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  1. Welcome to CSBD!
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  3. Insanity Workout:It is a training program for intervals of maximum intensity. All work is done only with the body and one session contains continuous and rapid repetitions of different interlaced exercises, followed by short periods of rest. The great advantage of this program is that it can be done at home and exercises are alternated that allow working different parts of the body. Yoga:went from being a simple fashion to become the preferred activity for many people, since it is a discipline of physical and mental development. In this way, it helps to correct back pains, allows to develop flexibility and improve circulation. The benefits of this activity are not only physical, in fact, it brings peace of mind and helps to achieve a greater connection between body and mind, necessary to face daily life better.
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  4. The National Commission of Aerospace Research and Development (Conida) clarified that the PeruSAT-1 satellite is working in perfect conditions. In reference to a report from the newspaper El Comercio that reported a serious failure in the satellite, this unit said that the "technical event" detected in the software was solved and is in the testing stage. According to the journalistic report, engineers of the Space Agency of Peru detected in February of this year a "serious technical failure" in the aforementioned satellite, which affects the quality of the images it sends. [Also read: Peru in the space age: The satellite PeruSAT-1] PeruSAT-1 was acquired and launched into space during the government of Ollanta Humala. Built in France by the company Airbus Defense & Space, it operates in orbit since 2016. Its function in transmitting terrestrial images of the Peruvian territory, which can be used for security and defense tasks, as well as to evaluate situations and take measures in the mining, agricultural, illegal logging, fight against drug trafficking, natural disasters, deforestation, between others
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  5. Dark

    Hi CSBD <3

    Welcome !
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  11. Dark

    Problem CSGO

    I should update some versions of csgo if I have any problems I leave these 2 videos : I hope this helps you in your problem good luck!
  12. Currently, the development of autonomous automobiles is commanded by antagonistic groups: automotive and large technology companies. Among the first, Audi is the most advanced. In fact, he already confirmed that the driverless travel system will make its debut in the series production of the next generation of the A8, towards the end of next year. In the other group stand out Apple, Google, Blackberry. Next, each of the cases. The brand of the four rings was the first among its own to formalize a production project for an autonomous automobile. In fact, as we pointed out, on the closing of 2017 will put on the streets of the most developed countries the new generation of the Audi A8, which will offer piloted driving technology. For the development of the hardware responsible for managing all the functions of the autonomous car, the Ingolstadt firm has teamed up with TTTech, Mobileye, nVidia and Delphi. These companies are in charge from the construction of the sensors to the development of the management software, in addition to the modular platform. The nerve center of the future A8 will be a unit called zFAS, similar in size to a tablet and composed of two processors: a Vidia Tegra K1 and an EyeQ3 from Mobileye. There all the data coming from the sensors, radars, GPS and cameras installed in the vehicle will be managed. This "brain" is the one that will decide when to accelerate, brake, turn or park. Audi anticipated the autonomous driving technology in the RS7 piloted driving, a prototype developed to test and prove that vehicles that are driven alone do not belong only to the world of science fiction. With it, the engineers managed to travel 885 kilometers from Sillicon Valley to Las Vegas. The car in question was also subjected to various tests in circuits in completely autonomous mode and surprised: it reached a speed of 240 km / h on the main straight of Hockenheim and 305 km / h in Parcmotor Castellolí de Cataluña, in addition to lowering the lap time of professional drivers at the Sonoma Raceway in California, where he turned in 2 minutes and 1.01 seconds (this track is 4.05 km long). That piloted driving reaches motoring, however, seems difficult at the moment. The purists of this sport maintain that it would be like watching a football match of robots. Audi is the brand that seems to be strongest in terms of development of autonomous cars, but it is not the only one. In the renowned Tesla S model, the US manufacturer of electric sports cars currently offers 100% autonomous driving on routes and highways, as it maintains its lane and distance with the car that goes forward. Not so in the city, where the driver has to take care of all the maneuvers, except to take it out of his garage and park it.
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  13. Working the abdominal area is very simple when we are at home, we just need to lie down with a small sheet on the floor or anything else that has a little more padding. Once we are on our back and looking at the ceiling, we will perform the following movements. We raise our legs and put our hands under the nape of the neck, we begin with the movement of our legs as if we were pedaling a bicycle. We raise the back and the feet at the same time, trying to hold in that position for ten seconds and then increase. We raise our knee, trying to touch with it our chest, we repeat the same movement with the other leg. In this same position we arch the back lifting the hip with the pressure of our feet firmly on the floor, this in addition to helping the abdomen, hardens the muscles of the legs. Remember that the rhythm you are putting yourself, it is not necessary either to abuse the exercise, it is better to acquire condition little by little when performing these 5 exercises to stay in shape while at home. Yoga is a discipline that has grown a lot in recent years, has significantly adapted to all ages, but the most important thing is that it has also done so in all spaces. So many people practice it at home, having excellent results in terms of weight loss and greater elasticity in their extremities, in addition to other issues of relaxation and control of breathing. Although you may feel that you do not make great physical efforts with this exercise, over time you will begin to see significant changes in your body and above all, increase your good health and physical balance. Yoga exercises and positions are very complete, so they are recommended to be performed three to four times a week in these 5 exercises to stay in shape while at home.
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  14. From prison, the leader of Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r, Keiko Fujimori, affirmed that despite the process she faces, which she described as being arbitrary, she has not sought political asylum in any embassy. This morning the Criminal Appeals Chamber evaluates the request to revoke the preventive detention for 36 months against him, imposed by Judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho. "I have never escaped. If there is something that characterizes me, it is having returned again and again to Peru. I have not sought asylum despite the fact that several people have suggested it to me, "Keiko Fujimori said in the minutes of her participation through a video conference. Likewise, the leader of the Fujimorista group reaffirmed her accusation against Concepción Carhuancho of being biased in the process and committing abuses against her. "Today I reaffirm, all these arbitrariness leave serious doubts about the impartiality of a judge who a priori would have decided to sentence me to preventive detention, dinamitando due process," he said. In addition, according to Keiko Fujimori, the tax thesis presents serious lies that are intended to accuse him for the alleged crime of money laundering, without corroborating what was declared by the protected witnesses. "How can a person be deprived of his liberty because of what a witness said without having been corroborated (the facts)? So far I do not understand (...) According to the prosecutor (José Domingo) Pérez, Odebrecht would have financed my campaign with the aim of securing a benefit; However, this thesis is disrupted because the receipt of this alleged contribution has not been proven, also because we never became a government, "he said. On the other hand, Fujimori Higuchi denied having knowledge of the money received by Jaime Yoshiyama from the businessman Juan Rassmuss. "Do not you think that if I had known it I would not have said it from the beginning? If I had known I would have avoided this cruel nightmare because the simulation of contributions is an administrative fault, "he said. Finally, he referred that there is no procedural risk of escape in his case or any intention to obstruct justice and requested respect for due process and his presumption of innocence. "The prosecution has not shown a single proof that I have committed a crime, my resume shows that there is no procedural risk of escape. There has been no act of obstruction of justice, "he said.
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  22. Feliz  cumpleaños hermano ❤️ es un dia especial (aunque ayer tu bromita no me gusto XD ) ojala que la pases bien con tu flaca xD suerte en todo ❤️ 

    1. Inkriql


      Gracias bro, Lo de ayer no era broma okno xD

  23. Happy birthday! mi hermano hermoso ❤️ que lo pases bien mi rey.
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