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TheWild ™

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Everything posted by TheWild ™

  1. Nick movie: THE KINGPIN Time: ChanelQhu Netflix / Amazon / HBO: N/A Duration of the movie: 88Mins Trailer:
  2. You can expect some great upcoming Switch games for the Nintendo console, whether you're a fan of RPGs, puzzle games, or anything in between.Our list of the best new Nintendo Switch games is here to cover the amazing titles you can expect in 2024, so you can learn all about the biggest and best names coming to the portable console over the coming months. It’s not all blockbusters though, as the Switch is a bit of an indie machine at the moment, and it’s only going to get better.While a few of the upcoming Nintendo Switch games only have a vague release window at the moment, we’re sure an absolute truckload of cracking new games will reach the console by the end of 2024. Who knows, we may even finally get a Nintendo Switch 2 release date? If you need a little something to play right now, you can also take a look at our list of the best Nintendo Switch games.At this point I’m beginning to think the remake of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is a myth, but given the fact that we’re mere weeks away from the launch of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, I’m okay with that. This action-adventure game is reminiscent of Metroidvanias, offering a fresh look for the franchise that I once thought was forever lost to the annuls of time. https://www.pockettactics.com/new-switch-games
  3. Welcome to a new era of smartphone interaction with Funtouch OS 14, where simplicity meets innovation. This latest operating system for vivo and iQOO smartphones is designed to enhance the mobile experience, making it more intuitive and enjoyable than ever. Whether you're tech-savvy or just looking for a smartphone OS that's easy to use, Funtouch OS 14 brings a smoother, more user-friendly interface. Funtouch OS 14 is all about making life easier. It's packed with features that are not only smart, but also simple to use. The focus is on giving you a seamless experience, from navigating through your apps to personalizing the phone to your style. So, get ready to discover how Funtouch OS 14 transforms your smartphone into a more efficient gadget in your daily life. Let's start: Say Goodbye to Clutter: With Funtouch OS 14, your phone stays neat and tidy. No more annoying Hot Apps and Hot Games popping up when you don't want them. It's like finally getting the peace you've always wanted on your phone. Make It Yours: Ever felt like your phone is filled with apps you don't use? Funtouch OS 14 changes that. Now, you can easily get rid of any apps you don't need. It's like cleaning out your closet – keep what you love, remove what you don't. Your phone, your rules. Smooth Open and Close: Ever notice how some phones feel choppy when you open or close apps? With Funtouch OS 14, that's a thing of the past. Your apps open and shut smoothly. This smoothness isn't just nice to look at; it shows how fast and efficient your phone is. Browsing and Scrolling Made Fluid: Scrolling through websites or your photo album should be easy and fun, not a test of patience. Funtouch OS 14 makes every swipe and scroll on your phone as smooth as silk. Everything feels quick, whether you're going through your thousands of photos or reading online. Just for vivo and iQOO Users: Imagine your phone's wallpaper changing with every step you take. That's what the new Kinetic Wallpaper in Funtouch OS 14 does. Watch a flower bloom, depending on how much you've walked. It's a cool, visual way to see your daily steps and stay motivated. These wallpapers do more than just look good. They turn your fitness goals into a fun, daily adventure right on your screen. Beautiful Always-On Display See Time in Style: Got an iQOO 12? You're in for a treat with the new 1Hz Always On Display. It's easy on your battery and shows the time in a cool, new way inspired by the phone's porthole-type camera design. It's like having a mini-clock on your phone that's always on and looks great. Match Your Mood: And if you are not okay with the default look? Head to the theme store and pick from lots of Always On Display styles. Whether you're feeling funky, classy, or anything in between, there's a style just for you.Multitask Like a Pro: With Funtouch OS 14, say hello to the ultimate multitasking experience. Whether you're working or just having fun, the new Small Window and Split-Screen features make it super easy. Imagine watching a video while texting your friend – all on the same screen. And with the Mini Window, it's like having mini apps open while you do other things. It's perfect for those who like to do more at once. https://www.gadgets360.com/mobiles/sponsored/funtouch-os-14-simple-and-refreshing-experience-4640126#pfrom=brandStories_featured
  4. C'est une habitude de paiement pour environ 5 millions de Français. A la caisse du supermarché ou au restaurant, avant de sortir la carte bancaire pour régler la facture, une autre carte est présentée : la carte ticket-restaurant. Qu'on l'utilise encore dans sa version papier, carte ou, désormais, dématérialisée sur smartphone, cette cagnotte permet d'alléger le total à payer de sa poche pour une sélection élargie de produits alimentaires. Tous les mois, des salariés cumulent de l'argent sur cette précieuse carte, versé en partie par leur employeur et complété par une ponction sur le salaire de l'employé. Bonne nouvelle : en 2024, votre employeur pourrait décider d'augmenter sa participation aux tickets-resto, sans que cela ne lui coûte trop cher. Jusqu'alors, il pouvait verser jusqu'à 6,91€ par ticket et par salarié sans payer de charges. Au-delà, des cotisations sociales devaient être versées. Depuis le 1er janvier, ce plafond est passé à 7,18€. Ainsi, cette hausse de 27 centimes ne lui coûterait que 5,40€ de plus par mois par employé pour 20 tickets-resto. A l'année, cela représente moins de 65€ par personne et par an. Si la participation de votre employeur est en-deçà de ce plafond, toute augmentation ne lui coûtera pas plus cher que l'argent qui vous sera directement versé. Un patron décidant de rehausser sa part de 5 à 6€ par employé ne lui coûtera vraiment qu'un euro en plus par ticket et par salarié. Attention cependant : l'entreprise n'est pas la seule à alimenter cette cagnotte. L'argent cumulé sur la carte ticket-resto doit respecter un certain équilibre : l'employeur ne peut en financer que 50 à 60%. Le reste est à la charge de l'employé. Ainsi, selon la hausse à laquelle il pourrait procéder, vous pourriez également, vous aussi, devoir mettre un peu la main à la poche. Dans les mêmes proportions si le financement est à 50-50, ou moins si la A titre d'exemple, un salarié bénéficiant d'un ticket-resto de 8€ (le montant moyen), payé à 50% (4€) par lui et à 50% (4€) par l'employeur pourrait voir son patron l'augmenter à 10€. Soit l'entreprise décide de le faire dans les mêmes proportions (1€ chacun) et le salarié gagnera 20€ de plus par mois, soit l'entreprise décide de prendre cette hausse à sa seule charge, permettant à son employé de gagner jusqu'à 40€ de plus par mois si elle prend 60% de la valeur du ticket à sa charge. Mais multiplié par le nombre de jours travaillés et le nombre de salariés, pas sûr que les sociétés procèdent à de telles hausses. Des augmentations plus limitées, autour de 50 centimes, sont davantage envisageables. https://www.linternaute.com/argent/magazine/4264449-tickets-resto/
  5. nt de voir ce que sont ces nouveaux Ryzen, un petit rappel s'impose sur les process de fabrication. Aujourd'hui, AMD utilise GlobalFoundries pour fabriquer ses processeurs desktop. Comme nous avions eu l'occasion de l'évoquer il y a quelques temps, pour le 14nm, GlobalFoundries qui sortait de multiples déboires sur ses process précédents avait signé un accord historique avec l'un de ses concurrents sur le marché de la fabrication de puces, Samsung. GlobalFoundries a récupéré via cet accord un process de fabrication baptisée 14LPP, le tout clef en main. Ou presque puisqu'en pratique les relations entre Samsung et GlobalFoundries ont été - à ce qui nous a été rapporté - exécrables et limitant fortement la capacité de GlobalFoundries à le développer correctement. Techniquement, le 12nm est considéré comme une "variante" du 14nm, à l'image de ce que l'on voit chez tous les constructeurs. En pratique, le process reste assez similaire mais des modifications sont effectuées à plusieurs niveaux pour augmenter la densité (ce qui permet de changer le nom même si de nos jours ces nomenclatures sont décorrélées de la taille physique de tout ou partie des transistors) et les performances. Dans le cas de du 12nm de GlobalFoundries, Gary Patton avait donné quelques indices sur ces modifications le mois dernier dans une interview. D'abord, GlobalFoundries propose désormais de nouvelles bibliothèques de cellules standard 7.5T en plus des bibliothèques 9T. L'autre modification concerne le BEOL avec des changements sur certaines couches métal des puces. Cumulés, ces changements peuvent permettre des gains de densités, a condition bien entendu de les utiliser... Pinnacle Ridge, un die shrink de Summit Ridge ? C'est peut être la plus grosse surprise que nous ayons eu autour de ce lancement, si AMD utilise bel et bien le process 12nm de GlobalFoundries avec ces Ryzen 2000, il n'en exploite pas toutes les possibilités. AMD n'utilise pas les nouvelles bibliothèques de cellules standard 7.5T, et n'utilise pas non plus les changements apportés sur le BEOL. AMD le dit même explicitement, d'un point de vue optique, les Ryzen 2000 sont identiques aux Ryzen 1000. La taille du die Zeppelin utilisé sur les Summit Ridge (le nom de code des Ryzen 1000) était de 192mm2 (pour 4.8 milliards de transistors) et cela ne change pas pour Pinnacle Ridge (le nom de code de ces Ryzen 2000). Quelque part, cela semble être assez raccord avec la communication assez surprenante de GlobalFoundries qui indiquait que son process 12nm n'avait pas encore commencé la "production volume" le mois dernier (il faut en gros 90 jours pour fabriquer une puce). Il est probable qu'elle ait démarré plus tôt sur les parties validées du process spécifiquement pour AMD qui n'utilise pas les modifications indiquées plus haut. Techniquement, l'intérêt principal d'un gain de densité est de réduire les coûts de fabrication. AMD ne profitera donc pas de ces gains. Mais pour le coup, on peut légitimement se demander, au delà du nom, ce qu'apportent réellement ces puces et ce qu'elles tirent du "12nm" ? Pour répondre à cette question, AMD nous a tout d'abord indiqué que le "12nm" apporte des gains sur la performance des transistors (entre 10 et 15%), ce dont profitent les Pinnacle Ridge. L'autre point est plus nébuleux, AMD restant très prudent dans son discours : les changements de caractéristiques des transistors permettent "une meilleure utilisation du silicium". La description est excessivement floue, nous allons essayer de voir dans cet article ce que le constructeur entend par cela, et ce qu'il faut attendre du côté des performances. Notez qu'étant donné l'absence de changements sur l'architecture (et le die), nous vous renvoyons à cet article pour plus de détails sur l'architecture Zen utilisée dans ces nouveaux Ryzen. Un peu plus d'un an après le lancement des tout premiers Ryzen, AMD lance aujourd'hui (après une bien triste ouverture des précommandes la semaine dernière !) une nouvelle vague de puces pour entamer le renouvellement de sa gamme sous le nom des Ryzen 2000. Après des APU qui utilisaient cette nomenclature tout en étant fabriqués en 14nm, cette fois ci, les Ryzen 2000 plus haut de gamme sont "fabriqués en 12nm". Ava https://www.hardware.fr/articles/974-1/amd-ryzen-2700x-2600x-memes-plus-petit.html
  6. The fifth Republican presidential debate started and ended with barbed exchanges between Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, with neither likely to have moved closer to eclipsing frontrunner Donald Trump in the Iowa caucus next week. The Florida governor slamming Haley for running “to do her donors’ bidding” and the former UN ambassador calling DeSantis a habitual liar. The tone early in the Iowa debate matched prior GOP debates, which were frequently hostile, with candidates hurling personal attacks at one another.We’re committed to keeping our quality reporting open. By registering and providing us with insight into your preferences, you’re helping us to engage with you more deeply, and that allows us to keep our journalism free for all. You’ll always be able to control your own . https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/10/nikki-haley-ron-desantis-iowa-republican-debate-candidates
  7. Dodge is launching a series of 'Last Call' models to mark the end of V-8 production for the Durango SUV at the end of 2024. The first of the 'Last Call' Durangos will be the Durango SRT 392 AlcHEMI, which will be limited to 1000 units when it goes on sale. The special edition adds visual flair to the exterior while the interior is marked with yellow and silver stitching accents as well as "392" logos embroidered throughout. Rather than mourn the loss of a friend through somber reflection, Dodge is once again prepping for a yearlong celebration of life. This time, instead of the Charger and Challenger, Dodge is launching 'Last Call' editions of the Durango SRT 392 and Durango SRT Hellcat. The special editions come as Dodge plans to end production of the V-8 HEMI engine at the end of the year. The 'Last Call' models will be split between Durango SRT 392 models and SRT Hellcat and will launch as both 2024 and 2025 model years while the manufacturer prepares for a new generation Durango in 2026. Dodge neglected to give an exact number of 'Last Call' models when we reached out for comment but said that more details will be announced throughout 2024. The First of the Last The first of the 'Last Call' special editions will be a 392 model that Dodge is renaming the Durango SRT 392 AlcHEMI. Despite what the name AlcHEMI might suggest, the special edition won't be an ethanol-powered beast and will instead be powered by the same 475-hp 6.4-liter Hemi V-8 as the rest of the SRT 392 lineup. The exterior of the AlcHEMI model distinguishes itself with a series of visual alterations including Satin Black forged SRT wheels, SRT Brembro brakes with yellow calipers, black badges, and black exhaust tips. There's also a pair of black honeycomb-textured exterior stripes with yellow borders to further differentiate the model. Inside the special edition, the AlcHEMI features yellow and silver stitching, forged carbon-fiber accents, and "392" logos on the seatbacks and steering wheel. Production is being limited to 1000 units, with a planned 250 in each of the four exterior paint options: Diamond Black, Destroyer Gray, Vapor Gray, and White Knuckle https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a46339717/2024-dodge-durango-durango-alchemi/
  8. Mardi, deux SDF sont morts dans le grand froid. Un drame révélateur de l’inaction du Président, qui avait promis d’atteindre l’objectif «zéro SDF» en 2017. Six ans plus tard, la France compte plus de 330 000 personnes sans abri, un chiffre qui a plus que doublé en une décennie. Pour ne rater aucun billet de Jonathan Bouchet-Petersen, inscrivez-vous aux newsletters de nos chroniqueurs politiques Mardi matin, une femme sans domicile fixe d’une soixantaine d’années a été découverte morte sous sa couverture dans une rue de Carpentras (Vaucluse) tandis que le corps inanimé d’un sans-abri de 69 ans était, lui, découvert dans une cave à Boulogne (Hauts-de-Seine). L’un comme l’autre sont a priori morts sous l’effet de la vague de froid qui touche actuellement la France, mais c’est d’abord parce qu’ils survivent et dorment dans la rue qu’ils ont perdu la vie. Le fait qu’il y ait au moins autant, si ce n’est plus, de décès de sans-abri l’été, alors que le nombre de places d’accueil est plus limité, le montre bien https://www.liberation.fr/politique/cest-dabord-parce-quils-sont-a-la-rue-que-des-sdf-meurent-de-froid-20240111_3CTL4ZK42VBILMSB2Z6ILCWGYU/
  9. A pair of ring-necked parakeets. ‘Some applaud their colour and freshness; others decry them as rowdy vermin.’ Photograph: Kit Day/Alamy Country diaryBirds Country diary: Parakeets on my feeder, while I’m on the fence West Norwood, south London: These new kings of the urban jungle divide opinion, but I can’t help but enjoy their splash of colour in my winter garden Lev Parikian Thu 11 Jan 2024 05.30 GMT The wind relents. Just for a bit, mind. Wouldn’t want us to feel settled. Some small birds take advantage of the lull to descend on the feeders. Coal tit, blue tit, robin – performing a group dance with complex, secret moves. A furious squawk, a chartreuse-green flurry, a general sense of agitation. The smaller birds disperse, leaving the feeders free for the interlopers – big kids throwing their weight around in the playground. They land with a clatter and set about their business.We’re committed to keeping our quality reporting open. By registering and providing us with insight into your preferences, you’re helping us to engage with you more deeply, and that allows us to keep our journalism free for all. You’ll always be able to control your own . https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/11/country-diary-parakeets-on-my-feeder-while-im-on-the-fence
  10. Former England manager Sven-Goran Eriksson has revealed he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and has around a year at most to live. Eriksson, who served as England's first foreign manager from 2001 to 2006, stood down from his most recent role as sporting director at Swedish club Karlstad 11 months ago due to health issues. The 75-year-old told Swedish radio station P1 he had been given the shock news after fainting on a 5k run, and had previously been in a good state of health. He led England to one of their most famous results, a 5-1 win over Germany in Munich in September 2001, and took them to three consecutive quarter-final berths at major tournaments. Eriksson told Swedish Radio P1: "Everyone can see that I have a disease that's not good, and everyone supposes that it's cancer, and it is. But I have to fight it as long as possible. "I know that in the best case it's about a year, in the worst case even less. Or in the best case I suppose even longer. I don't think the doctors I have can be totally sure, they can't put a day on it. "It's better not to think about it. You have to trick your brain. I could go around thinking about that all the time and sit at home and be miserable and think I'm unlucky and so on. "It's easy to end up in that position. But no, see the positive sides of things and don't bury yourself in setbacks, because this is the biggest setback of them all of course. "It just came from nothing. And that makes you shocked. "I'm not in any major pain. But I've been diagnosed with a disease that you can slow down but you cannot operate. So it is what it is." Eriksson's England spell was arguably his most high-profile position, but was one of a number of big roles he held during a managerial career spanning more than 40 years. He first rose to international prominence with Benfica, whom he led to back-to-back league titles in the early 1980s after joining from IFK Gothenberg. From there he managed Roma, Fiorentina and Sampdoria as well as enjoying a second spell in Lisbon before leading Lazio to a domestic double in 2000, in what remains their most-recent Serie A title. That success caught the eye of the Football Association, who persuaded him to join England in January 2001. Initial scepticism over the appointment of a foreign manager for the first time in the country's history was eased by the thrashing of Germany in Munich eight months later, though England still needed David Beckham's free-kick heroics to automatically qualify for the 2002 World Cup. At major tournaments, Eriksson's England record was defined by penalty shoot-outs, twice losing to Portugal at Euro 2004 and World Cup 2006, both in the quarter-finals - the latter his final game in the role. From there he managed Manchester City for a season before further international roles with Mexico and Ivory Coast, an ill-fated 49-game spell at Leicester City, while his most recent managerial role was in charge of the Philippines in 2019. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/13045911/sven-goran-eriksson-terminal-cancer-leaves-former-england-manager-with-around-a-year-to-live-he-reveals
  11. The UN's International Court of Justice is hearing a case brought by South Africa accusing Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. The submission also calls on the court to order Israel to stop military operations there. The ICJ will deliver only an opinion on the genocide allegation as the case is not a criminal trial, although it is being closely watched. Israel has vehemently rejected the accusation as "baseless". There were angry scenes outside the ICJ's Peace Palace on Thursday as Dutch police struggled to keep groups of Palestinian and Israeli supporters apart. Hundreds of people waving Palestinian flags gathered outside the ICJ, calling for a ceasefire. Israeli supporters set up a screen showing images of some of the hostages still being held in Gaza. Pro-Palestinian protests also took place in Cape Town, South Africa. South Africa will present its case on Thursday and Israel its defence on Friday. In its submission, South Africa says Israel's actions "are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group". It says Israel's actions include "killing Palestinians in Gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental harm, and inflicting on them conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction". It calls for "provisional measures" to be implemented by the court as a matter of urgency, including that Israel cease all military activities in Gaza. Israel has defended its actions in Gaza, saying it is responding to Hamas's deadly attacks on 7 October, but speaking in court on Thursday, South Africa's Justice Minister Ronald Lamola said no attack "can provide justification for or defend breaches of the [Genocide] Convention". Israel is a signatory to the Genocide Convention of 1948, which defines genocide and commits states to prevent it. The ICJ is the UN's top court, based in the Hague in the Netherlands. Its rulings are theoretically legally binding on parties to the ICJ - which include Israel and South Africa - but are not enforceable. In 2022, the court ordered Russia to "immediately suspend military operations" in Ukraine, an order that was ignored. Under international law, genocide is defined as committing one or more acts with the intention to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. Red and white police tape has been placed outside the Peace Palace - as the ICJ building is called - in an attempt to bring some semblance of order to the chaotic scenes outside. It is in contrast to the formality inside the court, where the Israeli delegation is listening to South Africa's lawyers accuse the country's forces of committing genocide in Gaza. Israel denies this, and on Friday will have a chance to respond. Its delegation is expected to highlight its right to self-defence under international law - this week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel has no intention of permanently displacing the people of Gaza, or occupying the territory. Unlike the International Criminal Court (ICC), the ICJ cannot prosecute individuals for crimes such as genocide, but its opinions carry weight with the UN and other international institutions. On Wednesday, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said: "Our opposition to the ongoing slaughter of the people of Gaza has driven us as a country to approach the ICJ." Israeli President Isaac Herzog called the accusations "atrocious and preposterous". "We will be in the International Court of Justice and we will present proudly our case of using self-defence… under humanitarian law," he said. He added that the Israeli army was "doing its utmost under extremely complicated circumstances on the ground to make sure that there will be no unintended consequences and no civilian casualties". Caroline Glick, a former adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said the case was "an affront to the basic concept of morality and reasonableness". Zane Dangor, director general of South Africa's department of international relations and cooperation, told BBC's Africa Daily programme that the allegation of genocide against Israel is a "strong allegation" but that it "is not one that is unfounded". He described South Africa's case as "very meticulous". While condemning the Hamas attacks of 7 October, he said nothing "could justify the level of killings" that is taking place in Gaza. The ICJ could rule quickly on South Africa's request for Israel to suspend its military campaign - but a final ruling on whether Israel is committing genocide could take years. What is the genocide case against Israel? South Africa files ICJ case accusing Israel of 'genocidal acts' South Africa has been highly critical of Israel's military operation in Gaza, and its governing African National Congress has a long history of solidarity with the Palestinian cause. It sees parallels with its struggle against apartheid - a policy of racial segregation and discrimination enforced by the white-minority government in South Africa against the country's black majority, until the first democratic elections, in 1994. In Gaza, more than 23,350 people - mostly women and children - have been killed, according to the Hamas-run health ministry, since the war began in the aftermath of Hamas's 7 October attacks on southern Israel. In those attacks some 1,300 people were killed - mainly civilians - and about 240 others taken hostage. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67942983
  12. Nick movie: SEDUCTION Time: ChanelQhu Netflix / Amazon / HBO: N/A Duration of the movie: 82Mins Trailer:
  13. In our Fortress Saga codes guide, we walk you through all the latest gift codes for this AFK adventure, plus what they are and how to redeem them.If you’re looking to get ahead in the newest AFK adventure, you’ve come to the right place. Our list of Fortress Saga codes will help you build your fortress and protect your people much faster by getting you a bunch of free gems and other rewards.Fortress Saga isn’t the only mobile game out there giving away freebies through codes. We’ve got plenty of guides to help you bag the best loot in all of your favorite games, like our Genshin Impact codes, Honkai Star Rail codes, AFK Arena codes, Anime Punch Simulator codes, Farlight 84 codes, Blade Ball codes, and Black Clover M codes.Fortress Saga codes are coupons that the developer Cook Apps gives out to celebrate milestones in the game’s journey. You can redeem them for cool rewards like free gems and canon tickets. https://www.pockettactics.com/fortress-saga/codes
  14. Samsung Galaxy XCover 7 is reportedly in the works as the next rugged smartphone by the South Korean brand. Ahead of its official debut, the smartphone has been listed on a retailer's website revealing its price and specifications. The Samsung Galaxy XCover 7 is shown with IP68-certified built and military-grade (MIL-STD-810H) durability. It appears to have a MediaTek Dimensity 6100+ under the hood, alongside 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. A 50-megapixel rear camera, 5-megapixel selfie shooter, and 4,050mAh battery are the other key highlights of the handset. The unannounced Samsung Galaxy XCover 7 is currently listed on a European e-commerce website, as spotted by the German publication WinFuture. The handset is listed in a black shade with a price tag of CZK 8,999 (roughly Rs. 33,000) for the 6GB RAM + 128GB storage variant. Samsung Galaxy XCover 7 specifications (expected) As per the listing, the Galaxy XCover 7 runs on Android 14 out of the box and features a 6.6-inch full-HD+ (1,080 x 2,408 pixels) display. The display has a waterdrop-style notch to house the selfie camera. Under the hood, the handset has an octa-core MediaTek Dimensity 6100+ SoC, paired with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage. Samsung Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24+, Galaxy S24 Ultra Full Specifications Leak For optics, the listing shows a single 50-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel selfie shooter. It offers an IP68 rating for water and dust resistance with a MIL-STD-810H design. The listing suggests a 4,050mAh battery with support for charging via a USB Type-C port. It could pack a 3.5mm headphone jack. The Galaxy XCover 7 would debut as a successor to the Galaxy XCover 6 Pro, which was launched in June last year with a price tag of $599.99 (roughly Rs. 49,000). Samsung's Galaxy XCover 6 Pro features a 6.6-inch PLS LCD screen with full-HD+ resolution and 120Hz refresh rate. The screen has Corning Gorilla Glass Victus+ protection. It runs on a Snapdragon 778G SoC and has a dual rear camera unit, comprising a 50-megapixel primary camera and an 8-megapixel ultra-wide camera. Further, there is a 13-megapixel selfie camera. The handset has IP68 water and dust-resistant certification and packs a 4,050mAh battery. https://www.gadgets360.com/mobiles/news/samsung-xcover-7-price-specifications-retail-listing-leak-galaxy-4835711#pfrom=topstory
  15. Qui n'a jamais pesté contre sa Caisse des allocations familiales ? Un retard de versement d'une allocation, des semaines avant de recevoir une réponse… Les témoignages sur les difficultés rencontrées par les allocataires de la CAF sont légion. Mais certains ont de quoi être plus irrités que d'autres. Linternaute a passé en revue chaque CAF, département par département. Notre étude a permis de mettre au jour que, dans certains territoires, les bénéficiaires du RSA, de la Prime d'activité ou encore des APL doivent attendre des mois avant que leur dossier ne soit traité, quand cela ne peut prendre que quelques jours ailleurs dans le pays. Des variations qui s'expliquent, d'abord, par le nombre d'allocataires rattachés à chaque CAF, mais pas que. La complexité de certains dossiers, des problèmes informatiques ou encore une réduction d'effectifs font partie des causes. Comment avons-nous établi notre classement ? Chaque semaine, la CAF de chaque département indique sur son site internet quelles demandes de RSA et AAH, e-mails et autres elle traite, en fonction de la date de réception de la requête. En faisant le tour des sites internet des CAF un à un, il est donc possible d'établir une comparaison. La palme de la CAF la plus lente revient à celle du Val-de-Marne. Les données relevées montrent que cette caisse traite les e-mails et diverses demandes (hors RSA et AAH) avec huit mois de décalage ! Ainsi, actuellement, ce sont les demandes adressées au mois d'avril qui sont étudiées. Aucune autre n'a un délai aussi important. Il est toutefois à noter que, pour les demandes pour le RSA et l'AAH, une réponse est apportée dans la semaine. Contactée, la direction de l'organisme n'a pas donné suite à notre demande d'interview pour comprendre ces difficultés. "Nous ne pouvons répondre sur des sujets qui ne portent pas uniquement sur notre organisme, mais qui mettent en perspective l'ensemble du réseau des caisses d'allocations familiales", nous a répondus la CAF du 94, à laquelle sont affiliées La situation est aussi difficile ailleurs : dans l'Aisne, les Yvelines, ou encore en Martinique, il faut compter près de trois mois pour voir son dossier de RSA ou d'AAH être examiné. Dans les Yvelines, le délai de réponse est similaire pour toutes les autres demandes formulées. Mieux vaut également ne pas être pressé dans le Val-d'Oise où six mois d'attente son nécessaires pour avoir un retour de la CAF, tout comme à Paris (quatre mois) ou encore en Vendée (cinq mois). Au rang des bons élèves, on retrouve la CAF de Haute-Loire qui répond dans la semaine aux e-mails et demandes de RSA et AAH, tout comme celle de la Manche, de la Haute-Marne, de la Nièvre, de la Seine-Maritime, des Deux-Sèvres, de la Haute-Vienne, ainsi que des Vosges. En 2022, la CAF a versé environ 100 milliards d'euros d'aides à 13,6 millions d'allocataires, couvrant plus de 30 millions de personnes, selon les données diffusées par la direction nationale de la Caisse des allocations familiales https://www.linternaute.com/argent/magazine/3971704-article/
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