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Everything posted by Lock流

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  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  3. LoL my account stuck 


      August 18


  4. v2 text , effects
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  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. Good morning guys :v 

    i have 14 hour sleeping lol ?

  9. well i got bored so i create this sh*t 

    i know it looks bad ? but it first project i mean i will continue working on it 


                             original                                                                           2                                                                            3                                            

    y5deARO.jpg    6Nr68Cx.jpg    B8C9kPg.jpg       



  10. good night ?

  11. we need a doctor for @#Garrix :v 

    <03:06:52> "#Garrix": HELLOOOO
    <03:07:00> "#Garrix": U here ?
    <03:07:01> "Lock [Music]": hey
    <03:07:11> "#Garrix": i need help :'v
    <03:07:18> "Lock [Music]": yea ;v why not
    <03:07:23> "Lock [Music]": ask :v
    <03:07:24> "#Garrix": i am crazy ?
    <03:07:28> "#Garrix": and how i can remove
    <03:07:32> "#Garrix": that ?
    <03:07:35> "#Garrix": u can help me ?
    <03:07:36> "Lock [Music]": ah :v u need a doctor :v
    <03:07:41> "#Garrix": sorry
    <03:07:45> "#Garrix": i dont speak spanish
    <03:07:51> "#Garrix": LOL :'v
    <03:07:52> "Lock [Music]": ah me too :v
    <03:07:57> "#Garrix": Nice
    <03:08:00> "#Garrix": And u ?
    <03:08:03> "#Garrix": good job
    <03:08:06> "#Garrix": so bye

    1. thegreenmask


      5li9a wala sni3a xD


    2. Viceroy


      DIdn't understand Sh*t xdddd

  12. there is deffrent ah :v ?

    70gZzUf.jpg jWvXRKe.gif HeuKlvw.jpg

  13. so i was bored so i create this grime art ;v btw it the first one 

    note : this is me ?

    70gZzUf.jpg ---> jWvXRKe.gif

    1. A.N.R Anouar A.N.R
    2. maykel.


      Fada ta3mal lhabla ???

  14. guys it just me ts3 not working or what?

    1. Blackfire


      i saw you yesterday in ts3 you was in ThunderzmChannel. i send a message before ! why you keep lie. making status like that .you think everyone stupid or kids ?

    2. Lock流


      wtf blackfire? are you crazy or what? this problem happened to me now yesterday i answer you and i dont insult seka wtf is your problem with me dude ? just answer the question if you have another subject come pm ? dont break my [CENSORED] head !

  15. v1 brush
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  17. V2 text and blur
  18. good night all ? ?

    1. SanCheZ MaNoLo^

      SanCheZ MaNoLo^

      Hhh I am in morning

    2. Lock流


      hahah me too but i dont sleep :v

    3. BlaCK+


      Hhh stop or ban

  19. bye good luck
  20. if some one buy vip from the shop it work i mean it set in ur profile or u need to contact adminstrator before u buy it?

  21. Lock流

    Request Fonts

    font ?
  22. winik a plufruci ltaw larjo3t xD walahi tawa7chtek :v ija ts3

    1. maykel.


      Batalt jemla

      Ani lbara tw njmch n7l ts3 b 3g

    2. Lock流


      :ç mala 7achwa nekt 5alitni wahdi ch3andi nayek fadit hh ?

  23. Good night CSBD have a nice dreams :v ??

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