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About compactor

  • Birthday 06/15/1998



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    Rio de janeiro

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  1. ¤ Nickname: Compactor ¤ Grade: player ¤ New Tag: assassin ¤ Link of Hours Played GT link CLICK HERE!: https://www.gametracker.com/player/compactor/ Hello everyone, I'm back again for those who don't know me I'm a former founder... Good game everyone.
  2. Hello everyone, we are coming to the end of the month, stay tuned with each of your assignments, ALL without exception are doing a great job of managing the game for everyone to have great fun, stay tuned especially with each rule with LINK that I will leave below. (read) Everyone is being monitored. Any questions contact me or a manager. to satisfy your curiosity, the award will be 200 points+upgrade+2 week of vip. Good luck.
  3. read the regulations, try next time... you have to be active to order. CONTRA.
  4. Hello everyone, I inform you that we're back with the admin competition on serve... first I want to thank you all for doing your best and taking care of our game to become more fun and fair to all players and admins. I'm highlighting @Neo1524 for great services provided and I quote below that it is examples to its peers and subordinates... I include EVERYONE without exception for great work, keep it up to be featured of the month. [activity] https://www.gametracker.com/player/Neo/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Neo1524 and June highlight. won 2 weeks of vip + 200 points. Congratulations ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish you all good luck.
  5. accept me from Nick: tag: Password: Via discord or forum. Good luck, I'll be monitoring you. T/C
  6. respect the regulations acquired by the forum ! topic closed!
  7. as I talked to you and you are my responsibility since the moment I added you as a tag, I ask you to have 30 hours and then open the admin topic... this treaty was broken. as low activity on the server, I'm being fair. come back in 1 week and order again. good luck T/C
  8. I agree with @-AndreeA's words so I will wait for responses from the other administrators to make a DECISION ! very little time for the players when they are shooting at you.
  9. accepted!!! give me nickname: tag : Password.. Contact me on the forum or discord! T/C


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