Warning Mutator with just one click. VANITY ICONS ---------------------------- All cosmetic items, both from The Shop and The Forge, now have proper icon previews! They are perfect for quick sorting and to avoid “guess forging”, but, most importantly, they look cool. ARMOR PAINTJOBS [COMMUNITY REQUEST] ---------------------------- All the ingame Armor Sets have received the same split between Frameworks and Paintjobs that weapons got recently. Several brand new Armor Paintjobs can be found in the Lost Pack Encounters, with more to come further down the line. Also, for those with Supporter Upgrade, the Gilded Armor is now a Gilded Paintjob and can be applied to all Armors. WEAPON BALANCE ---------------------------- “THUNDERHEAD” HEAVY AUTOCANNON Moved some of the AoE range bonus of Carpet Bomber OC to the Base Weapon and Shrapnel Rounds Mod Moved some of the AoE damage bonus of Carpet Bomber OC to the Base Weapon Added an accuracy bonus to Big Bertha OC Removed starting fire rate penalty on Big Bertha OC, now only the max fire rate is affected Reduced the direct damage penalty on Neurotoxin Payload OC Slightly increased the DR bonus from the Damage Resistance at Full RoF Mod “WARTHOG” AUTO 210 Moved some of the damage bonus of the Bigger Pellets Mod to the Base Weapon Increased the base rate of fire Lowered the rate of fire bonus of the Miner Adjustments Mod Increased the bonus of the Supercharged Feed Mechanism Mod Removed the Improved Stun Mod and increased the base duration of a weakpoint stun Fixed the stun chance stat display to be more clear that the stun chance is calculated for every pellet that hits Made it so the Minishells OC can't stun targets Fixed crosshair misalignment Fixed the Cycle Overload OC not affecting weapon spread properly Lowered the spread penalty of the Cycle Overload OC “STUBBY” VOLTAIC SMG Reduced recoil especially the horizontal recoil so it is now easier to manually compensate Greatly reduced max shot spread Improved base accuracy Increased base damage Consolidated all base damage into one damage type Increased base chance of electrocution Modification Tweaks Replaced the Floating Barrel Mod with a Recoil Reduction Mod Improved the bonus of the Improved Capacitors Mod Removed the Larger Capacitors Mod Relocated the Conductive Bullets Mod to Tier 4 Removed the Overcharged Rounds Mod and added some of it’s bonus to the Base Weapon BRT7 BURST FIRE GUN Increased base damage Decreased base ammo Lowered the base armor breaking Decreased base recoil Decreased max spread Increased base clip size Modification Tweaks Increased damage bonus of the High Velocity Rounds Mod Removed the Burst Damage Mod Increased the stun duration of Burst Stun Mod Swapped positions of the Floating Barrel Mod and the Disabled Safety Mod Increased the bonus of the Quickfire Ejector Mod Overclock Tweaks Increased the damage bonus of the Experimental Rounds OC to work with the new weapon damage and ammo numbers CRYO CANNON Reduced base charge-up time Increased discharge time Increased the base effective range Increased the speed with which the spray extends to its effective range Increased base freezing power Increased base damage Increased the base size of the pressure chamber Lowered the base re-pressurisation delay Fixed the weapon damage and freezing power stats displaying each other's values. Cold Mechanics Tweaks Mactera Spawns freeze a bit faster Enemies slow down faster as they get colder Modification Tweaks Combined the Larger Pressure Chamber Mod and Increased Chamber Pressure Mod Improved the value of the 2nd Stage Pump Mod and renamed it to Faster Turbine Spinup Increased the value of the Bypassed Integrity Check Mod so it now completely removes the re-pressurisation delay Increased value of the Overclocked Ejection Turbine Renamed the Faster 1st Stage Pump Mod to Fast-filling Pressure Chamber Reduced the value of the Improved Mixture Mod and renamed it to Supercooling Mixture Renamed the High Water Content Mod to Hard Mixture Increased the power of the Cold Radiance Mod Overclock Tweaks Added a flow rate bonus to the Flow OC Increased the Ice Spear OC damage and it no longer depends on pressure, it's now always hits the same Increased the Ice Spear OC ammo cost and it now always consumes the same amount and you can always shoot it as long as you have the ammo and the weapon is not repressurising Tweaked Ice Spear OC damage and ammo cost Increased the damage bonus and lowered the pressure drop penalty on the Ice Storm OC Removed rate of fire bonus from Ice Storm OC Added an ammo penalty to Ice Storm OC Increased the radius and freezing power of the Snowball OC, like the Ice Spear the damage is now constant Lowered the ammo cost of the Snowball OC, like Ice Spear the ammo cost stays constant Increased Snowball OC ammo penalty BREACH CUTTER Increased the base width of the plasma beam Increased the base damage Changed how damage is shown in the stats to a DPS value Decreased line speed Increased the plasma line life-span Decreased the rate of fire Increased the base magazine size Increased the "hitbox" of the plasma beam so it is more forgiving Modification Tweaks Increased the values of the Loosened Node Cohesion Mods Increased the value of the Prolonged Power Generation Mod Removed one of the damage Mods and increased the value of the remaining one Added a Mod to extend stun duration Removed one of the magazine-size Mods Removed one of the Expanded Ammo Bags Mods and increased the value of the remaining one Improved the effect of the Quick Deploy Mod and it now affects both deploy speed and deploy delay Changed the Double-split line to a Triple-split line that covers a larger area both above and now below the standard line Combined the There Can Only Be One and Explosive Goodbye Mods and made it that firing while you have a line out will detonate that line wout shooting a new one. Lowered the explosion's damage but it now leaves a residual plasma field that continues to damage enemies over time. Added the Plasma Trail Mod which causes the beam to leave a trail of residual plasma which damages enemies over time Rearranged many of the Mods NOTE: Anyone who owned the removed Mods will be refunded the Minerals and Credits they spent Overclock Tweaks Yaw Man has become an Unstable OC and is now called Spinning Death. It causes the beam to spin while moving slowly forward dealing a lot of damage over time in the area. Roll Control will not spin the beam if you click to fire but only if you hold. Releasing the fire button after the projectile starts spinning works as before. Return to Sender no longer has a damage penalty Inferno now ignites most enemies in one pass and no longer reduces your rate of fire High Voltage Crossover is now a Balanced OC and no longer has a damage penalty DEEPCORE 40MM PGL Improved the responsiveness of the Proximity Trigger Mod and fixed the description which referenced a damage bonus based on a time mechanic that was not actually being used LEADSTORM MINIGUN - Improved how quickly the Burning Hell OC sets things on fire - The Leadstorm OC now removes the Minigun's stun ability and has a slightly lower - Lowered the damage bonus on the Leadstorm OC a bit OTHER WEAPON TWEAKS Made the Persistent Plasma effects always kill swarmers that go through them. This impacts both the EPC and the Breech Cutter. Lowered the splash radius of the Pheromone Canister and lowered the number of enemies a pheromone-affected target can attract MISC ---------------------------- Added a new first person death animation Added a new attack to the Glyphid Oppressor Added new equip animations to the Equipment Terminal Added a new terminal design for the Accessory Terminal and renamed it The Shop Added a new terminal design for the Mineral Trade Terminal Added pathfinder blockers below the platforms of the Minehead in Point Extraction to prevent enemies from walking there Overhauled the Tutorial Hints Weapons that do fire damage can now ignite gas clouds Hoverboots perk now have particles coming from the boots and will also burn any creatures unfortunate enough to be right beneath you when you activate them Renamed the Grappling Gun to Grappling Hook Renamed the Zipline Gun to Zipline Launcher Resupply Pods now needs to fall a set distance before it starts doing damage on landing Improved several sprint animations Improved the sound of the Dash perk Improved the logic of the Born Ready perk when activated on clients Improved the spawning logic of Machine Events to prevent Core Infusers from disappearing Fixed several field of view related bugs, including the field of view of the Zhukov NUK17 Fixed a bug in the achievement for Milestones Fixed a bug with the Impact Axe sound effect only playing for host Fixed a bug that caused clients to not see themselves as frozen when they are frozen Fixed a bug that sometimes caused double footstep sounds in first person Fixed a bug that prevented certain status effects from properly displaying on Lootbugs Fixed a bug that caused the Terrain Scanner to become stuck in view Fixed a bug that prevented the salute animation from playing in third person while sprinting Fixed a bug that enabled Silicate Harvesters to walk on walls Fixed a bug that caused the Iron Will countdown to display prematurely Fixed a bug that caused the light of the Proximity Trigger mod for the Deepcore 40MM PGL to stick around after the projectile is destroyed Fixed a bug that prevented Heightened Senses from working after the first time you get grabbed by an enemy Fixed a bug where projectiles could nudge the player around for a brief moment while close. This was especially noticeable when looking down and firing. Fixed a bug that prevented enemy health bars from properly indicating weakpoint hits for clients Fixed a bug that caused LMG Gun Platforms with Hawkeye System mod to shoot marked enemy corpses indefinitely Fixed a bug that caused some weapons to become offset when saluting with certain weapons Fixed a bug that caused the Loadout Icon Selector menu to remain open after closing a Terminal Fixed a bug that prevented Bosco skins from working in missions Fixed a bug that enabled two players to tame the same Glyphid, sometimes removing its textures Fixed a bug in the State of the Art achievement so it no longer triggers prematurely when having all items upgraded fully except the armor Fixed a bug when using both the Hardened Drill Tips and Supercharged Motor mods on the Reinforced Power Drills Fixed a bug that caused the canister of the CRSPR Flamethrower to change color when reloading with some Weapon Frameworks Fixed a bug with Air Geysers causing jittery movement for clients while pushed Fixed a bug that caused Bosco to senselessly attack the Drop Pod if you marked it with the Laser Pointer. Silly Bosco Fixed a bug that caused Mactera Spawns to look like they are in their attack stance while fleeing Patch Notes from Experimental Branch During the last week, Update 29 has been live on the Experimental Branch. And thanks to all the feedback and testing, we applied quite a few tweaks, additions and bug fixes. Here follows a list of the relevant changes that happened and didn't make it into the in-game patch notes: Updated the look of the Spacerig personal cabines Improved network code for client movement New Wardrobe menu Improved Mission Map terminal Added Gamma option to the graphics section of the options menu Added icons for keys: P,O,K,L,Z,T Added icons Apostrophe - Colon - Comma - Period - SemiColon Typo fixes in Miner's Manual Added Promotion-Available pop-up icons Added Promotion Directions text (Promotion now happens in the Memorial Hall) Fixed mission control speak on promotion Pheromone Canister: Lowered the splash radius Pheromone Canister: Lowered the number of enemies a single target can attract Fix autocannon impacting cloud left by preatorians Leadstorm OC: now removes the Minigun's stun ability Lowered the damage bonus on the Leadstorm OC Fix Radiactive Preatorians special attack not dealing damage Poison damage type description expanded to include Neurotoxin Fix for AI not respecting pathfinder. Attacking in drop pod etc. Fixed sawed off shotgun jump overclock for clients Fixed High Voltage Crossover OC description text referencing a penalty that was not there Warthog Combat Shotgun: Fixed crosshair misalignment Warthog Combat Shotgun: Changed the stun stat display back to a per pellet value Warthog Combat Shotgun: Fixed the Cycle Overload OC not affecting weapon spread Warthog Combat Shotgun: Lowered the spread penalty of the Cycle Overload OC Cryo Cannon: Added a flow rate bonus to the Flow OC Cryo OC Tweak: Removed rate of fire bonus from Ice Storm OC Cryo OC Tweak: Added a small ammo penalty to Ice Storm OC Cryo OC Tweak: Increased Snowball OC ammo penalty Cryo OC Tweak: Increased Snowball ammo cost Fix Sawed off shells having wrong material when using skin Fix Glyphids footstep particles not matching biome Fix world scrolling ice particles Oppressor: Added a longer delay before the attack starts doing damage and knocks back Oppressor: Targets hit by the tremor attack now need to be close to the surface that the rocks emerge from Oppressor: Tremor attack will now require the oppressor to have line of sight to their main target before starting the attack Oppressor: Reduced the damage that the tremor attack does from 5 per tick to 2.5 Oppressor: Tweaked down size and cooldown of oppressor attack Oppressor: Tremor attack now ends more in line with what the particles look like Tried to fix a bug that caused infinite sounds and camera shake on ammo pods landing on the ground Lost Pack should no longer spawn in supply tunnels and droppod tunnel, only near original parts of the cave Fixed Assault 3rd player equip animation Tweaked interact trigger on the Shop in spacerig Added slide in and out sound for weapon loadout in escape menu Fix projectiles could hit the base collider of enemies, not dealing correct impact damage (ignore armor and not get frozen bonus) Lighting slightly lowered and more tinted in CharacterSelection level Color tweaks for new Armor Paintjobs Fixed a case where enemies would not ragdoll Mastery Rewards: Tweaked text Rotate podium with character Fixed droppod location in tutorial Extra Morkite and Nitra in first missions Fixed the missing texture on blob in Radioactive Zone Unlock Mastery Awarded skins even if you purchased the upgrades before the patch Keyboard icons added: Ampersand, quote, é Added a small light by drone modification terminal Updated images for miners manual spacerig page Fix to Laser Pointer description Fix vanity icons applying armor paint jobs Partly fixed bosco loadout skin problemt at drone terminal Changed the duration mod icon so it is not the same as the delay icon Bosco Mesh and Color skin fix at terminal Fixed droppod random rotation in tutorial Fix loadout alignment in the menu screen when bound to a key with a long name SpaceRig tweaks, fix glass shader world space [Community Request] ESSENTIAL graphical issues fixed on the Space Rig: You can no longer pass through speakers, UV's have been fixed on tatty posters, a Hoop Game monitor is no longer floating, and the Platform Gun lying on the workshop table no longer slightly intersects with the grenade box next to it. Well done, Team. Minor Space Rig tweaks, some old ugly models revamped, some material improvements Smoke no longer disappears from Forge when up close
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  5. How to get in shape quickly after the flu Respiratory viruses die in warm weather The seasonal flu this year has lasted a little longer than usual, but as time goes on the symptoms gradually subside. In order to recover more quickly, influenza survivors should pay attention to several precautions. Avoid repeated encounters with viruses - for example, in contact with sneezing and coughing people. The weakened body is very susceptible at this time. More rest, more sleep, less exercise and stress will help the body cope more quickly with the effects of the flu. Ventilate the room well enough to get enough fresh air - viruses don't like it. Walking in the sun and clean air will have a good effect on the immune system - Vitamin D boosts immunity and the sun is a natural antidepressant. In the spring, pay special attention to healthy eating. One of the most beneficial foods after a flu shot is yogurt. The lactobacilli in it normalize the intestinal flora and strengthen the immunity. Unlike yogurt, fresh milk and dairy products cause mucus secretion in the body, so they should be avoided. Herbal teas with honey are a wonderful natural remedy that should not be lost - they have anti-inflammatory and cough effects. A spoonful of grated ginger, mixed with honey, is a powerful helper to restore the body and toxin. Don't forget the garlic, at least 3-4 cloves a day. A varied diet and intake of enough fresh fruits and vegetables will provide all the necessary ingredients of an exhausted body.
  6. Rainfall will weaken, temperatures will rise Where has the most snow fallen in recent days? The weather over Bulgaria on Wednesday will remain mostly cloudy. In the northwestern half of the country it will be mostly snow, but it will weaken and in many places in the evening it will stop. Light rain will occur in the south-east. The wind will continue to moderate in the Danube Plain and Eastern Bulgaria - temporarily strong wind from the northeast. The minimum temperatures will be between minus 3 and 2 °. Daytime temperatures will rise slightly and maximums will be mostly between 2 and 7 °, in the extreme southwestern regions up to 9 - 10 °. Atmospheric pressure will rise and be higher than the average for the month. The snow hit northwestern Bulgaria, where there was no electricity After 48 hours, the most snow fell in the region of Vrachanski (28 cm), Sofia (21 cm), Dragoman (18 cm), Vidin (16 cm), Kneja and Pleven (14 cm). Due to heavy snowfall and strong winds, winds and sleet formed in northwestern Bulgaria, along the Danube River, in the Pleven and Lovech regions, as well as in the northeast. The Black Sea coast will be mostly cloudy and in places, mostly on the south coast, it will be raining. A moderate and gusty northeast wind will blow. The maximum temperatures will be 5 - 7 °, slightly lower than the sea water temperature. The waves will be 3 - 4 points. The mountains will be mostly cloudy and snowy. After noon, rainfall will weaken and in many places in the evening they will stop. The wind will be strong east, southeast wind on high and open parts. There will be conditions for sleeping and reeling. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be about minus 2 °, at 2000 meters - about minus 6 °. On Thursday and Friday, another Mediterranean cyclone will intensify the wind and bring a new wave of rainfall in the southwestern half of the country. It will mostly rain, in the mountains - snow. The nucleus of the cyclone passes south of Bulgaria and during the weekends it will bring slight rainfall to the east. Temperatures in the next 5-6 days will move up. At the end of this and early next week, thermometers will once again chase values between 15 and 20 °.
  7. Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution review — Relive your childhood Live out your childhood fantasy and become the King of Games. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM: Requires 64 bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64 (64-bit OS Required) Processor: 2.5GHz CPU Memory: 2 GB memory Graphics Card: 512MB DirectX 11.0 compatible video card DirectX: Version 11 Storage space: 2 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX 11.0 compatible sound card RECOMMENDED: Requires 64 bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 10x64 (64-bit OS Required) Processor: 3GHz CPU Memory: 4 GB memory Graphics Card: 1GB DirectX 11.0 compatible video card Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage space: 2 GB available space A sound card: When I was growing up I lived and breathed two things: Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokémon. I'd watch cartoons, collect the cards, and — in Pokémon's case — play the video games. Yu-Gi-Oh! never really had a great video game I could go to. At least not one that could replace my physical deck of cards. The Pokémon video game and card game are completely different, whereas Yu-Gi-Oh! is mostly the same experience no matter how you play it. I haven't collected Yu-Gi-Oh! cards in several years, and haven't watched the show in even longer. I dropped off around the middle of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, so I'm a little unfamiliar with the new series and ruleset. Still, it'll always hold a special place in my heart. Getting to experience the series again with Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution was a treat. It's an incredible way to revisit my childhood without spending thousands and thousands on new Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (shamefully, I have probably spent well over $1,000 on my collection in real life). Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution What I like If you're a hardcore Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, there is a lot to love here. It features over 150 iconic battles across several generations of Yu-Gi-Oh!, with 10,000 cards at your disposal (many of which need to be unlocked first). It's every kid's dream for anyone who grew up watching the show and collecting the cards. If you're a hardcore Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, there is a lot to love here. While you need to play the duels in a specific series chronologically and can't skip around until you beat the previous opponent, you can choose between each series without needing to completely beat the previous one. Should you get tired of the original series, you can jump right on ahead to Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, Arc-V or VRAINS. The first match in each series is a tutorial match that is impossible to lose as it's predetermined which cards you and your opponent will draw. The game then walks you through the duel by telling you which cards to play and explains the rules that you'll need to know. Those who want to take a spin and duel as the villain can do so in reverse duels. This essentially adds double the amount of content to the game because you're using an entirely different deck of cards. You'll need to strategize differently and no two duels will ever play the same way. By participating in duels, you'll win Duel Points that can be redeemed for new cards. Collecting cards is a huge element to any Yu-Gi-Oh! game, whether it be digital or physical. Opening up the packs and seeing which cards you've received scratches that itch of opening up a loot box without actually needing to spend any money. There are no microtransactions in Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution. Once you have these cards, you're also free to customize your deck as you see fit — though you need to have a minimum of 40 and maximum of 60 cards per deck, not accounting for any extra cards like Fusion or Xyz monsters. One of my favorite things to do as a kid was build my own deck from scratch, and I still have several of them to this day. In Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution, you're limited to 32 different decks that can be saved at any one time. Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution also supports local and online multiplayer in ranked or random matches. Because I had an early code for the game before it's release, I couldn't effectively test its multiplayer servers. Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution What I don't like Link Evolution is an updated version of Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist that was released in 2015. It adds, like the name implies, Link Monster cards along with an increased roster and about another 2,000 or so cards. On paper, this seems like a lot. In practice, it doesn't make for a drastically different game. More is always better in this regard, I just don't think it changes the game enough — though I realize there's only so much you can change a Yu-Gi-Oh! game while retaining the series' core mechanics. When I used legacy decks — the same that were used in the show during specific battles — instead of my own custom deck, it was frustrating to see so many repeating cards. It can be useful to have double of one card or another, but most of the time I found that it hurt me rather than helped me. I could draw a card and realize it was the exact same useless spell card that's already in my hand and that doesn't do anything in the situation I'm in. This is a bit of a double-edged sword, but I also don't think it can replace the feeling of using physical cards. I know this can be said for any simulator, and people decry how sports games aren't a replacement for playing the actual sport — and that's true — but Yu-Gi-Oh!'s a bit of a special case. The video game and card game in real life are nearly identical. What you lose when playing a video game is that personal interaction with another person, and no, multiplayer does not make up for this. At the same time, it being a video game and giving players access to several thousand cards makes it so much more accessible. Should you buy Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution? Probably not I know what you're thinking. "But you gave it such a good score, why not buy it?" I did give it a good score because it's a good game. That doesn't change the fact that nothing substantial was added from Legacy of the Duelist, and you're probably better off buying that instead since it's much cheaper.
  8. Hello dear devils!


    Anyone who wants to be part of an entertainer and a serious team can come to the team ( Reviewers )



  9. Baron: Fur Is Gonna Fly Premiere date: March 4, 2020 Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows Developers: Dogmelon Games Pty Ltd, DM Games Pty Ltd Publisher: Gamera Game, Dogmelon Games Pty Ltd, DM Games Pty Ltd, ORENDA Inc. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM: Requires 64 bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 Processor: Core i5 Memory: 8 GB memory DirectX: Version 11 Storage space: 800 MB available space RECOMMENDED: Requires 64 bit processor and operating system What do you get when you cross biplanes, the first World War and cartoon animals? It’s a question we never thought we’d ask ourselves, but Dogmelon has offered the answer in the form of their new game Baron: Fur is Gonna Fly (referred to simply as ‘Baron’ hereafter, for the sake of brevity). We took a look at the aerial battle royale. Strap in, it’s gonna be a bumpy flight. Story Set against the background of the Great War, Baron is all about aerial dogfights, with the title referring to the infamous Red Baron. The twist here is that the pilots that duke it out are a variety of semi-anthropomorphic animals. The selection of animals is actually surprisingly broad, with the oddest inclusion being a snake. Of course, the titular Baron is a dog, simply because of the obligatory “dogfight”-pun. At first glance, Baron seems incredibly light on story content. We had the impression that the developers were expecting us to fill in the blanks based on our historical knowledge. There are no cutscenes or intro text to be found anywhere. However, one of the first things you’ll notice when booting up the game is the soundtrack, which features not only period-appropriate music but actual singing as well. This is covered more in-depth a bit further in this review, but the lyrics provide the backstories for each of the pilots, adding a surprising layer of story to Baron. Graphics Baron gives a fantastic first impression, as one of the first things you’ll see when booting up the game are the designs of the animal pilots. These have been rendered as characterful drawings that ooze personality. Unfortunately, these top-notch illustrations are the peak of what Baron has to offer in the graphics department. While the drawings are beautiful, they never go further than still images and once you get into the actual gameplay, things are less impressive visually. Most of the game is spent piloting bi-planes, and the in-game models for these just don’t look very impressive. Part of this is because of the fast-paced gameplay, meaning you won’t really have time to appreciate intricate plane models but the contrast with the rest of the game’s looks is big. Sound The soundtrack for Baron impresses from the get-go and is clearly the highlight of the game. It features 10 original songs presented in an old-timey style, including a victory song for each of the pilots. The songs are catchy, upbeat and really manage to capture an appropriate atmosphere. At the time of writing, they haven’t been made available to listen online, but here’s hoping the soundtrack album makes its way to a streaming platform soon. The lyrics provide the backstories for the characters, and they can get surprisingly dark, despite the cheerful tunes. Both the lyrics and the tracks themselves can be found as a separate feature as well. Gameplay The meat of the game lies in its aerial dogfights. After selecting a pilot and plane of your choice, you’re thrown into an arena where you duke it out with other pilots, attempting to get as many kills as possible. In this way, Baron has somewhat of a Super Smash Bros feel to it, with quick and chaotic fights that are all about tactically avoiding your enemies while you try to ramp up your score. As such, it is best enjoyed as a multiplayer game. While the single-player mode plays essentially the same, it’s just not as satisfying to take down enemy AI rather than players that sit next to you. Controls are simple and responsive: planes are controlled with the left control stick and the A-button serves as both the take-off button and the shoot button. Once you are in the air, you can maneuver your plane and flying off the left side of the screen has you re-appear on the right side. You can’t really turn around and fly in the other direction unless you rotate your plane upside-down, so getting up close with the enemy is all about aerial acrobatics such as loops and nosedives. Given the simple control scheme, it’s quite easy to get a good grip on flying your plane. This adds to the pick-up-and-play multiplayer nature of the game. Players can make their own profile, which keeps track of their records, or they can instantly jump into the fray using a guest profile. The variety of available planes offers a bit of tactical depth, as they all play in a slightly different way. Some trade speed for firepower, while others sacrifice maneuverability for defense. Upgrades can be purchased as well, although this does mean that weathered players might have a better plane than guests do. A single-player practice mode is also present, inviting you to hone your flying skills by collecting coins while a timer counts down. It’s a quick way to get used to the controls, although it does get somewhat repetitive. The major flaw in Baron lies in the lack of substance over style. This is a well-polished game, and while it’s obvious that a lot of care has gone into what’s on offer, it’s ultimately a shallow affair. The best way to explain it is by comparing Baron to a meal: there’s a ton of side dishes but the main course is lacking. For all the care that has gone into customizing your plane, the tight but simple controls, the character designs and the soundtrack, Baron’s main attraction, the actual gameplay, doesn’t have a lot to offer. The arenas are -literally- empty affairs, and could have benefited from variety by including stage hazards, such as trees, barns and the like. Every round of Baron feels and plays exactly the same, and if you expect to get a satisfying experience in the single-player mode, you’ll be left disappointed. This is why Baron works as a fun multiplayer game, as it’s super easy to pick up and play, but it also grows stale really quickly. Conclusion Baron is a game that never fully reaches its full potential. There’s a decent foundation here, but not enough variety to make it interesting for long play sessions. Nevertheless, the fantastic soundtrack is worth checking out, and although the core of the game is a shallow affair, there is some fun to be had with the multiplayer mode. Here’s hoping Dogmelon will bring the Baron IP back in a title that has more to offer.
  10. RBI Baseball 20 Review: Strike Seven, You're Out Premiere Date: March 2020 Developer: MLB Advanced Media Series: R.B.I. Baseball Publisher: MLB Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, iOS, Android SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo E8400 / AMD Phenom II X2 550 Memory: 4 GB memory Graphics Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 9600 GT, 512MB / AMD® Radeon ™ HD 4850, 512 MB or better DirectX: Version 10 Storage space: 8 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX 9.0X compatible RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 10 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i7-920 or AMD FX-4350 Memory: 8 GB memory Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 or Radeon HD 8950 DirectX: Version 11 Storage space: 8 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX 9.0X compatible © / ™ 2020 MLB. All rights reserved. OFFICIALLY LICENSED PRO For what it's worth, this is my first time playing the series. Though its reputation preceded it, I wanted to see for myself, especially as we are now just a year out from Sony Santa Monica's series going multiplatform. Maybe the competition would light a fire under the RBI Baseball series. Or maybe not. The same issues I've heard of hurting the series since its revitalization in 2014 have come back for a startling seventh consecutive year, it seems. Animations are broken, and they often depict a ball that magically appears in a fielder's glove after looking like it's bounced over or past them. Players sometimes make plays on grounders without ever looking at the ball or moving their arms. Pitches approach the plate with such little depth perception that you'll likely find it difficult if not impossible to ever make good contact on the ball. Trying to finely tune your pop fly positioning results in an awkward A-pose dance to the center of the catch circle. Players clip through one another like the MLB is made entirely of major league ghosts. By no means does RBI Baseball 20 fix these legacy issues which I've been reading about for years, but now I've experienced them first hand and it's not been fun. The presentation is lacking, too. There seems to be one home run cinematic that will repeat every time there's a ball hit out of the park. A decent mix of songs pumps into each stadium for walk-ups, but players all behave like one another when they get there. Pitching movements can look different, but it doesn't seem like players were modeled after their real-world counterparts. Rather there seem to be a few throwing motions the game shuffles through and deals out to all the pitchers, over and over again. RBI Baseball holds the distinction of being the only MLB-licensed game on most major platforms, but it doesn't bother doing much with it, and few games I've played have ever felt so cynical in their design. It feels as though this series is trotted out to capitalize on The Show being nothing but a dream for some fans, and given how next spring makes that multiplatform dream a reality, one has to wonder if RBI Baseball even returns for another season. A fair mix of expected modes decorates the main menu, like Home Run Derby, Franchise, and online play, but there are cripplingly few reasons to participate in any of them. Games are exceedingly boring, inning after inning, due to there being little fanfare and plenty of bugs and ugly moments. Despite it all, the series does make some strides as evidenced by a total overhaul of both batting and pitching. The camera angle is more akin to other baseball games and pitching looks like you're watching a game. No longer do you float your batter around the box pre-pitch. Now you step up to the plate and have to perfect your timing on power hits or swing away for contact. Because the game allowed me to try out both the "Classic" and "Modern" gameplay styles, I definitely noticed that these areas are better than they've ever been, but that distinction just serves as a reminder that better doesn't necessarily mean good. RBI Baseball 20 Review — The Bottom Line Pros: New pitching and batting mechanics, though still flawed, are the best they've been Player models look really good with a newfound commitment to detail Cons: Broken, buggy animations make every moment totally unpredictable and inconsistent Virtually no element of presentation No depth perception when batting means lots of strikeouts and fouls Feels rushed to prey on MLB fans lacking licensed games outside of PlayStation The best aspect of the game is its new pitching mini-game, which features the real-life repertoires of pitchers around the league and takes into account confidence and ability, which change as fatigue grows more impactful. This is unlike in previous years where you released a pitch and then cartoonishly spun it toward the plate with the control stick. Along with player models that try to look more lifelike than past years' somewhat featureless players, these changes are building blocks for the series moving forward, but I wonder if this may just be the end of the line for RBI Baseball. It may be too little, too late. For the seventh consecutive year, RBI Baseball has put forth a buggy, messy game for sale, and I genuinely feel bad for most everyone involved. I worry about the sports gaming fans that pick this up because they love baseball and don't know any better. I feel sorry for the developers who probably wish to be working on a different series. I feel some self-pity for taking the assignment, but I guess I was going to be stuck inside anyway. While the series makes some overdue strides for the better, there's still a lot of work to be done, and this time next year, the choice will be much clearer for MLB fans. This may be the last of RBI Baseball, and if so, it will finish with an on-base percentage of 0.00. [Note: A copy of RBI Baseball 20 was provided by MLB for the purpose of this review.]
  11. Good Morning ! Devils !




    1. Mark-x


      Gm ✌️

    2. Crimson!


      Modern Talking The best ?


  12. Here is the declaration for passing through the checkpoint in the regional cities The Ministry of Interior provides a declaration form to facilitate citizens to move through the checkpoint in the regional cities The Ministry of the Interior has developed a special form to facilitate the citizens to move through the checkpoints built in the regional cities. "In order to avoid unnecessary clusters and queues of citizens in front of the municipalities and the counters of the Bulgarian Identity Documents Directorate for changing the address and displaying it in ID cards, a declaration form was prepared in an urgent manner," the Ministry of Interior said. BTA. The declaration will serve as a presentation to the checkpoints in the regional cities that were built in connection with the implementation of the order of the Minister of Health, which introduces new anti-epidemic measures from March 21. Interior Minister Mladen Marinov added that police checkpoints at the checkpoint will also have blank forms and anyone who has not obtained one will be able to fill it. The declaration also provides for criminal liability if the declared is not respected, the minister said, adding that he relies on the conscience and responsibility of every citizen to fill in the declaration correctly, because these measures are in the name of protecting the lives of people and already to adults. From the Ministry of Interior remind that from 00.00 hours today at the entrances and exits of the regional cities have been established checkpoints through which the entry and exit of citizens is allowed only in case of urgent necessity - work, health reasons or return of permanent or current address.
  13. 163 are coronavirus infected in our country Eight of them are severely symptomatic A total of 163 are infected with a coronavirus in our country. Three of them have died and three have recovered (discharged from hospitals but quarantined for 30 days). This was reported by the National Operational Headquarters. "The average age of the deceased is 75. There are eight people in Bulgaria between the ages of 20 and 50 who are severely symptomatic. No one has ever claimed that this virus does not strike young people - the death rate is lower," the gene said. Mutafchiyski. The new cases in Sofia are 18, and there are two more in Burgas. There is one patient in the Pazardzhik region. Mutafchiiski reiterated his outrage that citizens are massively failing to comply with measures and not restricting their exit. "Full disgrace - Vitosha is full ... Just yesterday, over 600 people were killed in Italy in one day." He said he could not predict when the peak of the infection would be in Bulgaria. "Whether it will be the end of April or May, God forbid it should be September, because if it continues until September, then very few of us will stay here to give a briefing, including myself." General Mutafchiiski expressed his strong dissatisfaction with the dissemination of information from a laboratory to people with coronavirus positive samples. "They tell people to go to the hospital and currently Pirogov and MMA are flooded with patients who want to be admitted to the hospital," Mutafchiiski said. He explained that only people with complications and shortness of breath were admitted to the hospital.
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  15. Fight Night Round 2 Premiere date: February 28, 2005 Series: Fight Night Genre: Sports Platforms: PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox Awards: VGX Award for Best Fighting Game, GAMES 100 Best New Sports Game (Electronic) Programmers: NuFX, Electronics Arts, EA Sports, EA Canada Last year's Fight Night 2004 reinvigorated boxing video games, as boxing had become a sports genre that many people had written off years ago. After a sequence of mixed results in the Knockout Kings series, EA Sports' Fight Night came along and introduced entirely new mechanics to the boxing genre, creating a fast-moving and free-flowing style that better reflected the pugilistic arts seen on TV. A year later, the second version in the Fight Night series is here, and it does what it has to do: improves on an already winning formula. The plodding pace and an overly complex fighting system are what have hurt boxing games. When you enter the virtual ring, the last thing you want to feel is that your boxer has glue on the soles of his shoes, or that you won't be able to execute a simple three-punch combo without memorizing long strings of button sequences. Fight Night Round 2 directly addresses both of these concerns with controls that are responsive, subtle, and effective, giving you a real feeling of mastery over your boxer, even if you're picking the game up for the first time. First of all, the boxers move across the length of the ring at a nice pace--neither lumbering across the canvas, nor moving too quickly at an unrealistic pace. You can close on an opponent quickly yet backing away from punches is just a tad too slow for comfort, which seems exactly right. On the downside, a fighter's movement doesn't seem to slow down even when fatigued, though punch speed and effectiveness do drop. Movement, however, is only half of the formula. A great boxing game hinges on the effectiveness of both the offensive and defensive controls, and it's here where Fight Night Round 2 shines. Nearly everything is controlled with a combination of the right analog stick and the trigger buttons. Simple punches--jabs, hooks, and uppercuts--are at your fingertips with a simple flick of the right stick. The design of each control is even set to resemble the punch you throw, so that a quick stinging jab is executed with a single flick of the right stick diagonally left or right; a hook is accomplished by moving the stick to the right and then arcing up; and a devastating uppercut starts out diagonally down and moves up and around, much like the way your boxer's arm moves along the path of the punch. If you're looking to deal some heavy blows to your foe, you'll need to wind up your punch a little and toss some haymakers into the mix. Controlling haymakers is simple and feels just as natural as regular punches. A haymaker hook, for example, starts out as a normal punch--moving the right analog stick directly left or right--but instead of letting the punch fly immediately, you'll need to wind up the power by pressing down and then up along the arc of the controller. Punches can only be fully wound up when a boxer is standing still, though power punches can still be thrown when the boxer moves. The most powerful punches are best reserved for those times when you have your opponent backed up against the ropes or, better yet, in the corner. Body shots are executed by combining punches with the left trigger, and it's easy to quickly and effectively mix up your punch types between body blows and head shots. In fact, most combinations are easy to pull off with Fight Night Round 2's control scheme, provided you stay disciplined with your right stick movements. In the heat of the moment, it's easy to forget to let that hook you've wound up continue through its arc, as it's equally easy to simply switch to an opposite side jab. In fact, you'll often feel like your flailing punches at random. But with a little practice, you'll be stringing together one-two-three combos in no time. In fact, the controls in Round 2 are so subtle that slight movement of the right stick will let you pull off shoulder feints to fool your opponent into getting his guard up on one side while you pile on a flurry of damaging punches to the opposite side. As flexible as the offensive mechanics are, Round 2's defensive controls are just as much so. New for Round 2 is the clinch, a last-ditch effort to regain some stamina just before you get hit with a knockout blow. It's nice to see an effective clinch control enter the mix, and it's even better that clinches can be shrugged off or avoided altogether, preventing the move from being an automatic fail-safe. Other defensive options include blocks and parries, and these are executed with the right analog stick and right trigger. Parries are especially effective in the game because they leave your foe wide open for counterpunches, which, as you progress up the ranks, become one of the essential keys to victory. Like punches, blocks and parries can be executed both high and low. If you want to block a low hook on the right side, you'll need to make sure that your parry is set up to catch the punch when it lands. Because of this, effective parrying requires a lot of observation of your opponent's tendencies and animations, as well as a lot of practice to get the timing right. Once you do, however, you'll find parries one of the most effective weapons in your arsenal. Finally, the easiest way to make your opponent miss is by dodging, which is pulled off by using the left analog stick and the left trigger in tandem. This control scheme, which is simple to pick up yet tough to master, makes for a huge variety of matches in Round 2. We've seen all-out slugfests where both competitors basically stand in the middle of the ring and pound each other senseless. We've been chased around the ring by head-hunting maniacs looking for first-round blood, only to outlast them later in the fight. We've introduced opponents to the canvas with the very first punch of the fight. About the only thing we didn't see in our time with Round 2 are fights that go the distance. Whether this is because of our preference for going with power fighters and looking for big-punch knockouts, or because of some other reason, is unclear. Certainly fights go longer the deeper you get into the game, but we have yet to see a fight go the distance and, because of this, we haven't won or lost by decision. Though throwing punches in Round 2 is fun, watching and hearing them land is twice as nice. The game's graphics and sound effectively convey the force of each successful punch. Even on stinging jabs, your opponent's head will twist back, conveying the force of the blow. With stronger shots, your rival's head will literally rock to the side and his hands will drop down, leaving you to execute a successive flurry of blows. As you land your punishing punches, your opponent's health meter will gradually decrease. When it empties completely, the camera switches to a closer viewpoint, the sound drops out save for the desperate screaming of your opponent's corner man, and you'll be primed to take your rival out with a knockout punch. Desperate to avoid this, your foe will be blocking and parrying madly, so you'll need to prime your punches carefully. Land just the right punch and your opponent will take a dive onto the canvas, often bouncing off the ropes in the process. It's here, in the KO moment, in which the full might of your punch is revealed. A series of slow-motion replays show the sheer force of impact of your clout landing, complete with flying sweat and, sometimes, spewing blood. The sound of your opponent's grunt slows down to a barely audible guttural moan as his head rocks, his chin flays out with the force of the punch, and his eyes roll back in his head. And then you get a different angle of the same punch. And then another. Each KO punch is a brutal, visceral experience that will have you cackling out loud each time it happens. These KO moments are the primary way of achieving knockdowns, but if you execute the right punch at the right time you will send your opponent diving onto the canvas no matter how much health he has remaining. Round 2 includes several game modes: quick fight for pick-up-and-play matches, online play (on the Xbox and PlayStation 2), and a career mode, where you can take your boxer up from the amateur ranks all the way to the pinnacle of your chosen weight division. In the pickup bouts, you can use fighters from the game's roster of current and all-time greats, and you can even mix and match weight divisions. Want to know how Bernard Hopkins would fare against Muhammad Ali? You can find out in Round 2 (the answer: not too well). You also have the option to create a boxer of your own by using the game's in-depth and entertaining create-a-champ mode. This is one of the more in-depth create-a-player features we've seen recently, rivaling that of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 in both depth and flexibility. Online play with Round 2 tends to be hit or miss. While the idea of taking your created fighter online and duking it out with strangers (or friends) is attractive, in execution, however, the mode tended to fall flat in our test sessions. Unfortunately, the controls are not as responsive online as they are in the single-player game. When you're fighting through the career mode, you get used to the snappy pace of your boxer and his instant reactions to any move you make in the game. This isn't the case online, as there seems to be a pause, however brief, in between the movement on the controller and your virtual fighter's response. Though the lag tends to be minimal, in a sport as dependent on timing as boxing, these pauses can be detrimental to the game experience. Round 2's career mode is the deepest mode found in the game. You'll have two options in this mode: creating a new player from scratch or rebuilding the legend of one of the real boxers found in the game. You can even change the real fighter's fighting style and stance--remake Roberto Duran as a southpaw, or Joe Frazier as a speedster, for example. If you choose to create a boxer from scratch, you'll only have a certain number of points to distribute among attributes, such as power, speed, agility, heart, and cut recovery. Once created to your liking, your greenhorn boxer will start out in the amateur ranks, picking up fights as he can and earning a small purse for each win. The amateur ranks are essentially used to introduce the game's sparring/training mode, but you have the option to skip the amateurs and go straight to the pros if you desire. The game's training mode is perhaps its weakest feature. You start off with the basics by landing several punch types in a row. As you progress, you'll be asked to practice dodging, parrying, and blocking blows. Unfortunately, the game doesn't describe how to pull these moves off in the training mode. Those new to the Fight Night series might find this confusing, because unless you consult the game's manual or get lucky with a loading screen that describes the controls for a particular move, you won't have any idea how to progress, except through trial and error. Furthermore, the career mode lacks a sparring feature. If you want to practice your parrying techniques in an unranked situation, you'll have to back out of the career mode altogether. This doesn't mean that training can't be found in the pro ranks. In fact, you will be focusing your skills in a number of different areas, including heavy bag, combo dummy, and weight lifting (essentially minigames that concentrate on timing and pattern recognition). Each training sessions focuses on specific attributes, such as power or agility, and you'll need to spread your training time out to ensure you consistently improve all your boxer's stats. A nice graphical touch is the very obvious strides your boxer's physique will make in the early training sessions. Start your virtual boxer out as a flabby fatty and he'll quickly evolve into a carved-out-of-wood paragon of fighting fitness after only a few sessions. Early in your pro career, you're able to leap up the ranks if you so choose, easily besting boxers that are three or more ranks ahead of you. Because your attributes improve after each prefight training session, however, it's probably smarter to take things slow in order to maximize your stats. You'll need every attribute maxed out as you approach the upper echelon of your weight class. For each win you'll earn cash that can be spent in a number of different areas--from improved trainers and cut men to entrance music and effects and, yes, ring girls. You can also gear up in the fight store, choosing from a large selection of gloves, shoes, trunks, mouthpieces, and foul protectors. Noticeably missing from the gear assortment are robes, which don't play a part in your ring entrances. In fact, ring entrances in general don't have the same kind of flair found in the game's create-a-boxer feature. A more flexible ring entrance design tool--preferably one that supports custom soundtracks and selectable camera angles--would have been a welcome addition. The further up you move on the rankings ladder, the less wiggle room you'll have for scheduling fights, because the difference between a fighter ranked three spots higher than you is noticeably different from the chump just ahead of you. As such, once you break the top 20, you'll find that your progress toward championship gold slows dramatically. Your opponents are generally stronger and quicker than you, and the artificial intelligence is much more doggedly aggressive and has the tendency not to back off, even if you land multiple combos. As such, if you don't have your defensive game well in hand--the blocking and parrying techniques in particular--you may quickly find yourself out of your league. This is our other gripe with Fight Night Round 2's gameplay. Early on, you focus so much on your offensive game, and you can easily overwhelm opponents (especially if you focus on power shots). You can also skate through the bottom half of the pro ladder, barely ducking or blocking a single punch. Defensive skills aren't needed early on, so what's the point in practicing them? By the time you start fighting opponents who refuse to back off even under heavy pressure, your lack of defense will come back to bite you. While we understand the point of "upping your game" as you reach the top of the pro ranks, we think that an addition of a "free spar" feature, used to avoid punches early in the game, for example, would have made for an easier transition. Graphically, Round 2 features some of the most impressive player models found in sports gaming. Skin textures are amazingly lifelike and the models animate beautifully. The aforementioned punch animations are vicious and well executed, which is something you never tire of seeing and which never fails to elicit a grimace from passersby. Sweat flies with each landed punch and, in the case of power shots, you might see a spray of blood from your opponent's mouth. Because the boxers are the star of the Fight Night show, the player models of your entourage and ring card girls don't look nearly as intricately detailed. Plus, all of this quality modeling on the boxers means that the game's backgrounds will suffer. While there are a good variety of arenas in which to fight--Staples Center, the grungy 65 Lower Flushing, and the glamorous Hisako Ballroom among them--most seem poorly lit and lacking in detail. The same is true for the ringside crowd, which is barely noticeable most of the time. From a sound standpoint, Round 2 is solid, if unremarkable. Some noticeable improvements have been made, including a new ringside announcer, ESPN and Fox boxing analyst Joe Tessitore, who is a marked improvement over the horrible Big Tigger from the previous game. While Tessitore's commentary is enthusiastic and more professional sounding, his calls can be vague, especially when describing missed punches. While your ringside trainer will give you advice in between rounds--while you're busy healing cuts and reducing swelling using the game's new cutman feature--his commentary is pretty limited and sometimes directly contradicts itself. One second you just had a "great round" and the next you're going to need to "get it together" if you hope to have a chance in the fight. EA Trax rears its ugly head again with a mix of hip-hop tunes that, though limited in scope, certainly fit the boxing vibe. But perhaps more so than any other EA Sports title, the Fight Night series begs for custom soundtracks. Beyond some important feature distinctions, there is little difference between the three console versions of Round 2. Graphically, the PlayStation 2 version of the game holds its own against both the Xbox and GameCube versions, and all three console controllers work fine with the game. The small C-stick on the GameCube controller, combined with its eight-point articulation, might require some practice to use, especially if you've played Fight Night 2004 on a different console (but it's generally not a big deal). Load times are prevalent on all three versions, but it's only ugly on the PS2 version of the game. As you might expect, online play is only enabled for the Xbox and PS2 versions, but GameCube owners should not feel slighted, as they've got the benefit of the full SNES version of Super Punch-Out!! to play when realistic boxing action just doesn't cut it anymore. Little Mac, star of Super Punch-Out!!, is also an unlockable character in the GameCube version of Round 2. There's a lot to like about Fight Night Round 2, most obviously a deep and involving boxing mechanic that allows you to be creative in your approach to the fistic arts. As a sequel to the well-received Fight Night 2004, the game improves on many aspects of its predecessor and ends up as one that will continually challenge your skills the longer you play it. Even though online play should be more responsive, you can still attract anyone looking to mix it up on the Internet. There's still room for improvement to the Fight Night series, but it only leaves us eager to see what comes next.
  16. Cheaper Civic if the sticker drops The removal would save BGN 10 million, insurers say The Association of Bulgarian Insurers (ABZ) proposes dropping the sticker intended to certify the existence of motor third party liability insurance. According to the insurers, there is no need for the patch to be available, given the existing possibilities for validation and electronic control of the existence of valid insurance. Liability insurance is issued solely and only through the Unified Information System for Risk Assessment, Management and Control (EISOCR), respectively by the information systems of the insurers that are related to it. This allows each policy taken to be reported in real time at the Guarantee Fund (GF) Information Center and monitored electronically. According to the companies, this will also save considerable resources and resources that burden the cost of insurance. Dropping the sticker would result in direct savings for the clients from the value of the stickers themselves. At the moment, the premium for each insurance is calculated and the price of the stickers with a single value of 1.40 levs per number, with a deferred payment of 4 installments the amount increases up to 5.60 levs. about BGN 10.44 million The removal of the sticker would also save considerable administrative and financial resources that the insurance industry is committed to receiving, processing, administering and reporting on the stickers. Removing it will also make it easier to take out insurance online and remotely, and to make non-cash payments of premiums and premiums on the policy. Then the presence of a client in the insurer's office will not be necessary. The current emergency situation, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, clearly demonstrates the meaning and the need to fully digitize the insurance process, the companies are adamant. ABZ believes that the removal of the compulsory Motor Third Party Liability insurance sticker is necessary and will be timely, with benefits for both businesses and consumers of insurance services. Changes to the Insurance Code and other regulations are needed to implement this proposal, and ABZ is ready to cooperate in this regard to achieve a result for the benefit of the entire community. The ABZ has sent its proposal to the FSC and will acquaint it with other competent state authorities.
  17. Ford Ranger: Elite Storm Troops (test drive) It can carry over a tonne of cargo, carry 3.5 tonnes of towed cargo, attack water obstacles with a depth of up to 850 mm, is off the road among the most capable vehicles left on the market. The Ford Ranger is a native farmer's dream. As I write these lines, thousands of Alliance troops have to gather in Europe for the largest joint military exercise with the United States (Defender-Europe 20). Common sense seems to have prevailed because the event has been canceled, but there are about 6,000 US stormtroopers on the Old Continent who "occupy" European territory. They are not here with their full combat gear, which over four decades has dominated the automobile market in the US, but its European counterpart deserves no less attention than that. Ford Ranger Wildtrak GalleryFord Ranger Wildtrak GalleryFord Ranger Wildtrak GalleryFord Ranger Wildtrak Gallery And while low prices, vast territories and the need for an iron horse have made the "red doors" raise a pickup cult behind the ocean, in Europe this kind of car has a slightly different role. Yes, they continue to be a favorite vehicle for native farmers, but they can also be used for a pleasant weekend in nature, as their load capacity and superior off-road capabilities make it an ideal vehicle for this. I'm neither a farmer nor a fan of off-road machines, but my adventure with the Ranger dates back to the 13 years I've always liked it. From my first meeting with him in Innsbruck in 2007 to this day, I have a real fondness for the car. First of all, it is Ranger's capacity to carry over tonnes (max. 1252 kg) of payload, which makes it an indispensable business partner. Moreover, the pickup can carry up to 3.5 tonnes of towed cargo, making long camping in Greece a song. Perhaps hauling such a load will cause fuel-consuming questions, but the Ranger responds as well. Personally, I will neither use a pickup truck for business, nor tow a caravan to the sea. So I just mark his abilities. However, I cannot ignore the appearance of the test model as design is of particular importance to me. I almost let a tear drop when I realized that it wouldn't warm me to sit behind the wheel of a Ranger Raptor and make those jumping into the "tube" (the steel protection of the entire floor allows it), but the orange Ranger Wildtrak is more than worthy alternate. The model is extremely attractive, and fans of good old offroader will be more than pleased with its male appearance. It has a matte black grille, door columns and side mirror covers. The silver armor, the trim strip and the rails on the roof put their finishing touches. Against this backdrop, the Nissan Navara (which I managed to do a round for direct comparison) looks rather lean, to say the least. But off-road fans are looking for many different qualities than the exterior beauty that abounds here. Normally, considering that entering the Ranger Wildtrak requires a step and a grip on the handle of the front A-pillar to keep your trouser legs from getting muddy. This implies that the 230 mm clearance and the possibility of drafting up to 850 mm water suggest the capabilities of the model. More familiar will say that the angle of departure varies from 28 to 32 degrees, and the angle of departure from 24 to 25 degrees. Personally, I didn't try to test its full off-road capacity, but for the sake of the nice pictures I decided to shoot it in the snow. My wife panicked (literally) after dropping one of her tires into a rather deep ice track, formed by the melting of snow. The case (ridiculous for me, but difficult for her) resolved after I switched to slow (L4) gears. The small maneuvering space (and maneuvering with a 3220mm wheelbase is a tricky job) forced me to pry my butt a little deeper into the groove behind me. The woman again panicked, as she was not used to spinning the wheels and the result would not. The solution here was the rear differential lock button. I didn't take pictures (the woman, you know), but I had fun with her shouts. Fans of the make and model will love it because of one more fact, namely the transmission that is built into the Mustang and F-150. It is automatic and with 10 gears, which is the first time I have the opportunity to test. Works in conjunction with the new 2.0-liter EcoBlue Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) engine, replacing the current 2.2 TDCi. For the various modifications (standard, super and double cabs) the engine is available in 130 hp versions. (340 Nm), 170 hp (420 Nm) and 213 hp (500 Nm). It is with its most powerful version that this orange beast is equipped. With its parameters (213 hp and 500 Nm) it is 13 hp. and 30 Nm more powerful than the 3.2-liter TDCi. The two lower-power versions have one turbo, while the top variant has two turbines that cascade at low rpm for greater torque and more agile response. At higher rpm, the gases surround the smaller turbocharger, and fresh air only pumps the larger turbocharger. Factory data says (based on real-world tests) that fuel consumption is reduced by up to 9% with 10-speed automatic and up to 4% with mechanical variants. In my test drive I did not load more than 9.6 l / 100 km, with the minimum I saw on board the computer was 8.9 l / 100 km. I make it clear that I have neither towed nor transported euro paleo. The interior is great, but with the reminder that it's a Wildtrak. My brother was like a little kid in front of an ice cream showcase, as he owns a pickup truck (and years ago a Ranger) and a big fan. He had more leather seats and dashboard garnished with orange contrast stitching because he used his machine for work, not for fun (I exclude hunting). However, I prefer luxury. With these materials, the Ranger looks like a luxury crossover, not a machine to work with (this particular one is more like the so-called lifestyle spectrum). The model has a digital instrument panel and a Ford SYNC 3 with an 8-inch color touch screen and navigation. The FordPass Connect board modem turns the pickup into a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot that can connect up to 10 devices. I should point out the fact that the updated Ford Ranger is the first car in this class to offer a Pre-Collision Assist system with pedestrian recognition and intelligent speed limiter. Everything sounds great so far, but that doesn't mean the Ranger doesn't have his say. Personally, I will say that I had a lot of fun with the road behavior of this huge car, which literally flies over the terrible roads in Bulgaria. Its leaf springs at the back give a reflection on stability, but I immediately counteract myself with the ability to carry up to 1252 kg of weight in the lungs. Just comparisons between the road behavior of an SUV and a pickup truck should not be made, especially since the Ranger has off-road qualities that are currently underpowered by no more than 10 models on the Bulgarian market. For me, the biggest criticism remains the sound of the engine, which is like a truck. Yes, I know that in the US they are called trucks, but nevertheless this particular feature of the new motor made me anxious.
  18. New Victim of Coronavirus in Bulgaria There are new positive samples, and in the last 24 hours, they are 13. Virus infected in the country are already 94 The coronavirus pandemic has taken a new toll in Bulgaria. The elderly woman who was accommodated in Pirogov has died. This is a patient who has had a stroke. Major General Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, Director of the MMA and Crisis Staff for Combating the Coronavirus, said the information at his regular morning briefing. With it, the coronavirus's deaths in our country are three, having previously died and a family of elderly people who also had accompanying diseases. General Mutafchiiski also reported that there are new positive samples and in the last 24 hours they are 13. There are already 94 people infected with the virus in the country.
  19. Roundguard SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7 or later Processor: 1.85 GHz Dual Core Memory: 1 GB memory Graphics Card: Intel HD Graphics 5000 or better Storage space: 300 MB available space Remember Peggle? ‘Course you do. A classic PopCap arcade game, it had you firing balls down a screen, with the aim of clearing as many tiles as possible. Super simple action, but it was addictive and gratifying at the same time. Sadly, no new Peggle game has been seen for some time. It doesn’t matter, though, because indie developer Wonderbelly Games is picking up the slack with Roundguard. Roundguard plays very much the same as Peggle. In fact, to begin with, the comparisons are so vast that I was a little taken aback. But after I spent some time with the intricacies and joys of Roundguard, I realised it was much more than a blatant rip-off. It’s its own unique, delightful beast – and once I started playing, I found it hard to drag myself away from it. Imagine Peggle‘s gameplay crossed with a Rogue-like dungeon crawler. That’s Roundguard. You make your way through a series of rooms, each filled with enemies to kill and loot to collect. Enemies are damaged by launching into them from a cannon atop the screen – but colliding with them will also damage your hero. Luckily, the screen will also be dotted with health pick-ups to keep your HP afloat, and as you play, you’ll unlock a wide range of skills, passive abilities, new weapons and armour to strengthen your hero. It’s just like an ARPG, then, except for the small fact that your character gets repeatedly fired out of a cannon. I mentioned Rogue-like because, once you die in Roundguard that’s it; it’s back to the menu screen to select a new hero. Not all is lost though: at the end of each turn, you’ll spin a new trinket to start your next game with; and should you reach the end of the game you’ll unlock relics, offering various perks and changes to the gameplay. For instance, the first relic, which you’re given for free, makes your character hardier and adds more health pick-ups into the game, but rewards you with considerably less gold. Which comes to the main gripe I have with Roundguard: the whole point of the game is to collect as much gold as you can, but there’s nothing you can do with that gold. It’s not so much a currency as it is a score, and it’s hard to get your head around that in a world where videogame gold = stuff to spend it on. Rather, the amount of gold you amass at the end of your run will be uploaded to an online leaderboard. It acts as a reason to keep jumping back into the game, striving to get a higher score than last time. And oh, believe me, when it’s this much fun to play, you’ll not hesitate to click “start new game”. Roundguard is simple to play, but it’s an utter joy. Simply line up your cannon and fire your hero in the direction you want to go, tumbling into breakable pots (filled with gold), health pickups, mana pickups and enemies along the way. The game’s three hero classes – Warrior, Rogue and Wizard – each have their own power-up attacks, too. The Rogue, for instance, can use mana to double-jump, where the Wizard, with the help of two spiders who follow her up and down the screen, can electrocute enemies and obstacles she passes. It makes the game feel wholly different depending on what hero you play as, and each has a slightly different balance of HP/MP. After clearing a level, you’ll often have a choice of paths to take, and a press of your right shoulder button will reveal a basic map that’ll show you what rooms await: treasure, monsters, or a boss. Choosing your path carefully can lead to greater rewards, as finding new weapons and equipment along the way can be all the difference between life and death. Not only is it a hoot to play, Roundguard looks great thanks to a bright and bold cartoon art style. And despite its similarities to Peggle, it feels entirely original thanks to the clever blend of dungeon crawler mechanics thrown into the mix. For a simple game, there really is so much to love here. Honestly, I challenge you to play Roundguard without a smile on your face. I bet you can’t do it. I’ll be going back time and time again to try and beat my high scores, so I’ll see you on the leaderboards. Bouncy Fun: Intuitive pinball physics based gameplay like no other dungeon crawler. Multiple Classes: Play as the Warrior, the Rogue, or the Wizard, each with their own unique skills, items, and cheeky sense of humor. Randomized Dungeon: Each time you play, the world map and every level are procedurally generated, and quest events and elite monsters are randomly placed. It’s a new experience every time. Permadeath with Benefits: Each time you die, you’ll have a chance to bring a special trinket with you on your next run to help even the odds. The more gold you grab before dying, the better your chances to collect one of the most powerful trinkets for your next run. A Cast of Oddballs: Chat with the castle’s colorful cast to pick up quests and learn why some rats want their king dead, what’s irritating the local teenage skeleton today, or what the Warrior will do if you can’t get to a bathroom quickly enough. Lots of Loot: Over 100 items and trinkets, each with effects that present strategic choices and combo possibilities. Rare and legendary items have randomly chosen bonus properties, so each one feels special. Show Off Your Skills: Compete on the leaderboards and try to master all the challenging, rule-bending relics. Join our Discord to chat with the devs, influence the game's direction, and swap RPG memes!
  20. Let's work from home and not go crazy! There's a chance Working-day breaks acually boost productivity With the advent of the coronavirus, more and more companies around the world are switching to home-based work, and this will someday cause discomfort. Initially, being able to work from home seems like a dream come true - without traveling to and from the office, without distraction in conversations with colleagues. Soon, however, sobering occurs. Because at home, we start to feel lonely. Suddenly our home looks much smaller. And there is no end to the work day. "In my opinion, what we most underestimate is the psychological effect of being on your own," says David Hassel, co-founder and CEO of 15Five Business Management Software. 40% of the company's employees work from their homes. Among the tips on how to keep your balance and survive the forced work from home is to take a break. To be honest, we don't work eight hours full time in the office - there are coffee breaks, lunch breaks, conversations with colleagues who are distracted by the workload. So when we work from home, it doesn't mean we don't have to rest from time to time. "We tend to work all day to overcome the stigma that when we're not in the office, we don't work," says David Rabin, vice president of global marketing at Lenovo. Working-day breaks actually boost productivity. "Your efficiency won't go down," says Julie Morgenstern, a labor productivity consultant. "Short breaks are a part of productivity, in fact thanks to them we change our perspective and find the right answers," she adds. It will probably take some time for you to find the right job at home, CNN warns. If you are used to jumping from your desk to the conference room and from there to the meeting room during the work day, do not try to limit yourself in your home, Rabin advises. However, find the right place depending on what you need to do, adds Morgenstern. If you need to focus, choose a quiet spot, and if you need to respond to emails, you can do so from the armchair on the balcony, she advises. It is also important to identify areas in your home that are not working. "It will be very difficult for you to fall asleep at night if you connect the bed or room to your workplace," Morgenstern explains. She also advises against starting home from work earlier than we did in the office. Use the time you usually travel to your workplace to wake up or see your family, she recommends. The consultant believes that you need to make it clear to your manager and colleagues that working from home does not mean that you will work longer than usual. When the work day is over, put aside the technique and things you used to work on and even dress up as a sign that you have already made it to your personal time, she advises. According to her, it is necessary to create order and organization at home, especially if you have children who do not go to school at the same time. You need to know what are the hours of work that should not bother you and when the free time for playing and working together is coming. David Hassell recommends video conferencing between colleagues frequently during forced home work. At 15Five, employees hold video conferences three times a week, whether they work from home or in the office. In addition, the company maintains a channel for free conversations between employees, where they exchange jokes, funny images and talk on common topics. This also facilitates personal contacts between colleagues who will start to miss you.
  21. A Bulgarian is infected with a coronavirus in Singapore He stayed in France from March 10-12 A 53-year-old male, resident in Singapore, has been tested positive for COVID-19 coronavirus. This was announced by the press center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He stayed in France from March 10-12. Confirmation of his infection with COVID-19 was made by medical authorities in Singapore on March 15th. Currently, a Bulgarian national is in the isolation ward of the National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID) in Singapore. He is in stable condition and is feeling well. There are 51 new cases of COVID-19 in Bulgaria Based on his agenda of activities and meetings, as well as a list of physical contacts, Singapore authorities have informed people who have been in close contact with the Bulgarian citizen and asked them to observe a 14-day quarantine period, to monitor closely their temperature and general health status and seek professional medical help if they exhibit symptoms typical of the new coronavirus. Our Jakarta Embassy closely monitors the situation with the Bulgarian citizen in Singapore and is in contact with local authorities.
  22. Command & Conquer: Generals Command & Conquer: Generals is a computer game, real-time strategy game, a series of Command & Conquer. Premiere date: February 10, 2003 Composers: Bill Brown; Michael Sandgren Designer: Blizzard Entertainment Series: Command & Conquer Modes: Single player game, Multiplayer game Developers: DICE Los Angeles, Aspyr, EA Pacific Requirements: Minimum requirements for the game are: PIII 800 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 1.8 GB free space, video card with at least 32 MB memory, sound card Though it wasn't the first game of its type, Command & Conquer became synonymous with real-time strategy gaming when the very first game in the series was released in 1995. Along with Blizzard's Warcraft II, Command & Conquer helped build the foundation for one of PC gaming's most beloved genres, defining many of the real-time strategy conventions that are used today. And though Command & Conquer has seen its highs and lows over the years, the series' quirky, politically incorrect, comic-book-like take on modern warfare has remained intact all throughout, and it is upheld in the latest entry in the series, Command & Conquer: Generals. More importantly, Generals is easily one of the best Command & Conquer games yet, with the impressive visuals and highly refined and accessible gameplay that have come to characterize the best entries in this genre. Die-hard fans of Command & Conquer may lament a few of the departures Generals makes from the series' roots, and the game does have a few rough edges, but Generals is still one of the best real-time strategy games around. Generals' fictional premise puts the USA, China, and a terrorist group called the Global Liberation Army (GLA) at odds sometime in the near future. You can play as any one of these factions in its own brief single-player campaign, in skirmishes with computer opponents, or against other players over a LAN or using the game's online player-matching service. Those who played the previous two Command & Conquer RTS games, Red Alert 2 and its expansion pack, Yuri's Revenge, will note that Generals is highly reminiscent of those games, despite its much improved appearance and its seemingly more conventional array of infantry, tanks, and aircraft. Like in Red Alert 2, battles in Generals are often quick and decisive, largely due to the immense power of many of the game's units, the presence of devastating super weapons on each side, and the generally fast pace. Also, while each faction has a good variety of units at its disposal, you'll likely get the impression that the number of unit types per faction was limited so that each unit type could play an important role in most any fight--and also to leave room for an expansion pack. The lack of seafaring units in the game is a disappointing omission, given the importance of ships in most previous Command & Conquer games (not to mention in actual modern warfare), but the designers have still done an excellent job of imaginatively differentiating the game's three sides. Now Playing: Command & Conquer: Generals Video Review Despite the fact that the game's central conflict involves the USA and an obviously Middle Eastern terrorist group, the action in Generals is either over-the-top enough or abstract enough that, for better or worse, it shouldn't offend anyone's sensibilities. In fact, as if to drive home the sense that "Hey, it's just a game," there's really no story at all to Generals. The motivations of the respective factions aren't made clear, and their arsenals are far enough removed from reality that Generals seems much less inspired by current events and much more so by the current fascination with war in our po[CENSORED]r culture. Movies like The Rock and Black Hawk Down certainly played a bigger part in inspiring the game's look and style than anything on the nightly news. It bears mentioning that almost all the mainstays of the Command & Conquer milieu can nevertheless be found in Generals--fans will be glad to see huge, double-barreled tanks, crack-shot commandos, nuclear missile silos, flamethrower tanks, and other such C&C mainstays back and looking better than ever. Many of the twists added to Red Alert 2 remain intact as well, such as the ability to garrison infantry in civilian buildings and the ability of units to gain experience levels by defeating foes. Other aspects of this new Command & Conquer are decidedly different. C&C fans may not notice right away, but Generals lacks a few of the series' signature elements. For instance, Command & Conquer games always did a nice job with their installation programs, many of which put you in the mood of the games even before you could begin playing. But Generals has a boring install program, just like every other game. Also, previous Command & Conquer games made prodigious use of full-motion video cutscenes to move their stories along. Featuring recognizable actors, hammy performances, and surprisingly good production values, the full-motion video sequences of Command & Conquer have always been a distinguishing feature of the series--but the FMV is out of the picture now, too. These complaints hardly bear mentioning, but considering Generals' heritage, they're not irrelevant. Not all the game's departures are cosmetic. Debates used to rage on the Internet as to whether Command & Conquer or Warcraft II had the better interface, and as if to settle the score once and for all, Generals retreats away from some of the C&C standards in favor of the Blizzard school of thought. The signature right-hand interface from previous C&C games is replaced by the signature Blizzard-style interface situated at the bottom of the screen. The signature C&C fog of war, which provides you with unlimited line of sight as soon as you explore the map, has been replaced by the signature Blizzard fog of war, which limits your ability to see enemy positions outside of your forces' field of view. The signature C&C base building, which allows you to erect new structures almost instantly but forces you to place them adjacent to your other structures, has been replaced by the signature Blizzard base building, which allows your worker unit to build new structures pretty much anywhere. These are all sensible decisions that make Command & Conquer: Generals more strategic and ultimately more entertaining, but it's still odd to see the series have a change of heart after all this time. One aspect of Command & Conquer's traditional control scheme that does remain intact is that mouse controls revolve entirely around the left mouse button, which is used both to select units and to issue attack orders. The right mouse button is only for de-selecting things, and those accustomed to recent games that use the right mouse button for move and attack orders may find that this scheme takes a bit of getting used to. The gameplay itself is what you'd expect from a Command & Conquer game--it's fast, responsive, and filled with lots of great explosions. There's no dillydallying about, just a quick-and-dirty setup process where you slap down a few key structures and then move on to cranking out a good, mixed group of forces. Numerous, unique upgrades are also available to each faction, competing for your resources. Resource gathering, while slightly different for each faction, is fully automated like in Red Alert 2. The US helicopters, Chinese supply trucks, and GLA workers will all make a beeline for the closest batch of "supply," which is basically a big stockpile of valuables just sitting there and waiting to be collected. As in all Command & Conquer games, a viable strategy in Generals is to attack the enemy's all-important gatherers, though the buildings in the game can't withstand much damage, either. You can't build walls, base defenses are pretty flimsy, and a lot of the buildings are quite large and vulnerable--so the game definitely favors an aggressive style of play. Overly defensive play will merely land you front-row seats to the fiery destruction of your own base. Regardless, a few interface issues may get in the way of your efforts. While you can manually set formations for your forces, unit formations aren't handled nearly as well here as in some other recent real-time strategy games, resulting in battles that are often very chaotic. Your forces may frequently drift away from each other, so you'll often have trouble focusing your fire on individual targets. The pathfinding for your units is generally good--they'll conveniently move out of each other's way, but sometimes you'll see a unit of yours sustaining damage without returning fire, or maneuvering weirdly around buildings or other obstacles. The game's menu screens look rushed when compared with the polished in-game graphics. None of these are major problems, but they're noticeable, and they might give you the sense that they could have been fixed with just a bit more time. One of the game's new features is the "generals" ability system, which is basically an experience system that lets you unlock new units, technologies, and powers as you rack up kills. Much like the experience system used for heroes in Warcraft III, the experience element featured in Generals lets you spend points earned in successive victories on new abilities for your faction. It's a good system that adds to the number of viable strategic options in the game, letting you concentrate on some of your faction's key strengths or gain an ace up your sleeve in the form of an artillery attack or bombing run. The three factions themselves are about as different as can be. The USA has the costliest but most technologically advanced units, plus the most diverse and powerful air force. China has strength in numbers, and the nation's relatively slow but powerful forces gain additional bonuses when attacking in hordes. The GLA has no air force at all, and its ramshackle units seem worse than those of the other two factions, but these units can upgrade themselves using the scrap left behind by their fallen foes, and the GLA's units are also the quickest and stealthiest of the three factions, able to swarm around the battlefield using tunnel networks. Each faction has some really interesting options. The USA's ground vehicles can build support drones for scouting or combat, and its rangers have flash-bang grenades that can devastate enemy troops. China's overlord tanks are so enormous that you can build defensive structures on their topsides, and its hackers can steal additional funds or dismantle enemy structures. The GLA's terrorists can capture civilian vehicles and use them to swiftly deliver deadly explosive charges, and their tanks can be outfitted with radioactive shells to better deal with enemy infantry. There are many more such examples for each side. You could easily make a case for any of the game's factions as the strongest, the coolest, or both. The three campaigns in Generals are short and disjointed, though the game's single-player missions are all quite good on their own terms. Rarely is the goal merely to wipe out the opposing forces, at least not without performing some other interesting tasks first. Most real-time strategy fans will find Generals to be a cakewalk at the default "normal" difficulty setting. The "hard" and "brutal" settings will provide more of a challenge, though even at these higher levels of difficulty, you may still find the computer mindlessly sending its forces into your kill zones. It should still make for a worthy opponent, however, due to its ability to quickly muster its forces and its tendency to occasionally surprise you. Of course, online play is really where the action is, and Generals lets you easily get into an online match and start racking up wins. A quick-play feature lets you jump into a match against similarly ranked opponents, though the game unfortunately forces you to play in 800x600 resolution to use this option. You can still set up or join a custom match, and the game includes a good number of maps for two to eight players that are suitable both for skirmish and multiplayer. Plus, there's a "world builder" utility available for making your own maps, though it's undocumented and allegedly still in beta. Generals looks really, really good, though you'll need a system that meets or exceeds the game's recommended requirements to get it to run smoothly. White-hot pyrotechnics and outstanding particle effects make for what are probably the best explosions of any real-time strategy game to date, and you'll see no shortage of explosions during the typical Generals match. The other effects and animations are also great, such as when a pack of unlucky infantry is sent flying like so many rag dolls by a nearby blast. The game's terrain graphics are superb, and all in all, it's easy to forget that this is the first-ever fully 3D Command & Conquer RTS, since it looks so good. Those without recent systems will probably have to tone down the graphics options to keep the frame rate from chugging, but even so, they'll be treated to the best-looking C&C game yet. Meanwhile, the game's audio is a suitably remarkable counterpart to its graphics. In another departure for C&C, Generals is the first game in the series to feature musical themes exclusive to the playable factions. Previous C&C games have used a catchy techno score regardless of who was doing the fighting. In Generals, the USA's campaign is accompanied by a number of triumphant military marches, while China and the GLA have musical themes that establish their respective Eastern and Middle Eastern origins, yet also come off sounding grand and cinematic. Otherwise, you'll mostly just hear countless types of booming explosions while playing the game. The three factions' units all speak in English, though the Chinese and GLA units have stereotypical accents that fit well with the game's less-than-serious sensibility. It may not take itself seriously, but Command & Conquer: Generals is still a very well-designed real-time strategy game, and it's unquestionably one of the strongest entries in the series yet. It's totally first-rate from a technical standpoint, and it's an all-around fun game to play on top of that, with excellent pacing, great explosions, clever strategic twists, a variety of units, and a fair amount of humor. It takes a few liberties with some of the franchise's conventions, but the core gameplay of Generals is still very much in the spirit of Command & Conquer, and that's truly the best thing about it.
  23. Ananiyev: We will close stores if there are crowds The Minister of Health pointed out that the minority groups have all the requirements as in the rest The economic life in the country must continue. For this reason, the measures are concentrated on sites where there is a cluster of people. Health Minister Kiril Ananiev said at an emergency briefing at the Council of Ministers, BGNES agency reported. "Except those specified in the order. Entertainment and gaming halls, discos, bars, restaurants, fast food establishments, drinks, malls. Offices, insurance counters, pharmacies and food chains remain in operation. Strict adherence to hygiene conditions. Borisov: I hope the measures will come to fruition within 2 weeks There must be no clusters of people in the store in order to avoid transmitting this virus, " said the health minister. "We have concentrated on establishments with a high risk of crowding, and other commercial companies must continue to supply products. We will introduce an extension of time for people with expensive drugs, up to 12 months, they will be able to supply these drugs. TELK's decisions will continue until the end of May, ”he said. A second victim took a coronavirus in Bulgaria The Minister of Health pointed out that the minority groups have all the requirements as in the rest. "Our RICs monitor these sites and will take action as needed. If marketers break the ban and there is a cluster of people, we will close the particular store, "he added. Interior Minister Mladen Marinov has announced that the validity of identity cards and certificates will be extended for another 6 months, if your ID card expires today, it will be valid for another 6 months. The deadline for changing the documents for vehicles' gas systems will be extended by the end of May. State of emergency in Bulgaria for one month "People's fear of coronavirus can create a prerequisite for phone fraud, don't trust anyone but the Interior Ministry, use the 112 phone if you have any doubts, "Minister Marinov urged. "There is a criminal responsibility for non-compliance with quarantine and it is no small matter - 5 years imprisonment and a fine," Mladen Marinov recalled and regretted that not all people can observe the respective self-discipline.


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