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Everything posted by Sinan.47

  1. UNCHARTED: THE LOST LEGACY The famous Uncharted series brought Nathan Drake's screens to the world's adventures around the world. Uncharted 4: The End of the Thief, expected to be the last game in the series, will be the final for Drake, new gaming players will be thrown into the Indiana Jones-like adventure with the character of Chloe Frazer.
  2. Welcome To CSBD
  3. Welcome To CSBD
  4. Do not lose your respect :nono.001:

    1. berus-sama
    2. berus-sama


      anta min ay balade ?


  5. for beginners https://prntscr.com/i8qkve
  6. Some details about the continued leadership of TUBITAK, Turkey's first indigenous car project prototype cars will be visual and Science, Industry and Technology Minister's Intellectual number was announced by the Light. The rise of electric cars in the course of the automobile sector's expected that Turkey will be the first domestic car engine technology which was being wondered. According to the statements of Fikri Işık, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology, the domestic car is also working on three different models. One of these models will have an internal combustion engine, and the other two models will have an electric and elongated electric (more powerful fleece or engine wheel) engine. As you can see in the photos and videos, the domestic car covered with camouflages is reported to be the images of the prototype prototypes. According to the explanation made by Fikri Işık, the technology of the domestic car is being studied in the meantime. Minister Intellectual Turkey, according to the description of the Light First Domestic Car 2016 to 30-40 vehicles will be made improvements on the car will be produced at the end of the 2019 transition to mass production planlanıyor.ayrı of Ministers Intellectual Light in 2020 announced a new Turkey will announce the car brand . In the meantime, the choice of prototype automobiles to make the choice for the Cadillac, the domestic automobile is cooperating with General Motors brings the question.
  7. Are you interested in different cultures? There are examples of differences from around the world. For example, the Amish villagers in some states of the US ... You may even have never heard of them. Maybe they can be the most interesting way of life that you can see. Haupiri Village in New Zealand, different traditions in Mauritania in Africa ... Here are the different lifestyles: Meet the Amishes: electricity, telephone, no transport ... Amishes live on the contrary to known American cultures. Village life is much simpler. Because they choose to stay away from people. Instead of colorful clothes, they prefer plain and plain colors. You can not understand the age difference in your clothes. They prefer one type. And one of the most interesting features is the lack of technology in these villages. They do not use electricity and telephone. They use horse carts for transportation. This quiet and sincere life is a candidate to be ranked among the world's most interesting. You can always see a smile on their faces. Because they are quite happy in this way. It is forbidden for young people to talk to each other ... This time we reach New Zealand ... A different way of life has been adopted in the village of Haupiri in the south of the country. Everything works with such a rule that a delegation of old people decides. It is forbidden for young people to talk to each other within the rules. This delegation also gives the decision of marriage. The use of birth control pills in the village is also among the prohibitions. To extend the lives of children ... Could you throw it down on a sling to prolong your child's life? This is not the lifestyle that the Indians have adopted. The families in the Solapur region are throwing their children on the bedrock that is stretched below. The reason is that they have to believe that their children will have a long life. Being fat for marriage is a must ... One example is from Mauritania. In this African country, girls have to be fat when they get married. Even this is the most important condition for getting married. Is not it very interesting to you, too?
  8. US President Trump gave critical messages in the First Strike of the Union speech after sitting in the chair, and the congress called for a $ 1.5 trillion investment in infrastructure. Donald Trump, speaking of the first "Union Stance" after sitting in the Presidential chair, gave important messages to many of the issues surrounding domestic and foreign politics, from his foreign policy to his struggle with DEAŞ, mainly in his speech about the economic steps of his first year. CONGRESS 1.5 TRILLION INVESTMENT CALL US President Donald Trump called Congress to vote on a $ 1.5 trillion infrastructure investment plan. Trump called the Congress when he first spoke of the "Tribulation of the Union" after sitting in the chairman's chair. Trump stated that to finance the $ 1.5 trillion infrastructure investment plan, all federal allocations should be raised through partnerships with state and local governments, and private sector investments should be resorted to where appropriate. RUSSIA AND CHINA BETTER THAT Trump referred to Russia and China as "competitors who challenged the interests, economy and values of the United States" in the foreign policy and security-related section of his speech at the US Congress. "We face confrontations like bum regimes, terrorist groups and interests around the world, China and Russia that challenge our economy and our values." Trump wanted to give full support to the American army from the US Congress during this difficult period. "MODERNIZE OUR NUCLEAR WEAPONS" Recalling that deterrence in the world has become increasingly important, Trump said, "We should rebuild and modernize our nuclear weapons, perhaps one day in the future, countries will come together to remove nuclear weapons, but we are not at that point." . "ALWAYS RETURNED 100 PERCENT" Referring to the fight against DEAŞ, Trump said, "I promised to work with our allies last year to eradicate DEAŞ from the earth, and I am proud to say that a year later, almost 100 per cent of the territories in the hands of the anti-DEAŞ coalition in Iraq and Syria were in retreat We still have a lot of work to do and we will continue our fight until DEAŞ renews. " He spoke in the form of. Recalling that Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel, Trump said that in this process many countries in the United Nations (UN) General Assembly acted against the United States. Trump called the Congress at the point where foreign aid to be done by the United States would be granted to countries that are in line with American interests.
  9. Congrats U deserve it 

  10. ¤ Nick admin: Deccal

    ¤ Old Grade: Owner/legend

    ¤ New Grade: Player

    ¤ Sanction : Blacklist

    ¤ Reason: anytime make problems in server + delete topics!

    :25r30wi::25r30wi: wtf?

    1. Ga[M]eR @Csblackdevil

      Ga[M]eR @Csblackdevil


      and who is that owner:25r30wi:

  11. <16:01:12> You were banned for 3 hour(s) from the server by "HaMsIK" (Spaming/abuse)
    comon why 3 hours I think u make parmanently.

    1. berus-sama


       Nick admin: Berus-Sama

      ¤ Grade:Helper

      ¤ New Grade: Player

      ¤ Sanction : Blackliste

      ¤ Reason: anytime make problems in server + delete topics!

  12. how can I be friends with the ranking members there? :emot-golfclap:

  13. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the phone. Erdogan and Putin discussed the developments in Syria including the National Dialogue Congress in Sochi, the Operation of the Olive Branch and Idlib. In the phone conversation between the two leaders, it was noted that the conqueror was an important achievement, despite the problems in Sochi. The two leaders point out that the step taken in establishing the Constitutional Committee is the most important result; noted that the progress made was a value added asset for Astana as well as the Geneva process and the UN Security Council's resolution 2254. According to information from the Presidential sources 'reduction of tension' two leaders also addressed the security issues that occurred in Idlib, Turkey has also agreed on accelerating the process of forming the observation points. President Erdoğan and Putin shared information about the operation of the Olive Branch. Noting the importance of mutual understanding and cooperation, the two leaders were informed about the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant Project and the Turkish Current Project, and they also confirmed their commitment to develop each area.
  14. Sinan.47

    WWE 2K18

    2K Games, a distributor team for the WWE 2K series, recently held a special meeting and details of the new WWE 2K18 were announced at this meeting. We will transfer these details, one by one, to you. But for easy understanding of these details, we will use materials. If you wish, you can take a look at these items right from the bottom. Already I have to say, 2K Games have again talked ambitious about WWE 2K18. We hope that the game will not be disappointing as it was before it and before it. The game's graphics engine has been improved, new game modes have been added, MyCareer mode scenarios have been renewed, the Creation Suite system has been developed, 8 players have been added, and a new fighting system has been created. In summary, we can say about WWE 2K18. The Universe mode in WWE 2K18 was influenced by the real life experience of Brand Split and was a big change. First, in this mode, static scenarios will now see more dynamic scenarios. Universe mode will no longer have a PPV system that occurs once every 4 weeks. The surprise factor will be of great importance in match systems. Probably over the promo bike, surprise matches could occur. Let's say it already. Like we said, WWE 2K18's presentation has also changed dramatically. First of all, the graphics engine of the game has been renewed. The new engine, developed for WWE 2K18, is about 2 years old, with physics-based render processing, real-time reflections and a new leather lighting. According to the technology demo shown to the GameSpot team, there is a big difference between WWE 2K17 and WWE 2K18, visually. The commentator system will also change with the game. Michael Cole, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves will be found in the game. But these commentators were introduced as "major commentators". So, for other shows like NXT, there could be different commentators. My Career mode now has a more serious scenario and has a game-ending content. In WWE 2K18 there will be an online mode named Road To Glory, and after My Career mode is over, players will see the end of the game with Road To Glory. The game will come with the anticipation Promo Engine 2.0. With Promo Engine 2.0, we can develop our character in more detail on the microphone. New talents will be opened. The system of listing the characters in the game will change. Now there will be classes like Giant, High Flyer, and the movement and fighting sets of the characters will differ according to these classes. The voting system was changed again. A new character transport system has been added to the game. We can carry our enemies with this system and put them in different positions. For example, this transport movement is active, we can interact with the environment or damage it with a simple Power Bomb movement. We can fight in the Arena like we want. So it is not limited to only 1 area matches. Royal Rumble mode and other multi-player modes of play were almost all over again. The biggest reason for this is that we can now see up to 8 fighters instead of a maximum of 6 fighters on the screen. Create-a-Match is returning. Create-A-Wrestler, Create-A-Video and Create-An-Arena systems are being improved.
  15. Hyundai, New Veloster, Veloster Turbo and Veloster N models Hyundai continues the series of sports cars with the new Veloster model. The new Hyundai Veloster, powered by a 1.6-liter turbo engine, produces 201 hp. The Hyundai Veloster N is at 275 hp. Hyundai, New Veloster, New Veloster Turbo and Veloster N models at the North American International Auto Show. Hyundai The new Veloster is an ambitious car with a totally new interior as well as a renewed exterior design. The new Hyundai Veloster has also drawn attention to the fuard with powertrain improvements and a new generation of infotainment and connectivity features. The new Hyundai Veloster is offered in an asymmetrical 2 + 1 door configuration to facilitate entry into the rear seats. Looking at the front, LED headlights and LED daytime running lights, a striking new type of grid design is remarkable. Functional air intakes are extremely effective both visually and aerodynamically. The three-dimensional ambience also symbolizes Hyundai's new design, a stepped grille that carries traces and a spacious air-filled bumper that emphasizes sporty posture. With 18-inch rims, a declining roof structure and extended mudguard mouths, the New Hyundai Veloster is offering a more dynamic and more refined visual. The Hyundai Veloster N uses a different suspension system than the regular version. N using the electronically controlled, harder and lower setup for maximum performance, red bumper and sidewall strips symbolize speed and driving pleasure. Three types of petrol engine option The new Hyundai Veloster features three types of petrol engines. The Hyundai-signed 2.0-liter, 147-hp 4-cylinder engine is equipped with the Atkinson convertible for superior efficiency and low emissions. This dual-continuously variable valve timing, electronic throttle control, variable induction system and innovative anti-friction coating make it an ideal driving pleasure, with a choice of electrically controlled 6-speed automatic or 6-speed manual gearboxes. The other two options are 1.6 lt and 2.0 lt turbo. Gamma 1.6-liter turbocharged engine The 1.6-liter turbo engine, which has also been developed for those who want more performance, comes to the fore. This unit produces 201 hp at 6000 cycles. Another innovation of the Hyundai Veloster Turbo, which is one of the best in its class with 126.5 hp power per liter, is the TVC, the Torque Vector Control system. The new Hyundai Veloster feels more dynamic and sportier than the previous generation thanks to this system that works with the electronic stability program for more effective handling and higher driving pleasure during cornering
  16. I miss u mate 

    1. Ze Tvv(I)n

      Ze Tvv(I)n

      :) thank u mate 

  17. Nothing :v

    1. Arcadiσиии™
    2. Sinan.47
    3. Arcadiσиии™




      For mee too 

      Congrats Dude :congratualtions:

  18. If you really want to have a career here, just be patient and help.!

  19. Sinan.47

    Metro 2033

    Metro 2033, which was built with the same name as the roman way, showed itself to the players with its quality despite its low budget. In Metro 2033, which is a post apocalyptic world, people can not go outdoors due to nuclear accidents. The only danger outside is not the weather, either. Mutants in different species are also in a position to kill you. Because of these reasons, the conflict within the metropolis also gives enough material for a world that will keep you in touch. The fact that Metro 2033 is the most important reason behind this listing is the fact that it has remained weak on issues such as stroke. With Metro Last Light to be released in spring time, the subway series I think will be further refined from the mistakes will come out with an ambitious game again.
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      • Haha
  20. Welcome back To Family 

  21. We have learned that Samsun Galaxy S9 series will come with dual SIM support. German sources confirm that Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus will have dual SIM support in Europe. According to the leaks from Germany, the phone is requested with dual SIM support. Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus will have a SIM card slot in Galaxy S8 + and S8 Plus and Note8 Duos models that can accommodate two nano SIM cards or one nano SIM and one microSD card. As these Duos models are found in some elite markets in Europe, Samsung has also been approved in Germany-based sites where the Galaxy S9 will have almost the same size. The Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus will be unveiled at the Mobile World Congress on February 25th and will probably be shipped in mid-March.
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  22. Sinan.47

    Euro Fly

    ıUS and Turkey's bilateral visa process and the impact of the decision to stop the operation in Idlib USD / TRY after rises above the 3.80 level, above the 3.71 level again this morning. Euro / TL exceeded 4.51 and broke the historic record. US Embassy, the visa applications from Turkey reported that stopped indefinitely. Turkey also followed this decision has suspended the visa applications of US citizens. A local employee, Metin Topuz, who worked at the US Consulate General in Istanbul, was once detained under an investigation by a former FBI investigator last week, and was arrested in the court he was detained. Murat Muratoglu, spokesperson of the newspaper, commented on sozcu.com.tr and pointed out the decisive effect of the tension with the USA on the exchange rate. Muratoğlu used the following expressions: I look in terms of market and economy. This time we were a priest with America. When we arrested the men's priest, we were already in limon, and when the consular employee was arrested, it was complete! We are talking about America, the biggest economy in the world. They decide to move almost any kind of money. In your country you need more money than you owe. America wants to leave the prisoners as soon as possible. If Hele follows the European American, my business is going to get tasted so that we are getting a close sense. If you think these are difficult days, you have not seen anything yet. One risk not fed "We see the diplomatic relations between the two countries, with the US taking the visa transactions indefinitely to the Turkish citizens for an indefinite period of time, bringing serious negative market pricing in TRY in Asian transactions," said Erkan. "The liquidity, which is quite low especially because Japanese markets are closed due to official holidays, USD pair opened up spreads and USDTRY saw the "ask" price at 3.9267 at 1.15 TSİ. Today even though the stock market is open in the US, bond markets will be closed for official holidays. That is, we expect to continue the low global liquidity. The gap in TRY is between 3.62 and 3.67, we see the nearest technical support at 3.65, while we see the 3,71 and 3,76 levels as the resistance point for the day. "
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