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Everything posted by Strix

  1. <16:16:27> Channel group "Interdiction" was assigned to "Mr.Love" by "Gabi Papi"

    what just happen? 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. huxi


      Website rank "Banned" will be assigned to Gabi papi by mr.love ?????? jk :'3

    3. Gabi Papi

      Gabi Papi

      I assigned wrong group what is so wow lol.

      Maybe i need to asign some bans to people here hh

    4. S I N X
  2. Hello and welcome. Dont forget to read Rules ! T/C
  3.  ♛ Gabi Papi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ♛

    2 hours ago

    Won 400 points playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strix
    3. [N]audy


      I know how Gabi taught me: [N] audy

      Tuesday at 10:43 PM

      Won 831 points from Mystery Points Box

    4. Gabi Papi
  4. v2 Text and blur
  5. i will giveaway Steam account with cs 1.6 today or tomorow stay close babies

  6. next time who will tell me ' you are my friend ' only when he need me will be added to my ignore list ; )

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. S I N X

      S I N X

      You are my freind

    3. maykel.


      Son you're not my friend ??

    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      You Are My Gay ?

  7. stop using google translate in proposals and faq, this make it harder for me to undrustand......

    ps: use google translate if u dont know 1 word or 2, or even a sentence, but not a whole 10 lines paragraph -_-

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      It s hard for you my dear ! :)) ?

    3. Mr.SnaPeR


      are you usin it 

      i use it only to understand spanish lang ??

    4. S I N X

      S I N X

      I use google translate in the hard words

  8. where is 'thanks' ???

  9. 1300 points hh

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. YoU FoX.

      YoU FoX.

      Any way who care?

    3. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕


      Dude, what you say on ts3?, you remember?:D

    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      wait a min dont steal my rep Son 

  10. moderators work so ez ? 

  11. peaple from morocco are so smart:

    <03:25:34> "÷F.B.I÷Really¤Man": Yadak fakbar z*b atbi ewa sir t9*ad mntal 3andak zhar rak b3id ama n**rlak man lwdan lwdan. Atfal

    <03:25:39> Your chat partner has disconnected.

    <03:26:39> "Anr.Anoiar.Anr" rejoined chat.

    <03:28:27> Your chat partner has disconnected.

    <03:29:00> "li*wak awald l9*ba" rejoined chat.

    <03:29:14> "li*wak awald l9*ba" was banned for 1 day from the server by "Mr.Gato" ()

    <03:29:14> Your chat partner has disconnected

  12. Hello and welcome to our familly! Dont forget to read Rules T/C
  13. Strix


    You cant join that server because you got banned, contact that server managers they can help you. T/C
  14. Due to lack of other members interest and inactivity, this topic will be locked, if you wich to re-open it, feel free to contact me via pm. T/C
  15. Hello and welcome. Dont forget to read Rules ! T/C
  16. Hello and welcome. Dont forget to read Rules ! T/C
  17. your name looks more sexy in red color :3

  18. welcome back niga

  19. V1 text only
  20. aimbot hh

    1. ZeNe[L]2}{.


      nice aim gato xD

      u not aim :v

  21. <14:00:33> "Vortex™": Hello guys I'm here to send a message instead of the poor kids that dieing everyday because of sickness and the less food and who doesn't have a house I'm calling you guys to support them by donating your points ! For every donation u save a child ! Donate me and let the kids live their life !!!

    guys this guy want to help poor kids all over the world, but he dont have enough points, so pleaase, be generous and donate him as much points as you can to help these kids ( personally i donated him 300 points. do like me!) 

    so please guys, be generous and help these poor kids by donating this guy!


    ps: no fake

  22. Flenn sent you 20 points.

    @Flenn. thanks! ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strix


      ty all xD

    3. HICHEM


      Mr.Gato sent you 16points.

      Mr.Gato sent you 50points.

      Thx gato

    4. Master[T]


      Mr.Gato I Give You My Like With Blood And Swet And No Thxx?

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