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Everything posted by Dark

  1. 2 Boost for the "ZM" server ready, we need active Managers on the server, if you are interested, talk to me!



  2. 41.PNG?ex=6620310c&is=660dbc0c&hm=5865b0


    explain this to me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NERO ™

      NERO ™

      Don't go there again since you decided to join our community. This is what you should have done 

    3. -HuNTeR-
    4. 7aMoDi


      So if you know why you are global mod in another community? select one csbd or another.

  3. Application rejected here you must be more than 120:00:00 To upgrade your next rank.
  4. Dark

    [Rejcted] momone

    Your application was accepted days ago, to upgrade to semi-elder you must wait 1-2 months. Rejected request
  5. Accepted. The next request you must wait 2 months for the update and have 3-4 hours a day.
  6. • Nombre: @Oscuro • Hora Fecha: 20:45pm • Captura de pantalla:
  7. Upgraded @-Sn!PeR- From Leader. Congratulations!
  8. Brother read the rules, here create 1 post and that post will be with you for life, in your same post publish 1 music every 7 days (1 week) thans you.




      ah sorry

      i forget 😂


  9. Brother read the rules, here create 1 post and that post will be with you for life, in your same post publish 1 music every 7 days (1 week), thanks you


  10. Members of journalists will have the authorization to accept or reject posts from other members, with the function that the post is not pending for more than 1 hour (Remember to see that it has more than 8-10 lines, 1-2 images in the post and the Google link where I get the news from) @[Depo] @7aMoDi @X A V I ™ @Axel™ @King_of_dark™ @MF™Maviea @知らせSralejan @The GodFather @El Máster Edwin @GL HERO SHIMA The session (Parties) was created exclusively for parties from different worlds, beliefs, religions, Christmas, Halloween, etc. There will soon be a design (BANNER) For journalists like this one in GFX Designer
  11. Request accepted! Congratulations! T/C
  12. We do not have designers in the forum and they request more than 5 members 😭

    1. -Sn!PeR-


      and u still thinking twice about adding me as a designer and giving me access lmfao

    2. Da GanGsteR™

      Da GanGsteR™

      Some of old friends have lost their minds. I hope everyone is safe

    3. -Sn!PeR-


      we're definitely not safe, mentally

  13. Reason: Good activity and I will teach you some more things so that you can be an excellent Moderator
  14. Reason: I saw all your posts and you are respecting the rules. Remember to post every 24 hours for the activity. GL
  15. Accepted. Remember that you are already retiring when you are a Moderator, next time you will not have a chance to be a moderator in the community.
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