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ERJON www.csblackdevil.com

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Everything posted by ERJON www.csblackdevil.com

  1. Hey , Go To Ur Notification Settings Then Activate Ur Notification List Here : http://prntscr.com/igy4pj
  2. v1 nice effect & blur
  3. v1 text , blur also effect
  4. yea right when i trying to connect from an other browser my problem was solved LoNely try it maybe u this step will fix ur prb =]
  5. I will Start:
  6. Come  TS3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ERJON www.csblackdevil.com

      ERJON www.csblackdevil.com



      Wlhi kolkom fehmin bel8alet ti wlah Ma3andi fake account ti kifech ena tounsiii Homa men bolden o5ra :(

    3. El L0rd

      El L0rd

      Goodlock no.

      Fama haja esmha VPN ma7nech msatkin w maghir matn9chni barcha lan9oul lel adminstration

    4. ERJON www.csblackdevil.com

      ERJON www.csblackdevil.com

      Bh bh ya3tik sa7a


  7. Welcome Back Ugly <3

    „Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” — Henry Ford

  9. v1 Only Text try To Learn How to add new Effect's Blur GL.
  10. Happy birthday dude
  11. Dude maybe that's u r new 

    Account the other banned 

    By the way I hope u enjoy u r day :)

    See you ;)

    1. ERJON www.csblackdevil.com

      ERJON www.csblackdevil.com

      Welcome dude that's my pleasure. 

      Gn :thankyou:

  12. Hehehehe I'm BaD_BoY and I am old admin

    1. Fir3


      Dark immortal this is only because of ur nick cause u change every month ur Nick so be active in sv and make hours for Admin

    2. ZoNiC


      agregame como amigo

  13. Hello Mr.Love I hope u Fine

    I want to contact u about one guy he spamming in servers section that's proof 


    Ps: he is not admin 

    Plz take a action and ban him from CSBD 

    Good Bye 


  14. How are u 

    Long time not see you 

    I hope u Fine 


  15. Guten Morgen, wie geht es Ihnen erlaubt, was zu tun

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Fir3


      Spasst :mad:

    3. Fir3


      And btw u can't speak German so u don't need to make a status on my Profile!

    4. ERJON www.csblackdevil.com
  16. Natsu can u send me msg prv  bro plz

    1. Natsu



      OK for sure,
      But if you want to send a private message,you should go to my profile and see at the right side of "Follow Member".There you can send me a private message.^^

    2. ERJON www.csblackdevil.com
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