¤ Your name: Bisky
¤ Claimed Admin name: ?
¤ Date and time: 28/04/2021, the time i don't know
¤ Reason of complaint: This is 3rd time when i get kicked by someone while i was afk'ing with binds from @Omar xD ---> ON AFK bind "/" ";+attack ;+forward ;+left"
OFF: bind "." ";-attack ;-forward ;-left" and i check them every time i go afk. First time i got kicked was by Kazy, he didn't knew at that time, i understood the situation, second time I don't know why i got kicked, but prolly for the same reason and this is the 3rd time i get kicked without a reasonable reason. I mean, I want to do a good thing for the server, but some of the ''admins'' are kinda jealous or I don't know. This is the limit for me. I was admin on a server from this community like 10 years ago, but i've never met any of this situation before. I'm honestly sick of this situation. Who kicked me, you have any frustration on me or something like this? I don't understand. I have the same binds like everyone else. Who'ever kicked me, i hope u have a good reason. Have a nice day. 🙂
¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo):