Everything posted by Wolf.17
★ GAME ★ - Count 1 to 1000 [STREETZM]
Wolf.17 replied to X A V I ™'s topic in STREETZM | Coffee Time
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★ GAME ★ - Let`s count 5 to 5 [ٍSTREETZM]
Wolf.17 replied to X A V I ™'s topic in STREETZM | Coffee Time
1265 -
• Assassin's creed • God of war • GTA 5 • GTA san andreas • Need for speed • Resident evil • Call of duty black ops • Hitman.
Uno de los motivos por el que Windows 11 no ha tenido el mismo éxito que tuvo Windows 10 cuando se lanzó al mercado lo encontramos en los requisitos de hardware, ya que muchos equipos se han quedado fuera a pesar de cumplir con los requisitos mínimos de hardware de forma sobrada. Sin embargo, conforme han ido pasando los años, este se está convirtiendo en el sistema operativo más utilizado, al menos entre los usuarios que utilizan el PC para jugar según las últimas cifras de Steam. En este sentido, Microsoft no para de añadir nuevas funciones, algunas enfocadas a los videojuegos, siendo una de ellas el reescalado por IA, una nueva función que llegará de forma exclusiva a Windows 11 y que se denomina Super Resolución Automática. Esta función se encargará de ajustar los juegos o aplicaciones utilizando IA para mejorar la fluidez mejorando la calidad gráfica. Microsoft no ha inventado nada nuevo ya que esta tecnología la llevan utilizando los fabricantes de tarjetas gráficas a través de DLSS, XeSS y FSR, sin embargo, esta función al estar integrada en el sistema, en teoría, debería ofrecer mejores resultados y consumir menos recursos, aunque no saldremos de dudas hasta que no se lance en la versión final de Windows 24H2. Para que Windows 11 pueda utilizar esta función, es necesario que el equipo incluya una NPU de IA, por lo que, si nuestro equipo tiene unos cuantos años, tendremos que seguir confiando esta funcionalidad a las gráfica de nuestro equipo. Tanto Intel como AMD ofrecen NPU de IA dentro de la gama Hawk Point y Meteor Lake. Para finales de año, cuando está previsto en lanzamiento de Strix Point y Lunar Lake, en la que el rendimiento de estas NPU de IA será 3 veces superior a la gama actual. La función de reescalado por IA en Windows 11 se encontrará dentro de las opciones de configuración de Pantalla de Windows y podremos activarla y desactivarla en base a nuestras necesidades para así no malgastar recursos del equipo cuando realmente no está haciendo falta. También podemos configurarla para que se active de forma automática al utilizar la GPU o la NPU de IA. Esta nueva función está disponible en la última build disponible de Windows 11, aunque de momento, está oculta en el sistema y no deja de ser una primera versión que tendrá mucho camino por recorrer para funcionar correctamente. Si tenemos en cuenta que las grandes actualizaciones de Windows se lanzan a finales de año, hasta septiembre u octubre, todavía tiene un largo camino por recorrer para que los ingenieros de Microsoft puedan sacarle punta. Tiempo más que suficiente para que tanto Intel como AMD lancen nuevos procesadores con NPU de IA, como hemos comentado más arriba. Esta funcionalidad, aunque inicialmente está enfocada al mundo de los videojuegos, según afirman el usuario que ha dado a conocer esta información, @PhanatomOcean3, también estará disponible en aplicaciones de reproducción de vídeo, algo que sin duda, será de agradecer ya que nos permitirá disfrutar de vídeos grabados en baja resolución con una mejor calidad de imagen sin tener que utilizar ninguna otra herramienta ni programas de edición que, probablemente, no nos ofrezcan los mismos resultados que la IA de Microsoft. https://hardzone.es/noticias/equipos/tecnologia-inteligencia-artificial-windows-11-ver-mejor-juegos/
Los atacantes intentan hacerse con nuestros datos privados de cualquier manera, muchas veces utilizando nuestras suscripciones streaming. Ahora le ha tocado el turno a Amazon Prime Video con este engaño con el que debes tener cuidado. Seguro que muchos de vosotros estáis suscritos a alguna plataforma streaming de vídeo como la que nos presenta Amazon. Esta la podemos adquirir de forma independiente o incluida en nuestra suscripción a Amazon Prime. Evidentemente, si estamos pagando una modalidad u otra, bajo ningún concepto queremos perder la cuenta. Cómo funciona el engaño de Amazon Prime Video De eso precisamente se quieren aprovechar ahora los ciberdelincuentes a través de un correo falso que nos intenta engañar. Tal y como os podéis imaginar, en este caso los delincuentes se hacen pasar por los responsables de la plataforma de vídeo. En el caso de que no tengas suscripción alguna al servicio, desde el principio sabrás que es un engaño. Pero los atacantes juegan con el supuesto de que tengas una suscripción y te entren las dudas a causa del correo que recibirás. Básicamente en el mismo nos indican que nuestra cuenta personal de la plataforma streaming de vídeos se va a eliminar. Además, este correo adjunta una imagen, en lugar de un texto, indicándonos que vamos a perder la suscripción a Prime. La razón que exponen en este caso es que el pago mensual ha fallado y que van a cancelar nuestra suscripción. Como suele suceder en estos casos, a continuación nos ofrecen un enlace para solicitarnos los correspondientes datos de la cuenta y restaurarla. A partir de ahí el correo nos redirige a una página web maliciosa que recoge los datos personales que aquí introducimos y se envían al servidor del atacante, incluyendo los datos bancarios que se terminaran pidiendo. Si este tipo de técnicas se siguen utilizando es porque en determinadas ocasiones tienen éxito. A continuación os diremos cómo evitar este tipo de engaños como el que ahora sucede con Amazon Prime Video. Cómo evitar estas estafas por correo En este caso concreto, lo cierto es que los atacantes no han sido demasiado cuidadosos, ya que nos encontramos con un correo electrónico lleno de faltas de ortografía e incorrecciones gramaticales. Además, debemos de desconfiar si, como es el caso, nos instan a introducir los datos personales, ya que solo se puede hacer en ese instante para no perder nuestra cuenta, esto no tiene sentido. De igual modo, y dejando a un lado los logos y textos que forman parte del correo, deberíamos fijarnos bien en la dirección del remitente. En la mayoría de las ocasiones nos daremos cuenta enseguida de que se trata de un fraude, como sucede ahora. Hay que tener en consideración que hay grandes empresas como Amazon nunca van a funcionar, así si hay algún problema con el pago. Lo primero que nos van a redirigir es a su página web oficial donde tendremos que registrarnos con nuestras credenciales. Además, en caso de duda, lo mejor que podemos hacer es contactar telefónicamente o por alguna otra vía oficial con la tienda online. De este modo tendremos la posibilidad de resolver cualquier posible problema que haya con nuestra cuenta de manera legal y legítima. https://www.softzone.es/noticias/seguridad/amazon-timo-cancelar-cuenta-prime-video/
Discover the artist within you with the Samsung Galaxy A55 and A35 5G. These smartphones do more than just capture moments; they allow you to create memories that reflect your unique style. From spontaneous dances to planned selfies, the Galaxy A55 and A35 5G empower you to capture the perfect moment. Should an unexpected photobomber disrupt your shot, the Object Eraser feature steps in, letting you effortlessly remove objects, people and shadows with precision. This feature shines in scenarios such as the one shown in the video, where a pizza delivery guy unknowingly photobombs Rohan's selfie with Shanaya Kapoor. Thanks to the Object Eraser, the photobomber is seamlessly removed from the photo. The cameras of Galaxy A55 and A35 5G are enhanced by AI, which ensures that every photo is optimised for the finest possible image quality. This gives you the confidence that your memories will always look perfect with just a few taps. Both the Galaxy A55 5G and A35 5G feature a capable triple-camera system with optical image stabilisation for sharp photos and videos and are backed by a 5,000mAh battery to keep you going through the day. The Galaxy A55 5G and A35 5G also sport a Super AMOLED, 6.6-inch display with a 120Hz refresh rate, enhancing your viewing experience. Both models boast durable Gorilla Glass Victus+ protection, and a water and dust-resistant IP67 rating, ensuring that they can withstand accidental drops and spills. With these smartphones, you don't just capture moments; you craft lasting memories. Own these incredible devices for just Rs. 1,723/month. https://www.gadgets360.com/mobiles/sponsored/samsung-galaxy-a55-a35-5g-dont-just-take-photos-make-photos-5618658#pfrom=topstory
Los monstruos gigantes son un pilar de la cultura pop japonesa desde hace décadas y se han mantenido vigentes a pesar del paso del tiempo. El éxito de estas enormes criaturas se debe a la combinación de características y poder destructivo que la sociedad asimila de forma natural como parte de su ficción. Este cliché de la amenaza que llega a la ciudad de forma repentina ha inspirado un sinfín de historias, y Kaiju No. 8 parte de esa idea para contar una nueva historia con diferentes matices. Lo interesante es la manera en que trata de darle la vuelta con humor, gracias a su protagonista sencillo, conformista, apático y de buen corazón. El primer capítulo de Kaiju No. 8 nos presenta a Kafka Hibino, un treintañero que se encarga de limpiar las tripas y otros restos de los monstruos gigantes que atacan a la sociedad. Su trabajo comienza una vez que el equipo de defensa acaba con todos los kaijus que amenazan la ciudad. Digamos que es la parte menos divertida de trabajar con monstruos gigantes porque la labor es cansada, peligrosa y muy asquerosa. A pesar de todo, Kafka está contento con la vida que le tocó y está agradecido porque tiene lo necesario para ser feliz. Me parece una buena idea que Kafka tenga ese toque de humanidad, pues a pesar de que en los siguientes capítulos veremos su evolución, su personalidad ayuda a que desde el principio nos caiga bien. Su perfil está diseñado para que todo el tiempo haga gestos o diga algo gracioso o irónico, sin llegar a ser ofensivo o a convertirse en un patiño. Este héroe está consciente de que su vida está hecha y de que debe renunciar a sus sueños para mantener su estilo de vida estable. La alternativa es conseguir la motivación para cumplir su sueño de la infancia o la promesa rota que le hizo a su mejor amiga. Por la naturaleza de la historia, es claro que el protagonista no es sólo eso y tiene una habilidad oculta. Es tan obvio, que el título del primer capítulo no trata de esconderlo, pero es mejor que lo descubras por ti mismo. La buena noticia es que lo verás al final del episodio, que por cierto, tiene buen ritmo y es bastante llevadero. Finalmente, hablamos de un shonen con toques de comedia que logra sacarnos unas risas sin perderse en el camino. Para lograrlo, mucho tiene que ver la calidad de la animación, que incluye elementos hechos por computadora. Hay otras series o películas donde el abuso de este recurso afecta la calidad en los diseños, pero éste no es el caso. La acción fluye de buena forma con cambios de cámara, destrucción, sangre y entrañas de monstruos por todos lados. Un detalle interesante es que los fondos de los escenarios están muy bien detallados, incluso hay algunos efectos como el movimiento del pasto, que no son muy comunes en series animadas. Definitivamente, el apartado técnico de Kaiju No. 8 es de sus mayores fortalezas, porque —en general— mantiene un estándar alto. Es cierto que en algunos casos hay viñetas con personajes deformes o fondos de un solo color, pero es un recurso común para rematar los chistes. Esto no rompe el tono de la serie; al contrario, ayuda a mantener el humor. Kaiju No. 8 es una gran propuesta para 2024. Es una buena combinación de humor y acción que, por el momento, no raya en lo exagerado y resulta muy entretenida. Debo confesar que no estaba en mi radar y por curiosidad decidí adelantar unos cuantos capítulos en el manga. Me dio gusto lo que leí, porque noté que mantiene el mismo tono chistoso y con situaciones inesperadas. Eso me hace creer que en los próximos capítulos será de la misma forma, ya que este episodio es fiel al primero de la obra impresa. La calidad de la serie es muy buena, y eso no es sorpresa, ya que Production I.G. es el estudio responsable de la animación. Si no te resulta familiar, puedo decirte que fue la casa animadora detrás de Ghost In The Shell, Psycho-Pass y el segmento animado de la historia de O’ren Ishii en Kill Bill Vol. 1. El estudio tiene un gran currículum porque ha participado en una larga lista de producciones de gran prestigio. Por si fuera poco, Kaiju No. 8 tiene la bendición de Hideaki Anno, creador de Evangelion. Su labor junto al equipo de Studio Khara, su casa productora, fue desarrollar los diseños de los Kaiju que harán sufrir a Kafka. Esto viene bien a la serie, pues el estudio hizo mancuerna con Gainax para la producción de las 4 películas de Rebuild of Evangelion, además de Shin Godzilla, Shin Ultraman y Shin Kamen Rider. Te puedo adelantar que Kaiju No. 8 tendrá una duración de 12 capítulos que se estrenarán cada sábado a través de Crunchyroll. Una buena noticia es que el primer episodio se estrenó con doblaje en español latino, así que seguramente el resto de la serie funcionará de la misma manera. ¿Qué opinas de de esta nueva serie que se une al catálogo de la plataforma de streaming? No olvides dejarnos tus impresiones sin spoilers en los comentarios. https://www.levelup.com/articulos/782770/Kaiju-No-8-Los-monstruos-japoneses-no-pasan-de-moda
Medics say more than a million people sheltering in the southern Gaza city are at risk of being deprived of healthcare after the Israeli military began a "limited" operation against Hamas on its eastern outskirts on Monday. The largest of the city's three partially functioning hospitals, Abu Youssef al-Najjar, had to be hastily abandoned the following day after staff received an evacuation order and there was fighting nearby. The hospital's dialysis department had been the only surviving one in Gaza, a lifeline for patients suffering kidney failure. The Israeli advance has also cut off access to the nearby European Gaza Hospital in Khan Younis, where critical patients were being referred for surgery, as well as the nearby Rafah and Kerem Shalom border crossings. With the Emirati maternity hospital in Rafah busy delivering dozens of babies each day, the Kuwaiti Specialist hospital is struggling to cope with a surge of emergency cases despite a lack of capacity, staff and equipment. One doctor at the hospital, which before the war had only four intensive care beds, said the situation there was "catastrophic in every sense of the word". "Unfortunately, the Kuwaiti hospital is a small hospital that does not have diagnostic capabilities," Dr Jamal al-Hams, its director, told BBC Arabic's Gaza Lifeline programme. "Even the X-ray machine is disabled due to the Israeli shelling and there are no spare parts for it, as the crossings are closed." "And the CBC analysis device has stopped due to being overloaded," he added, referring to the complete blood count test used to diagnose and monitor numerous diseases. Dr Hams said he and his colleagues were nevertheless having to treat people with complex trauma wounds, burns, fractures and crushed limbs. "We have received some cases of torn abdomen and intestines, and cases of skull fractures with parts of the brain outside the skull," he recalled. "Some cases have lost major parts of the buttocks, in addition to cases of amputation of the lower limbs at the foot area. "These are unusual injuries caused by unusual weapons. I lived through all previous wars [in Gaza]... where injuries were always in a certain area and dealt with by one specialist. But now each case needs several specialists." He also expressed anger at how doctors at al-Najjar hospital had been forced to evacuate both the facility and their family homes at such short notice. The Israeli military told all residents of a number of eastern areas of Rafah to leave for their own safety on Monday and head towards an "expanded humanitarian area" stretching from nearby al-Mawasi to the central town of Deir al-Balah, where it said there would be field hospitals, tents and aid. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68983445
Long before he put Celtic ahead with a clinical finish, Matt O’Riley had served notice of his intent to help win the title for Celtic. It’s not quite done, but the SPFL will be minded to cancel the booking of the helicopter for next Saturday. Barring a shock, the league will almost certainly be settled after the midweek fixtures. Celtic need a point at Kilmarnock to seal it. They wouldn't even need that if Rangers fail to beat Dundee 24 hours earlier. In a season where so much went wrong for a largely uninspired Celtic, O’Riley represents everything they got right. Bought for small money at a young age in the days of Ange Postecoglou, he’s one of the poster boys, a gem they found in the rough in English League One. Inside the first 10 minutes, he had a free-kick that curled just wide. Not long after that he got on the end of a slick move involving Daizen Maeda and Kyogo Furuhashi, and narrowly failed to find the target. Rangers’ midfielders were on the same pitch but not on the same plain as the 23-year-old. His movement wasn’t picked up, his goal threat wasn’t snuffed out. When you play with fire, you normally get burnt. Just after the half-hour, O’Riley banged in the opener, his 16th goal of a season that has also produced 17 assists. To win a title, you need stand-up characters, you need guys with personality and leadership and influence when things are getting hairy. The fact that O’Riley has scored four times in his last six league games shows his worth, which is considerable. Yes, he went quiet for a while with all the chat of Atletico Madrid making a play for him, but when his club needed him in the run-in he has delivered. Too many of his counterparts in blue have not. O’Riley is the one of the differences between Celtic and Rangers. Philippe Clement doesn’t have anybody remotely like him. Clement gets the bulk of his goals from James Tavernier - many of them penalties - and Cyriel Dessers - who’s nobody’s idea of the complete striker, despite a handsome goals haul. He gets precious little from the area where O’Riley roams. Tom Lawrence? Three in 32 this season. John Lundstram? Two in 52 - or two in 76 if you want to include last season. Lundstram, who had one of his worst days in a Rangers jersey with an unfortunate own goal and a lamentable decision that earned him a red card, is more defensively minded. But those stats still shine a spotlight on one of the areas where Rangers are deficient. Dujon Sterling? A terrific prospect, but he has one goal in 34. Fabio Silva, five in 22. Not great numbers for a player with his kind of reputation, which has taken a monumental buffeting since moving to Scotland. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/c0jkvq2wkeeo
Unbelievably cute, unnervingly smart and heroically disobedient, ‘Mad Mick’ was the perfect companion for a sick 10-year-old Mickey was a handsome geezer; a dog’s dog. He looked like the French footballer Dominique Rocheteau, and reminded me of Humphrey Bogart’s Rick Blaine in Casablanca – strong, silent, a romantic loner. He was bought for me when I was 10 and long-term ill. My parents thought I’d take him for walks, we’d become friends and I’d get better. But initially he resented me because I was in bed nearly all the time. He was furious when he saw me, so he’d rip my pyjamas to shreds, me still in them. But we became soulmates. I took him to the park, where Mickey re-socialised me. We both made friends – him with dogs, me with women in their 40s. There was Freddie the dog and his actor owner, Marlene Sidaway (who played Brenda Taylor in Coronation Street). And there was Frynn the dog and her companions, two sisters called Pat and Moya, whom we met most evenings. Mickey and Frynnie were in love, but it was never consummated. Throughout his life, Mickey continued to be heroically disobedient. When friends came around for tea, he would sit at their sides, looking up at them adoringly. The moment they turned away, he’d jump up and steal their dinner, particularly if it was steak. Even though Mickey was a dog, he was quite cat-like in character. He was perfectly huggable (when I got older, there was nothing I liked more after a night at the pub than lying down beside him and falling asleep), but never craved affection. In summer, he’d go to the park and spend the day there on his tod, mooching around. When a boxer dog he had the hots for was on heat (this was purely physical, unlike with Frynn), he’d spend days outside her house howling for action. Mickey was a rebel. Not the kind of dude who’d go round telling everyone how radical he was – just quietly, persistently insubordinate. Springer spaniels were pretty rare back in the 1970s. We thought he’d be like a cocker – sweet, passive, affectionate. Mickey turned out to be supersmart but ungovernable. He became known to some as “Mad Mick”. Mickey was six weeks old when he joined us, and unbelievably cute. He couldn’t get up the first stair without falling back down. Not for long, though. He soon learned how to get into bedrooms, using his left paw to open the door. It could be false memory syndrome but I could swear I once saw him open a locked door – paw on handle, twisting the key in his mouth. Mickey was also spectacularly athletic. We had a 6ft wooden fence built in the back garden to stop him escaping. He took one look at it and jumped over – without even much of a run-up. We tried to train Mickey, but failed miserably. We took him to doggy school, but after a few weeks we were banned. The teacher told us that Mickey was a lost cause. It wasn’t the only ban he received. Springers are gun dogs, and Mickey loved to catch birds. He’d often slip under the park lake railings to nab himself a duck. He’d then wander around the park, triumphant with said duck in mouth. There was nothing malign about it – he didn’t want to kill ducks, let alone eat them. It was just his nature. Jack the park-keeper wasn’t impressed. One day I went to look for Mick because he hadn’t been home for hours. On the park gates, written in huge felt-tipped letters, was “Mad Mick is banned”. Sure enough, I found him there, happy as anything, perfectly oblivious to his outlawing. Jack the parky had forgotten that, however clever Mad Mick might have been, he’d not quite learned to read. This is what we're up against Teams of lawyers from the rich and powerful trying to stop us publishing stories they don’t want you to see. Lobby groups with opaque funding who are determined to undermine facts about the climate emergency and other established science. Authoritarian states with no regard for the freedom of the press. Bad actors spreading disinformation online to undermine democracy. *** But we have something powerful on our side. We’ve got you. The Guardian is funded by readers like you in Algeria and the only person who decides what we publish is our editor. If you want to join us in our mission to share independent, global journalism to the world, we’d love to have you on side. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/mar/11/the-pet-ill-never-forget-mickey-the-spaniel-scourge-of-park-keepers
Manisha Koirala, Aditi Rao Hydari, Richa Chadha, Sonakshi Sinha, Sanjeeda Sheikh and Sharmin Segal, who are currently seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Heeramandi, recently made an appearance on The Great Indian Kapil Show. The actors took a trip down memory lane and took turns to explain their experience working with Bhansali. Host Kapil Sharma’s one-liners also left everyone in splits, especially Sonakshi, who reverted back with funnier answers. When Kapil mentioned Alia Bhatt and Kiara Advani’s wedding to question Sonakshi about her impending wedding, Sonakshi gave an honest reply. She said, “Jale par namak chidak rahe ho,” and said that she ‘desperately’ wants to get married. She added, “We are done shooting for Heeramandi and I am still not married. Sharmin also got married.” Manisha quickly pointed out and said, “And Richa, she got married and she got pregnant.”Richa Chadha then hilariously added, “It was a good practice for me. My outfits weighed 30 kilos. And later when I wore my wedding outfits, I felt like they weighed nothing. I could easily jump around and play. It felt so light.”Sharmin Segal tied the knot with Aman Mehta in November 2023. Sharmin is Bhansali’s neice and she played the role of Mallikjaan’s daughter Alamzeb in Heeramandi. Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal legally tied the knot in 2020 but celebrated their nuptials in 2022. In February 2024, the couple announced that they are pregnant with their first child. https://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/bollywood/sonakshi-sinha-says-heermandi-co-stars-tied-the-knot-got-pregnant-while-filming-9323173/
Manthey Racing, Porsche’s official motorsports partner, has developed a performance kit for the 718 Cayman GT4 RS. With a new rear wing, the Manthey-equipped Cayman produces 372 pounds of rear downforce at 124 mph. The kit costs $53,946 and also brings a revised suspension and other performance goodies. Porsche started offering performance kit from Manthey Racing to the United States for the first time with the latest 911 GT3, and during last year’s Lightning Lap competition, a Manthey-equipped GT3 lapped Virginia International Raceway 0.8 second quicker than a stock GT3. Now Porsche is expanding its Manthey offerings with a new kit for the 718 Cayman GT4 RS. We can’t wait to see how this new variant improves upon the GT4 RS’s 2:40.5 time at Lightning Lap. Like with the 911 GT3, the focus is on aerodynamics and suspension. A larger, swan-neck rear wing sprouts from the engine cover and adds an extra adjustment position to give drivers another setup option. At around 124 mph and with the wing set to the track-focused “Performance” position, it produces 372 pounds of downforce, up from 196 in the standard GT4 RS. That’s so much downward pressure that Manthey had to add carbon-fiber reinforcements to the engine cover and increase the front spring rates by 20 percent to compensate. Porsche and Manthey also worked together on a special coilover suspension that is dedicated to track driving. The spring struts can be set to four distinct positions, while the rebound and compression stages can be tweaked without tools. The special chassis setup is available on cars with or without the optional front axle lift system. Other improvements to the GT4 RS include steel brake lines that Porsche says improve pedal feel and braking power delivery. The rear wheels also gain a set of aerodisc covers and owners can order tow loops for recovery during track driving. Manthey Racing does not touch the engine, which is perfectly fine by us given the naturally aspirated 4.0-liter flat-six’s 493-hp output. Porsche says that a Cayman GT4 RS with the new Manthey kit recorded a lap time of 7:03:121 around the Nürburgring Nordschleife in 2023, a six-second improvement over the standard car. Porsche has owned a majority stake in the German racing team since 2013, but when the company became Porsche’s official motorsports partner in 2021, it led Manthey Racing to begin creating aftermarket add-ons that don’t void Porsche’s factory warranty. The kit can be ordered through Porsche dealers starting this summer and goes for $53,946 before the cost of installation. Buyers can also pay an extra $5890 to add carbon fiber front fender louvers and a carbon fiber gurney flap on the rear ducktail spoiler, with the latter increasing rear downforce by a further four percent. The 718 Cayman GT4 RS starts at $163,650, so the kit will easily push the mid-engined Porsche over the $200K mark. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a60758128/porsche-manthey-racing-718-cayman-gt4-rs/
Israel has told tens of thousands more Palestinians to leave Rafah, as it intensifies military operations in southern Gaza. Flyers dropped from the air and posts on social media told residents in the city's eastern districts to go to al-Mawasi - a narrow coastal area which Israel calls an "expanded humanitarian zone". Parts of Rafah where the streets were packed with locals and displaced people just days ago, now look like a ghost town. Israel has said it will proceed with planned operations in Rafah despite the US and other allies warning that a ground offensive could lead to mass civilian casualties and a humanitarian crisis. On Saturday, US President Joe Biden said a ceasefire in Gaza was possible as soon as the next day if Hamas released its hostages. "Israel said it's up to Hamas, if they wanted to do it, we could end it tomorrow. And the ceasefire would begin tomorrow," he told a fund-raising event in Seattle. Israel says 128 people taken hostage by Hamas on 7 October are unaccounted for, 36 of whom are presumed dead. Images showed smoke rising over Rafah on Saturday and witnesses quoted by AFP reported air strikes near the crossing with Egypt. Posting on X, formerly Twitter, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said that during the past day troops had been engaged in "face-to-face battles" with Hamas fighters in Rafah. The IDF added that soldiers had found "a number of underground shafts" in the area. In the past day, there have been dozens of Israeli air strikes across the length of the Gaza Strip, with the Israeli military saying it’s targeting what it calls terrorists and terrorist infrastructure. On Saturday evening the IDF said it was "currently striking Hamas terror targets in the Jabaliya area", in the far north of the Gaza Strip. Earlier it instructed residents to leave some areas of northern Gaza. It said they should "temporarily evacuate to shelters in western Gaza City". Israeli media report that several Hamas rockets were fired at Ashkelon overnight, a port city about 10km (six miles) north of the Gaza border. The Times of Israel says three people were lightly injured when one rocket hit their home. Israel's plans to extend its ground offensive to the southern tip of the Gaza Strip - where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have sought refuge from fighting elsewhere in the territory, has sparked international concern. Last week, President Biden said the US would not supply heavy weapons to Israel which could be used in a major assault on Rafah. In an interview with CNN, Biden said America would continue to give Israel the weapons it needed to defend itself, including interceptors for its “Iron Dome” air defence system. But he said US-supplied heavy weapons had already killed civilians in Gaza, and warned Israel would not keep Washington's support if it carried out military operations in those po[CENSORED]tion centres. UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron has said Britain is opposed to the military operation in Rafah, but is unlikely to follow America in delaying arms sales to Israel. On Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he hopes to overcome his differences with Mr Biden - but vowed to press ahead with its military assault on Rafah. "If we need to... we will stand alone. I have said that if necessary we will fight with our fingernails," Mr Netanyahu said. Saturday's evacuation order comes hours after a US state department report said Israel may have used American-supplied weapons in breach of international humanitarian law in some instances during the war in Gaza. It is "reasonable to assess" that those arms have been used in ways "inconsistent" with Israel's obligations, the report said, but added the US did not have complete information in its assessment and that shipments could continue. Aid agencies have warned that the continuing Israeli military operation in southern Gaza means Palestinians will be left without any places of safety. Khitam Al-Khatib, a Rafah resident who said she had lost at least 10 of her relatives in an airstrike on a family house earlier on Saturday, told Reuters there was "no safe place in Gaza". "They threw fliers on Rafah and said, from Rafah to al-Zawayda is safe, people should evacuate there, and they did, and what has become of them? Dismembered bodies?" she was quoted as saying. The charity Oxfam has said that the area has no functioning hospitals and aid supplies are extremely limited. The largest of Rafah's three partially functioning hospitals, Abu Youssef al-Najjar, had to be hastily abandoned the following day after staff received an evacuation order and there was fighting nearby. The UN's agency for Palestinian refugees has also expressed concerns about the conditions in the al-Mawasi encampment where people are being told to go. Sam Rose from UNRWA told BBC News that the area had virtually no facilities for the numbers being sent there. "It's people living in shacks, people living in tents by the side of a sandy beach road. Very difficult in terms of here providing services. "There's no water networks there. There's no infrastructure, sewage, sanitation," he said. Israel launched a military campaign in Gaza to destroy Hamas in response to the group's attack on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 252 others were taken hostage, according to Israeli authorities. More than 34,900 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cer3mr09vzxo
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