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  1. TheGiftKart Flip Back Cover Case For Poco X5 5G/Mi Redmi Note 12 5G|Dual-Color Leather Finish|Inbuilt Stand & Pockets|Wallet Style Flip Back Case Cover For Poco X5 5G/Mi Redmi Note 12 5G (Multi) Brand TheGiftKart Colour Brown & Coffee Form Factor Flip Compatible Phone Models Xiaomi Poco X5 5G, Redmi Note 12 5G Material Faux Leather About this item STYLISH LEATHER LOOK: Premium Dual-Color Leather Styling with use of High Quality Material Gives it a Rich & Stylish Look. INBUILT STAND: The Inbuilt Stand Provides you a Handsfree Experience while watching any Movie or Video Content. POCKETS INSIDE: There are Pockets built inside which allows you to keep Cards / Cash / Docs in this Wallet Case. COMPLETE PROTECTION: It provides Excellent Shock-Absorption & Complete 360 Degree Protection from all 6 Sides. EASY CLOSURE: Soft Magnetic Lock enables Easy Closure of the cover in order to ensure Device Safety.
  2. Índice ¿Placa de desarrollo o mini ordenador? Todos los modelos de Raspberry Pi existentes Raspberry Pi Modelo A Rasbperry Pi Modelo B (y B+) Raspberry Pi 2 Modelo B Raspberry Pi 3 modelo B Raspberry Pi 3 modelo B+ Raspberry Pi 3 modelo A+ Raspberry Pi 4 modelo B Raspberry Pi 400 Raspberry Pi Pico Raspberry Pi 5 Modelo B Raspberry Pi Zero (y sus variantes) Desde que se lanzaron al mercado allá por el año 2012, los mini ordenadores Raspberry Pi se han convertido en mundialmente conocidos, y su nombre es todo menos ajeno para cualquier aficionado a la electrónica. Sin embargo, son muchos los modelos y variantes de Raspberry Pi que han sido lanzados desde entonces hasta ahora, así que en este artículo vamos a recopilar cuáles son todos sus modelos y qué características tienen. Desde controlar la iluminación dinámica de una habitación hasta neutralizar los altavoces Bluetooth del vecino pasando por un PC de sobremesa completamente funcional, las Raspberry Pi no dejan de sorprendernos constantemente por el amplio abanico de posibles usos que ofrecen. Sin embargo, no todos los modelos son iguales y no se puede hacer lo mismo con todos ellos, motivo por el que consideramos que es importante el hacer una recopilación como la que te mostramos a continuación. Antes de nada, hay que aclarar un concepto. Son muchos los que dicen que las Raspberry Pi son en realidad placas de desarrollo, mientras que muchos otros sostienen que son mini ordenadores completos a los que simplemente añadiéndoles los periféricos y el almacenamiento son completamente funcionales. Pues bien, la realidad es que ambas afirmaciones son correctas en cierta medida. Técnicamente, sus creadores la definen como un SBC, siglas del anglicismo de Single Board Computer o, traducido, ordenador monoplaca. Esto significa que técnicamente hablando las Raspberry Pi pueden comportarse efectivamente como mini ordenadores porque integran procesador, gráfica y memoria (y almacenamiento, aunque hay que ponérselo aparte), y además cuentan con estándares de PC como son los puertos USB, HDMI o RJ-45. Sin embargo, también se consideran placas de desarrollo (especialmente algunos de sus modelos que veremos en seguida) esencialmente por sus conectores GPIO, que permiten utilizar una infinidad de accesorios externos para que los desarrolladores hagan sus invenciones, desde una cámara a un simple sensor de movimiento. Con todo, hay que tener en cuenta una cosa: cuando se habla de Raspberry Pi mucha gente también lo relaciona con Arduino, pero Arduino sí que es puramente placas de desarrollo mientras que, como os hemos explicado, las Raspberry Pi sí que se pueden considerar mini PC. Todos los modelos de Raspberry Pi existentes Como indicamos al principio, el primero de los modelos de Raspberry Pi se lanzó al mercado en el año 2012 (hablamos de su lanzamiento al mercado como producto comercial, ya que allá por 2006 ya existían algunos modelos de desarrollo, si bien la fundación Raspberry Pi no se fundó como tal hasta 2009), y desde entonces han salido al mercado bastantes modelos diferentes, no todos superando a la versión anterior en términos de especificaciones puesto que, como también mencionamos antes, algunos modelos son bastante especiales y están indicados para ciertas funciones distintas a las del modelo «base». Dicho esto, vamos allá con el listado. https://hardzone.es/reportajes/listas/raspberry-pi-modelos/V
  3. Cada vez es más habitual que compremos todo tipo de dispositivos hardware a través de Internet. Pero en más de una ocasión nos podemos llevar una desagradable sorpresa, por ejemplo con los pendrive o discos duros que adquirimos online en determinadas tiendas. Tal y como sucede en la mayoría de las compras que llevamos a cabo a través de esta vía, deberíamos desconfiar de las webs poco conocidas. Pero incluso en algunas de las tiendas más po[CENSORED]res de Internet nos podemos encontrar con productos engañosos. Esto es algo que afecta a los dispositivos de almacenamiento como los mencionados antes. Ya os hemos hablado en varias ocasiones de algunas memorias USB o discos externos demasiado baratos para la capacidad que nos ofrecen. Por ejemplo en algunas tiendas nos ofrecen memorias USB de 2 teras por precios ridículos. Esto es algo de lo que deberíamos desconfiar, situación ante la que es posible que muchos os hayáis encontrado de primera mano. Lo cierto es que cuando estas memorias nos llegan a casa, marcan el espacio indicado en un principio, pero en realidad es falso. Se trata de dispositivos de almacenamiento hackeados y cuando vamos a empezar a utilizarlos nos damos cuenta de que tan solo disponen de 32 o 64 gigas en la mayoría de los casos. Por tanto, si tenéis la oportunidad de probar estos dispositivos antes de realizar la devolución, a continuación os vamos a hablar de un programa que os será de mucha ayuda. Hablamos del software llamado H2testW que tenéis la oportunidad de descargar de forma gratuita desde este enlace. Así funciona H2testW para detectar pendrive falsos En muchas ocasiones basta con que empecemos a utilizar esos discos o memorias USB hackeados para darnos cuenta de que su capacidad es mucho menor de la anunciada en un principio. Pero también nos podemos asegurar con este útil y software del que os hablamos ahora. En realidad nos referimos a un programa gratuito y además no necesita instalación en nuestro equipo basado en Windows. Una vez se ejecute la aplicación de forma portable en nuestro equipo, podemos elegir entre los idiomas alemán o inglés. Nos encontramos ante una interfaz bastante sencilla donde ya tenemos la posibilidad de seleccionar la unidad que necesitamos analizar. Es evidente que antes de esto debemos conectar el correspondiente disco duro o memoria USB al equipo para que Windows la detecte. En ese instante el programa nos mostrará el espacio total que en un principio nos ofrece este pendrive que hemos seleccionado. Sin embargo, os recomendamos pinchar en el botón que reza Write + Verify para que la aplicación se ponga en marcha y nos pueda mostrar el espacio total real del dispositivo de almacenamiento. En ese momento H2testW empezará a analizar el dispositivo hardware, proceso que puede tardar unos cuantos minutos dependiendo del tamaño de la memoria USB o el disco duro. En la mayoría de las ocasiones tendremos que armarnos de paciencia, pero al menos estaremos seguros del espacio real de ese componente que acabamos de comprar. Una vez finalizado el análisis, en pantalla veremos el espacio estimado y el real del dispositivo. También se mostrarán los errores detectados en el proceso de escritura. Con esta información nos será de enorme utilidad en el caso de que tengamos que devolver la memoria USB o el disco a la tienda donde lo adquirimos. https://www.softzone.es/noticias/programas/h2testw-tamano-real-pendrive/
  4. Music title: Alan Walker, Dua Lipa, Coldplay, Martin Garrix & Kygo Signer: N\A Release date: 15‏/11‏/2023 Official YouTube link:
  5. Nick movie: Commando Mission Time:104min Netflix / Amazon / HBO: Netflix Duratio
  6. US officials say Israel hit Iran with a missile overnight on Friday, in what appears to be a retaliatory strike after weeks of escalating tensions between the two countries. There are competing claims about the scale of the attack on the Isfahan region and the extent of any damage, with Iranian state media downplaying its significance. It comes after weeks of soaring tensions between the regional rivals, which have already seen an Israeli attack on an Iranian compound in Syria, and Iran launch an unprecedented assault against Israel. Here is everything we know about the latest incident so far. How do we know there has been a strike? Israel does not routinely confirm its military actions, which have targeted Iranian-backed armed groups in Syria and Iraq on many occasions. However, US officials have confirmed to the BBC's partner CBS News that an Israeli missile hit Iran in the early hours of Friday. It is unclear what type of weapons were used or where they were launched from. US sources said a missile was involved in the attack, while Iran said it had involved small drones. Iran's government tightly controls access to the country. The BBC does not have direct access to the central region of Isfahan, where this incident played out overnight. What is Iran saying about the strike? Some Iranian officials and media have confirmed there was an attempted strike but are downplaying the significance of it. There have been no reports of casualties. Iran's Fars news agency said explosions were heard near an army base and air defence systems were activated. A state media channel quoted a general in Isfahan as saying explosions heard in the area were "due to air defence firing at suspicious objects", and saying there had been no damage Iran's semi-official Tasnim news agency, which is close to Iran's powerful Islamic Revolution Guard Corps military wing, posted a video of a nuclear facility in Isfahan which did not show any signs it had been hit. The International Atomic Energy Agency has confirmed there has been no damage to Iran's nuclear sites. Hossein Dalirian, a spokesman for Iran's National Centre of Cyberspace, said there was "no air attack from outside borders". He said Israel had "only made a failed and humiliating attempt to fly quadcopters [drones] and the quadcopters have also been shot down". Iran imposed restrictions on commercial flights in the hours immediately after the strike but they have now been lifted. Explosions were also reported in Iraq and Syria - where armed groups backed by Iran operate - overnight, but it is unclear if they were directly linked to the Isfahan strike. The Syrian defence ministry said an air defence site in the south of Syria was hit by an Israeli missile in the early hours of Friday morning local time. Israel has not confirmed it was behind the strike. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68853402
  7. The U.S. Department of Energy says an EV's range can drop by around 41 percent in subfreezing temps, so we used our long-term Rivian R1T to explore that claim. In our real-world highway range test, we saw the R1T's result drop from 250 miles on a 42-degree day to 190 miles in 12-degree weather—a 27 percent difference. While the cold didn't affect our electric truck's range as much as the DOE suggests, there are myriad factors at play, and EVs manage extreme temps in different ways. Welcome to Car and Driver's Testing Hub, where we zoom in on the test numbers. We've been pushing vehicles to their limits since 1956 to provide objective data to bolster our subjective impressions (you can see how we test here). This past winter in Michigan, where our editorial office is based, was the warmest in 125 years, according to the National Weather Service. Still, there were days below freezing that prevented Detroit from feeling like the Maldives. Not that anyone could mistake the two. When temperatures drop, so does the efficiency of vehicles. This information is neither new nor only applicable to electric cars, but we did feel compelled to illustrate this issue with another test. The U.S. Department of Energy says a gas-powered car's fuel economy can be as much as "15 percent lower at 20 degrees Fahrenheit than it would be at 77 degrees Fahrenheit." However, the effect is far more dramatic with electric vehicles. The DOE says that "fuel economy can drop roughly 39 percent in mixed city and highway driving, and range can drop by 41 percent" for EVs. Those percentage drops in efficiency are enough to give anyone the chills. With a 7054-pound Rivian R1T electric truck at our disposal, we decided to test the government's estimates using our 75-mph real-world highway range test in normal and below-freezing temperatures. When our long-term Rivian arrived nearly a year ago, it completed a range test in 42-degree weather, traveling 250 miles from 100 percent to zero. That's 39 miles short of its estimate, but considering how few EVs ever come close to matching their EPA estimate in our highway test, the 14 percent delta is respectable. During a 12-degree day, the same dual-motor R1T, albeit with fresh tires and about 20,000 miles of everyday use, managed to travel only 190 miles during our highway range test—a 27 percent drop in range at a 30-degree drop in temperature. So, not as scary as the DOE's estimate, but enough to make us curious. One could argue using cold weather accessories such as heated seats, a heated steering wheel, and a more aggressive climate-control setting to heat the cabin all contribute to higher energy use during the winter. But while it's true more powered items do increase consumption, we always do our range tests the same way with the climate set to 72 auto and no other accessories, such as heated or ventilated seats. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a60306924/rivian-r1t-cold-temperature-ev-range-test/
  8. Best PowerMax treadmills: Check out our comprehensive guide on selecting the best treadmill for your home, and get ready to start working out. Are you finding it difficult to hit the gym with your busy schedule? We have a solution for you. With the convenience of home exercise equipment, staying fit and healthy has never been easier. One of the most po[CENSORED]r and versatile pieces of exercise equipment for home workouts is the treadmill. Not only does it allow you to walk, jog, or run in the comfort of your home, but it also offers a range of health benefits, including cardiovascular fitness, weight management, and stress relief. Treadmills come in a variety of styles and with different features to suit various fitness goals and budgets. They provide a safe, low-impact exercise option for people of all fitness levels, making them an excellent choice for anyone looking to stay active. Adding a PowerMax treadmill to your home gym can be a game-changer for your workout(Pexels) But with so many options available on the market, how do you choose the right treadmill for your home gym? That's where our buying guide comes in handy. Among the top options available are PowerMax treadmills, known for their high-quality construction, innovative features, and affordability. PowerMax offers a range of treadmills designed to cater to different fitness needs and preferences. Whether you're a beginner looking for a basic model or an experienced runner seeking advanced features, PowerMax has something for everyone. https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/enjoy-a-healthier-and-more-active-lifestyle-with-the-best-powermax-treadmills-top-8-picks-for-home-101713507985700.html
  9. For decades, beavers were considered pests – trapped and shot on sight. Now the attitude towards nature's best engineers is changing, and farmers are working to bring them back. Jay Wilde stared at the dry creek on the ranch his family had owned for decades for the umpteenth time that week. He was trying to remember what had changed on the land – when he was a child, Birch Creek would run year-round. Now he was lucky if they got six months' worth of water. Wilde had been away from his southern Idaho ranch for 30 years, returning to run cattle in 1995. And the cows needed water. "Without water, it was becoming really hard for me to manage the ranch," Wilde explains. "I eventually put in a water system for the cows to drink from, but it seemed wrong to me that the stream should be drying up. There's a lot of life that depends on that water." The issue puzzled him for years. In 2006, Wilde was contemplating that dry streambed, wondering what he could do about it. "I had an epiphany," he laughs. "Suddenly, it dawned on me that when I was growing up we always had beavers in the watershed. And there were no beavers when I came back. Beavers are vital to ecosystems, as their dam building habits spread water through parched landscapes. This can not only help to regulate the flow of water, it provides another important service – keeping fires under control. Beavers are nature's firefighters. Despite their monumental impact on the environment, beavers were almost wiped out in the US during the fur-trapping trade. And the land, like Wilde's, has suffered greatly due to the decimation of beaver po[CENSORED]tions. Attitudes that beavers are a nuisance, because of the damage they can cause to human-built structures – such as flooding culverts, the drain pipes that channel water through roadways and other structures, and felling trees – also prevailed long after beaver fur hats went out of fashion. For decades, the animals were trapped, shot, poisoned, and their dams dynamited – all to eradicate the keystone species from their native lands. Landowners simply didn't want them messing with the ecosystem. Since the battle against beavers began, numbers have shrunk from millions to thousands. Now, the tide is beginning to shift, and beavers are making a comeback. "From the 1950s until this year, beavers have been listed as predators in Oregon," explains Jeff Baldwin, a geography professor at California's Sonoma University who has published numerous studies on the advantages of recolonising beavers in the American West. "And in Oregon, if an animal is a predator you can kill it." A "beaver believer" bill was passed in Oregon in 2023, changing the animals' status to furbearers, meaning they cannot be killed without a permit. The bill highlighted beavers' role as a keystone species "that serves as nature's engineer…[Their] habitat has the ability to provide refugia, stimulate the recovery of other species, and foster resilience on landscapes impacted by climate change". But, the bill wasn't po[CENSORED]r with everyone – especially farmers. "[The bill] creates an unnecessary and complicated system of beaver management for private agricultural landowners," says Lauren Poor, vice president of legal affairs for the Oregon Farm Bureau, an agricultural advocacy organisation. "Our opposition to this needlessly complicated piece of legislation is no reflection on the value beavers play in the ecosystem or the benefits they have on repairing floodplains, however, the great value of beavers to our environment is best suited for public lands, not privately managed agricultural lands." Once numbering anywhere from 100 to 200 million, their numbers shrank to as few as 100,000 by the 20th Century, primarily due to the fur trapping trade which erupted during the late 1600s and lasted two centuries. Thanks to public support and awareness, the po[CENSORED]tion has grown to around 15 million. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240111-the-us-is-bringing-back-beavers-because-theyre-natures-best-firefighters
  10. Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola says Cole Palmer was asking to leave the club for two years before he eventually joined Chelsea. City sold Palmer, 21, to Chelsea for £42.5m on deadline day in September. Palmer has gone on to score 20 top-flight goals and is level with City's Erling Haaland at the top of the Premier League Golden Boot standings. "In pre-season I said stay because Riyad [Mahrez] has gone and he said 'no, I want to leave'," said Guardiola. Palmer scored four goals against Everton on 15 April to take his league tally to 20 for the season and is set to face his former side in their FA Cup semi-final on Saturday. He is being tipped to win the PFA Player of the Year award and also make England manager Gareth Southgate's Euro 2024 squad. His exploits have raised questions about Guardiola's wisdom in letting Palmer go. The City boss claims the reality of the situation meant it was impossible to keep him. "He was asking for two seasons to leave," said Guardiola. "I said 'no, stay'. What could we do?" Watch The Football News Show Palmer signed a five-year City contract in 2021. At that point, he had made two senior appearances for the club. He had only started three Premier League games when he left and Guardiola accepts it was probably not enough. "I said many times, I didn't give him the minutes that he maybe deserved and wanted, the minutes he now has at Chelsea," he said. "I understand that completely. I am happy for him because he is a lovely guy. He is playing good and is an incredible threat." Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino says he thanks City for allowing Palmer "the opportunity to him to move to another club" and the forward is also grateful to his former club. "He always talks very highly about them and Pep," said Pochettino. "I think he understood perfectly that maybe for different reasons he wanted to prove himself in another club." Pochettino also stressed the need to be "careful" with Palmer considering his rise to prominence this season. "Because is scoring, maybe he needs to pay attention in different things with things he maybe did not pay attention [before]," said the Argentine. "That is going to have an influence on how he is going to prepare, how he is going to rest, how he is going to sleep, how he is going to spend the energy that sometimes before he didn't spend. "That's why we need to be careful. We have the experience to manage this type of thing when a young kid becomes a big star. Maybe he is tired, yes because his life changed. "He needs to learn from the experience." https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/68852174
  11. Two Russian strikes in Ukraine's central Dnipropetrovsk region have killed at least seven people, including two children, local officials say. The station in the main city Dnipro came under attack, and several homes were hit further east in Synelnykove. President Volodymyr Zelensky said the attack showed that all Ukrainian cities needed more advanced air defences. In a separate strike, Ukraine said that for the first time it had downed a strategic long-range bomber in Russia. Officials said a boy aged eight and a girl of 14 were among five people killed when private homes were targeted by Russian strikes on the town of Synelnykove. A six-year-old boy, who had earlier been reported killed, was in a critical condition and several other people were wounded, Dnipropetrovsk regional head Serhiy Lysak said. Another two people were killed in the regional capital, Dnipro, when the train station and a five-storey building were hit. More than 30 people were injured in Friday's attack in the region. Rail operator Ukrzaliznytsia said a woman who was on duty at the time was killed and seven other railway workers were hurt. Rescue services were continuing to search the rubble and warned that the number of victims would rise, the ministry added. A maternity hospital was also hit. President Zelensky said that Ukraine and its allies "must defeat Russian terror", urging Kyiv's partners to urgently provide more advanced air defence systems. He added that he visited Ukrainian troops close to the front lines in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region on Friday. Ukraine has for months warned that it is running low on weapons capable of bringing down Russian missiles and drones, and Nato's secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has spoken of an "urgent, critical need" for fresh military aid. Earlier this week, the northern city of Chernihiv was struck in Russia's deadliest attack for some time, leaving 18 dead and dozens wounded. Three Iskander cruise missiles hit residential buildings close to the centre of the city, the regional leader said. For months, a US military aid package worth $60.8bn (£49bn) has been blocked by Republican representatives in Congress. However, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, has said he is determined to bring the matter to a vote, which could take place as early as Saturday. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68853490
  12. Pro Test 1 week Good Luck !!
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