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Everything posted by Mr.SnaPeR

  1. Hey bro are you back :v i missed you ❤️ remember me iam 


    1. ★Pr!nC3★™


      Yes Bro ❤️ How Are You ?

    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      Fine bro and you ?

    3. ★Pr!nC3★™


      Fine ❤️ Come Join Newlife ? I am There



    but i dont like this shity posts :v 

    any way i still waiting this kid repky xd

  3. First they put you in 

    The most inactive moderator 

    Then when they ask them who is the helpful moderator they put your name aahhhhahahh 

    What a nice friends 

  4. Well now someone tell me why did that mr.asslicking mention me in that fiing post and iam not even a moderator also iam not absent i retired fk this provocation i dont care for your ass man just please stay away from me dafuk i dont wanna any one to mention me in this fking post gala wtf 


    1. Mr.SnaPeR


      Maybe you can shut your mouth and kick your ass away 

    2. Flenn.


      hey man , just ignore those people xd 

      when you fight with them you're just be like them 

      so be smart and don't be stupid like them xd


    3. Mr.SnaPeR


      well flenn :v i just get mad fast xd and he just wanna to provoke me and i dont care for his shity things 

      and he knows that this is the way how children acts ! 

      about you morphine again i will tell you stay away from my way ok -___- 



    guys isn't it scam or iam blind ? 

    1. Mark-x


      Yeah these types of  things are scam

  6. sorry what ? 


  7. Oooo you still alive and keep destroying design ahaahha happy birthday its late xdd 

    But stop destroying design ma girl :vv

  8. hahahh i think there is new moderators and Global Moderator soon ! AHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHH

    ofc not me xd i will be something else but sorry i dont love to work for someone like you 

  9. its time to say good bye !!! 

    1. Blackfire


      really good bye ? did u lose your mind ? this is your chance . yo uwill just wast it like that be ''good bye guys'' wow you changed alot buddy.

      anyway think two times before doing any something stupid.

    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      well blackfire i dont have any place here i think Arabians doesnt have any respect or any Appreciation here and i wont wait any one here to disrespect me or insult me ! well now i can open and be free if i didnt open for a while 

      i achieved what i want by being one of this stuff but i didnt feel comfortable when someone helped only his friends but no no others are nothing ,,, The Owner of this Community doesnt do any thing by himself he just leave it for them no one ask for decisions every one does what he want . but now i dont care .. and i dont give a shit ! 

  10. v1 only blur
  11. welcome and have fun
  12. v1 only text
  13. ooooo man i think this is a bad month a very bad one i saw that now you retired ? ? 

    We will Miss you Very Much Man ❤️ ? 

    Good Luck In Your Real Life ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

    1. [N]audy


      Thank bro ❤️ kiss me ? 

    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      ? haha i told them to remove me :v 

    3. [N]audy


      why bro ? lol u saw global with multi))) :,v

  14. v2 text and effects
  15. welcome
  16. Theresa May is to make a statement to MPs at 15:30 GMT amid reports Tuesday's vote on her Brexit deal is being delayed. That will be followed by a statement from Commons leader Andrea Leadsom - and then a statement from the Brexit secretary on Article 50. Two cabinet sources have told the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg Tuesday's planned Brexit vote will be delayed. There is not yet any official confirmation of the move. Downing Street had been insisting the vote would go ahead, despite Mrs May being widely expected to lose it. A third Cabinet source has told the BBC the vote is "definitely off". UK can cancel Brexit, says EU court Mrs May has been trying to convince MPs to back her deal by suggesting the Northern Ireland backstop - the main item they object to - could be modified. She has also been speaking to EU leaders about re-opening the withdrawal agreement, something both sides have previously ruled out. It comes as the European Court of Justice ruled the UK can cancel Brexit without the permission of the other 27 EU members. European Commission spokeswoman Mina Andreeva said the EU would not renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement. In a press briefing, she said: "We take note of the Court of Justice judgment today on the irrevocability of Article 50. "We have an agreement on the table which was endorsed by the European Council in its Article 50 format on the 25th November. "As President Juncker said, this deal is the best and only deal possible. We will not renegotiate - our position has therefore not changed and as far as we are concerned the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union on 29 March, 2019." The pound fell 0.4% against the US dollar to £1.26, following reports the Brexit vote would be delayed. Against the euro, the pound was down 0.6% at £1.10.
  17. Haaaa well it was a reeeaaal long time also a haard time for me ????

    1. Mr.SnaPeR


      No its not exams not yet 

      My aunt died ! ???

    2. Tweek
  18. well guys sorry fir my activity it was a real hard days for me 

    I was studying hard also I was in the hospital with my bro checking him sorry I will start my work again tomorrow ???

    1. #Ace
    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      ace how could you be wife of naudy and khaled at the same time ??

  19. happy birthday my baby ❤️
  20. v2 text
  21. I will close this topic Due To user inactivity Try to read every reply again to fix your problem ! T/C
  22. welcome back
  23.  wowwww dude You Destroyed design Section xDD

    1. Flenn.


      no they say i'm just useless , noob and bad person


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