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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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Everything posted by "HaMsIK"

  1. Emo i mbaruar cbn pse ta kan heq moderatorin

    1. walker™


      emo cben ti ,

      po e lash 1 muaj un dhe me thane do fillosh nga e para po nuk do zgjasi shum per mod prp 


  2. Back on

    Missing for Just 3 days

    And Feeling like a "Big Dog" to back ;)

  3. Welcome my boy Enjoy evryday here H F & G L
  4. Happy birthday , Enjoy your day , Enjoy your party , Good Luck , Wish you the best , i hoppe your dreams come true
  5. First Hello , so about your problem , this happent when our internet is very slow and cs1.6 get bugged and there show your cs like that , so what you should do is just type in consule cl_timeout 999 or cl_timeout 9999 try this both thing's and refresh your favorites servers after doing that , i thing your problem will be solved , and i want to suggest you one new cs for to download which i use and is very good: Click I hoppe your problem got solved
  6. Welcome here i hoppe you will have fun here G L
  7. Welcome enjoy your time here H F & G L
  8. Welcome and Enjoy it H F & GL
  9. Happy birthday , enjoy your day , i hoppe you've created a great party with your friendship in real life and enjoy there with your girls of classrom , annyway wish you the best and enjoy it , i hoppe your dream come true . GL
  10. Welcome on our community i hoppe you will enjoy it H F & G L
  11. Happy brithday baby <3 Enjoy your day / GL wish you the best , i hoppe your dreams come true , enjoy your party <3
  12. New Proffile Song :emot-smugbert:

  13. Hello My friend this problem is from our bad internet i mean from our lag , and this problem have been posted many times like here: so my friend this problem is by our bad internet not bcz of anny other problem i suggest you to wait for some seconds / minutes until there will show you the notification bcz this problem have happent to me to and to many other members . Topic Locked
    1. http://prntscr.com/ik0kgt
    2. https://prnt.sc/ik064e

    the best hight ping off my internet i reched today :25r30wi::emot-golfclap::emot-smugbert:

  14. Happy Birthday , Enjoy your day , G L to your life / wish you the best of this life
  15. Hello JaEgArN this happent to me to by our bad internet "https://prnt.sc/igydur " , so i suggest to you to wait a while for some sec maybe minutes till your ineternet will oppen it , beacuse that happent by lag , with all Respect . Topic Closed
  16. hello Mr.FiNe@CSBD This is not a problem you must edit the first post of that section which you wanna add tag like [Accepted]Request Admin , [Rejected]Request Admin or whatever you wanna add there for more info check this pic down : And after you do that there will show the title [Accepted]Request Admin or [Rejected]Request Admin or whatever there is , i hoppe you understand it is very easy , and is not a problem , if you still are confused about it contact me on ts3 or here pm .
  17. Happy birthday both you , wish you the best , GL & HF on your birthday's
  18. V2 text & flushing i like that , beaty work .
  19. Welcome back H F & G L
  20. V1 text blur effect , is very beaty image
  21. A tourist helicopter has crashed in the Grand Canyon in the US state of Arizona, killing three people and injuring four. The aircraft suffered "substantial damage", a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration said. It was in the Grand Canyon West area when it came down at around 17:20 local time (00:20 GMT) on Saturday. The helicopter was operated by tour company Papillon Airways. It is not clear what caused the crash. On its website, Papillon calls itself "the world's largest aerial sightseeing company" and says it flies more than 600,000 people a year. Police Chief Francis Bradley, of the surrounding Hualapai Indian reservation, earlier told US media that the local terrain had hampered rescue efforts overnight. "We are having difficulties getting the four people out of the crash site area to the hospital," CNN quoted him as saying. "It is too windy and it's dark and the area is very rugged." Images have emerged showing flames and thick smoke rising from the boulder-strewn crash site. Grand Canyon 'formed recently' Rare phenomenon fills Canyon with cloud Local media said the helicopter was an Airbus Eurocopter EC130 carrying six passengers and the pilot. The Grand Canyon, which is more than 1.6km (one mile) deep, is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the US.
  22. Welcome to our community H F & G L


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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