- 63292606_BleachOpening13.mp4
[N]audy's Achievements
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Bueno mi opinion
Henry falcon : fue gobernador del estado lara y ese no hacia nada....
bertucchi : otro loco mas que no sirve regalando sopa por todos lados :'v
Maduro : otro men que no sirve.
Ya di mi voto y se lo di a maduro que mas me toco.
muchos me criticaran pero si se dan de cuenta mi familia antes no tenia donde vivir. yo vivia antes en la casa de mi abuela si ella queria nos votaba y donde ibamos a vivir... but chavez nos regalo un apto y gracias a dios ahy estoy bien con mi familia con un hogar propio asi que le di mi voto a maduro por eso.
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Well my opinion
Henry falcon: he was governor of Lara state and that did not do anything ...
bertucchi: another crazy man who does not serve giving away soup everywhere: 'v
Maduro: another menu that does not work.
I already gave my vote and I gave it to mature who else touched me.
Many will criticize me but if they realize my family before I had no place to live. I lived before in my grandmother's house if she wanted to vote us and where we were going to live ... but chavez gave us an apt and thanks to God ahy I am well with my family with a home of my own so I gave my vote to mature because.