Everything posted by S e u o n g
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@Seraphim working for that….
I've been a bit absent here, but it's for work practice, I'm trying to organize my time, since I also have to do other things for my university....
About this:
I let mr.love to tell me what photo are better, and the pics that he choose, the designer will winner....
As GeN-X got baned, I will give his key to the member who made to me an Avatar.
Fir cu lucruri pe care NU vrei sa le auzi la înviere: 😗
Yo guys do you want the awards of EGG EVENT today? or you want to wait till 15th?
I was traveling these days but I'm back, how are you guys? 😗
Congrats for Global frate!
now go hard with those reports! 💪
I created a new section on GFX "request". To not mix avatars - server request - proyects request.
So there will be a little more order 😅