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Everything posted by S e u o n g

  1. Your activity is "good" but not so good. Even I dont count the "Spam" as activity. So those topic of games(Count 3 to 3 etc). Avoid this..... But that dont change the warnings that you got. were many per month... I prefer that you this time understand the rules, and that you change for the better If for the next time you show us that you have improved, the result will be different. For me I will say CONTRA



    Ben Yes GIF by Whisky.de

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. M A N I A C

      M A N I A C

      is that only me who cant see any change in my pc  ? c_c


    3. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      @Seraphim working for that….

    4. M A N I A C
  3. Highlife will back? @tsemaa?

    1. tsemaa


      Maybe, i dont know yet

  4. Today is the birthday of the best owner n CSBD. @RaFy1995 🥳🎉 The best wish to you mate, and to your server 💪 LA MULTI ANIIIIII ❤️
  5. I've been a bit absent here, but it's for work practice, I'm trying to organize my time, since I also have to do other things for my university....


    About this: 

    I let mr.love to tell me what photo are better, and the pics that he choose, the designer will winner....

  6. I like your work, but I would like to wait for other designers... their opinion
  7. In the last 7 months you just have 2 topic of "activity". I think that answer for itself...
  8. As GeN-X got baned, I will give his key to the member who made to me an Avatar. 

  9. Fir cu lucruri pe care NU vrei sa le auzi la înviere: 😗

    1. Mindsphere.


      "Maică, Corona mai aveți? Dați-mi și mie la pachet vă rog". 

    2. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      Ce fain îți arde păru :u

    3. Mindsphere.


      "Maică iar sună clopotul, se pare că mi-a sunat ceasul." 

  10. Yo guys do you want the awards of EGG EVENT today? or you want to wait till 15th? 

    1. Mr.Bada


      Today Today Todaaaaaay 

      Because Real Madrid Win 🔥🔥🔥🎉🎉

    2. Mr.Shehbaz


      Today ♥️🥺

    3. FazzNoth


      Nah ni modo deja el suspenso hasta el aniversario de la comunidad xD

  11. Opponent's nickname: @-GloW Theme (must be an image): Work Type: Avatar Size & Texts: 150x250 - Avatar GFX How many total votes?: 9 Work time: 24 hours
  12. I voted V1, I liked the text and effect, but the clarity should have improved there
  13. Come guys ur chance to win some money (paypal)



  14. I was traveling these days but I'm back, how are you guys? 😗

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M A N I A C
    3. TreY


      all is good, ramadan kareem , how are you?

    4. Lynch


      We are Fine WELCOME BACK BUDDY!

  15. Congrats for Global frate! 

    now go hard with those reports! 💪

    1. Mindsphere.


      Thank you so much frate!!! ❤️❤️ 


      I cannot go hard with reports because some Administrators are already taking them. 😞

    2. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      But they dont need to, coz now we have more globals than before. 

  16. GFX PASS 2022

    Ur chance to win some money. 



  17. I created a new section on GFX "request". To not mix avatars - server request - proyects request.

    So there will be a little more order 😅

  18. Hello Mister, What is that? I really dont understand nothing here. ur defects? Here I dont see your skills of english.... neither 70%.... Even if you dont know nothing of enlgish you can use translate of google. days? Ok. Nothing much to say to you. I dont think that you're capable to be a part of our staff.....
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