- 63292606_BleachOpening13.mp4
[N]audy's Achievements
Single Status Update
Fake lolamento (how is that fake pzzzz is my old friend from Venezuela and he retired because he got married and did not have time to play cs) this fake lolamento thinks he cheated on me, is manager at highlifezm the real lolamento is loyal to TZM :)
<15:27:43> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": k l k fake lola
<15:27:57> "Lolamento-": q hay naudy
<15:28:24> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": te acuerdas de mi en tzm
<15:28:43> "Lolamento-": si bro
<15:29:15> "Lolamento-": todavias eres funder en thunder ?
<15:29:28> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": se mano
<15:29:34> "Lolamento-": umm ya
<15:29:46> "Lolamento-": porque cambiaron la ip?
<15:30:31> "Lolamento-": yo tengo un amigo que quiere helper
<15:30:47> "Lolamento-": se llama Andrea'Sofia
<15:31:09> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": xq te fuiste de tzm man
<15:31:30> "Lolamento-": estoy trabajando
<15:31:43> "Lolamento-": quiero volver
<15:32:22> "#[N]audy ♔♔♔": old pw name y tag send me xd
<15:33:08> "Lolamento-": NAme:Lolamento- Tag THunderZM Pw:31016221