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Everything posted by Lock流

  1. i win another 200 point ? ez peasy :V

  2. hahahhah i play rock , paper ... and i win ?

    its rly ez game i just play with luck i dont even read rules hahha just press and win :v

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. .BOSS.


      hay hay u have 600 100 for me ?

    3. Lock流


      i lose one :ç ur not lucky ?

    4. .BOSS.
  3. Good night mah friends ! ? have good dreams :v

  4. sweet dreams ❤️

    1. maykel.


      Sweet dreams ❤️

    2. G R 4 V E N ⵣ

      G R 4 V E N ⵣ

      sweet dreams bro ?

  5. Name of the oponent:@__@.:{<}BOSS{>}:.__[CSBD] Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece):avatar Size:200*200 *Text:Battle Watermark:CSBD /csblackdevil Stop votes ( min. 4 - max. 8 ):8 Working time: 24hour
  6. v 1 text only ? ?
  7. good night mah friends ❤️

  8. good morning mah friend ?

    1. maykel.


      Gm feo ❤️

  9. hahaha funny af i can buy it :V


    1. Lock流


      ty bro i will back it 

    2. Lock流


      bro i give  u 2 point

  10. hhahhahahah i play guesse the number 10 time and i lose all ? i think i cant win

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lock流


      it back ?

    3. 乡мя.ЪคЪค™


      haa just try and try till  u win XD ?

    4. Lock流


      :0 baba bro u cant :V

  11. good morning guys have a good day ? 

    1. sharabati11


      Good morning


  12. Description of the problem: i wanna do 2 swords like this pic Photos:Other details:where i find it
  13. old but gold ? 

    skrillex ❤️



  14. this clip and song are so dope guys you need to watch this belive me ? 



  15. who still not listening to this challenge song :V ?


  16. i play guess the number and guess what i loss all my points :VVVVVVVVVV

  17. good night all ❤️ sweet dreams with me ?:V

  18. I'm sorry zns i dont play today cuz of problem in my pc and i formant it so i need some time to back in csbd and zns (2/3days)( i create this post by phone )

    1. mtirguembri47


      you format your pc why?

  19. what u think?

                                                         T7pbIt1.jpg                           cUAAwZG.jpgp9bR8h7.jpg

    1. sharabati11


      I want her like me 

    2. mtirguembri47


      its so good do one like this for me pls bro

  20. Good Morning :V ? i just wake up now 

    1. SaLaH.
    2. G R 4 V E N ⵣ

      G R 4 V E N ⵣ

      good morning lazy


  21. any one want to do for him a picture for him tell me or do a comment here !


    choose a picture from here

    subject :  smoke 

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