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    Palestine, State of

About Comandosgindis

  • Birthday 03/14/1993


  • Founder ThunderZm


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  1. Hey its T!ML@R i hope you remembered me xd hope you come back

  2. you still alive ؟


    I miss u 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. XAadii


      yeah broo ? everthing is execllent ? i was much bussy  and no more games ? thats why  . how r u ? ?


    3. [N]audy


      Good thx baby ❤️ im back tzm very boring in venezuela with this covid 19 -.- 

    4. [N]audy


      Comandongissssssss miss uuuuu 

  3. Comasdosgindis wake up, w miss you>:V

    Returns :default_apology-1312::t10113:

  4. Comandosgindis  

    Men Te Extraño Vuelve YA!! 




  5. We Missed You Man



    1. Comandosgindis
    2. [N]audy


      he no can see u reply :V group banned :V 

    3. -=MaTRiX=-
  6. come ts3  :-:

    1. Comandosgindis
    2. [N]audy


      come ts3333333333333333333333 , i want talk with u ❤️ 

    3. Comandosgindis
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  9. Ana shofet el msj tb3k wallah ma konet mwjod el yom er j3t, t3al n7ke fe ts3 aw wen ma bdk. 

  10. ღ«Head$hot»ღ: I want ask you
    ღ«Head$hot»ღ: ok
    ღ«Head$hot»ღ: Im now grade VIP
    ღ«Head$hot»ღ: how can I get upgrade to SUSPENDED
    ღ«Head$hot»ღ: I want grade SUSPENDED


    vote all pro or contra to upgrade him V: 

     @[N]audy , @Guns1JY#_. @Sonic™ @Clement94 @Askor lml @General_Jeff @Enmanuel.. 


  11. Hello do you want me back to thunderzm?


  12. coman bro I want to be admin for this I have left the forum, but when it comes to the game I do not admin will ask me if I admin the now I leave the forum

    1. Askor lml
    2. A D R E N A L I N

      A D R E N A L I N

      I'm playing on the server well, but if I leave the forum but ask for an admin please


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