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TheWild ™

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  1. Hello, my brother, it is not a very good activity for you. Rather, activity first for a week or two, then request thanks and Good luck.!!
  2. Hello @The Algerian man 2007

    If you want to publish and become a member of the press, you must read the rules

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    Goood Luck !

  3. Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that Baldur's Gate 3 did well—winning just about every major Game of the Year award, starting industry-wide conversations about the quality of videogames, and getting one of our highest-ever review scores. It's also done remarkably well as a licensing deal for Hasbro, which owns Wizards of the Coast, which created Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition—the tabletop rules system Baldur's Gate 3 is built on top of. Unfortunately for said company, Larian's moving onto different, if not greener pastures—but Dan Ayoub, head of digital product development at Wizards of the Coast, says there's no plans on stopping the company's forward march: "Hasbro is in fact making videogames … we have a considerable investment in our studio structure; we've got over $1 billion in games right now being developed."That's as per a recent interview with GamesIndustry.biz. Ayoub continues, arguing that Hasbro's MO has "always been about play, it's always been about entertaining people. And gaming is the predominant form of entertainment for a lot of people, and it's something that just continues to grow." This does feel like a bit of a strange revelation to have now—TTRPGs and RPG games have always shared a lot of DNA, especially considering one essentially came from the other. Baldur's Gate 3 was hardly the first entry in the franchise, after all, and there are plenty of classics like Neverwinter Nights and Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines that have their roots firmly in dice, pen and paper. Heck, Cyberpunk 2077 is spawned from a TTRPG product. "One of the great things we took from the success of Baldur's Gate 3 is that people really, really like a great, well-executed D&D game," muses Ayoub in the same way you might marvel out-loud that water is wet. Alright, I'm being a little uncharitable there. BG3 is absolutely landmark in its quality, and certainly a far cry from CRPGs of yore which mostly took place in text boxes and crunchy stat sheets—nothing wrong with that, but even the most hardcore of CRPG fans'd likely concede that kind of thing hardly screams 'mass appeal'. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/baldurs-gate/buckle-uphasbro-has-spent-over-dollar1-billion-on-games-and-has-plans-for-the-next-100-years-since-baldurs-gate-3-proved-fans-like-a-great-well-executed-dandd-game/
  4. God Of War 1 & 2 & 3 Resident Evil 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 Half Life Call Of Duty Black Ops 1 & 2 Call Of Duty MW 3 , 4 GTA San Adreas GTA Vice City
  5. Nickname: TheWild. Video author: Ford Mustang 2024 & Audi RS5 Coupe | Forza Horizon 5 | Thrustmaster T300RS gameplay Name of the game: Forza Horizon 5 Link video:
  6. After withdrawing its Find X series of camera-focussed premium phones from India in 2020 (after the launch of its Find X2), Oppo seems to have suddenly become interested in the ultra-premium segment once again. As brands like OnePlus and Oppo (and soon Vivo) collectively attempt to dethrone Samsung in India in the foldables segment, Xiaomi and Oppo now seem interested (or confident) in taking things up a notch and competing with Samsung's premium Galaxy S Ultra series as well, which for years remained untouched. Oppo's Find X7 Ultra isn't coming to India this year, but Oppo seems to be testing the waters by handing us a review unit. You can think of it as an interest check for future releases. With this in mind, I got to use Oppo's latest camera flagship for a few weeks and I must say that I'm quite impressed. More so, because of the progress Oppo has made since the Find X2 (or Find X2 Pro) released in India about 4 years ago. Oppo Find X7 Ultra Review: Price Mainly available in China and neighbouring markets, the Find X7 Ultra is priced from CNY 5,999 (roughly Rs. 70,000) for the base 12GB RAM and 256GB storage variant, which I received for review. The phone tops out at 16GB of RAM and 512GB of storage, priced at CNY 6,999 (roughly Rs. 80,000). If you are thinking of importing one into the country do keep in mind that such products are heavily taxed by customs. I'm quite confident that just a handful of us would check out a premium device (like a Pixel Fold) even if it is not officially sold in India. This is more because of how unique these devices are and the obvious attention they garner from onlookers. The Oppo Find X7 Ultra does look quite interesting in the sense that it's very different from what Vivo's X100 Pro, Google's Pixel 8 Pro, and Samsung's Galaxy S24 Ultra currently offer (in terms of design) in this segment. Oppo's gone with a split dual-finish design, which not only looks premium, but feels premium as well. Weighing 221 grams, it's expectedly heavy but the heft also adds to its overall premium feel. The phone is available in – Ocean Blue, Sepia Brown, and Tailored Black – all of which appear unique not just because of the colour, but also because of the use of unique materials. The Ocean Blue finish which I tried out for a short while has a nautical theme to it and has an upper half (in polished white) made of glass, while the brown and black colourways have a metal panel. https://www.gadgets360.com/mobiles/reviews/oppo-find-x7-ultra-review-5529013#pfrom=indepth
  7. Cuando hablamos de la interfaz PCIe de una placa base, a la mayoría de los usuarios lo primero que les viene a la cabeza es que se utiliza para conectar una tarjeta gráfica, ya que es la conexión que mayor rendimiento ofrece en comparación con el resto de las que podemos encontrar en el cualquier placa, sin embargo, una tarjeta gráfica no el único tipo de componente que podemos conectar. Es importante tener en cuenta que es existen diferentes tipos de puertos PCIe, desde PCIe x1 hasta PCIe x16, pasando por PCIe x4 y PCIe x8, y, dependiendo del tiempo que tenga nuestra placa, podremos encontrar un tipo de conexión PCIe u otro, por lo que puede que no todas las tarjetas que podemos conectar a un PC sean compatibles con todos los equipos. Tarjetas PCIe Si queremos mejorar la velocidad de la conexión a Internet o red local de nuestro PC, podemos utilizar un pincho USB o bien una tarjeta Wi-Fi mediante interfaz PCIe. Este tipo de tarjetas, incluye varias antenas, por lo que siempre nos van a a ofrecer una mayor cobertura. Además, al ofrecer un ancho de banda más amplio, siempre vamos a disfrutar de la mejor velocidad de conexión que sea capaz de ofrecer nuestro router. Si bien es cierto que son un pelín más caras que los tradicionales pinchos USB, realmente merece la pena pagar un poco más por la diferencia.Si queremos mejorar la velocidad de almacenamiento de nuestro PC, la mejor forma de hacerlo es utilizando unidades M2. Si nuestro PC no tiene, podemos utilizar una tarjeta de expansión que utilice la interfaz PCIe 4.0 y donde podemos conectar unidades de almacenamiento M2. Algunos de modelos, como el Hyper de ASUS, nos permiten conectar hasta 4 unidades M2 con factor forma 2242, 2260, 2280 y 22110, es compatible con RAID en placas compatibles con procesadores de Intel y AMD. https://hardzone.es/noticias/componentes/componentes-conectar-puerto-pcie-pc/
  8. En un principio invertimos una buena cantidad de dinero en comprar nuestro ordenador y que disponga de las especificaciones necesarias para el uso que vamos a hacer del mismo. Aquí entran en juego elementos clave como el procesador, la memoria RAM, la gráfica o las unidades de disco. Precisamente en estas líneas nos queremos centrar en uno de los elementos más importantes que forman parte del hardware de nuestro equipo, la RAM. Y es que este componente resulta clave para que podamos trabajar con fluidez en las diferentes aplicaciones que cargamos en el ordenador. Además el mal funcionamiento de la misma o una cantidad demasiado baja disponible, se puede traducir en importantes errores y fallos del sistema operativo. Incluso nos podemos encontrar con constantes pantallazos azules, bloqueos del software y reinicios inesperados del equipo. Entre otras cosas para intentar paliar todos estos errores deberíamos aumentar la cantidad de memoria RAM disponible, algo que en la mayoría de los casos vamos a agradecer. Los que os acabamos de mencionar, son algunos de los síntomas claros de que debemos llevar a cabo este paso. Cómo sé si tengo que aumentar la RAM del PC De hecho tenemos al alcance de la mano una prueba sencilla para determinar si la memoria RAM es la culpable de todo ello. No tenemos más que ejecutar la aplicación con los problemas mencionados para después minimizarla en Windows. A continuación deberíamos ejecutar la herramienta del Administrador de tareas por ejemplo a través de la combinación de teclas Ctrl + Shift + Esc. En este momento en pantalla aparecerán todos los procesos correspondientes al sistema y a las aplicaciones que tenemos en marcha. No tenemos más que buscar el programa problemático para echar un vistazo al consumo de memoria RAM. También es interesante que miremos el porcentaje de consumo de este componente que se está llevando en general en ese instante en el sistema operativo de Microsoft. Si nos encontramos con valores cercanos al 100% o incluso vemos este mismo, sin duda necesitamos añadir memoria a nuestro ordenador. Los registros por los que no nos deberíamos preocupar en este sentido, deberían encontrarse en torno al 60% de uso de este elemento hardware. Así ves la cantidad de memoria total de tu PC También es importante tener muy presente en la cantidad de memoria RAM de la que disponemos en ese instante en total instalado en el ordenador. Para lograr esto que os contamos no tenemos más que acceder a la aplicación de Configuración de Windows y situarnos en el apartado llamado Sistema. Ahora, en el panel izquierdo de la ventana que aparece nos situamos en el apartado de Acerca de, donde ya podemos ver la RAM total instalada. Llegados a este punto debemos estar en consideración que para que Windows funcione con fluidez deberíamos disponer de al menos 16 gigas de memoria RAM instalada. Con 8 gigas el sistema funciona, pero podemos tener problemas a la hora de ejecutar determinados programas o juegos. Cuánta RAM puedo instalar en mi equipo Una vez hemos tomado la determinación de aumentar este componente, también debemos conocer la cantidad de memoria RAM máxima que podemos usar aquí. Esto es algo que tenemos la posibilidad obtener de manera sencilla desde la herramienta de PowerShell. La ponemos en funcionamiento con permisos de administrador y en la pantalla que aparece escribimos al siguiente comando: Get-CimInstance Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray Aquí nos tenemos que fijar en el valor MaxCapacity, ya que representa el total de RAM en kilobytes que podemos instalar en nuestro ordenador. Otros apartados a tener en consideración Evidentemente hay otros aspectos que debemos tener muy en cuenta a la hora de aumentar la cantidad de memoria RAM disponible en nuestro ordenador. En primer lugar es diferente si trabajamos con un ordenador portátil o con un equipo de sobremesa. Además también debemos tener muy presente los slots libres que tiene el ordenador para poder aumentar este apartado hardware. Por otro lado es importante que nos informemos acerca del tipo de memoria RAM que podemos instalar en nuestra placa base, así como el precio de los diferentes módulos pues vamos a instalar. Para saber el tipo de memoria que podemos utilizar en nuestro equipo, lo nuevo abrimos una ventana de PowerShell con permisos de administrador y en este caso ejecutamos el siguiente comando: Get-CimInstance CIM_PhysicalMemory A partir de ahí con toda esta información ya no nos queda más que ir a alguna tienda especializada en tecnología para adquirir este componente tan importante en nuestro PC. Dependiendo de la tienda por la que nos decantemos, el formato o la marca de la memoria RAM que vamos a instalar en nuestro ordenador, los precios pueden variar de manera ostensible. De ahí que os recomendamos echar un vistazo en varios sitios y módulos de diferentes fabricantes para comparar y ahorrar unos cuantos euros si así lo necesitamos. Con todo y con ello en este componente tan importante os recomendamos echar mano de fabricantes conocidos y de reputación contrastada. https://www.softzone.es/noticias/windows/saber-instalar-memoria-ram-ordenador-windows/
  9. Music title: Myke Towers pasa el día con Billboard en Miami | Billboard Cover Signer: N\A Release date: 01/‏/05/2024 Official YouTube link:
  10. Nick movie: The Expendables 4 | 2024 Jason Statham New Action Full HD Movie In English | Best For United States Time:91min Netflix / Amazon / HBO: Netflix Duratio
  11. The International Court of Justice has ruled against issuing emergency orders to stop Germany's arms sales to Israel. Nicaragua brought the case, arguing that Germany had breached the UN genocide convention by sending military hardware to Israel. The German government said the lawsuit was unjustified. Berlin is a staunch ally of Israel and the second largest supplier of arms to the country after the US. A final ruling could take years. Today's decision was over emergency measures to be implemented swiftly. In 2023 some 30% of Israel's military equipment purchases came from Germany, totalling $326.5m (£257m) last year - a tenfold increase on 2022. Nicaragua said Germany's arms sales to Israel made it complicit in Israel's alleged war crimes. Israel has rejected accusations of genocide and says its actions in Gaza are focussed on destroying Hamas. The Central American country had brought the case to the Hague in early March to ask judges to issue emergency measures to stop Berlin from providing Israel with weapons and other assistance. It also said Germany had breached the UN genocide convention by ceasing funding of the UN's aid agency, UNRWA. Germany was one of 15 Western nations which suspended funding for UNRWA over allegations that some of the agency's staff were involved in the 7 October attacks on Israel. Writing on X following the court's verdict, the German ministry of foreign affairs welcomed the decision and said Germany was "not a party to the conflict in the Middle East". It added that Germany was the largest donor of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians and that it was working "urgently" to ensure that aid reaches the people of Gaza. Presiding Judge Nawaf Salam said the ICJ - which ruled 15-1 - remains "deeply concerned about the catastrophic living conditions of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip". The court will now have to decide whether it has jurisdiction over the case. If so, it will then proceed to judge the case itself - which could take years. Nicaragua - a longtime supporter of the Palestinian cause - likely decided to take Germany to court as Germany is the second-largest arms exporter to Israel. The US, which provides Israel with a much higher volume of weapons, does not recognise the ICJ's compulsory jurisdiction. Critics of Nicaragua's case have highlighted the country's chequered human rights record. The government of President Daniel Ortega has jailed opponents and banned protests. In March, the UK's mission to the UN accused the government of a "relentless" crackdown on human rights. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68929873
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  12. Aston Martin has revealed the first details about its new twin-turbocharged V-12, which is rated at 824 horsepower and 738 pound-feet of torque. Aston says the hand-built V-12 is completely redesigned, featuring a stronger engine block as well as a revised cylinder block, fuel system, and valvetrain. More details about the new V-12 are still to come, and Aston says it'll power a forthcoming flagship that'll debut later this year—possibly a DBS successor. As more and more V-12 engines approach their expiration date, Aston Martin is preparing to introduce a fresh one. The British marque today revealed the first details about its new twin-turbocharged 12-cylinder, which it says is completely redesigned. Not only that, but the hand-built mill will make 824 horsepower and 738 pound-feet of torque, meaning it's a lot more powerful than the 5.2-liter V-12 it will replace. The outgoing version of Aston's V-12 peaked with the 759-hp engine under the long hood of the DBS 770 Ultimate, which both retired that generation and represented the most powerful production car the company has ever built. Obviously, that title will be broken when the new V-12 arrives. To tease the reveal, Aston released a short video of what it's calling the "Dawn of a new V-12 era." Among the myriad changes that were made to the upcoming V-12 are a stronger engine block and connecting rods. The cylinder heads have also been redesigned, and Aston says there are higher-speed, reduced-inertia turbochargers. The valvetrain receives revised camshaft profiles as well as new intake and exhaust ports. The V-12's fuel system will feature injectors with a higher flow rate, and the spark plugs have also been repositioned. Aston has previously said it remains committed to building 12-cylinder engines until 2026. The introduction of this new V-12 verifies that promise. And Aston says it'll debut in a new flagship model that'll break cover sometime later this year. At that time, we'll also learn more technical details about the engine that weren't included in today's reveal like its displacement. As expected, the company says the new V-12 will be built by hand in a limited capacity on a year-by-year basis. The other big question is what will Aston's new flagship be. The teaser video includes the tagline "All will be vanquished," which might suggest to some that it'll be the next-gen Vanquish, which was once going to be a mid-engined hybrid hypercar. However, we think that tagline is likely just a red herring, as Aston has since publicly confirmed that the mid-engined Vanquish has been cancelled. Instead, we think the brand's next V-12 will power a DBS successor based on the new Aston Martin DB12. Only time will tell. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a60639518/aston-martin-new-824-hp-v-12-flagship-engine/
  13. Po[CENSORED]rly termed as a Japanese rock garden, a Zen garden is perfect place to relax and wind down. Here's how it helps center yourself and scout for inner peaceHuman beings have a distinctive requisite to unite with nature and this longing only grows stronger when we reside in urban settings as for this reason, most city dwellers build and preserve gardens in their personal spaces to revel in nature amidst the concrete jungle and one type of garden that has gained significance in current years is the Zen garden. A Zen garden is focused on the careful arrangements of rocks, sand and plants and this type of green space helps in encouraging contemplation and calmness.In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Vick Rana, Chairman at Stone Sapphire India Pvt Ltd, shared, “Also po[CENSORED]rly termed as a Japanese rock garden, a Zen garden is a perfect place to relax and wind down but it’s also so much more than that. The moment you visit a Zen garden, all you can soak in is the serenity and stillness that comes with it. A Zen garden is more than just a visually pleasing outdoor space; it’s a place that can retune your mood and recover your emotive wellness. It really does not matter if the space is open and roomy or is small in size, at its core, a Zen garden is a place to help you centre yourself and scout for your inner peace.” https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/art-culture/take-your-worries-away-how-zen-garden-can-become-your-daily-dose-of-mindfulness-101714569803928.html
  14. A male swan left companionless after his nesting mate was shot dead a week ago has bonded with a fellow rescuee. The swan was found with a single shot to her neck on the waterside off Weston Parade, Netley Abbey, near Southampton. The swan's five eggs, which will not hatch, and her mate were taken in on 23 April by charity Swan Support. The charity said he was "doing well all things considered ... enjoying the company of others and has taken a shine to one of the ladies in our care." The charity said after collecting the shot swan from the tide pool it sought permission to take the male and the eggs into care. "Despite it being his home, his safety was paramount and our fear was that he could too be targeted," the charity said. A fundraising page has been set up by a resident to raise a reward of £2,000 for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for shooting the swan and to support the male swan's care at the charity. To date it has raised just over £1,300. Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary said is was investigating and urged witnesses and anyone with information to come forward. The charity, based in Datchet, Berkshire, said: "The local community, like us, are both angry and heartbroken and want to see this properly investigated, the offender caught and justice served." It said volunteers had attended more than 20 separate incidents since the end of last year with no arrests made. Posting on its Facebook page, the charity said it had written "again to MPs and the Police Crime Commissioners in the areas we attend asking for more to be done". https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-hampshire-68934872


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