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Everything posted by Wolf.17

  1. GTA San Andreas GTA Vice City Battlefield II Spider-Man I
  2. Nickname: TheWild. Video author: Nissan Titan & Ford F150 Raptor | OFFROAD CONVOY | Forza Horizon 5 | Thrustmaster T300RS gameplay Name of the game: Forza Horizon 5 Link video:
  3. La Inteligencia Artificial se ha convertido en un punto de inflexión en la industria de la informática, algo que nunca han conseguido ni la realidad virtual ni la aumentada. Hasta ahora, con una CPU y GPU era más que suficiente para jugar o trabajar, pero con la IA todo ha cambiado. Los procesos de IA se generan de forma remota, en los servidores de la empresa que los ofrece, lo que hace que sea un proceso más lento de lo esperado en determinadas ocasiones. La solución para reducir la dependencia remota de los servidores para realizar tareas en un ámbito doméstico relacionadas con la IA pasa utilizar NPU, Unidades de Procesamiento Neuronal. La función de una NPU es realizar tareas relacionadas con las IA de forma mucho más eficaz que un procesador o una gráfica dedicada. Siendo Intel el mayor fabricante de procesadores del mundo, esta empresa está haciendo todo lo posible para dominar el segmento de los PCs con Inteligencia Artificial, implementado NPUs es sus procesadores dedicados a este tipo de tareas. La primera CPU de Intel con NPU se lanzó en la gama Meteor Lake, sin embargo, la solución NPU de AMD ha demostrado ser mucho más eficiente y rápida realizando este tipo de tareas de forma local. Intel quiere dominar el mercado Sin embargo, desde Intel están seguros de que van a dominar este mercado en el futuro. Según afirma David Feng, vicepresidente del Grupo de Computación de Clientes de Intel, la compañía tiene previsto distribuir en el mercado 40 millones de PC con IA para 2025 e incrementar esta cifra hasta los 60 millones en 2025. Estas cifras tan optimistas se deben a que la carrera de la IA se está enfocado hacia un entorno local para reducir la dependencia de los servidores actual, especialmente en el ámbito doméstico, ya que es más eficiente especialmente en aplicaciones enfocadas a un uso doméstico. La primera prueba del camino que tiene previsto seguir Intel en los próximos años, como hemos comentado más arriba, fue la gama Meteor Lake, que incluye una NPU dedicada al realizar operaciones de IA de forma local. Con el lanzamiento de la gama Lunar Lake y Arrow Lake, Intel quiere ampliar la su gama de procesadores con funciones IA integradas, más eficaz que la primera generación y que supondrá un incremento en las ventas de equipos. La IA incentivará la venta de equipos A pesar de llevar casi 3 años en el mercado, Windows 11 sigue estando por debajo en cuota de mercado que Windows 10. Esto se debe a que los usuarios que tienen un equipo compatible no ven ninguna necesidad para renovar sus viejos equipos por otros más modernos y que realmente compense el cambio. Sin embargo, Microsoft están enfocado su IA, Copilot para que trabaje de forma local, por lo que, disponer de una NPU en un futuro sea un requisito de Windows 12. Pero, con la introducción de NPU, la cosa cambia y mucho, ya que permite a los usuarios realizar tareas de IA de forma local sin necesidad de una conexión a Internet. Esto si es un motivo de peso más que suficiente para incentivar las ventas de equipos en los próximos años. De hecho, para este mismo año, las estimaciones de venta de equipos informáticos se sitúan en 267 millones de unidades, lo que supone un importante incremento en comparación con 2023 y que continuará en los próximos años. https://hardzone.es/noticias/procesadores/intel-pretende-vender-100-millones-cpu-ia-2025/
  4. Cuando Netflix anunció que iba a poner un plan con anuncios en su plataforma, todos pensamos que era un error y que se iba a arrepentir. Pero estábamos equivocados. Este plan ha sido un auténtico éxito para la plataforma, la cual no hace más que romper más y más récords de suscriptores. Esto ha llevado a que muchas otras, como Disney, o Max, apuestan por un modelo similar. Y, como no podía ser de otro modo, Prime Video, la plataforma de Amazon, también quiere un pedazo del pastel. Amazon Prime Video siempre ha estado un poco en segundo plano. Es la típica plataforma que nos regalaban junto con la suscripción a Prime, pero que no tenía un catálogo especialmente llamativo. La cosa cambió con el lanzamiento de Los Anillos del Poder, y el inminente lanzamiento de la serie de Fallout. Y, dado que ahora está ganando bastantes seguidores, Bezos ha decidido que es hora de hacer más rentable esta plataforma. Llegan los anuncios a Amazon Prime Video Amazon Prime seguirá estando incluido dentro de la suscripción a Prime Video. La diferencia es que, a partir de ahora, esta suscripción tendrá publicidad antes y durante la reproducción de los capítulos y las películas. Además, en algunos países se ha experimentado con una limitación de la calidad de la reproducción, en concreto impidiendo reproducir el contenido Dolby Vision HDR y Dolby Atmos 3D mientras no se pague la correspondiente suscripción a mayores. En Estados Unidos, país donde ya está aplicado este nuevo plan con anuncios, hay varias demandas colectivas en marcha para que Amazon dé marcha atrás y elimine los anuncios de sus plataformas. Con la ley en la mano, este cambio supone un incumplimiento del contrato que firmamos al pagar nuestra suscripción a Prime, además de violar varias leyes de protección al consumidor. El por qué de esto es sencillo: mientras que Netflix y Disney han creado nuevos planes con esta limitación, Amazon ha cambiado las condiciones del producto actuales, un producto que muchos usuarios ya han pagado por adelantado. De todas formas, no parece que a Bezos le importe mucho ni que vaya a dar marcha atrás con este cambio. En España, a partir del 9 de abril, ya tendremos los anuncios de Amazon Prime Video funcionando. Y, si los queremos eliminar, solo nos queda una salida: pagar más. La subida de precios de Prime Una vez que lleguen los anuncios a la plataforma, los planes de Prime Video se nos quedan de la siguiente manera: Salvo una subida de precio futura (que probablemente la haya) de cara a final de año, el plan de Amazon Prime que incluye Prime Video con anuncios se queda en 4.99 euros al mes, o 49.99 euros al año. Por otro lado, el plan de Amazon Prime con un Prime Video libre de anuncios se queda en 6.98 euros al mes, lo que supone 83.67 euros al año. Los estudiantes tienen derecho a un descuento extra, por lo que podrán tener Prime con Prime Video con anuncios por 2.49 euros al mes (24.95 euros al año) o eliminar los anuncios por 4.48 euros al año. Todos estos planes incluyen, por supuesto, todas las ventajas de Amazon Prime, como los envíos gratis y el acceso a otros servicios. Y, puesto que Prime Video es un «regalo» para los suscriptores de Amazon Prime, si queremos usar los envíos gratis de la tienda, pero no estamos conformes con los anuncios de Prime Video, basta con no ver la plataforma y ya está. O, si no, darnos de baja, aunque perderemos el resto de las ventajas del servicio. https://www.softzone.es/noticias/streaming/amazon-prime-video-subida-precio-anuncios/
  5. When Google launched its Pixel 7a last year, it turned out to be a very interesting offering and one of the most feature-packed Pixel A-series devices ever, at least from a hardware standpoint. The Pixel 7a added features like wireless charging and an IP67 rating for dust and water resistance. This, coupled with its typically “Pixel” still imaging quality, made it a very attractive offering, keeping its Rs. 43,999 price tag in mind, which is still at the higher end of the mid-range segment. This year, we haven't gotten anything substantially new apart from the new Tensor G3 processor and a 120Hz refresh rate display, as pretty much most of the internal hardware remains identical to the Pixel 7a. Like Samsung, Google is banking on AI features (enabled by the Tensor G3) to convince users to upgrade to the latest model. So, what exactly do you get with the new Pixel 8a? Let me explain. Apart from the not-so-obvious changes I mentioned above, the Pixel 8a does come with one big upgrade over the Pixel 7a, and that's storage. Yes, users in India will finally have the option to pick between the 128GB storage variant (available at Rs. 52,999) and the new 256GB variant, which is available at Rs. 59,999. While it may seem like an attractive option, you have to keep in mind that the OnePlus 12 (which gets you a far better phone overall) is priced at Rs. 64,999 (for the 12GB RAM and 256GB storage variant) in India. RAM is still capped at 8GB, like on the Pixel 7a and even the premium Pixel 8. The Pixel 8a's design is the biggest and most noticeable visual change. There are two new colours – Bay and Aloe – to choose from, and they both stand out. I received the Bay finish, which reminds me of clear blue skies on a sunny summer day. The phone's overall design has gone from a rectangle with sharp corners to rounded corners. The rear panel is still made of polycarbonate but has a nice frosted matte finish. It feels quite different compared to what's available on the Pixel 8 and the Pixel 8 Pro released last year. There is a flatter visor-like camera module, which barely protrudes from the rest of the rear panel. The edges of the rear panel and the camera seamlessly merge with the side frame, still offering that IP67 rating for dust and water resistance. https://www.gadgets360.com/mobiles/reviews/google-pixel-8a-first-impressions-5654111#pfrom=indepth
  6. Los libros son el medio ideal para conocer con más profundidad los videojuegos, ese entretenimiento que tanto amamos y nos apasiona. Una buena biblioteca nos permite saber cómo se creó nuestro juego favorito, cómo nacieron esos personajes que marcaron nuestra infancia y cómo se formaron los creativos que tanto admiramos. Son una ventana que nos ofrece un vistazo a la industria, su evolución y sus problemas. Y por qué no, también son una alternativa para dar el paso y convertirnos en desarrolladores. Esta semana se celebró el Día Internacional del Libro, así que decidimos compartirte una lista con publicaciones sobre videojuegos que deben estar en tu librero.NOTA: LEVEL UP forma parte del programa de afiliados de Amazon México y recibe una comisión en compras realizadas por medio de los enlaces utilizados en esta publicación. Ninguno de los productos mencionados en la publicación fueron establecidos por las marcas o la tienda y no hay contenido patrocinado por las mismas. Empezamos la lista con un clásico: Console Wars: SEGA, Nintendo, and the Battle That Defined a Generation, de Blake J. Harris. En sus 576 páginas, el libro nos cuenta la historia de la llamada guerra de consolas entre 2 gigantes de la industria que todo el mundo conoce. Narra la apasionante historia de cómo Tom Kalinske dejó Mattel y, poco después, se unió a la división americana de SEGA por una invitación de Hayao Nakayama. Es una publicación fundamental para entender la actualidad de ambas compañías y cómo se configuró la industria que todos conocemos. Habla sobre la competencia feroz, la grandeza que Nintendo ya tenía desde la década de los 90, el difícil camino que SEGA tuvo que recorrer para expandirse y, por supuesto, sus grandes tropiezos que la sacaron del mercado de consolas. Es una lectura entretenida e informativa que, sin duda, vale la pena. Los videojuegos son un medio increíble que nos da miles de horas de diversión y momentos inolvidables con nuestros seres queridos. Sin embargo, crearlos requiere sacrificios enormes por parte de los desarrolladores, quienes constantemente se someten a jornadas extenuantes de trabajo, tiempos de espera irreales, mucho estrés y malas condiciones laborales. Jason Schreier, uno de los periodistas más prestigiosos del sector, hizo una radiografía de la industria para dar cuenta de ello en Blood, Sweat, and Pixels. Schreier se da un chapuzón en la historia del desarrollo de Uncharted 4, The Witcher: Wild Hunt, Pillars of Eternity, Destiny, Diablo III, Stardew Valley y más juegos para mostrar lo complicado, volátil y apasionante que es el proceso de creación de un videojuego. El libro deja claro que no importa si eres una compañía enorme o un desarrollador independiente que trabaja en solitario, en el camino dejarás sangre y sudor para tratar de conseguir el éxito y un lugar en la industria. https://www.levelup.com/articulos/783896/Los-mejores-libros-sobre-videojuegos-que-deben-estar-en-tu-biblioteca
  7. Thought number one: whoever's sitting around the cabinet table in Russia, there's only one man taking the key decisions in the country - and that's President Putin. In modern Russia the entire political system is constructed around him. It's worth keeping in mind when discussing who's in and who's out of the government. Central policy is unlikely to change. Does that mean that a Russian government reshuffle isn't interesting, or significant? No, it doesn't. Sergei Shoigu's departure from the defence ministry is fascinating on many levels. After all - and this brings us on to thought number two - reshuffles are a rare thing in Russia. At least, as far as the most prominent political players are concerned. Take Sergei Lavrov, Russia's veteran foreign minister. He's had the job for 20 years. Sergei Shoigu had been defence minister for 12 years (in that time, the UK has been through six secretaries of defence). Mr Shoigu is considered a close ally of President Putin. Cue to thought number three: being close to Putin, going on fishing and hunting trips with the president (yes, Sergei Shoigu did that - they even, famously, went mushroom-picking together), none of that is any guarantee you'll keep your job. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-69006046
  8. The stage was set for Aston Villa to make history as Hollywood superstar and celebrity fan Tom Hanks was paraded pitchside in the unfamiliar role of Champions League cheerleader before the meeting with Liverpool. Hanks, a well-known celebrity Villa fan and clad in a claret and blue sweater, pointed out at great volume what Unai Emery and his players were on the brink of achieving after a superb season under the Spaniard’s management. After a night of tension and drama that saw Hanks go through his full range of emotions from undisguised anguish to wild celebration, Emery and Villa can now almost reach out and touch their dream. Emery's side certainly took the scenic route to move a step closer to sealing a place in the Premier League's top four – a point from a wild 3-3 draw with Liverpool still leaving work to be done but with the goal in sight. They got part of the way there as a game that started with a truly horrible error from goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez to gift Harvey Elliott a goal concluded with a thunderous grandstand finish in front of the Holte End as two late goals from substitute Jhon Duran earned a vital point, leaving Hanks wildly pumping his fists in delight. It puts Tottenham Hotspur in the unenviable position of having to beat reigning champions and title-chasing Manchester City at home on Tuesday night to push the race for next season's Champions League to the final day. Villa are five points clear of Spurs with one game left and have a significantly superior goal difference. Life looks difficult for Ange Postecoglou and his players now. What looked like a potentially damaging defeat was celebrated in the manner of a glorious victory, Emery greeted like a conquering hero, grabbing the microphone to deliver a rousing cry of “Up The Villa”, the same message delivered by Hanks prior to the start. He also told Villa fans: “Today we didn’t finish. The last match is at Crystal Palace on Sunday to get to the end, to play Champions League. This is very important for us, the club, the players, me.” Villa will fancy their chances of achieving their target and what an achievement it would be for Emery, who has transformed the mood and style of the club since succeeding sacked Steven Gerrard in October 2022. Tactically astute and seemingly invested in every kick from his technical area, he is close to guiding his team into the previously unknown territory of the Champions League. This would be another superb achievement on an already impressive C.V. After acting as a catalyst to spearhead the Midlands side into the Europa Conference League at the end of his truncated first season, many supporters would have been happy for Emery to simply take the next step into the Europa League. Instead, he stands on the edge of taking them into Europe’s elite, the sixth club he will have taken into the Champions League. He also has the best win rate of any Villa manager in the Premier League and since his appointment they sit fourth on points gained behind Manchester City, Arsenal and Liverpool. The appointment of Emery was a clear signal of the club's ambition but even the most optimistic member of the hierarchy would not have envisaged a potential Champions League place so soon. The impact has been dramatic. Villa are unquestionably running close to empty, as was seen in their Europa Conference League semi-final exit to Olympiakos, but sheer spirit and refusal to accept defeat saw them through to a point against a freewheeling Liverpool who created chances but always looked vulnerable at the back. For all their frailties and fatigue, Villa kept coming at Liverpool to score those two late goals, even threatening to win it in nine minutes of added time – a result that would have ended all arguments about fourth place. Their rise under Emery will also give hope to those fearing the top four will always be a closed shop, following on from Newcastle United’s example last season in gatecrashing the so-called established order. Hanks may be the legendary global figure who sometimes sprinkles his stardust on Villa Park but even he might acknowledge Emery is the star of this show. Now Villa will hope their resurgent Premier League season will get the perfect Hollywood finale with a place at Europe’s top table. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/cv2xxvlynvwo
  9. My pyjama trousers must have been on the small side at the time – not unusual for a nine-year-old going through a mini-growth spurt. However, the reason I know that the trouser legs were hanging above my ankles is that when Tiggy took a swipe at them that morning, she managed to draw blood. To be fair, she had given me due warning. On the previous occasion I was slow to feed the cat, she had growled with such naked menace that had she been human, the message could not have been more explicit: next time I’ll cut you. She always was a feline of her word, with clear boundaries we knew not to cross. There was to be no picking her up, and it was unthinkable to try to get her to sit on your lap. Open up a clothes drawer, allow her to wallow in your school jumper, and she might briefly consent to being stroked, providing you did not interfere with her impressive efforts at shredding the sleeves. Tiggy being my first ever pet, her aversion to human contact came as a disappointment. I had assumed she would be as affectionate as my friends’ tabbies and tortoiseshells, perhaps with the same playful disposition as the Disney-cute characters I had seen in The Aristocats movie. Instead, if Tiggy had any cartoon equivalent, it would be from Tom and Jerry, sharing as she did Tom’s dedicated zeal for mouse pursuit. That said, she was far more successful in this field, regularly depositing eviscerated rodents on the living-room rug – with a sideline in decapitated birds. Other cat-owners insisted this was an act of love, Tiggy bringing us the trophies from her hunting. I was pretty sure, though, that this was just another way she had found to terrorise me and my little brother and me, frequently dropping the bloodied torsos in front of us just as we sat down to watch television. I cannot claim to have had any great love for this furry serial killer, but the onset of adolescence saw me develop a certain respect for the lifestyle she had negotiated. My early forays to discos and parties were circumscribed by a strict curfew, yet Tiggy continued to stay out until all hours, presumably enjoying what passes as nocturnal entertainment for a cat in late middle age. And despite returning home only to sleep and be fed, she was not the one regularly accused by my parents of “treating this house like a hotel”. More importantly, Tiggy did not seem to share my growing concern about social status, her stance towards any other cats who visited our garden one of cool reserve. She was as carefree and self-contained as I was anxious and needy. And while I suffered continued humiliation at the hands of bullies at school and skinheads on the dancefloor, I was pretty sure she would face down any hostility with a combative confidence I could only dream of. After all, as I knew only too well, Tiggy had claws. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/mar/18/the-pet-ill-never-forget-tiggy-the-serial-killer-who-ruled-the-house-with-naked-menace
  10. In 2002, when Snehil Dixit Mehra was in Kota, Rajasthan, preparing for IIT, Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s magnum opus Devdas hit the big screen. The Shah Rukh Khan-Aishwarya Rai-Madhuri Dixit starrer drama swept her off her feet. Snehil watched it multiple times as she was drawn into Bhansali’s “cinematic world” of grandeur, beauty, detailing, costume and storytelling; unaware that 20 years later, she would be on the sets of his streaming debut Heeramandi, being part of his writing team and on board as an additional director on the biggest Netflix show of India. “When I met Sanjay sir, I joked that it is because of you I couldn’t become an IITian!”Snehil Dixit Mehra tells Indianexpress.com as she sits down to chat about Heeramandi, which has become an unmissable talking point on the internet, for those who have bought into the world of Bhansali and also for those who have ripped it apart. Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar, based on the courtesans of Lahore and the life of red-light district in undivided India released on May 1 and starred Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Richa Chaddha, Sanjeeda Sheikh and Sharmin Segal.In an interview with Indianexpress.com, Snehil Dixit Mehra talks about how a Sanjay Leela Bhansali set functions, why the filmmaker is notoriously perfectionist, the criticism of the show that it glorifies courtesans and the unkind reception that the filmmaker’s actor niece, Sharmin, is facing post the release.So, Sanjay sir is the director of the entire series. There are portions in an episode… Because it is a mammoth show with so many characters, an additional director is someone who can fill in the gaps. While sir is shooting for a big sequence, a smaller part is given to the additional director, which is under the supervision of SLB, because we are catering to his vision. We would have parallel units. So, if there is a scene with revolutionaries discussing their plans, it would come my way. There was also Mitakshara Kumar, his longtime associate, who was also an Additional Director on the show. So, our work was divided completely. https://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/bollywood/heeramandi-additional-director-on-sanjay-leela-bhansali-sets-sharmin-segals-criticism-filmmakers-maddening-perfection-9320323/
  11. Mercedes-Benz has revitalized its iconic boxy off-roader for the modern era by introducing the electric 2025 G580 with EQ Technology. Expected to go on sale early next year, the G-class EV will live alongside the traditional gas-powered G-class in the Mercedes lineup, with the internal-combustion variant also receiving a refresh for the 2025 model year. This now means that customers can choose from three G-wagen variants when it comes time to show off at the country club: the electric G580, the six-cylinder G550, and the fire-breathing V-8–powered AMG G63. We've broken down the details of each below to understand the differences.The electric G580 doesn't stray too far from the classic G-class look, retaining the boxy, upright body, bulky wheel arches, and bold trim pieces breaking up the flat sides. But there is a new interpretation of the face, with the same circular headlights now housed within an optional full-width black trim piece that includes an LED outline in the shape of a grille and two thin slots on either side of the three-pointed-star emblem. The standard front end sees the grille panel painted in the body color. The rear is mostly unchanged, but the circular spare tire holder is replaced by a nearly square storage compartment that Mercedes says can be used to hold a charging cable, tools, or snow chains. Mercedes also says the hood is raised slightly and the rear wheel arches have been restyled with a small vent to improve aerodynamics in order to eke out as much range as possible. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a60579865/2025-mercedes-g-class-ev-g550-compared/
  12. The United Nations says one of its staff members was killed and another injured as they travelled to a hospital in southern Gaza on Monday. It said the workers were travelling in a UN vehicle to the European Hospital near Rafah when it was struck. The UN did not mention who it thought was responsible for the attack. The Israeli military said an initial inquiry indicated the vehicle was struck in an active combat zone and it had not been made aware of its route. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed it had received a report from the UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) that said two of its workers were injured in the Rafah area - in southern Gaza - on Monday. The IDF added that the incident was under review. UN secretary-general António Guterres said he was "deeply saddened" to learn of the worker's death and sent his condolences to their family, his spokesman Farhan Haq said in a statement. "The Secretary-General condemns all attacks on UN personnel and calls for a full investigation," Mr Haq added. In a separate statement, Mr Guterres said more than 190 UN staff had been killed in Gaza since the start of the conflict. Israel launched a military campaign in Gaza with the stated aim of destroying Hamas - which controls Gaza - in response to the group's cross-border attack on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 252 others were taken hostage. More than 35,090 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-69006734
  13. Music title: Agnez Mo On Her Wax Figure, Working With Ciara, Indonesian Culture & More | Gold Gala 2024 Signer: N\A Release date: 14‏/05‏/2024 Official YouTube link:


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