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Askor lml

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Everything posted by Askor lml

  1. In addition to the shortage of chips, the war in Eastern Europe is now interfering with the production chain. Some European plants operated by Volkswagen and Renault will suspend operations during certain days of March 2022, due to the breakdown of the production chain derived from the war between Ukraine and Russia. Specifically, the bottlenecks will force Volkswagen to halt production at its Zwickau and Dresden plants, both in Germany, for a few days due to shortages of Ukrainian-made parts, including electrical wiring harnesses. For its part, Renault will halt operations at its Moscow plant as bottlenecks at the Russian border delay parts deliveries. Another of its factories, operated by the AvtoVaz company in Tolyatti (Russia), will stop production for a day due to the shortage of semiconductors. Renault produces models such as the Captur and Duster at the Moscow plant, and makes Lada models through its AvtoVaz company. Russia is Renault's second world market, with almost a 20% share of that market. In total, German carmakers and their suppliers maintain some 49 production sites in Russia and the Ukraine, and the consequences for the companies and their employees are still not entirely clear. News brought by http://noticias.autocosmos.com.ve/2022/03/02/la-guerra-en-ucrania-provoca-dolores-de-cabeza-en-renault-y-volkswagen
  2. The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, expressed this Tuesday his "strong support" for his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in a telephone contact requested by the Venezuelan side. Through Twitter, the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that Maduro condemned the destabilizing actions of the United States and the Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) against Russia. At the same time, the Venezuelan leader stressed the importance of countering the West's disinformation campaign against Moscow. «I had a telephone conversation with the president, Vladimir Putin, I ratified Venezuela's condemnation of the destabilizing actions of #NATO. I reiterated the firm disposition in favor of understanding and dialogue, as a way to preserve Peace”, the post later posted. President through his account on twitter. On February 22, Maduro expressed his full support for Putin, after the Russian leader's decision to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics in eastern Ukraine. “Venezuela is with Putin, with Russia, and we are going to withdraw more and more. We are going to rest more and more. The peace of Russia is the peace of the world," the head of state said on that occasion. News brought by https://ultimasnoticias.com.ve/noticias/politica/presidente-maduro-expreso-su-apoyo-a-putin-en-contacto-telefonico/
  3. More than 1.9 billion adults over the age of 18 are overweight in the world, of which more than 650 million are living with obesity. World Obesity Day is celebrated on March 4, a date that seeks to generate collective reflection, eliminate prejudices about this disease and encourage both people who live with overweight and obesity and health professionals to seek constant treatment for its control. Obesity can be addressed and treated effectively with the appropriate treatments and procedures, approved and supervised by an expert”, commented Dr. Eric Pasco, Medical Manager of Novo Nordisk CLAT, who assures that there are many people who have the false belief that that they must live with this condition for life, however, this is not the case “Obesity is a disease that requires long-term and multidisciplinary treatment, in order to address at least four specific factors around it, such as: diet, physical activity, mental health and medical treatment” Obesity is often accompanied by depression, anxiety and eating disorders, which is why in these cases psychological support is very relevant during the process4. In addition, there may be a relationship between binge eating disorder, body dissatisfaction, food restriction and depression, treating these conditions will achieve better results. Similarly, a healthy and balanced diet is a relevant factor in the treatment of this condition, since the intake of foods with a high caloric content and fats is one of the factors associated with obesity. The accompaniment of the nutrition professional is recommended for the personalization of the food plan. This is necessary since during the process the patient's habits will be modulated periodically, maintaining safe control and monitoring. As for exercise, like the previous points, it is based on a gradual process that can start with increased activity in daily tasks, such as: those performed at home, workplace or transport, however, later It is recommended to introduce sessions of physical activity of 150 minutes per week according to the capacity of each individual. Ideally, they should be pleasant or attractive to ensure their consistency over time. Regarding the medical follow-up, this seeks to focus on the comprehensive health of the patient, as well as on the appropriate pharmacological treatment, which complements the aforementioned factors, and this must be analyzed and approved by a health professional since the patient must have close supervision during the process. There is a complex and unknown science about what it means to live under the limitations of obesity9,10. "It is not about eating less and moving more, but a healthy lifestyle should be encouraged, and the accompaniment of a health professional is essential, to detect all the aspects that are involved in its development," he emphasized. Dr. Ileana Chiari, Medical Director of Novo Nordisk for Central America and the Caribbean "There are many people who, despite exercising and trying to have a proper diet, fail to have a healthy weight, and it is precisely because in this disease other factors intervene that only an expert specialized in its treatment can attend to”. News brought by https://www.vidayexito.net/estilo-de-vida/salud/la-obesidad-si-se-puede-tratar-de-la-mano-de-un-profesional-de-la-salud/
  4. Russia has offered to receive at its airfields foreign planes for the evacuation of its citizens removed from Ukrainian territory. The Russian authorities are organizing the supply of humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian po[CENSORED]tion affected by the military operation, and the Armed Forces are ready to ensure the security of humanitarian corridors in the event that Kiev accepts their creation, the Russian Defense Ministry has stated. "Convoys with humanitarian cargo have been formed to help the po[CENSORED]tion of Ukraine. These are food products, construction materials and other essential elements. The federal bodies of the Executive, together with the Russian regions, have already prepared 10,500 tons of humanitarian cargo The work on this matter is very intense," said Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the Defense Ministry's National Defense Management Center. The military official specified that a humanitarian convoy has arrived this Wednesday from Crimea to several towns in southern Ukraine and that it is completing the formation of convoys that will depart from the provinces of Belgorod, Briansk, Voronezh, Kursk and Rostov. Mizintsev noted that an interdepartmental coordination center for humanitarian response has been created on the basis of the National Defense Management Center, which "has started working 24 hours a day." "None of the residents of Ukraine present in the territory controlled by the Russian Armed Forces, as well as the military units of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, will be left without food, water or essential products," he said. The representative indicated that the Armed Forces expect the operational collaboration of the UN, the OSCE and defense organizations for the solution of humanitarian issues in Ukraine. Evacuation Also, Mizintsev mentioned that Russia has offered to receive foreign planes at its airfields for the evacuation of its citizens removed from Ukrainian territory. According to the Defense Ministry, the UK, Italy, China, Poland, France, Japan and other countries have turned to Russia for help in evacuating their nationals. "Today, the Russian Armed Forces have already ensured the safe evacuation of relevant UN structures from Kiev, as well as employees of the Greek Embassy from Mariupol," he added. The high command also noted that OSCE staff members were safely evacuated from Donetsk to Rostov-on-Don on Tuesday. News brought by https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/422256-ministerio-defensa-rusia-anuncia-formacion
  5. good day for you I know that the ts3 server had a big drop in this past month Well, if the people here would like to do it, I don't disagree. I only ask you to take into account the recruitment project again so that I can grow again in ts3 I hope you reconside it again my regards
  6. Even after so many years there are still friends who remember you, you will always be in our hearts friend and we always remember you all these years😰😰


    Aún después de tanto años aún quedan amigos que te recordamos, siempre estarás en nuestros corazones amigo y te recordamos siempre todos estos años😰😰


  7. One of the great problems of electric cars, in addition to autonomy, is the need for a special infrastructure to be able to recharge. In many parts of the world, the short distance between cities facilitates the issue, but in cases like Australia (or in many areas of our country) it is not only difficult to find a charger for electric cars, but even a simple electrical connection. The largest country in Oceania has extensive deserts, with very little traveled roads where the necessary investment to provide power lines and recharging systems suitable for electric vehicles is not yet justified. For this reason, a retired engineer named Jon Edwards has created Biofil, a system that uses an electric generator that works with the edible oils that the gastronomic companies in the area used to fry potatoes. The installation of three charging points with the Biofil system allowed electric car users to travel for the first time the route that connects Western Australia with South Australia, a territory of 200,000 km² that crosses the Nullarbor desert. Edwards invested more than €250,000 in developing this technology and building the charging devices. In the Caiguna restaurant, which is halfway there and where about 55 liters of frying oil is produced per week, which is used to feed the loader. As Edwards himself explains, to complete a 50kWh charge, 18 liters of oil are needed, but most charges are over 25kWh, that is, about 9 liters of used oil. With what the kitchen of the restaurant that supplies the oil produces, about 6 quick recharges can be generated per week, which seems little, but is actually enough since the traffic of electric cars is almost nil, something that may change from now on. Volvo knew how to take advantage of this and as part of the launch of the Polestar 2 EV in Australia, the Swedish brand made a unit travel this desert route, to travel 786 km from the Caiguna charging point to Souther Cross, stopping at Balladonia, Norseman and Kalgoorlie. The Biofil station charged Polestar 2's 78 kWh batteries to 80% in just one hour so that it could continue the journey, which was a success. News brought by http://noticias.autocosmos.com.ve/2022/02/25/en-que-se-relacionan-la-recarga-de-autos-electricos-con-las-patatas-fritas
  8. The Minister of Communication and Information, Freddy Ñáñez, rejected the blockade of the European Union (EU) against the Russian media Sputnik and Russia Today (RT), a measure that he described as "predictable" given the "totalitarian regime" of the European bloc. “Without a doubt it is a sign of arrogance and desperation at the same time. The truth is that this measure, typical of a totalitarian regime, was predictable," said Ñáñez in an interview with Sputnik. In his opinion, the censorship that the EU "has been imposing on Russia in general, and on the conflict in Ukraine in particular, is not a new thing", but - he said - it increases in times of crisis. “It just intensifies at these critical moments when media (strategy) plays a determining role: that of (influencing) the perception of reality,” he added. This same Monday, the European Commission (EC) indicated that RT and Sputnik are not "media", but part of "Russia's war machine", which justifies its veto. “They propagate the Kremlin vision, basically. And in that context, we are not taking action against the media, but against propaganda channels, that is the difference," said the EC's chief spokesman, Eric Mamer. Náñez recalled that in 2014, when the coup d'état took place in Ukraine, a campaign of stigmatization began against Russia and its president Vladimir Putin, in order to "divert attention from the crimes against humanity that the Ukrainian troops committed in the Donbas region in the east of the country. "They go from the stigmatization campaign to the cancellation of two information channels that they cannot control," he asserted, while stressing that in eight years they created "the subjective conditions" for this new phase of "mani[CENSORED]tion and misrepresentation" of the paper. of Russia in the face of NATO provocations. The EU, he said, does not realize something, and that is that "today the dominant model of cultural and informative consumption is the social networks, where we are all content producers." “And no matter how hard they try to mani[CENSORED]te the algorithms, it will be very difficult for the true facts not to come to light,” he said. News brought by https://ultimasnoticias.com.ve/noticias/politica/gobierno-venezolano-repudia-bloqueo-de-medios-rt-y-sputnik-en-la-ue/
  9. Early detection of hemophilia and growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is vital so that boys and girls can eventually have a better quality of life. These conditions usually appear during the first years of life -due to hereditary or acquired factors-,1 and 2 and belong to the group of nearly 7,000 rare diseases that currently exist, according to data from the United States National Institute of Health (NIH , for its acronym in English). Both diseases can be genetic, although there are also cases that arise after the person's birth.4 For this reason, Pfizer Central America and the Caribbean (CAC), within the framework of World Rare Disease Day, seeks to publicize the importance of expedite the early detection of this type of disease, as well as make the po[CENSORED]tion aware of the proper use of the treatment prescribed by the doctor and adherence to it. “At Pfizer, we are aware of the challenges faced by parents whose children live with a rare disease such as hemophilia or growth hormone deficiency and how this impacts their environment. For this reason, we promote actions in search of promotion and comprehensive medical care for the patient, as well as proposals for solutions that eliminate access barriers and guarantee that people with various rare diseases receive potentially transformative treatments”, explained Dr. Montserrat Alfaro, manager doctor of Pfizer Central America and the Caribbean (CAC). Hemophilia, what is it, how is it diagnosed and what is its treatment? Hemophilia is a mostly hereditary disease -linked to the X chromosome-, in which the blood does not coagulate properly and patients have bleeding for longer periods than usual, this due to the decrease or absence of one of the coagulation factors ( they help stop bleeding).5 and 6 There are two types, hemophilia A (absent or decreased coagulation factor VIII), which is the most common, and hemophilia B (reduced or absent coagulation factor IX). It is estimated that this condition occurs in one of every 5,000 male babies in the world each year. Additionally, in its most recent study on the prevalence of the disease in 2020, the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) establishes that globally there are about 209,614 people who suffer from it, of which 165,379 have hemophilia A. Data from this same entity indicate that in Costa Rica alone there are approximately 226 people with hemophilia. Currently, it is possible to detect hemophilia through laboratory tests in children whose families may or may not have a history of the disease. Dr. Alfaro noted that some people who have relatives with this disease request that male babies be screened with a blood test immediately after birth, in some cases using a sample of blood from the umbilical cord, to find out if it coagulates properly. However, some infants may be diagnosed with hemophilia and not necessarily have a genetic history.10 In the event that there is no history of hemophilia or bleeding and the disease is suspected, the doctor may order screening tests if the newborn has symptoms such as: After circumcision, the bleeding continues for a long time. You bleed for a long time after blood samples are taken from your baby's heel. You have bleeding in your head (scalp or brain) after a difficult delivery or special instruments used during delivery (such as forceps). Unusual swollen bruises or many bruises appear once the child begins to crawl or stand up. The treatment of this disease consists of administering the coagulation factor (VIII or IX) that the patient needs, either to treat an ongoing bleeding episode or prophylactically; that is, routinely in order to prevent any bleeding.11 According to Dr. Alfaro, “the success of using treatment prophylactically also depends on adherence to it, since the most important thing is to prevent bleeding by maintaining the levels of the absent coagulation factor above the target level to prevent complications caused by bleeding; especially, doing it from childhood”. growth hormone deficiency This disorder occurs when the body does not make enough growth hormone - a bodily substance produced at the base of the brain (in the pituitary gland) that helps children grow and develop as they should - and which is thought to affect one five babies for every 10,000 births. Without enough growth hormone, the child is likely to grow slowly and be shorter than others of the same age and gender. It should be noted that most children with growth hormone deficiency grow less than two inches per year. There are two types: Congenital: in which the baby is born with growth hormone deficiency; also, it can present problems with other hormones. In some cases, the baby may appear to be growing normally until he is between six and 12 months old. Acquired: occurs when the body stops making enough growth hormone to grow normally. This type can start at any time in childhood. According to Dr. Alfaro, depending on the case, it is possible to know the reason why the boy or girl has growth hormone deficiency and for this, auxological measurements are used, as well as a series of tests, such as such as blood and other laboratory tests, bone age x-rays, growth hormone stimulation test, and brain MRI. According to the Endocrine Society, better results are obtained when this condition is diagnosed and treated early in life. “As promoters of innovations that change the lives of patients, at Pfizer we highlight the value of early detection to take concrete measures and minimize the risks that these and other rare diseases represent for people who suffer from them. We have more than 30 years of experience in dealing with these conditions, in which we have accompanied patients to understand their needs and interests and thus promote the development of therapies that allow them to have a better quality of life”, concluded the medical manager of Pfizer Central America and the Caribbean. News brought by https://www.vidayexito.net/estilo-de-vida/salud/deteccion-temprana-la-clave-para-promover-un-mejor-crecimiento-y-desarrollo-infantil/
  10. Moscow criticizes the bloc for "participating in the Kiev shows that call into question the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation." The Russian Foreign Ministry declared on Monday that the European Union had ignored the eight criteria of the EU Council's common position on arms export control, which "directly prohibits supplies of weapons and military equipment" from Europe. in certain situations. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, financing Ukraine and supporting it in defense matters goes against the following points of the European bloc: "Breach of international obligations by the country of destination (Kiev ignored its obligations under the Minsk package of measures endorsed by UN Security Council resolution 2202); Non-compliance with human rights, including the risk of using the supplied weapons for internal repression (Kiev committed genocide in Donbass); Armed conflict in the country of destination and the risks of its escalation due to arms shipments; Threat to regional peace, security, and stability, including the likelihood of armed conflict with a third country; Risk to the national security of EU countries (weapons supplied may be used against the interests of EU countries); The policy of the recipient country, including compliance with the principle of non-use of force, international humanitarian law, as well as the non-proliferation regime in the field of arms control (we do not believe that Kiev has been exemplary in complying with these obligations , including in view of the known cases of 'grey' arms trading schemes from Ukraine); The risk of arms deliveries falling into the wrong hands, including terrorist organizations (given the uncontrolled distribution of weapons to the po[CENSORED]tion in Ukraine, there is an almost guaranteed chance that some of them will end up on the black market); Maintaining the balance between militarization and the economic development of the host country (we believe that Kiev should be more concerned with the Ukrainian economy than with the repression of those who are against it by force)." Likewise, the Russian government has asserted that European citizens and structures linked to the shipment of lethal weapons and fuel to Kiev "will be responsible for any consequence of these actions in the conditions of a continuous special military operation." In addition, the Foreign Ministry has stated that "another myth propagated by the EU is finally disproved, that its unilateral restrictions, illegitimate under international law, are not directed against the Russian people." "Brussels officials, who until recently positioned themselves as 'strategic partners' of our country, are already saying — without exactly hiding it — that they intend to inflict 'maximum damage' on Russia, 'hit its weak points', 'destroy its economy seriously' and 'suppress the country's economic growth,' the statement said. "We want to assure you that this will not be the case. The actions of the European Union will not remain without a harsh response. Russia will continue to pursue the implementation of its vital national interests without regard to sanctions and their threats. It is time for Western countries to understand that their stranglehold on the world economy was long in the past," the ministry's message concludes. News brought by https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/421906-rusia-union-europea-armamento-ucrania
  11. Happy birthday
  12. Live Performance Title: GREEICY RENDON concierto / ESIKA mujeres imparables 2021 Signer Name:Random Live Performance Location: Colombia Official YouTube Link:https://youtu.be/l-FOD-ZX0EE Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video):-
  13. Musician Name:Greeicy Rendón Birthday / Location: 30/10/1992 Colombia Main instrument: actress and singer Musician Picture: Musician Awards & Nominations:2020 grammy nominee Best Performance: 22 Other Information: -
  14. Music Title:Greeicy - Más Fuerte (Video Oficial) Signer: Greeicy Release Date: 23/02/2018 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer:- Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video): 06/10
  15. DeLorean Motor Company (better known as Delorean or DMC) is about to introduce its first new model in 40 years, which is how many years have passed since the original DeLorean, the DMC DeLorean (DMC-12) went out of production. Yes, we are talking about the very time machine of Doctor Emmett Brown. The history of DeLorean, apart from being a cult car thanks to the movie Back to the Future, is known through series and movies, which you can find on Netflix, which tell the rise and fall of John Z. DeLorean, the flamboyant General Motors businessman whose ambitions were too much for the (then) largest automaker, a company filled with very staid, traditionalist, conservative managers, investors, and engineers. His only car was barely produced for a few years, until the company went bankrupt and closed. DeLorean was imprisoned and investigated for drug trafficking, despite the fact that his lawyer showed that a trap was set for him, of which he fell victim out of desperation to obtain more capital to save his company. The company has been trying to make an electric DeLorean since 2011. In fact, they put together a prototype, which was going to be produced, but in the end, due to the LVMVM (Low Volume Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Act) act, it was not defined yet, there was no authorization for low-volume manufacturers to have any kind of legal regulatory framework for their cars. DMC bought it from a company in Texas, which today is "the new DeLorean" and is the headquarters for all the enthusiasts of the brand, where all the original parts of the model are kept, as well as redesigned and reconditioned parts to keep the DeLorean alive. existing models yet. But the company's plans were always, at some point, to present a new car, a modern DeLorean and, why not, powered by electricity. This could become a reality, thanks to the new teaser that emerged on some of the brand's platforms, including its website. The video features a silhouette of a car, with the doors open up, just like the original DeLorean, a new illuminated V-shaped grille, and also the new company logo, with more futuristic lettering. We can also get to know the brand's new slogan: "The Future was Never Promised" (The future was never promised to us), implying that the future is something that should not be taken for granted and that it must be built or developed. Absolutely nothing else is known about the car, except that Italdesign, the design house founded by Giorgetto Giugiaro and now owned by the Volkswagen Group, is behind its design, just as Giugiaro designed the original in his time. It is worth noting that Giugiaro no longer has anything to do with what was his company, so it remains to be seen if the current designers will know how to honor the original or come up with something totally new. News brought by http://noticias.autocosmos.com.ve/2022/02/27/delorean-presentara-novedades-despues-de-40-anos
  16. The Vice Minister for Europe of the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, Daniela Rodríguez, evaluated the bilateral cooperation agenda together with the Turkish ambassador accredited in Caracas, Sevki Mutevellioglu. "We held an excellent working meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Venezuela to follow up on bilateral cooperation issues and the agenda for the strengthening of both nations," she said through her Twitter account. . Last October, Venezuela and Turkey signed three cooperation agreements in the areas of agriculture, tourism and construction. In general, both nations have 44 existing agreements in the context of the diplomatic and political relations they maintain, the Foreign Ministry outlined in a note. News brought byhttps://ultimasnoticias.com.ve/noticias/politica/venezuela-y-turquia-evaluan-agenda-de-cooperacion-bilateral/
  17. Although you may be more familiar with vitamins and minerals, some dietary supplements offer functional benefits that are missing from our daily diet. By Luigi Gratton, M.D., MPH Vice President of Training Consumers are increasingly incorporating supplements into their diets in order to improve health and wellness. According to the global survey in collaboration with the Council for Responsible Nutrition, consumers spend about $286 a year on vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements. In fact, 24% of people consume more than three different supplements per day. How to know which supplements to consume or which are the best on the market? Interestingly, 30% of respondents report using the Internet and social media to learn about supplements, while 27% report consulting their doctors. Regardless of the source of consumer information, 77% of respondents would like to know more about the benefits of different dietary supplements. Previously we discussed the supporting role that supplements can give us, as well as their safety and benefits. In this guide we will cover how to choose the best supplements to incorporate into your wellness plan. What is the best supplement format? Thanks to innovation and technology, consumers now have access to a wide variety of supplement formats such as capsules, mixes, gummies, chewables, functional drinks, among others. It can be difficult to choose one among so many options, but ultimately it comes down to preference. These are the most common formats available on the market: Tablets: Manufactured from the spraying of the active ingredients. They can leave a taste in the mouth since they are not coated. Capsules: The ingredients in the capsules are contained under a protective shell. They can come in the form of pills with a coating that facilitates digestion and prevents the aftertaste, or in a two-part capsule that contains the ingredients. Chewables: Some consumers prefer to chew supplements, so this may be a good alternative. Gumdrops: Once only for children, they are now widely consumed by adults. They are attractive for their easy consumption and format, and some may have unique flavors. Mixes: Mixes are preferred by many consumers because they are easy to take and can be combined with beverages or other liquids. Functional beverages and liquid supplements: Liquid products contain additional nutrients and are a convenient alternative to other formats for active consumers. But you have to remember that once opened, its duration is reduced. Technology and innovation have allowed us to develop new formats to meet the unique needs and preferences of consumers. In addition, they offer us variety and comfort to decide what works best for our schedule and lifestyle. What is a multifaceted approach to wellness? The average consumer may wonder why there are so many dietary supplement products available on the market: Shouldn't we limit ourselves to taking just one multivitamin a day? Nutritional needs vary from person to person based on age, gender, life stage, dietary restrictions, wellness goals, etc. It's helpful to consider a multifaceted approach to wellness: targeted nutrition to support our organs, our sleep, and our mood, as they all contribute to our overall well-being. Although you may be more familiar with vitamins and minerals, some dietary supplements offer functional benefits that are missing from our daily diet. Bacopa, for example, may support short-term memory and attention, but you're unlikely to find it on your plate, as it's an herb native to India. Also, as we age, our bodies undergo physiological changes and the nutrients we get naturally from our diet may not be enough to support these changes. For example, CoQ10 is an antioxidant that is found in some foods and is also produced by the body, but its levels tend to decline as we age. If you're not getting enough nutrients from the foods you eat, it might be time to take supplements. For these reasons, there are numerous supplements to consider beyond the daily multivitamin, including probiotics, amino acids, phytonutrients, herbs, and botanicals. They are often referred to as specialized or targeted nutrition supplements because they target a particular wellness goal. A list of specific nutrition supplements Our survey with the Council for Responsible Nutrition revealed that consumers take supplements for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the goals they cited: To boost general immunity (62%) To improve general health and well-being (46%) To improve digestive health (32%) For skin, hair and beauty health (27%) For brain health (24%) To maintain energy and concentration (23%) To promote sleep (20%) What types of supplements specifically cater to these goals? Let's dive into specific nutrition supplements. immune support According to a recent survey, 52% of consumers in the United States purchase nutrition products for immune support. Supplements in this category include zinc, certain vitamins, probiotics, Omega-3 fatty acids, and botanicals such as turmeric, Schizandra, elderberry, and Echinacea. brain health As we age, many consumers look to supplements to boost various functions, including memory. Bacopa is a plant that is used in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) to support short-term memory and cognitive resilience as people age. heart health In addition to a heart-healthy diet and regular exercise, supplements also protect heart health. Some of these products are Omega-3, CoQ10, garlic and supplements that contain nitric oxide precursors. digestive health Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics contribute to the health of the intestine. Fiber aids digestion, provides a feeling of fullness to curb your appetite, and helps beneficial digestive bacteria thrive. Many of us do not follow the recommendations for daily fiber intake, so supplements are very helpful. women's health Women have specific nutritional needs that can be remedied by adding supplements. Health experts often recommend that women include calcium in their diet for good bone health. Another nutrient that also needs reinforcement is vitamin D, ideal for bones. Another specialized supplement for premenopausal women is iron, essential for cell growth. men's health Men also benefit from vitamin D and other products made from saw palmetto, a plant that benefits the prostate and urine. Child's Health As many parents know, children don't always get the right nutrition. Many parents supplement their diet with a nutrient-dense shake or multivitamin, such as choline, which supports normal neurological function, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D to support healthy growth and development of bones and teeth. sleep and relaxation Rest is an integral part of a healthy and active lifestyle. It rejuvenates your body and mind and regulates your mood. Many consumers drink herbal teas made from chamomile or other herbs such as jujube and passion fruit for better sleep and relaxation. Other people stimulate their sleep with supplements that contain melatonin. healthy aging Glucosamine is a naturally occurring compound in our body that decreases with age. Taking supplements can help support joint health. Similarly, lutein has been shown to be helpful for eye health and vision. How to choose supplements Although we all love a good deal and look for the lowest price on many items, there are many factors to consider before investing in supplements that affect our well-being. Choosing wisely is essential because the quality of ingredients and manufacturing practices can vary. Here are my tips for choosing the right supplements: Narrow the field by choosing only products from reputable companies with a dedication to science, quality, and safety. Look in the nutritional information for any ingredients that stand out to you, especially if you have particular sensitivities. If you have allergies or dietary restrictions, look for third-party certifications, such as certified gluten-free. Take time to review a brand's website and the level of scientific and medical experts they work with. Check if the brand regularly invests in testing and improving its products. It may also be helpful to consult independent studies from credible institutions. How to stay the course As with many new regimens, you may not see benefits right away when taking supplements. The results related to our well-being are not as easy to notice as they would be with products that promote weight loss or muscle gain. As with anything else, be it diet or exercise, being consistent is key. Supplements are not a one-time deal; they must be incorporated into the daily routine and the well-being plan of a lifetime. News brought by https://www.vidayexito.net/estilo-de-vida/salud/como-elegir-los-mejores-suplementos-el-bienestar-desde-un-enfoque-multifacetico/
  18. The Russian president reiterated that the circumstances require Moscow to act "firmly and immediately" and noted that "the People's Republics of Donbass have requested Russia's help." Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Thursday his decision to carry out "a special military operation" to defend Donbass. "I have made the decision to carry out a special military operation," the president declared during a special message to Russian citizens, detailing that the objective of the operation is "to protect people who have been the object of abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years. Feb 27, 2022 18:24 GMT Norway's oil fund freezes its investments in Russia, according to the country's prime minister, Jonas Gahr Store. 17:48 GMT Ankara is ready to restrict the access of Russian warships to the Black Sea in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Sunday. 17:18 GMT The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced this Sunday that the community bloc "will finance the purchase and delivery of weapons and other equipment" to Ukraine. 17:12 GMT The head of British Petroleum (BP) resigns from the board of directors of the Russian Rosneft. 16:57 GMT The European Commission proposes to ban the broadcasts of RT, Sputnik and their subsidiaries in the European Union. 16:45 GMT Russian Defense Ministry reports wounded and dead soldiers during the operation in Ukraine. 16:40 GMT Berlin will start supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine from this Monday, according to the German ambassador in Kiev. 16:32 GMT Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky confirmed the destruction of the world's largest plane, the Antonov An-225, during fighting at an airfield near Kiev. 16:29 GMT The European Union completely closes its airspace to Russia. 16:28 GMT The Ukrainian state consortium Ukroboronprom has confirmed that the world's largest aircraft, the An-225 Mriya, based at Gostomel airfield, has been destroyed. News brought byhttps://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/421174-minuto-minuto-desarrollo-situacion-donbass
  19. Live Performance Title: Lenny tavarez Barrio Sunset Lima Concierto completo 🔥🔥🔥 Signer Name:Random Live Performance Location: Peru, Lima Official YouTube Link: Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video):-
  20. Musician Name: Lenny Tavárez Birthday / Location: 19/05/1987 Main instrument: singer, songwriter, dancer and record producer Musician Picture: Musician Awards & Nominations:Lo Nuestro Award for Remix of the Year Best Performance: Medallo Other Information: -
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