☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕
Everything posted by Comandosgindis
you still alive ؟
I miss u
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ღ«Head$hot»ღ: I want ask you
ღ«Head$hot»ღ: ok
ღ«Head$hot»ღ: Im now grade VIP
ღ«Head$hot»ღ: how can I get upgrade to SUSPENDED
ღ«Head$hot»ღ: I want grade SUSPENDEDvote all pro or contra to upgrade him V:
@[N]audy , @Guns1JY#_. @Sonic™ @Clement94 @Askor lml @General_Jeff @Enmanuel..
I see all players report admins using my profile
My personal profile not for complaints
If you have problem with any admin
go report here and respect model of report
@- hNk @Guns1JY#_. @[N]audy @Sonic™ @Clement94 @General_Jeff @Sk1ZzZ1z
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no more chances for those who do not have loyalty to thunderzm
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I was paid and boost for thunder every day in game tracker .
we dont use bots , we dont use any wrong ways !!
I dont know what is wrong with them to ban thunder !!
I dont care about gametracker anymore , Thunder and other servers will stay forever.
thanks gametracker
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Who I removed before and still didnt make topic that he hate me and he is disappointment ??!!
they all claim that they love thunder , and no one paid 1 euro when host was needed to paid .
I paid for thunderzm 400 euros at least (sv,host , boost) , so who now love thunder you or me ?!
all bet that thunder will fall , but you can see thunder at first page in game tracker .
I dont have too much time to stay in thunder that is sorry , but I would not sell it
I will keep ((NEW)) as leader , you and other are best owners .
Good luck best team :*
@#king 0F DARK you need to understand that on the Community there is so little percent of people which are wiling to buy a Server, especially for 300€ .. And, if he is selling it and no one buys it, he might close it as well. This is better way, putting someone else as a Leader and still pay for the Server (if its in his power still to pay for it).
Anyway, good luck with the Server & your travelling!
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22 days ago ThunderZM [rank 66]
Today ThunderZM [rank 9]
Good work thunderZM team , Im proud of you all <3
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