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Everything posted by BirSaNN

  1. BirSaNN


    if you mean 3-4 bots, then it's okay, but if more, then I think it's not okay as you say, 3-4 bots at night, then I change my mind and say
  2. ¤ Nick: ¤ Ip: ¤ Ban Time: ¤ Reason: ¤ Proof:
  3. What is your proposal : to add a prize game to a server How will it help the server : it will help the server a lot and it will be a lot of fun in the game Reason : so I think it would help the server a lot and it would be a lot of fun... if they added a prize game on the server... if you're wondering which prize game. it's like this... like for example top1 in the game gets 1 month vip... top2 gets 2 weeks vip and top3 gets 7 days vip... I think it will be a lot of fun... and there will be more competition in the game which will give be 1/2/3 place ... and if that happens every month, the rank is reset and whoever was 1/2/3 top 15 gets vip... and every month like that ... I think there will be more players on the server and there will be a lot of competition... Other details : ==
  4. BirSaNN


    I'm not sure about that, I mean if they would add a bot... if the server is full, then the server is full of bots... there will be more bots than players, so I say about this sorry i don't think this will help the server...
  5. ¤ Nick : BirSaNN ¤ Real Name : Birsan Asanovic ¤ Your Birthday : 24/11/2000 ¤ You Photo : https://prnt.sc/sTpyrkgWCo-N
  6. ¤ You Nick: BirSaNN ¤ Server Time: 10/20/2022 ¤ Proof: https://prnt.sc/zwEBl0OuslT6
  7. and we think it would be good to move weapons hundred have to buy on Points ... to move to Vipmenu Weapons... it would be not good but super good
  8. gentlemen
  9. Nick Movie: K.F.G Chapter 1 Time: 21st Dec, 2018. Netflix / Amazon / HBO?: Noting Duration of the movie: 141 min . Trailer:
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