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# Ret-H@CKer

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Everything posted by # Ret-H@CKer

  1. bro the ts3 restarted for that you loose you channel just asked super moderator gave you channel admin
  2. gave me now elder bro or co owner


    1. # Ret-H@CKer
    2. # Ret-H@CKer

      # Ret-H@CKer

      Roven and @EminenT Legendz tell me he gave me co owner for i was co owner in highlifezm

    3. # Ret-H@CKer

      # Ret-H@CKer

      and i maked removed

  4. hi i am co owner in highlifezm

    without ftp and manager

    i would be here elder

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FALLEN'


      Don't accept him.

      He is contacting every Managers of all Servers and asking for adminship! Always saying i was co-owner there, i was owner there etc. and he wasn't. Telling i can stay 24/24 and he can't. If you're smart, you'll think about my comment. 

    3. # Ret-H@CKer

      # Ret-H@CKer

      no royal zm all are tell me kid and doun t let me played

      how server respected me and gave me chance and admin i show him my activte

    4. immortal111111


      Fallen thanks for info dude i really appreciate it 

  5. hi i am co owner in highlifezm i am new manager i woukd behere co owner and you can tell me how use ftp

    please gave me end chance br please

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AFROJACK™


      He has a girlfriend :25r30wi:

    3. S!di.


      i can tell u , first of all turn on ur pc/laptop go to my programs ctrl+a and pres the buttom Delete . thanks :D 

    4. Kyter


      Keep it up sidi

  6. hi it s not mistake just is your nest is slow or you restart connect to server jusr wait server download
  7. hi i am not really founder is Mr.Boyka want buy server in www.krond.ro i want zombie mod and i'll Mr.Love help me for that and i want my server in CSBD Albania.zm.CSBlackDevil.com and ty. NOTE : Purchase a Sure Server on Saturday
  8. 185 post 36 like :mad: 

    1. Crastto


      when you will go 1085 post will have more like dont worry 

      now you have 185 post and 36 likes then 1085 post 37 xD

    2. # Ret-H@CKer
    3. JS BieBer
  9. HiTLeR i maked good activite and i staying in night active 24/24 hrs and i reported admin and unban

    6 manager 

    i sent you message by :bad_boy_20:

  10. # Ret-H@CKer

    Need Help

    for fix problem go to console and write cl_timeout 999999 rate 25000 cl_port 27006
  11. # Ret-H@CKer

    NEED Help!

    Your Nickname: DA^_^BEST Your Problem: i can t add photo to my singature Screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/BpnJu
  12. STREET ZM loose 2 co owner and 1 owner

    why the  server doun t make posting og searhing co owners and owners

    1. # Ret-H@CKer
    2. # Ret-H@CKer

      # Ret-H@CKer

      why server doun t maked post search of owner and co owner and founder

  13. thanks for vidio i cnow how to maked it now
  14. hi i have pc portbal i can t find this button
  15. what is button for print screen
  16. no bro i say not screenchot in cs 1.6 i cnow how do it i searching screenchot in page csbd per ther is ,qnqgers tell me gave me screenchot message of founder accepted gave you god or grad admin
  17. hi i say screenchot of page csbd bro in google csbd page not in cs1.6
  18. # Ret-H@CKer

    NEED Help!

    Your Nickname: DA^_^BEST Your Problem: i press F5 for scrennshot me i doun cnow wher is help me Screenshot:
  19. contact with @Love - GO.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM or @Sethhh. about create server in skyper or steam or via pm
  20. Profesuro bro come to ts3

  21. deid for israel died for yahod win to muslims win to palastine
  22. Justin bro come to ts3 now 

  23. out ts3 and open it if you doun t connect redownload ts 3
  24. # Ret-H@CKer

    NEED Help!

    Your Nickname: BEST player Your Problem:i can t connect to shadow zm and all server csbd i find me ban of streetzm and i go to shadow zm me i can t connect Screenshot:
  25. # Ret-H@CKer

    NEED Help!

    Your Nickname: BEST player Your Problem: i can t connect to streetzm i out and open cs 1.6 me no responding Screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/Sn33i


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