Turkey, within the scope of IDB Avoidable Blindness Prevention Project in Africa will coordinate the 5 years made 1.5 million cataract surgery, until the end of 2018 children who need glasses will distribute 10 million.
Turkey, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD) Avoidable scope of Blindness Prevention Project, Africa will be light to the 1.5 million cataract patients and will distribute 10 million glasses to children in need.
Undersecretary of Ministry of Health Dr. Eyüp Gümüş answered the questions of the AA correspondent regarding the project.
Given the launch of the second phase of the project, IDC stated that the ceremony will be held within the scope of the 43rd General Assembly meetings and that there are 33 million people waiting for cataract surgery in Africa.
Gümüş said that they had an evaluation meeting in Istanbul about two weeks ago, he said:
'' IDB has done 100 thousand operations in 5 years ago. He offered us a study called 'Can we have 100.000 operations per year, 1 million operations in 10 years'. We said, 'Let's serve more people there, let's help'. We made this an attempt to 'get it to 1 million a year'. "
Gümüş explained that they have carried out various studies with İBKB in this framework and they made the last evaluation as of last night, he continued as follows:
'' We will do 1.5 million operations in the first stage in 5 years but we have worked with İBKB to perform the surgery at the point of opening eyes in the context of combating all preparations with 1 million blind persons per year.
We will establish an automation system in Turkey, these patients will be entered into the system in all African countries with the automation system. We will appoint coordinators in these countries and then we will help other NGOs and the Ministry of Health. The health ministries of other countries will join us with these studies. We 'African Health' he're kurguluyoruz an automation system in Turkey. In this frame, we will first construct in Ankara an operation that we will pass on to the operating theaters in these countries and if we do not have them, we will reconstruct them with İKB, revisions, establish boutique eye centers and organize physicians who will go there. I hope we will start the project within 1-2 months as September 1. "